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�� ,.y.- , N <br /> _., <br /> ��"�_f <br /> ��J�J� ��j�NJ�� Ly�V��O u.J �J <br /> _ <br /> -_._._�.�_._._.,__._. _...__ �. � _._ _� .__ __._.__-- - -- — - - <br /> ____ :_:_._. ___. ._._ .____. _._:._w._ __._ � __..�._._._ ,_ �.___ <br />_ ._.. <br /> �L�L-STATE JOURNAL COMPANY.LtNCOLN.NE9. --. - .. . -- . -. ..---____-_-_..._..__... - . . . . . . . .. <br /> FRO.M I Iiereby ce�°tify that this instrument 2oas enterec� on Numerzcal Index and �� ^ <br /> �� <br /> . 'I <br /> ----Warren_.H.CurrPy and wife- -- ------ - - ---- ��ed for reco�•c� this-----------------1.�_....---- A ril ' <br /> ; ----------------dc�?/ �f--------- --�? `; <br /> - -- --- ---- --------------- <br /> v \ ' <br /> - �larrantp �1. D. 19---�9__., at.__�_ --- -- 9:�-o--- ..- - ------o��ao��� _A.� ; <br /> ---------------------------------------- - - - --- ----------- - -- -- - - - <br /> To �eea ' <br /> �/���c, �r-��—,�,�, � <br /> Register of Deeds, <br /> CharlPe Sems ' <br /> ------�-------------------------------------------------------- --------------------- ----- <br /> � <br /> :� <br /> 8�------- -------•--------•--------------------------------•------•-•-••---•� i; <br /> I ------------------------------------------- ------ Dep2ity. ,I <br /> ------ --- ----------- -- --------� <br /> R <br /> ��C�t�r� �t�� ���t �� �k��e,��e ���e��ert��: ' <br /> Wt�.rren H.Currey and Nellie I�.Currey, Husband and @Vife, ' <br /> TIIAT--------------------_..------------------- - ---------------------- - ------ -- ---- ---------- --------------- - --- -----------------------------------�------------ ...------- ---------------------- ' <br /> -----�---------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------�------------- ------- -�----------------------- --------�-------------------------------------------�---------------------------------------------------- � <br /> o the Count o ___.___�errick Nebraska . , ;� <br /> � y f --------- - ----- ----- -and State of----- -- ---- - ---------------------------- ----------------- -- --- -- - --- -- --- --G��antor-S--------� an consaderatio,n <br /> of t�ze sum of____.._.Other___eon_s_iderat_ion_ �n�. One , and No/I00 � `' <br /> - ------ - - - - - ------ - ---- ---- -- --- ------. . --------- - ---------- -------------DOLL�IRS, '; <br /> in hand paid, do________________laereb� GI�ANT, BARGAIti;S�LL, AND CONVEY unto __..Char].e s___Sems___.__ �; <br /> --- ------ -- - ------------------- ----- - ----------------- -------- <br /> . � <br /> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------ -------------------------------------�------------------------------------ �: <br /> of tlae County �f----- --- -- --------Hs._Il-- --- - -- ---_and State of------------------------------Nebr&ska------ - ---- ---------- ----------� Grantee------------, the ollowin � <br /> ------------- f �✓ !'i <br /> deseribed premises, situated in the County of_______________._______.�a,ll___________._________________._________._______and State of �Teb�•aska, to-wit: ''I <br /> - - --- --�---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------�-------------------------------- -----------------------------------�---------------------------------.. <br /> i <br /> .__._�ot__Nine___(_9)_..and__Ten___�.10)__..in__Block___Twenty,-ei�ht ( 2�) of Packer and Barr' $ Second Addition <br /> - -- -- -------------- - -------- - - ------- <br /> - --------------------------------------------- I <br /> ;� <br /> __.__to._Grand_._Iql�,nc�_,_Nebrczska,�ed, _platted a,nd recorded. ' <br /> --------------------- ------ --------------------. ._. --- ------ - -- --------- ---------�----------- ---- ------- , <br /> -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - - --- - - -- - - - <br /> - - - - - -- -- -- --- -- ------------------------------------ <br /> ------- ---------------------------------------------------------------- ---- <br /> ( 50 I .R.Stamps ) I <br /> -------------------------------------------�-------�--.....-----------.._..----------......-------- -G�r-ree�3�ed--�---- ) <br /> ----------�------ -------------------------------------- ---------------------- <br /> -------------�---...---------------------------- �� <br /> ._.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- �----------------�------------------ --------- <br /> . .__ . . .------�-- --------------------------------------------------------�-----------------------�------------------ -------------------------------------...--------�--- ----------- <br /> Together with all the tenements, ]cereditaments, and appzcrtenances, thereunto belonqinq, arzd all the Estate, Right, Title, I�iter•est, Dower, ;� <br /> � �� Curtesy, Claim and Denzand wliatsoever• of the said Granto�8�______ m�����^����p,���;r�f� i�i or to the same, or any part thereof. ;,;� <br /> � <br /> �� C�[t ��ttP Mlt� �tt �0�� the above dese�°ibed premises, witla the uppurtenances, unto t7ie said Grantee______..___and to___..__.hS�____________.heirs {; <br /> �and assigns forever. And...___ __.�Ce___...he�•eb� covenant_._ ___�vit�h t�e said E�ranGee �'e �I <br /> ------tycat---- ------- -------- ---------------lcold--------said preniises b� �� <br /> • ii <br /> ���good and perfeet title; that._...._._W�________________.__jza_V'e____goocl rig�it and lazvful aztthor2t� to sell cencl �o��z.vey the sarne; that they a�•e fre,e and �� � <br /> clear o all liens and inezcmb�•ances wyiatsoever•__._____________________________________.____._.________..______ 'i <br /> - - - - --- -- ----- -------- -- -- <br /> - -- ----- ---- - ------ -- � <br /> �-- -- '� <br /> ---------- --------------------------------------------------------- - --------------- - __- - - - - - - � <br /> -------------------- -------- - -- ---------------- -- ---------------- --- -- --- -•---------� <br /> ----------------------�----- 4 <br /> •------------------------- - ---�--------- <br /> -------------_..------ - - ----- - <br /> I� <br /> - -- ---•----- --- -- - -- <br /> - -- ------- -------------- -- <br /> --- --- - -------------- -- <br /> -- ------------ -- <br /> ----- -- <br /> �i <br /> And....................____�e..._.____.___._.____......______._____..____ warrant and defend the said prernises a�ainst tlie lawful claims of all per- �f <br /> sonsivliomsoeve�° ----- --- - - - ----- ------- ---- -�------- ---- - -- --- -_ ---- ---�- ------ -- -- �----- - ------- ----- -- - --------------- - ---------------� -------------------- � <br />, ----------------•--------------------------- ---- -- -- - -- - -----�-- ---- ----------------- --- - ----�--- --- -- ------- -- -- -- -._.------------------------• ------------------------------------------ -------------- ------�.. �� <br /> ----------------------------------------_.. <br /> ;{ <br /> --- ----- ----------- ----------- -�--------------- -- -------_-- - - -- -- - -- ----------- ------------------------------------- ------------ ------- - ----------- ------- �' <br /> Dated the - ---- 12th----- -- --- ----- -- `----- ---- ------d�J �f-- -- - -----------April-- - ---- -- ------ ----�.. D. 19--3.�-----• il <br /> ----- -- ------- -------�- ��: <br /> tivzTNESS �--------�-------�--------�--------�----------------------------------------------------� --�----- -- !I <br /> C.T.Flower ---- -----------------�iarrer�---H,_Curr�y_------------------------------------� �! <br /> ------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------...__ ,; <br /> � ,� <br /> ' �-----------------------Nell ie_.�.Currey-------------------------------------- � ' <br /> , <br /> ��------------ , <br /> �-------------------�-------�--�---�-----------------------�-�---------------------------------�-------- !� <br /> STATE OF NEBRASKA, ------- -------.da� �f------------ - --- --ARY'iI-----------------------_------.._A. D. rs---39---, be ore me, !� �' <br /> ss. On this-------1_2th f ij �I <br /> Hall - - - ---Count�, - --------- -----within ancl or said Count ersonall ca�ne--------------------------------------------------------------- I� <br /> the undersigned, a Notary P9cblie__.________._______._._ f y, p y �! <br /> �: <br /> .___wa�re�...�_,_Currey___and_,Nel�ie__�_,Curre_ys-__Hu.4band__arid__Wife_,_.___._________________ I� <br /> ------------------ -- - i <br /> � <br /> - ----- --�----------- -------- --- --------- ----- -------------- ---------------------- --------------------------------------- ----------�-- ---- -------------- i I <br /> - ------ ------ ---- ' <br /> to me personall� Icno2an to be tlze identical perso�i.s. __.._uTiose nanze_8__ _ .are_._ _________._,_.__ . _ _ _ _affi�ec� to the ;� <br /> , <br /> i <br /> � i <br /> above instrunient ccs grantor_S._____.__, and_._._____.__.Zh�Ey________ _________severall� acicnowle�� tyce same to be___�h�i�'__ ; <br /> � voluntc�7-y aet and deed for the purpose therei�a e�p�°essed. ; -� � <br /> , <br /> IAV TVITNESS tiVHEPEOF, I have hereunto subscribed my name and uffi�ed my official seal at._Grand_ ;� <br /> (SEAL) Island,___in said Count • ii I <br /> -------- - ------------------------y'------------------------------on the date last above wr2tten. <br /> ,;' � <br /> � C.T.Fiower �� I <br /> ------------------------------------------------------------------------•l�otary Public.---- �� <br /> I <br /> Mycommission e�pires__....---- ------------------------------- --- -------------._...----------�--SeptembeT.--�z-------------------..19-��----- ;'I <br /> ..-._ _^ ., _: _—. <br /> , � <br />_._._��-_:.: .� ��.-_ _ _ .- , _�.,_. .._. _=--- :�_._ ._:;-._ .__:--� . __:�_ . __ _. __.___. _ .____«._ ��� �_._- _ <br /> i <br /> � <br />._ �i � � <br />