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r <br /> �, �.y <br /> n�N� � <br /> ��l1�11 �Ll 1 � � �d V � � O 0 <br /> L��1� �—J�JNJ�� .� ��� ��J <br />_�����. _�._. _ _ -.-��_�:-:----------___ �_.._�._.__.._.— _ <br /> ______::-�r___ ._._.-- - �-_: _�.___ ...___.r:__.:�:___.—____ - <br />- �—� ^STATB JOURNAL COFIPANY.LINCOLN,NEB. ._ _... ._. . . . .---.__._..._-__ —._.. . .. .._...._. <br />_..�._._._..—���::. .:. . ... _-�, .-:...... . .�—:.--�..—�...:::...—�—_--�—�_��—�..-=— --� ' <br /> . ..__.___,_._....—:.� __ _.._.__—.. . .. _.... � .___.��..w—._.._ ._. .. <br /> 4 �� <br /> FRO.M I hereby ce�°tify that this instrument ua,s enteyed on Numerical Index and �� <br /> 1 <br /> C�ssius M.Doty and wife • � Apr11 ; <br /> -----------------------------�--------- ---- -----.._.. - ---- -------------- �- - --- filed for record t1a�s------------------ -- - -----------------�aJ �f-------------------....--- ---------------• <br /> \^ i <br /> � \ �i <br /> �larrantp t1. D. 19----3�---� �t----- --- -- ----�_:00------------------- �----dclock-----P�.M. � <br /> ----------------------------------------- -- --- - -- -- --------- - - --- - -, <br /> T� �Qea (�� � � , <br /> \�tz-�d ; <br /> ---------------------------- ------- ---- --------------------------------------------- --- - - --- � <br /> Ea1'1. L. & �orothy�.:E.Rembolt , Register of eeds, ' <br /> ----------------------------------------- ----------------------------------- --- --- ----- ' <br /> By------- --------------�------------------------------------------------� <br /> � �-� Deputy. <br /> ��� ��Crt�a� �t�� ���t b�� ��r���e �x�����t��: ���� <br /> THAT_________________CaSS�.Ue_._M_.Doty_ and Edna K.Doty, husband and vaiPe, . `; <br /> -- -- -- - <br /> . .___------ -------_.-- - --- - <br /> _ ._ <br /> ---------------------------------------------_...-------------- <br /> H�.11 NebZ'ask�. .___.__.____.______ __.Grantor..�._..._., in consideration � <br /> of the Count� �f------ ------ -- ------- -- --- - ---and State of-- --- --- --- - ----------�--------------------------------- ---- -- <br /> of the sum of._._0�1�___�o�l�r___(_�l,_00)___and otYier valu�.ble consideration DOLLARS ��� <br /> --._ - ---------- ----- ---------- --------------�------------------------------- -------- ------------------�---------� <br /> -----._.� , ; <br /> in y�and paid, do__.____._____Jaereb� GRf1 NT, BARGAIN, SELL, E1ND CONVEY unto ___Earl_ L.Remboi t and Dorothy E.Rembol t, I; <br /> --as---�o_int__.ten�nts---�nd__not--�s----tenan'��.--in--c_onimon,-----°-r---t-°-----the survivor-------- -----------------------------------------------------------_.._.... '; <br /> of the CoicntJ of- ----,--- Hall --------------ancl State of-------- -----N�bri�,ska---- --------- ------- - ------ ------ -------� Grantee.-s--------� the following <br /> - --- -- - --- ---- ,; <br /> described premises, situated in tlie Count� vf.__________............._.___Hall_____________,______._______,____________________ancl State of Neb��aslca, to-wit: � <br /> ._Fractional__Block___Twelye__.�I2)_,____Wallicha__Addition, to�ether_ with._ite complement_ being fractional� <br /> Lots Nine (9) and Ten (10) , in Block One (1) ,_ in Bonnie Brae, both additions to the city of ;� <br /> -- - -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------�------------------- ------- ----------------------�------------------------------- - --------------------- ---------. ---�-----------...-----�----------------- <br /> Grand Island,Nebra�ka., according to the recorded plat thereof. �'; <br /> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------...----------------�--------------------------------------------------- ---------- " <br /> � <br />, ._IT__�E_ING_ THE___INTEriTI0r1 OF_ALL__,PARlIES__HERE�l'0 THAT___TN_._�'HE__ EVENT___OF__THE_ DE�TH__ OF___ESTHER OF_ SAID !� <br /> ,_GRANTEES_..THE__ENTIRE__FEE___SIMPLE___TITLE.__TO THE REAL ES'SATE DESCRIBED HEN.EIN SHALL VEST IN _THE _ i <br /> SURVIVING GRANTEE. �� <br /> -----------------------------------------------------------------------�--------------�-----...------------------------------------------------------------------------�-----------------------------------------------------------�---------------�---------------- "� <br />'' ._ :i <br /> -----�---------------------------------------------------------------------------------�----------- <br />�mps �-------- -------------------- ----------------------------- -------�-------....----�-------------------- ;� <br /> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ --------,�-C$ncelle-d-------------------------�------------ ------------------ -------------------------------------------------._.-----...-------------- +i <br /> !, <br /> � , <br />'� -----------------�-----------------------------------------------------------------�------------------ {, <br /> -- ----------------------------------------------- <br /> Together �vith a,ll the tene7nen�s, hereditaments, and app�trte�iances, thereunto belonging, arid all the Estate, Righ�, Title, Inter•est, Dower, �� <br /> , <br /> �� Curtes�, Claim and Demand wltiatsoeve�° of the said (�ran�or_.8____, uactb'-�,�eiticer�f tlaem, of, in or to the same o�• a7i art ther <br /> eo . <br /> , yP f <br /> . . . ;j <br />��� � (�� �Mtte itlt�l #it-�Q,(� the above descrzbed pr•emises, 2vzth the appurtenances, u�nto the said Grantee,8.___.___:a9id to______�he17'_________heirs a� � <br /> �: <br /> . , ,�. <br /> and assigns forever. And_..._.We__,________hereby cove�zant.._..._.w2tyz the said Grantee_�.___._tlaat_______________�.�%._______.___._____.._.__.yeold..___._.said prenzises b9 i; <br /> ���good and �erfect title; that._...___..�e_____.__..._..______.y�a._.Y�__�ood right and lawful cczcthorit� to sell and con,zey the same; that the� a�•e fre,e and i� <br /> clear of all liens and i�aciamU�•ances �,vhatsoever__Ex_eept_ a,_ mox'tga_�;e_.,_i21___P�voT_of _ the__ Hom�_Owners � LOa.t1 Corporation,';� <br /> ---- - - - -- - -- -- -- <br /> _a_corporat.ion:___ambuntin�__to___�20_7�._93 v�rhich gr�.ntee_s_._asQume and agree to pay� _�ranteea further �; <br /> - -- -- <br /> assum�e $$�+0.91 un aid_ sidPwaI.k tax and �I, un aid rav � <br /> - -- -------- ------- ---- -----------p - - - -- -- - - -------�--------- - - - �3�_- - - -- --P------- ---�----�-- el--tax. <br /> ---...-----� - ---- -------------------- <br /> ------ -------- <br />�'I �� And_._.______.___ �'e _ covenant.___...___to war7•ant and defend the said premises aqainst tice lawfzcl clainzs of a-ll pe��- � � <br /> sonswhomsoeve�� -----�------------ - -- - --- - -- --- ------� ----- - ----�----- - - - ---� --- ----- - - --- ----- -- -- - - -- -------------------- ---------- ---- -----_.------- ------• (� <br /> !i------------------------------------�------------------- ----------- ----------- ... -- --- - --- -�--- - -------- -- - - - ------- � - - - -----------•---------------------------------------- ------ ---------------------- -------- - ` <br /> _. 4 <br /> ;� <br /> ----------------- ----- ___- --._- - - - ---------- -- - --------------�- <br /> --- ----- -------- -- ----- - -- -- ---------- <br /> ---------------------- ,� <br /> ----------- ---------�------ --------- -- <br /> - - ---------------- � <br />' Dated the - -- ------- - -�th--- ---- -- - - -- -- ------ - --------da� of_- - _--- -------------Apr il -- -----------A.. D. 19.39-----• �� <br /> - -- --- - --- - -- �� � <br />�� tiVITN�'SS' _ C88_SiuB__M.Doty------- - -------- �, <br /> �-- -- ---- <br /> ---- - ----- ---- - --- <br /> Wm.P.Mul l en -----------Edna K.Doty----�-------------�-----.._----------------------------------� 'i <br /> -------------------------------------------------------------�---------------- --------------------- ; <br /> ,; ------------------------------------� , ,i <br /> � ------------------------------------------------------------------ ': <br /> ;� <br />'� ---------------------------------------------------------------�-------------------------- ------------ �� <br /> , <br />� ---------------------------------------------�--------------------------------�-------------------.._._. , <br /> STATE OF NEBRASI�A, �� <br /> : H �ss. On this----------�th- ---------��J �f--._.---� ------------A�ril---------------_ ------- --------A. D. 19--��----� beforc me, �, <br /> ------ ---------�--�.11-------------------County, <br /> ; <br /> ' the undersigned, a Nota��� Public---------__---___----_-_---_------------within ancl for said Co2cntJ, personally canie---__------------------------------_---.----------- !: <br /> -Cassius__.1�_.D�ty--�nd---Edna_K...Do-ty_-�----hu�,�.band---and--xr�.�'_�.,------------------ ----------------------------------------- �, <br /> - - - � <br /> ; <br /> -- -�---- ----------- -- ---------- ----- -_-------- ----- -------------- --------------�--------- -- ------�------------------------ ------ ------------------------------ --------------------- I� • <br /> to me personally kno2vn to be the identical perso7a_�____:__2vhose nanae_S:_____S.rB____ _ ____ _______. ___.______affi�ed to tlae ;I ' <br /> .�� a7�ove instrunie�zt as grantor__$____._, and_....___ .d�__ . ._____ __._.__severally acknouledged the same to be___the.iT'__ 1� <br /> � voluntary•� act and deed for the purpose thereirz e�p�ressed. � �� <br /> � <br /> (SEAL) <br /> N T�VITNESS ZVFfERE0I1', I have hereunto subscribed m� name and affi�ed my offieial seal at.("*rand_. ' <br /> i�- Islan�.,Nebr�.ska,__._in said County, o,z the date last above written. � <br /> - t�m.P.�ull�n � <br /> . .----------�----------------�----------------- - - � - ---------�-------- <br /> � Nota�•y Public. ;; <br /> ` M�� commissio,n e�pires-------------------------------------------------�----------------------------�----------�{I7�'�--�-'---------------- �' ;I <br /> -----�----19---�------ ;� <br />�..�_-�:_.:::, __ ,_.., — . - - — - - <br /> _ . .._ _ _ ,___ __ ,_ _ — .___�_��— __.____�. _.___._ �_ <br /> --.__ _____... - --._____------___-_.._:___:_.__-_-_. _ — i� <br /> ,� �-���'_ <br /> i� I <br />