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���f_� <br /> � ��� � ��� � � � � � O <br /> D���� J����.�� _� .��� ��J <br /> _�._�..__ ___._______e_a_v_��_� _ _ _ .��.______��.______.____.���_____ <br />" -STATE JOURNAL CONIPANY.LINCOLN,NE6. . . . . ' _..-,... .-. .--. .. -_....__.._...___.._ _......_.. . _-' ... . .. . . . <br /> ....__�___._._ � ...._.._.....u._.._..__..__.___.._.._.... . ... . . ...... ._ ... . ,_.�___,..' ____ ..r.�.__.�._.�._.__._�_._._�__'_""'___...._�__'- _ <br /> � I+'RO✓11 I hereb�� certify tltiat this instrument iva-s e7ttercd o7a Numerical Index and j� � <br /> ;� <br /> ,, <br />' ...-------Cora A.Hanover, WldOW. .._--------=---- --- filed for record this. ---.._.- ---�7---- ---------------�aJ of-----------�BY'CYl .---------------• � <br /> ,� <br /> - �larrantp ft. D. 19---�9-- � at. --._.__.._._-z�-'-�'�- ----- �------ - --�'clock._..A.•.__ll�I, ,/ ; <br /> -------------------------------------�- - ---- - - -- ------....._.- - -- - <br /> �eea , � <br /> ,. <br /> To �;�-�--�c ��� <br /> , <br /> ----------N�I��14---&---Edw�.rd__MUlleri.------------------- Register of Deeds, ', <br /> BJ----------------�--------�------------------------------------------------- <br /> ; <br /> - ----------------------- - � Dep2cty. '; <br /> ;, <br /> i ��C�t��r �t1� ��er� �� ���e��e �x����rt��: <br /> ,; <br /> �� <br /> TaAT_.___..___.C ora__A.Hr�nover, a wido�r, 'i <br /> -- --� ------------ --- - ---._._------- ----- - ---_----------------- ----- ---�----------------- -, ! <br /> ---- -----------�----------- ------------ ---------�------------------- � <br /> ----------------------- - ---------------------------------- ------- ---------------- -- ------- -�-------- ------------ -------------------------� -------------- ---- -------------- ------------...-------------�----------- ------------------------------- <br /> � ------- ii <br />, of the County of______.._Ha�l. ._ .._.and State of_____._______________Nebrask& . Grantor_____.___._, in eonszderation �j <br /> of the sum of_._...__._..__.One.___(�1.00)_ and oth�r valuable eonsideration . � <br /> -- - - - - - -- ---- --------------------------------- -... -_- -- --- ---------------- <br /> ------ ----------�----------------------------�9�5$�4�,f.�, <br /> i�� <br /> in hand paid, do_____._____.hereb� GI�ANT, BAPGf1IN, SEI.L, A.ND CONVEY unto __N_�Ilie__�ullen_and__Edward_ 1�ulleilt as._ ;, <br /> - --- '' <br /> __�.oint_ tPnante_..and_not a� _tenants_ in common, or to the survivor ;i <br /> -- ---------- - ---------�----�--- ---...-----------------.._------ ------- ; <br /> ;, <br /> of the County of Ha11----- - -- -_.----and State of------------------�ebs'ask8------------ --------------------------- - -----� Grantee-S--------, the follo2ving �! <br /> ;� <br /> described premises, situated in the Count� of____.................�______._.Hall,_______,.. _,___._____..._and State of �17ebraslca, to-wit: I: <br /> ._The..Eaet_Half___of___the___Northwest (E'�NiN�)_ _Quarter_ of Section Thirty-one (31) ,__ Township Ten (IO) , �; <br /> North,R�nge Eleven (ll) West of the 6th P.M. in .Hall County, Nebraska. � • <br /> ---------------------------------------------------------------- <br /> ---------�------------------- ------- ------------------- -- <br /> ---- ----------------------------- �---------- <br /> ----------------�- ----- - ---------- - � <br /> ------ ----------------------- ----------------- �, <br /> �I <br /> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------�------.._..__....-------�------------------------------...._._.....-------------_..-------- - � <br /> ------------------------------------------- � <br /> - --------�------------------------------------- , <br /> IT BEING THE INTENTION OF ALL PARTIES HERE�.�O THAT TN THE EVENT OF THE DEATH OF EITHER OF SAID ;i <br /> -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------�---------------- ------------_..----------------------------------------------------�----- - -------------------- ---�----------------�------•---------------------- <br />, : _(�RANTEES__THE___�I'JTI1�E,_FEE .SItdIPLE TITLE TO_ THE__REAL___ESTATE___DEBC�IBED HEREIN SHALL VEST IN Rl'HE 'i <br /> -----------------------•----- � ------- ------- --- - -----------�------�------------- ----------- , <br /> --SURVIVING..GRANTEE,--------------------------------------- --�--------------------------------------------------------- ' <br /> , <br /> ------------------------�------------------------------- -------------------------------�------ ------ � <br /> �, <br /> � <br /> ----- ----------�----------------------------------------------------------------------�-------------------------------------�----------------------------------------------------------------------------------...----------�------------------------------------ '� <br /> � <br /> -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------�----------------------------------- - <br /> ------------------------------�----------- --------------------------------._._------�----------._.------------------------------------- i� <br /> I � � � l <br /> Togethe7• ��;ith all tice tenements, hereditaments, and a�p�crteyi-ances, there2cnto belonging, arid all the Estate, Riyht, Title, Interest, Do2ve�°, i <br /> Curtesy, Claim �znd Demand whatsoever of the said Clranto�°_�__ _._,��►�.�r�#J+,�aa�e,�#7eea�a, of, in or to the sanze, or any part thereof. �� <br /> _ . . ';; <br /> ('�LD �MUP Mlt�1 #ri '�U�� the above descrtibecl ��remises, wzth the uppurtena�zces, unto the said Gran�tee__8______.and to.______.._'�hl°_l�'._____heirs i� <br /> i, <br /> and assigns forever. And_._._.__I_______._he��eby covenant__.....2vath �he �a�id C,�rantee$______._that._______._I.__.___.________.__ _____y�old___._.__sa�d premises by �� <br /> _ , <br /> i <br />�� ��;-good and perfeet title; that____..._._____I__________.____]za�!e_____good T•i�ht and lawful aictho�-�t� lo sell �nd �on,ve� tlze sanze; that thes c�re free and ;i <br /> ���� clear of all l�iens and i�ticicmbra�aces 2vhatsoever_._._..__ __...____ ____.____ _ _ � " <br /> i! <br /> -- �------ -- - - - - --- - - - -- -- - ------------- - --- --- - ----- -- ------ ---_ ,I <br /> � � ;� <br /> I <br /> ----------- --�---------------------------------- ---- ------------- - - -,--. ___ - ---- --- ---------- ------- --- ---- ------------------.--------- --- ------_.--- -------------------------- - ?i <br /> ------------ - <br /> ,� <br /> ; <br /> ----------------------- -- -----------------------------__..---- - --------------- --- --- ------_._ ;: <br /> _....--,_. --- -- -------------- -- -------------- -- --- -- ------------------------ : <br /> - ----- --- <br /> �; <br /> ,: <br /> And_.______________________ ________._._________.____._______.__._..___ warrant and defend the said premises c�gainst tlie lawful claims of a-ll pe�°- ;� <br /> sons wliomsoever " <br /> --- - ---- -- - -- - - - ------------- - - -- -.._ - --- , , <br /> - ---- -------------- ----_..-- --------- - ----------------- � <br /> �; <br /> „ <br /> ----------------------------------------------- ----- ---_,.. -- ----- - -------___,.__ -------- -------- - __. l� <br /> - -------------------------------- <br /> i. <br /> i -------------------------------------------- --- --- ---- ------�------- ------------- ------------------ - --- ---------------- -- ---- ------------------------------------------- ------ - ----------- --- f <br /> -�--- - ----- ----- <br /> Dated the--- ---- ---�---------------- - -22t1d- - --__----- ---da� �f---- -- - -------d�8r''Ch--- -- - ----- ----------- ----------------._A.. D. 19----�9---• !� <br /> i <br /> �4VITNL+'SS �---�---------------------------------------------------------------------- ' <br /> --------- ---�----------- I, <br /> 9Vm.P.�ullen -----------------------------------Cora _A,Hanc�ver i� <br /> --------------------------------------------------------------------- �--------- -------------------- " " �,� <br /> � <br /> ------------------------------------------------------�----------------------------------------�------� �� <br /> --------------�-----------�----�-------------------- <br /> ------------------------------------ - ------------- <br /> ;� <br /> ----------------------------------------------- <br /> ------------------------------�-------------------------- <br /> il <br /> STATE OF NEBI�ASZZA, ) i� <br /> }ss. On this----- ---- 2221d.-------day of------------------------�&I'Ch-------------- ------- --------A. D. 19_-�9-----, be ore me, ' <br /> --------------Ht�.11.-------------�--------CountJ, � f ;' I <br /> ' <br /> i the icndersigned, a Notary Public____________._.__..__..____.___________2vithin and for said County, personall� came___.....__Cort9,__A.Hanover,.___a__wido�r <br /> - - ---------- ------- <br /> � <br />� ' ,� <br /> : - --------- ----- --------- ------ --------- ---- ------ -----------------------R------------------ --------- ------------------- ---- i. <br /> -------------------------- --------------------�--- <br /> , <br />'i -- ----- -- ------ --- - ------- ------- ---- ----------------------- � <br /> to me personall� Icno�vn to i�e the ideaitical perso�a,__...._._._whose name.................is__._..._..._.___.__...._._________affixed to the j� <br /> ,� <br /> above ��zstruntient as grantor_._.._____, a7ad__ dOe$_ __ __ ___severally acle�aozcledged �jae same to be_____r1ex'_ � <br /> -- I <br /> (SEAL) volunta�•y act and deed for the pu��•pose therei�e e�pressed. � � <br /> IlV WIT�rF.SS ti�HEREOF, I have hereunto subscribed my name and affi�ed ma� official seat at___GY'a.Tld �i <br /> Island,Nebraska, 1n said County, on the date last above �vritten. �� <br /> - ---------------------------------------- � <br /> -----------------------------------------------------Wm.P.Mullen.-------------- ' <br /> �i <br /> ltiotary Publ�,c. � <br /> M9eommissio.n expires-----�-------- ---�._-- --------------------------- ---------------------------�---��y.---�'-�--------------------------------19..��---- i <br /> _ _ _�_.—� __ _A . <br /> :_.. � . _. . _ . _. .____ _._______..__.._ _ ._.__ _._--�__._.�_----=--- <br /> ._._.__�_----� <br /> _.._.=___,-___.._ . _ __ _ _ _ __ <br /> �� <br />— „ _ il <br />