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�H�' <br /> ������ <br /> �JJ,�J�� �1�,�L✓J�� L',J V� ��.J� '�� �J <br /> _�____...__._�._._._r__._.._____..._ _._� .�� ...__`._;--�. �____ <br />� -S7ATE JOURNAL COMPANY.LMCOLN,NEB. . . . . .- . . .. - -.--.. .. . ..____._... .__._..___. _ ...,__.._---__... . . . . .._ ... .... <br /> i <br /> � � � FRO✓YI I hereby cert�if� tlaat tliis i�ist��ument icas entered o7z Nz�mer�ical Index a�nd ��i <br /> 'I <br /> .__Louia___C.Thuernagel_ and Laura 22 �areh " <br /> - --- - .. ------ filed for record this---- ----- - ----- ----- -------------�aJ �f--- -------- - <br /> ------ .------- -. . I <br /> � �� � <br /> T fl. D. 19-�-9----� �t--�---- -------- ...----'1_�.00 ---------- ----�'clock-- ---P.M. � <br /> -------hu�rx��.ge�.------ - --- - -- - - -------- ---- --- ----- �larrantp ,, . <br /> To �eea , <br /> --- ----- --- �-------------�-=------------- <br /> ��� ,� <br /> ,��-�- I <br /> Alexander D.Wright 8nd BerthB Register of Deeds, <br /> --------------------------------------------------------------------�------ ---------------- " <br /> By-----------------------------------------------------------------------� jl <br /> Wri�;ht ---�- - ------------ --- � Dep��t�. �: <br /> -------------------------------------------------- ------ ---- �,;.� <br /> ;� <br /> i <br /> ��C�t�r� ��� ���t b�� ����� �x��e��rt��: �; <br /> �� <br /> THAT__._____.I�QUIfl_.C,_'�;�,ue��ag_el_,and_.._Laura_Thuernagle,__,his_Bife,____each ln his. or her own ri�ht ;' <br /> -- - - ---- --- -- ------- <br /> ----- - -...------ , <br /> �nd ae spouse of the other � <br /> ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------- -------------------- -------------------------------------- --------------------------�-------------------------------�----------------------------- ;i <br /> of the CountJ �f------- ----H&11- -- - ----_and State �f ---- --- - - -- �`�ebraska ` <br /> - ---------------------------------------- ------- ----- --- -------- -.Grantor--�•-------, in consideration !i <br /> � � <br /> of the sum of--------..'�'�feIl�y_-�'.ive_.Hundred. (_�2500.00-�------ ---------------------- ----- ----------- --- ------------------------�-------------------------------.DOILARS <br /> tin hand aid do_ hereby GPANT, Bf1RGAIN, SELL, AND CONV�Y unto AI87Caxider___D�Wr_ight__and__Bertha___�Pri�ht_�a <br /> , � <br /> p , ----- <br /> �_Q.�..nt___t�nants_,__.not._as___t�nants___in__common and _to_ the survivor oP them `; <br /> -- - -- -- ----- - -------- ---- --------- -------------- -------------------------------------------- ` <br /> of the County of----_---_-T�8I1 f Nebraska---- -- ----------- ---------- ----- ----� Grantce----- , the following ' <br /> - ------------- ------ - - - ---and State o ----------- --------------- 5------- <br /> described p��emises, situated in the Count� of___.....:.......HAIZ_____.._..._..___.._ _ .._a�ad State of RTebr•aslca, to-wit: <br /> - ---- - ----------- --- -- -- - - ,� <br /> _____Lo_t___Four___(�_)___.in_ B1ock..I�ine__(.9) ,.__Joehnck_'s Addition to Grand_ Island, Hall County, Nebraska. ;� <br /> ---- -------- ---------------�----�---- ----------- <br /> -----------�-------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------ ----------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- --- ------- -�-- ---------�------�--------------------------- <br /> ---------------------------------------------------------------------- <br /> -----------------�--------------------- <br /> ---------------------------------------- -------------�-------------------------------------- <br /> 2.50 I.R.Stamps ; <br /> (- -�ancell-e�t-----------------------------�---------------------- ------------------- --- -------------------------------------------�-- ;� <br /> -------------------------------------------------�---------------------------------------------------------------�-----------------------------�--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------�------------------------------ 'i <br /> --------------------------------------------------------------------------- <br /> --------------------�--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------...---------....----------------------------------- ------- 'I <br /> � <br /> ---------- -----------------------------------------------------�------------------------------------------------------------ ----------------------- '�, <br /> -----�--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------�- ----------��---------- ' <br /> ------------ ------------------------------------------------ ------------------._��---------- ----------- ---------------------------------------- --- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------�-------------- ;I <br /> � Togeth�er with all the teryaements, hereditaments, and a�p2crtena,nces, thereunto belo7aging, and alb the Estate, Right, Title, Interest, Dower, ;� <br /> Clurtesy, Olaim and De�nancl wliatsoever of tlze said Grantor.._�._., aaad,-o-f-�eitaz.ea�sf—t,i�e�rr�, of, in or to �he sanie, or an� part thereof. � �� <br /> �� (�� MUP �it� ��t D��1 the above described re��zises ivitla the a urtenances unto tlie said Grantee_fl____ th i i� <br /> II, � � 1� , pp , ..__and to------- e--r --- ------.heirs <br /> ,I <br /> �i <br /> and assigns forever. And._.._.�1�_..__._herebJ covena�at_.__.._.with the said (�rantee___.___that._____.____��___________________.._..___.yeold.._.___said premises U� 1, <br /> ��good and perfeet title; that._._ ____1��?____._.__ _.______y�cc_�e_____good rzght and lauwful ai�tho�•at� to sell and co�z.zey the same; tlza,t tlze� u��e fre,e and j <br /> s <br /> + <br /> elear of all Liens and i�aeumbrances �chcatsoever_.____E3XCept,__enCUlllbY'�.21Ces___oP_ I°eCOrd ,� <br /> -- - -__ - - -- ---- --- -- -- ---- --- - ------- - -- - -- --- <br /> ;� <br /> _._-------------------------- -- ---------------------------- -- ----- ----------------- - - -- -- - - ----- ----------------- ------------ - ------ --------- ----------------�-- -- ---------------�---------------------- �------ '; <br /> ;; <br /> ��. <br /> •--- ---- _..------ -------------------------------�--- ------------------- --- - - - <br /> - .. -- - ---------------�------- --- --.. � <br /> - ------------ ------- ------- -- - --- <br /> And......._.___.._.________.._..w.e _____._ r,ovenant_____.__.__to war�•ant and defend the said prenaises against the la2vful clairyns of all per- i; <br /> sons �vhomsoevel• .. ..�t through or under_ t�,e second parties. �� <br /> ---- --------- - --- - -------- �, <br /> ii <br /> -------------------------------------------- --- ----------- - -- -- ---- ------ --------------�---- --- ---- - - --- --- -- ----------------------------------------- .--------- ---------------- ------ --------._.. `! <br /> I: <br /> ---------------------------------------------------------- - - - - ---------- -------- ---...-- --- ---------- - --- ---- <br /> ,. <br /> ---------------------------------- ------------ -- ;� <br /> --- ---_.-- - --------- <br /> Dated tlie .._...----------- ----�3ra- -- ----- ---.:_.-- - -------d�� �f----------- -------January------------------- -- ------- --------�.. D. 19---3-5----• �, <br /> ' WzTl���ss ------------------------Louis._C_.Thuernagel:--------------------... " <br /> - ! <br /> i � � ,; <br /> ' Harold A.Prince -------- ------------Laura_Thuernagel-- --- ----- -----------------. � <br />�' ------------------�-�---------------------------------------------- ---- -�- - � <br /> ; <br /> ------------- ------- -- - - <br /> '� <br /> �---------------------------------------------------------------------------�-----------�-�-------------- ,. <br /> ;i <br /> �---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------- ;i <br /> .--------•-------------•-•--------•••------•---•---------•--------------•-------- <br /> --------------•-------• '� <br /> STATE OF NE73RASl�A, l �' <br /> }ss. On this---------- 2-��Y'-d-----day of------------- --- ----�--__�7_&1'�L1�r ;i <br /> --3�------ ----------------A. D. 19�1.�J-------, be ore me, � <br /> Hall - ------------CountJ, ) f '; <br /> ;' the undersigned, a Notar� Public-----------------------------------------within ancl for said CountJ, personczlly came------,---------------.-----------------.----------- -------------- i� <br /> � <br /> ..___.__Louis.--C.,_l�huernagel...and__Laura---Thuernagel:---his--wif�-,--------------------------------------------------- -= <br /> ,� <br /> -- ---- --------- ---- - ----- --- ---------------- ------------------ --- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "� <br /> �� to me personall� to be the identical perso,�a&..._.____whose nanze.._8______��:�____._.._______..___________.__affixed to the !� � <br /> ii <br /> above instrunze�zt as grantor_$._____, and________tY1ey_________________._seve7•ally acknowledged the same to be_____�.hE�.i3'' � <br /> � volwntary act and deed for the purpose tlaerei�i e�p�ressed. `� � <br /> ' I_N tiVIT?�'ESS ti�HEREOb', I have hereun,to sacbscribed my name and affi�ed my official seal at________________. �. <br /> ii <br /> (SEAL) Grand___Island,.__in__said___County______on the date last above written. i <br /> Harold A.Prince <br /> ---------------------------------------------------------------------- - - - ----...----------- <br /> � � � lYotary Public. " <br /> My eommissio.n expires--------- -- -----------------------------------------------------------------�---------------------Apr'il-1C------19--3-�-�----- �� <br /> '{ <br /> __.._.: _._.____._�_.___-�_...__ _-.._�_���___..__����� �._._`_.��-.�--� <br /> - ..,-_ - - _ _ . ..�_.�.:.__.;_�=--- <br /> i, <br /> � <br /> li <br /> , !� <br />