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��� <br /> D�'��� ������� ���� ��� <br /> .�_�_ _____ ,__ ___._ __.___. _ <br /> c ____ .�___ :��_._v.�_____ _ _ <br /> —STATE JfJJRNAL COMPANY.LiN�OLN.NEB. ---..... -._ ___.__..:.. __._. _ ._.__..__.._..__� ..... ...... <br /> e. . � .... ... _, __ .. . ..._..__._.�� � .�.._..��_��:_ - __._ �� - . . .. .. . <br /> �. -�. .-_.�-�._._:_. ._....._�.�... .,. , . .. :.. .-.�ac-c:._._ ...__...�.�_ <br /> __._.____,.T,-_.., i <br /> FRO.M I hereby certify that tTais inst�•�ument was entered on Numerica,l Inde� a�nd � <br /> - �.� <br /> „ <br /> � <br /> ,�----`�.E,_C1ay'tOTi---&-wife--- --- - -�- --- -�----�--- ---- f�led fo�• record tliis. -- - - - --.__1$-_.__..------------------da� �f--------M.�,?C'Ch--- -----�- �------ `' <br /> � � � ;i <br /> ! <br /> �] n 1�-3-9----�, at------- - ---��-�.�F�.-------- - ----------- ----o'clock--- --Ai_M. � ,i <br /> --------------------------------------- - ----- - --- - - - - -._...--- ._--- -- ---- �larrantn . . : <br /> � <br /> To �¢ea i, <br /> ��;���C� ' - <br /> ------ - - -------- ------- --- -- : . <br /> --- ------ --- -------- - <br /> -----------=�-- - ; <br /> - ; Register of Deeds, � <br /> j ------GQ�d�n...I.�}E_YB�l&--&--�Q�a..aT-�.d-------------------• � <br />� Louise Evans � <br /> ,, <br /> B'J------------------------------_...---------------�-------------�---------• �i <br /> � � De 2tit ' <br /> ------------------------------------------- ------- -- ---- ---- y ' <br /> -- - ------------ � ' <br /> 4 <br /> �rt�r�r �t�� ��rt �� ����� �x��,��ert��: <br /> , <br /> �, <br /> ; <br />' TgAT------._E._Clay't_on__and__Gr�ce---I_.Clayton,h__s..wife-'--- ------- ----------------------------------- ------------------- .-_.------------------ -------�---------- , <br />� <br /> ---- ---- ------------------------------------------------- -- - ------------------------------ ----------------�---- - -----------------------..----.....__.------ -�---- ------- ----------------•----------------------------...------------�---------- ;G <br /> i� <br /> of the County of----------H8�1------ -------_a�td State of------------------ ---------N�hTL�Sk&:--------------------------------------------Grantor-$--------� in eonsicleration !I <br /> i <br /> i� <br /> othe sum o ---------- -�------------ -- - ---------- -----------------------...-------------vOLLARS, j: <br /> f f �si�c---��-r�d�ed -Do�l a�-�----E�644:DO}----- --- ------------- --------------- <br /> J � , , -- -- ------------------------------------------ ---- ---------------- -----_..----- ii <br /> in hand paid, do________________herebz GPANT B�I�Gf1IN SELL AND CONVEY u7ato ___.___C?��dOYi L. EVt1Z18 and Mildred Louise I'; <br /> .___._,�,'v�n$_thi.�.__wi�'e____�,nd__to___the___�urviyor___of__them,as___joint.__ten�,nts_,_not...as___t_enants___in common. �' <br /> -------------------------------------------- � <br /> of the Count� �f--------- ---He7.1- ---- - - ----- --and State of-----�------------- ----Nebr38kE�------------ -- ------------ -----� G�°a7itce!�---------, the following ij <br /> deseribed premises, sit�cated in the Count� of______.______________________-______$8.11______..______________________._.._.___and State of RTeb�•as1�a, to-wit: '�' <br /> ______Lot___Three____ _ __ ._..i_n__Block__Four__ 4_ __,,�shton.__Place.�an__Addition__to._ the_...City__of_,.GrBnd Island,Nebrask � . <br /> - - - - - (3) � � ) <br /> � <br /> ,� <br /> ------------------------�--------------._._------------------------------�-- -------------------- ----- ---- i <br /> -- ---------------------------------.._..------ -- -------------- -----------------�-- ----- <br /> -- �----------------------------�---- -- <br /> 1. 0 I.R. Stamps <br /> --------------- -- -- - ------ ---- ---------------------------- �. <br /> ---- ------- <br /> - ----�ancel2�c1- -- ---�------------------ <br /> ------------- ------ ---- <br /> ----- <br />, ----------------------�----------�------�------------- <br /> ii <br /> --------------------------------------------------------------- ---�---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------�------------...----------------�---------------- il <br /> ;� <br /> ,i <br /> ,I <br /> --- --- ----------------- --- ------------ ------------------...---------------------------- � <br /> , <br /> ;,i------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -------------------- ------------------------------------ - -- ---- � <br /> r <br /> � <br /> 'I------ ------------------------------�--------------._.....--------------------------------�------------------�_-----------------------��-------------------------------------------- �---�----------------------------------------------------------------------- ;; <br /> ,. <br /> � <br /> : <br />' ----------------------------------------------�-----�------------------.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------�-----------------------� _ '� <br /> ---------�- � <br /> ;; <br /> --------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----------------.._------ ---------------------------------------------------- -----�--- -------�-----------------_.-----------------------�---------- f; <br /> I Together with all the tene7nents, hereditaments, and appeirtena,nees, thereunto belonging, a,�ad all the �state, Right, Title, I�zterest,� Do2ver, ��� � <br /> ���Curtesy, Clccim and Demand wlaa�tsoeve�• of the said Grantor.______,-��i-e�-ei��-�-�7ae�v� of, �,n or to the sanie, o��• a�i� part thereof. � i� <br />' ("�1 A �MUP Mit� #D� �ril� the above deseyibed �remises, witla the app2crtenanees, u7ito the said Grantee.._8_.._..and to._____'�hG_1T �! <br /> - --- -----.hei�°s i <br /> and assigns foa•eve�°. And_____._We___.__..he�-eb� covena�zt..__._2�ith the said Grantee,.s_._____that_______________�e._.._.________.__.____.Icold_...___sa�d premises b� i� <br /> . �i <br /> �good and perfect title; that___�____.We.._.____..__________..._ha..._._.___good rfgyet and lawful ai��tlaorit� to sell�and eonve� the same; thcct th,e� a��e fre,e a-nd ��� <br /> ;clear of all liens and inciambr�ances �,oycatsoever_.?__._e7�Cept___COVenB,nt_�___COnta.i_ned in the Warranty Deed reeoxded in �i <br /> -� - - - - - --- ----- - <br /> - - - � - <br /> Book 61,Page 267 ,in the office of the Register of Deed� of Hall County,Nebr�,ska,dated May �,I�9 3. <br />, ---- - ----- - ---------------- -- - - - ---- --- - -- ------------------------�-- - -- <br /> -------- -- ------- - - ..... ------�----- <br /> -------------------- --------------- - ---------- � <br /> ------------�----------------------------------------------------------- --------------- --- ----- - ';� <br /> - -----.. ___-------------------__._..------- -._ _------ -- -------------------------- ------- - ,: <br /> ;� <br /> And____________________._.__y�g______._.__..___.._._......__.._,_._______. 2�ar�,ant and defe�zd the said pre��vises agai�ast the la2vful claims of p,ll per- ! <br /> sons whomsoever ,_encegt_._.said._c�v_enant.s._._COn��i ned__i_n.,,�aid_warranty___deed,_ �' <br /> , - -------------------- --- ---- ---------- -- -- ------ ---------- �� <br /> � <br /> ------------------------------------------- -- -- ----- --- --- ---�---------- -- ------- -------�--- - ---- - -- ------ - - - -- - - - -- - j, <br /> - --- ---------------- -------------------•----------- ---------------------------•- <br /> - ------. !I <br /> � <br /> '� <br /> '------------------------------------'------�-- --- ---- --------- ------------ - ------------------- --- --- - - -- � �� <br /> - - - --- - - - --_---------------------------------------------- -------------------------- ---- --�--- i� <br /> ----- <br /> Dated the -- -- -- 1- -�h------------ -- - ----- ---------da2 Mt�,rCh_- - -----A.. D. .zs._39_-__. �. <br /> � J �f----- - ---------------- - - - ---------- - ------- --- ------- - <br /> � <br /> WITNESS: �--�------------------��...�.,..��aY.ton------------------------------------ ,I <br /> Har91d Prince -- -- ---------------G��,c�----I.._C�aY.ton---�----:----------------------------� �; <br /> -------------------------------------------- -------------------------------- ---------�----------_ � <br /> , <br /> ---------------------------------------�--------------------------------------�------------------------- i� <br /> �------------------------------------------------------�----------------------------------- -----------._ ; <br /> i �-----�- ------�----------------------------�------------------------------------------------------------ : <br /> STATE OP+ NEBRASPiA, l I <br /> }ss. On this---------l�th --------daJ �f----•----- ------.MB.xQ.�i--------------------------- -------•A. D. 19 , , <br /> ' --------'-----------�i�.11 -----CountJ, � " -��------, before me, i <br /> �� i <br /> ; <br /> ' the undersigned, a Notary PubLie________.___.____.______._____._._______._within and for said County, personall� camc.__.................................._._..._..._...__...___._..__ ' ' <br /> ------- i <br /> -- �T-.-�-. ��.�gton--�,nd--Gr-ac�---I-�-C��y��o�-rY�i-s--wife,-----------�------ ------------------------------------------ -...-------�-------------- '! <br /> I�, <br /> ,� � <br /> ��- --- ---- ------------------ - ---- ---....---.....--------------------------�------------------------------ ----------�--------------------------------�- ' <br /> ----------------------- , I <br />' to me per-sonally knoaUn to be tice identical perso�z__A._.__..uwlzose nanae.8_.._____._____.._�e______________________.__aff�ecl to tlee � <br />� above instrunzent as grantor_.H___.__, a�id ____ ___the.y. _.___ . __.____severall� acicnowledged the same to be._��1e�r_ ' I <br /> � volunta�•y act ccnd deed for the purpose therei�a e��ressed. �� <br /> � sEAL� L� tiVIT_NESS tiVHEREOF, I have hereunto subscribed m� name and affixed my official seal at_..._.._______. ;� <br /> Grand_ I_s1.e,nd_,in___said_._County,_________on the date aast above written. ' <br /> `� <br /> -----------------------------�-------------Har-ald---A.-L?r-i-ACe.---------------- � <br /> � Notary Public. <br /> �� commission e�pires-----�---- --------=--�Pr-i.�---�,6-s���--------------------------------------------------------------------------19----------- '.I <br /> i <br /> i <br />�_���. =_-. , _ _ _� _,_.._ ___�.-.:._..—..�-.�..�_.._���-.�-��__—.�—_�. � ��. - <br /> i <br />� , , <br />