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e�� <br /> ��J�j� ��j�L✓L�� ��L✓O u� �J <br />' _ - _ - -- ------ --- <br /> — <br /> . _ __ ._ _._ � <br /> � .�.'ZBa.$.Z-STATE JOVRNA4 C9MPANY..6WCOLN,N�s.� ��� �-- � �� � � � � ���� � ���� � � - <br /> _ . ._ .. . .. _. . ._. .__....-- _--__._._.._---_. ._ __�_. __ .'.--____. <br /> k: ' - _. . . _ .. _ _. .._ _ _ _.. .� <br /> � <br /> FRO.M I hereby eertify that this instraiment 2vas entered on Numerical Inde� and ' <br /> • i <br /> ' �B�b1.�� E.Arnold wiPe • �tarch i <br /> --------------------------�--------------'----------- --------------------------------- filed for record t1a2s---------------------�--1-----�-----.._..------daJ �f----=----- - - -----------------�-------- ' <br /> . <br /> � � <br /> ' --- �aCCalltp �1. D. 19--�9----, at---------------------'----��------ - --- ---------------o'clock._.._._�...M. ;; <br /> ; .---- �---- - - ---------------------- - - -- ------ <br /> . .--- ------ - <br /> � <br /> ' �eea ti��t � <br /> TO , � <br /> , <br /> �� � <br /> George E.Arnold, husband � <br /> Register of Deeds, <br /> B1f----------------------------------------------------------------•----------• <br /> -------------------------------------------------------------------- Deputy. <br /> K , <br /> �rt�r� �i� ��rt b�� ��r��� �x����e�t��: � <br />'� ' THAT_.______�a$�e__E.Arnold_ formerly Mable S.Engleman, the wif e of grantee herein, _ : ; <br />, ' <br /> --------------------------------------------------------�------------�-----------------------------------------------------�---�- -------------------------------------------------------�------------------------•------------------------------------------------------ , <br /> BufP�Io Nebraska , ;�......._____, in consideration <br /> ' of the CountJ �f---------------------------- ------- ----and State of----- ---------------- -- ------------------------------------------------------ -------------fOY' 821C1; <br /> ,; of the sum of---------�---�--Qr��----�911ar_.and---love---and._aPPection-----------------------------------------------------------------------------�--------------------------------�,��5, '' <br />! ' in hand paid, ,bY___Georg� �•E.•�rno�d,�_the ;ht��-b�n�. of gr�r��o� ,k}�rein, of_ the Count� of Buffalo _and State <br /> _of_ Nebraska..do_.herebx_ sell and_ aonvey_ unto the said Geor�e E.Arnold the 3�usband_ oP _�rantor <br /> � - ------------------------�-•- -- - <br /> .herein _ , 1. --- ---- ----------------------- - --- - ------ - ------- --- ---_. .° . -----------, the following :: <br /> described premises, situated in the County of________________._.._....,.____Hall____..__________________,________________________and State of Nebraslca, to-wit: '' <br /> i; __._The__entlre,..undivided__interest. of the___�rantor herein� __in and__.to_.the__following deacribed_.. _ _ : <br /> <br /> -- -------------------------�---�---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------...-------------------------------...--------------------------------�----------------- <br /> ' _ The southerly fifty two ( 52) feet oP Lot Fc�ur��-� and the sotztherly fifty two (�2� feet oP <br /> --- - -� -- -- -----------------�----------------------- -------•-------------------------------------------------------- ----------- ' <br /> '; _ .the___westerl�__.sixteen_ (16) Peet o�' lot three (�) t Block �ne hundred and twenty eight <br /> _._(_I2�)___in___the_..Union._Pacifie Railway Compan,y 's__.second addition to Grand _Islandt Nebraska, as <br /> ! _______surveyed, __pl�.tted and recorded. <br /> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------�----------------------------�------------�---------�-----------------------------------..�----�---- <br /> . _. The__Iot has_..a__PiPty two (�2) _ �'eet Pront_ _on Sycamore etreet_ by Ei_�hty two ( �2) feet in depth� <br /> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------�--------------------------- ---------------------------------�---�-------------.._..--------------------......----------------------------.....------------------------------- � <br /> --- --------------------------------------�---------------- ------------------------------�-------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------�----------------------------�------�-------------�--------------...---------------- : <br /> Together with all the tenements, hereditaments, and appicrtenancest�s�o�3igin , and all the �state, Right, Title, I�aterest, Z2ow�rT <br /> • �able S.Engleman ; <br /> '! Ctixtes3t, Claim and Demand wliatsoever of the saiu �ab�.�. -E_.,prno�d�'�'ormei�3�� of, tin or to the sanie, o�• any part thereof. <br /> George E.Arnol.d ' <br /> ('�1 D �E�UP �it� #A �D►�� the above dese�°ibed premises, witla the appurtenanees, unto the sccicl '. �: '-�.______..._and to__...___.�.1.�._�... . ..........heirs ' <br /> and assigns forever. And.__..___..I__._...._hea�eb� eovenant______._with the saiw ;:Cr��Ttg.�_..�;1�12I'1Q.ld___'�,�t:�,t.._I___._._.__._.._lcold._____._said premises by I'�, <br /> ;i good and perfect title; that___..._____:_.I..__._________________ha__v�.._.good right and lawful authorit� to sell and eon.zey the same; that they are free and I <br /> I' elear o f all liens and i�icumbrances whatsoever•------ --------------------- --- ------------------ --- --- --- -------- ---- ---- �-- --- ----------------- -�----- ------- ----------------------------------- �� <br /> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------...---------------------- -�---._... ---------�--------------------------------------- --------------- -------------------------------------------�---�---------------�-------....__ � <br /> - j <br /> ------------------------------ -------I-------------...----------------�-------------------- ------ - ------- - --- ----------------------------- -- -- -----------------------------------�-----------�-----------------------------------�--------------- ( <br /> ' And......................_........_._._.__________._.._..._..._.__________.._..__ covenant__._..__..__to warrant and defend tlie said premises against the lawful claims of all per- ! <br /> sons zvhomsoever --------- -------- ---------------------- ------------------------------------------- - il <br /> . .._. <br />�'I � _..And_._the___st�.id__�able_ E.Arnol_d.___f'.ormerly_ Dllable S.Engleman _hereby relinquishes all __�i�hts__in..and 'i <br /> ; to above described _premi�es�- --------� -- ----------- ------------ - --- -- -- --. .. -- - - - ------- --------- �-------------------- ------ - ----------- - -------- ---...----• �� <br />, , - ------- ----- ------- � <br /> Si�n�d ,' tY�is------3rd--------------------------- ---------------------------day �f------- ---�.�anu�r�y---- --------------------------------------------------------A.. D. 19---�-�----• j <br />, � <br />�, ! tiVITNL+'SS ------------------------------------------•--•-----------....-------------._...---------�------------..__ ',! <br /> ,; E.G.Reed �-- --------------------------------Mable---E-.Arnold.--------...----------...__, I <br /> � <br /> , �-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- <br />' ' .-----------�----------------Bertha Throop-------------...------------------�---• !� <br /> T' .- I <br /> ------------------------------------------------------------------ <br /> �iE STATE OF NEBRASIZA, � <br /> --------------------------------- <br /> _.. '� <br /> �ss. On this------------3a----�---------day of-------------------J-aIIU&r�-------...._..------�----------•--A. D. 19_..�1.-�----, before me, i <br /> � County---oP __B�zf'Palo-----��✓� i <br /> � E.G.Reed, a Notary Pub�:i�,----d,�a1.y---comml�sioned a.�d quali�'1ed for and �r.e_siding___in__saici__Cnunt��r_,------ ;i <br /> ±� Pr��nal�.y---Came_._&�ab�e..E.,�lrnol d...�o rme rly---D�abl e---S.,.Engleman,--•-------------------------------------------- <br /> P-� - - - <br /> , <br /> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- �� <br /> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- , <br /> ` '� to me p�era�o��zlly knoavn to be the identical person__(�e�Crlb�d. �n_an�i__who___�7CeC�lte�..,_the°. foY'e- � � <br />� � � �oing .C'oriVeyt3.21Ce ' as grantor..---------., and-------------------------------------------ser�� acknowledyed t)ce �aid' i'1Z�st_X'.t�.�t1� <br /> to be her volunta�•y act and deed , ' ' � '� <br />�,I , <br /> ' WITNE�S my hr�nd and Notarial 'geal th�e day and year Tast �bc�ve �wri'�'�Pn_ --.--.__. <br /> �5EAL) �, =-, _ . <br /> ' ----�------------------------------------------E.G.Ree d �. <br /> ---•------------------------------------------------ ':� <br /> Notary Public. I <br /> ; My eommissio.n expires.-----SePt'--2�.,.---I���-'----- -------19------------ : <br /> ; ; <br /> — - — <br /> �I <br /> i _ i <br />