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����:� � � <br /> �� � �l����� �J V��J� u� �J <br /> ���� �J <br /> ,_.�__�____� __—__ �.�.� _ _ _. . _ . . _ <br /> --______ ...___._..,�__,.... __�e__.� ,._. --�,.: __ _.,�., - .� __ <br /> .�_____.,��� <br />'-� �- -STATE JAURNAL COFiPANY,LINCOLN NEB. �' <br />_ ..� _.. . ._ ._... ._.,_' - --' - --__.__ �.��. <br /> _.�_� ...� ._ <br />�.:-:..�.._.s��,:=�...��_:_.._..::�--°.._:_:�._-�__.... _�:._ _ . ..._ . ..._�. __._ ._" _'_._,..._�.._._ <br /> �; <br /> �� FRO✓VI I hereby certify that this instrument 2cas ente7•ed on Numerical Index and ;� � <br /> ;i <br /> ----�----J,.W.Larsen,---wiciower--- ---- -...-- ----- -- --- filed for �°ecord this----------�-- ------ -----------�-----�aJ �f---------March- ---------- ----- <br /> i' <br /> �larrant fl. D. 19_--,�_�--.., at-- -- - -- ----�-0---- -. _�-- -------.dclocl�-----��.._n�r. � � <br /> -------------------------------- ------------- -- --- -- - ----- -- -- ---- -- p , ,; <br /> �eea ; <br /> To �/�z��c <br /> Don P.Ha.rrington and Jane F. Register of Deeds, , <br /> ------�-------------------------------------�--------------------------------- ---------- .� <br /> � <br /> B?I------------------------------------------------------------------------- !I <br /> ----�-----Harrington---------- -�-------- - --- ----- - ---- - - � Dep��ty. <br /> �� <br />� �� ��C�t�u� �t�� ���t b�� �k���� �x����e�t��: , <br /> T�IAT--------------------�-.W._�arsen,- a_._widower-- ---- --- .. . ------- -- ---------- ;' <br /> --------- ---------- ------ - <br /> --------------------------- --------- --------�------------------------------ � <br /> !1 , <br /> Nebraska '' <br /> of the CountJ �f-- --L€�nCae_'t_er--- ----and State of--- ---- - - - - - ----------------------------------------------- - -- -- - - - - --Granto�•------------� Zn eonsideratio:n "i <br /> of the sum of...____..._@�?_�_..Ao�,�ar.__ana___other__consideration .__._____________________DOLL�1RS, 'i <br /> -- - -- ----- ---- --_.. . - - ---- - - ------- <br /> ;, <br /> �n ha�zd paid, do. e8_______hereU� GPAI�T, BARG�IN, SELL, AND CONVLY unto _. .Doll P.Harx�3ngton__and Jane F.Harrington j <br /> � <br /> hu�b�nd__anc�__wife,_.__as___,�oint_ tBn�.nts___with_ ri�;ht_ of survivorship_ and not as tenants in common ';; <br /> ---- --- ----------- ------------------------------------------�---.. <br /> op the County of.__..Lancaqter f Nebraska f . � '�' <br /> --_and State o ----- ---------- ----- --------------------- -- - --�---------- ------- ----------� Grantee----------_, the ollow2n i <br /> described premises, situated in the County of-__-------------Hall----------_---_---------- -- --------------_--- ---_- --_--and State of Neba°aslca, to-wit: ;''; <br /> '' �------Lot---�'-wQ----�-�-�----�---�lo��---T�n---�.�0_)_._of__F�_._G_..Clark_�B...Addition--to---the---C-�--t3'-- °f__Gr�nd--I-�l�.nd,------------------------ i! <br /> Nebr�.skt�, as surveyed, platted and rec�rded. ;i <br /> --------- - ------ -- --- ---- -- --- ---- --- ----- --- ---- ---------- - -..---- ---------:---...------------------------ ., <br /> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------.- '+ <br /> -- - - - - - ,, <br /> . . <br /> - --- - - --- - -------------------------- ----------- ----------------------------�- <br /> 3.00 I.F3.Stamps , <br /> --------------------------------------------------�---------------------------------------------------------�-�an.c.el.l.e.d----------�--------------------�--------------�---------------------------------------...-- <br /> :� <br /> -------�----------------------------------------�------�------------------------------------------------------------------------------...-------------------------------------._.__...----------- ------------------------------------_..------------------- ------------- �� <br /> ___It_be_ing__ the_.__intention__of_all _parties_hereto, that_ in_ _the___event___of___the._death �f___ei_ther__ _ _ _ i <br /> ;; <br /> of s�.� d rantees the entire _fee_ aj_mple _title to the real estate described herein shall '' <br /> -----�-------------`------g------......_.--- -' <br /> -- -- -- -- -- -- -- - - -----------------�-------------.._.--------------------------------------------------------------------�----------------- � <br /> ------------------- ;� <br /> .___ve_st._in___the___survivin�_�ran_tee. �� <br /> --- -- ------- --- --�-------- -- --- ---------------------- --� ---- ----- ----------- <br /> -- - --------- ------ ------ ------- ------- �I <br /> -------------------� ----- ---- i <br /> �; <br /> � ------- ----------------------------------- - --- ------ ----------------- -- --------------------- ----------------------------------------------- '� <br /> �? Together 2vith a.11 the tenements, Iaereditaments, and app2crten.a�nces, thereunto belon�ing, and all the Estate, R�.ght,� Title, Iryaterest, Dower, jj <br /> , <br /> Curtesy, Claim and Demand wliatsoever of the said Granto�•_�.____., aazcl�.�.eitb�cr��Die,:�a, of, in or to the sanie, or any part thereof. ;I <br /> � aD �tiU¢ Mit� #tt �pj� the above desc�r�ibed premises, witic the appurte�iances, unto the said C�ran�ee_____.__._and to_.________.__�_�_______.._hei�•s i� <br /> and assigns forever. And._____I________..___.leereb� coroenant______._2�ith the said Grantee__._._..___that_______________.I__________________..___.hold..__.._said pr•ena;ises by � <br /> ,� good and perfect title; tlzat____________I_.__._.___.____.____lia__�e____good �'iyht and laivful ccutho�•it� to sell and con.i�e� the same; that tlaey are fre,e and � <br /> ; clear of all liens and incumb�•ances whatsoever------------- -----------_---------------------------------_._--_.._---_ II <br /> -- - - ..-- ----- --- - _.- ----- - -- -- ------- - <br /> --- iI - - <br /> � <br /> ' -------�----------�---------- --------•----------------------------._...-------------- -- - -- - - -- -- -- ------ --------------------- ;� <br /> - ------ ----------- ---....------_------ - -------------------••-------------- <br /> , <br /> ---------------------------_ .- ---------------------------------- ---------•----._ � <br /> -- -�- --__- _ - ------ - --�----�---...-- � <br /> - - --- ------�------- ---- <br /> --- ...--- -------- ------ <br /> ---------------------- ------- --- ;I <br /> i <br /> I� <br /> And.___.___.__.....___.___.___ ._._______..___..__._...________ covenayet_._.._.__to warrant and defend the saicl prenaises against tlie lawful claims of all per- ;i <br /> � <br /> ! sons whomsoever• ---------------------------.-- ' <br /> -- -_ -- -- ------- --- --------- <br /> __- ---- - ----------- - - - <br /> , <br /> --- -- - - --- ------ ---------------------------- --- -------------------- ------------- ---- �, <br /> - ---------------------------------------------------------------------�--- ------ -----------------�-� � <br /> ii <br /> ---------�-�-------------------------------- -- -------------- ------- - ---- -----�---------------------- - - --- --------- -- ----- -------- -�---------------------------------------- ---- <br /> - --------�------- ------ ---- --------- !� <br /> Datec� the-------------------iSth Februar ----------- ;' <br /> - --------- - - - - -- ---------- ------daJ �f-- - -- ------------------------ -- -�' -- ---- ----- --------------------11.. D. 19_._>'.�---• '� <br /> !, <br /> tiVITIITESS �----------------------------------------------------------------------- _ ;i <br /> �-- -----�-------�-----------------�-J.W.Lars en i <br /> Christ _ E.Brookman ----------------------------------------------� ;� <br />'', - --------------------------------y----�------------------------------------------ ---------------------- . <br /> ,� <br /> �------------------------------------------------------�-------------...----�------------------�--------- � <br /> ' ---------�----------------------------------------------�--------------------------------- ------------- ij <br /> ---------------------------------�-------�--�--�-------------...-------------�----...-----...----...._. � <br /> � STATE DF NEBRASIfA, �� <br /> ss. ' ---.da o -------------------- - M�.rch------------------- ---------- '.� <br /> -----------------Lancas_ter------- � On thas---------- -----6�h-- � .f --------- - - A. D. 19_,�-�-----, before me, `I <br /> - . Count�, �; <br /> : <br /> , i <br /> ' the undersigned, a Notary Public_-_----------___--_----------_------_---withi.n ancl for said County, personally canze---------------__-------.-----------_,-----..,------------------------- ;'; <br /> __.--------J_,W_.Lars.en-,- , a--widower ,� <br /> ----- ----- --- ------------------------------- - ------- ----- _----------------------------------- ----------------------- ; <br /> ;; <br /> --------------- ----- __-- ------- ------ ----------------------------- ----------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------- ---- �� <br /> ._-- -------------------- - � <br /> to me personallJ knoz�n to be the identical pe�•soryz.___________2vlcose nanae__...________._i_S____________________.__..._...__.affi�ed to tlie i� <br /> ,, <br /> ,; , <br /> above,i�2st�•unzent as gra�ztor____.___, and__________._�h0_________.____severally acicnozvledqe,k the same to be.____h�.8_____ �i <br /> � vol2cnta7�y act and deed for ttie purpose therei�a e�pressed. ',j <br /> I_N T�VITNESS tiVHEREOF, I hcwe hereunto subscribed my name and uffi�ed my official seal aE. _____.__ '� ' <br /> (SEAL) . <br /> Llneoln, in_ said County _.__on the date last above written. ;j <br /> --- -----� --- -- ----- - - <br /> ;; <br /> '�' -----------------------------------Chri-s�t3�---E_,.Bro.okm�n----------------• i <br /> ' Nota�°y Fublic. <br /> ''.. . . . S@ t l� i <br /> - Dsy commtissao.n expzres---------- --------------------- -- ------------- -----------------------------�-----------------p----------------------------------19-��----- �; <br /> ;i <br /> -� , - _ _. ,, _.._ _..__.� - <br /> _ _ �_�-_,--�.:�-=—__--.��.—.__—___-- —�- -_-- <br /> _ i <br /> 'i <br /> i <br />--_ i; _ _ _ ._ _ il <br />