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���`A <br /> _�. <br /> �L�J�j� �d�J���� ���� ��J <br /> �-=-,�_a--._.. _.__._.__ _._. . <br /> �__3�-- ___ .___�-_=_ _._..:� _�_._�__�.._.-�-��-�-.___.___ _._�_.��..���-- <br /> 7VSY4—'STATEJAURNALCOMPANY,LINCOLN.NHB. � .... ._. _ ...... .__.,_...._. . .. .. .. ..., . . <br /> -�v:.__.,._.�,�:, .,...-..:�.::......... _�._..-. .,_.._.. :�__,.._ ._ -_-, � ___—_::c:--�__�--�_—x,���._.�._..__�._�–,_.-__;_f�._..� <br /> ..�__ _ ..'__. ..._.__._ :! <br /> I�FRO.M � � I liereby certify that this instrument was en�ered on Numerical Inde� a�nd <br /> ;� <br /> ------�'lora__I�.N1chols,8- -�,nd._.husband-- - --- f�led for record t�is-------------I�'.._--------------------�a� of----February--------------- �� <br /> 'i <br /> ���� . y <br />' --------------------------------------- <br /> ------ - --- - -- ---- --- - - <br /> �larrantp �. D. 1�__._�9. -� �t-----. .. ---?.20-- -- ---- -� - ------o'clocic..:.P�_h1. j <br /> TO �Qe� ��-c�-�1 � �'j� <br /> ;y'. <br /> �iC� 4, <br /> "___ " ""__ '•"""' ' ___"" ,1 <br /> . "' ' __' """" ' """' '•"' ' _ ' <br /> � ' '------f/--"""""'• ; <br /> AlPred S.Nicholas and Flora Ad. Register of Deeds, ; <br /> -------------------------------------- ----------------------------- ------- ---- <br /> ; <br /> ;�,� <br /> BJ-------�------------------------------------------�-�-----------...-------• i <br /> -----Nicholae,---or_ survivor------ -- --- - -- -- � De ut . ' <br /> p y <br /> ��C�t�ru� �t�� ��rt b�� ��r�e��e �x��e���t��: � <br /> ,.. <br /> THAT________Flora M..Nicholas and AlPred S.Nicholas, wife and husband :j <br /> -- - -- -- -- - -- - --------------�--------- - ------ - -------- -- ----------- - -- ------ -- -------- ---------- ---------------------- --._..--------------- ----------------------------- <br /> ----- -----------------------------------------------�-------------------- ---------------------- ------------------------- ------------_._---------- ------------------------- ---------------------...----...-------....-------------------------------------- ' <br /> ., of the Count� af-----�Vlez'r1Ck-------------and State of--------------Nebra�tka-------------------------- --------------------- -----C�rantor--8-------; in consideration i' <br /> of the sum of----------On�---Do1lar.---��d__other__valuabl,e.-considerati_on----------- --------- ------------- --------------------------------------'�,�.��-�-h'S, '°' <br /> in hand paid, do__.___.__..___herevy GPf�A%T, Bf1PG�1IN, SELL, AND CONVEY unto ______�1Pred__S.,_Nicholas and Flora �. � <br /> 3 <br /> -- --- -- ------------ ------------------- ,: <br /> __.__Nicholas,___as_._,�_oint tenants �,nd_not as tenants in common <br /> ---- -------------- - ---------- ------ ------------ -- - ----- ------------------- - -------- ---- ----- ------- -�-------------...------------------------- �� <br /> �; <br /> of the Cou�2ty �f------------�erriek--------- ------and state of----- ---- --------- ------Nebraska--------- ------------ --------- -- - ---� Grantee-----------., the following ,; <br /> deseribed premises, sit�s,ated in the County of_______._.___.________.___xall__________________.._._______ _. . __.and State of Neba°aslca, to-wit: ' <br /> , ,; <br /> .___C_en'�er__Fort,y_-four___(�)___PPet oP Lota six ( 6)_ and 8even (7) in F ractional Block Twenty-sev�n ; <br /> --------------- ---- ----- - ------------ ---- - -- ------ -------- -- ------- -- ----- ----- -�-------�-- ------�--- , <br /> ____.��'j_��'�n_�c�'°�irnmer's_ Addition to the City of Grand Island,Ha11 County, Nebraaka, being a r�c�an«- <br /> --......... .... .. ------------------- ------ .� <br /> ____�;�zc_t_ of___ground_haning___a westerly frontage oP _forty-four (44,) _feet on Eddy Street in ; <br /> - - --- ------ -- - ------�-------- ------ ----- ---- ----------- <br /> _.____said_ City___and___extendin�_b�ek__a__distane� of__on� hundred five and six-tenths (1��.6) feet. !! <br /> - -- ------ ------------ -------------------- --- ----- ----------- ------ --- ------------- ---------- ------- , <br /> ---------------------------------------------------�--....-------------------------------------------------------------------------�---------------------------------------------------------------------�------------�----...----------------------------�------------ �, <br /> ( THE I1�TENTION HFREOF BEING THaT UPON THE �EATF� OF O1�TE �F THE GRANTEES ABOVE NAAdED THE ENTIR� <br /> -- - -- ---------- ------ ---------------�--------- ----------- -- ---------- ------- ------ ----- ------ ----- - ----------- ----------- --- --------- � <br /> i; <br /> -----.FEE__SIMPLE---`PITLE__SHALL_PASS_..IN._THE--SURVItTING...GRANTEE)---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------.- iI <br /> ------------ „ <br /> ��„ <br /> -----------------------------------------------------------------------�--------------�----------------- ----------------------------------�- ------� �� <br /> � <br /> - ---------------------------------------------- -------------------------�-- <br /> ------------------ !i <br /> �I <br /> ��� Together with all the tenements, hereditaments, anr� app2crtena.nces, thereunto belo�agdng, and all the �state, Right, Title, I�iterest, Dower, j� <br /> Curtesy, Claim and Demand ivlza�tsoeve�- of the sa�d Gran�tor_�..___:., a�7.s+�`..e�.�,ea=c�.,#,h�, of, i,n or to the same, o�° an� part ther•eof. � 'f � <br /> (�1 0 �MUP Mit� #A �Ul� the avove described premises, u;itli the appurtenances, unto thc said 4rayatee.._.___.._.and to_.__.________._________________heirs ii <br /> ���� and assigns forever. And_..__W�______..__hereb� covenant__...__zvitli the �aid (�rantee___.____that_.___._____..___�B_.__..____....___Izold__...__saed premises by �, <br /> �� <br /> „ <br /> good and perfect title; that_._.._.______.______�!�_____._.__.__yza_v�___qood ri�ht and la2rf2cl aicthor•it� to sell and conve� the same; that thef a�•e free and �� <br /> i; <br /> ` clear of all liens and i�iczcmbr•ances uwhcctsoever-----......_.------------.------------_-----..._.----- --------------------------_.--------.- '� <br /> -------- - - - -- - I <br /> - -- - - - --- - - ---- �-- <br /> , <br /> --------------�------------------ -----------------------------._------ _---------------- -- - ----- --- - ------- <br /> ------ -------------- -- --- ---------------- -- - , <br /> ---- -------- -- <br /> . _.. -------------------------�--- ------------ �� <br /> .----------------------- --- -- ----------------------------..._-- - -------------- ---.._ - - --- - -- - - ------------------------- - - �i <br /> - --------- ---------- - --------�-- - -- --------------------------------- <br /> -- ----- � <br /> 4 <br /> And................._..___.___�?�.__._._.___._.________________________.__ covenant___._.___._to zvarrant and defend the said preniises agai�zst tlie lawful claims of all per- �I <br /> sons who��isoever __.______._ � <br /> -- -- - ---- ---- - - --- ------------- --- -- �i <br /> --- -- - - -- - ------ ------ - -- � --- _- <br /> - ----- ---. ---- <br /> _----------------- - ---- -- ----- � <br /> ---- - - - - ------- , <br /> , <br /> ` ---------------------------------------------- - --- ------ --- - ,. <br /> , -------- -------- ------ -------------- ----------- - - -- - - - - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------..... i <br /> . <br /> , <br /> ------------------------------------------� ------------- ------------------------ ---------------- - +i <br /> . ..--- --- -- � - ---------- - ---- --- --------------------------------------- - -- ---- ---------------- -- --- - <br /> ---------- ;� <br /> I Dated the -..._.._---.��- J f ��' <br /> - ----------- -- -- --- ------- -------da2 0 --- - --- ------- _�...----- -- --------------- --- - !� <br /> ----- ------- --- --------A.. D. 19__�.�.fi_._.. <br /> ; <br /> ;{ <br /> WITNESS --- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- <br /> , <br /> . . --------._. I� <br /> -----------�-------------=------ - - -- ------------------------------------------------------------� <br /> Flora �. <br /> ----------------Lillie--�Ia�---Lambert--------------------------------- - ---- - - Nicholas I� <br /> Alfred S.Nicholas �. <br /> ' M.V.Lambert �----------------------------------------------�------------------------------------------------��------- ±� <br /> �------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------- � <br /> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------��-----...... <br /> , <br /> ;! <br /> STATE OF NEBRASgA, � <br /> ss. On this---------��' --------da2 0 -----�----------- - �a ---------------------------_ --------A. D. 19----�-7---, be orc me, ; <br /> Merrick � ----- - ✓ f -----------3' - f �{ <br />, - - - ----------- --- ----------------Count�, <br /> �1 <br /> ,� <br />�', the undersigned, a Notary Public---------___---------__--._-_----------_-a,vithin ancl for• said County, personally came------_---------_-------------------------•------------------_. .---••- i <br />' " _Flora---�.Nicholas---and--Alfred---S.hTicholas,_. wiPe_..and__husband------------------------------------------- ! <br /> ;; <br /> - -._.. - -------------- --------------------- -- ------ ------------------------------------- I <br /> - - -- ------------ ----------------- -------------------------------- --------------------- ,; <br /> to me personally kno2�n to be the identical pe�rs�7a_S_______whose nccn2e__H____8x'�________._.._.____._____._..___affi�ed to the � � '� <br /> . ! ' <br /> above instrunie�zt as grantor.a..____._, and_...__ . ___.��______ ________severall� acicno2vleclye ;tlie same to be__OLiY_____ '' <br /> �� volunta��� act and deed for the purpose therei7i e�pl°essed. j <br /> IN 1�ITNESS WIIEPEOF, I hc�ve he�•eunto saabscribed my name and affixed my official seal at__._______.____. :; <br /> ( SEAL) Palmer Rlebra�ka ir� said C ount ;� <br /> -------------'-- ----- ---------------'---------------------------------------y-on the date las� above written. , <br /> . 1�.V. amb �I <br /> ---------�-----------�----------------------- <br /> ------- -------------------------ert------------------ i <br />� � � Notary Public. '' <br /> M'� commissio.n expi��es------------------------------- --------------------------....------�ii&r'Ch -6--'---------------Y9-��----- ` <br /> ----- ------------------------- �, <br />____.__�� -.-�,; _-_ �_.__ _ _�_ _ .::�_��..-__�-__�_,_�__-__�—����_:=�-__�._.__���__u._ _— __. -_ _ <br /> � =�-_. . � _--, . .. �: � <br /> i � <br />� ,� _ i '� <br />