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� ,p f", <br /> ��.� <br /> ���L��� 1 511�L��� w�/.J�� Z!,J V��� ���J <br /> -�---�-,. _ �<. .-- _._ _ . . _ . <br />_ - ._ ,__. __. . .. �_-.�.=- �__.�-_-�_—___� .� <br /> �$�$-�XTL J�iCT1ffVAi:�C�T�I1fA73'l.LINC�LN,AC+`�:_ _ --:_"`�_ �._. <br />----_:..._ -: . __. : � :._ _ ---- <br /> . ___ __------ ___�_.�_._____..__�._. _._�_._.__, _._� <br /> rj <br /> FRO✓YI I he�•eby certif� that this instrument was entered o�z N2cmerical Index a�nd `� � <br /> �� Wi1T i��.m Ro ue t & w if e � � <br /> '------�-�-�--�----�------------�----.q...- ------ ---- - -- --�------ --� �---�- -�--- led or record this---------�--- - - ---.._-��-----------�----da� o FPbPt�&T' '� <br /> � f 3 � f--�------- - ---- - Y-------------- � <br /> ,, <br /> � �( <br /> � ---- �larrantp ts. D. �s-3-9--- --, at----. ._ -- ------1-�la- ' ; <br /> ---------------------------- ------------..._ - - -- -------- -- -- - ..o clock---_.P...1�1. i! <br /> T� �eea i <br /> Q �� C���-�� � <br /> � <br /> ---------- ------ ---- ----------------------------------------�------------------------- - <br /> ---------,-- � <br /> ---------C._E.---&--Alma_.J_.Clar'k---------------- ------------- Register of Deeds, �i <br /> ,i <br /> i <br /> „ <br /> �'J------- -------------------------------------------------------------------� ! <br /> De ztt I <br /> ----------------------------------------- ------ --- ----------- --- -- - -- - -- ------- � p �' <br /> 'j <br /> i <br /> ��C�t�a� �t�� ��ert b�� c� ��e,�� ���e���t��: � <br /> ; <br /> THAT_..___.______�lilliam__Roquet anc� Katie RQq�tet, Husband and Wife, . ,; <br /> - -- -- -- -- - --- --- -- -------.. . ---------- <br /> - ---- - ----- -- ---- ---- ------ <br /> -------- ---._ -- ----_.__ � <br /> of the County �f---_. ---H�.11-- - - - --and State of---------- --- -- - ----------------NebT'&Ska,- --- -------- ----- - - -- - -.Grantor_e_.------� in eonsideration 'i <br /> One Dollar anc� other congideration ;, <br /> of the sum of---------------------------------- -- -- ----- ------------ - ----- - - ----------- ----- ------ - �--------- ------ ---- ---------- -. --- --- ------ --------------------------------•-----H'9�b�4��S, '; <br /> in hand paid, do__________.___.hereb� GRANT, BARGAIIIT, SELL, �iND CONVEY unto .__C..E,Clark and _Alma J_._Clark ��! <br /> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- ------------------------------ ---------...------------ ; <br /> ------------------ <br /> Ha.Il Nebraska _____. ,____ ___ _ , Grantee�s____.____, the following 'I <br /> of the County �f------ -------- ---- ----- ---- ---- - -----and State of----�------ ------ --------- ----------------------- ----- :i <br /> described premises, sitecated in the Count� of_____________________Ha.Il ___ ___. _ _ _._and State of Neb�•aslca, to-wit: I' <br /> ------_.Lot--F-our---�-��----�,x�__B�..Q_�l�___One----��-�- --9f--G�or�e.- �,oan-�-�---$t�bd��---the_.So.u__th---pa.rt_.:-0�---the--------------------- '' <br /> _ West One-h�.lf_ (�l2) oP _the__ Northwest_ One-quarter (NWa) of Seetion 10 Townahl '' <br /> - - -- - - ------ - --------------- - --- -- ---'-- ------ P---11, ffiorth �i <br /> ,.; <br /> , _ _Range---Nine. t�e at---6th P.b�.----in---Granc�---Isl�.nd,---------------------------------------------- ----------- - �' <br /> . .---- ---- - -�-- ---- , <br /> -------�------------------ --------- ----------- ; <br /> ,, <br /> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ <br /> -- ----- --------------------�-------- - ---..._-----------------------------�-----�------�----�----------- <br /> ---- !i <br /> g1.50 I.R.�tamps ) ; <br /> -------�-----------------------------------------�---------------------------------------------------�- --Car�c-e�]��c�----- -----=-------------�---------------------------------- ------_..------------- ----------------------------....---- - ----- ii <br /> 'i <br /> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------.._�-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --- ---- �, <br /> �i <br /> ,i <br /> ----- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---�--=--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------�------------------------- - - <br /> - ------------------------------�----------- ,I <br /> �i <br /> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---- ----------------------------------------------- - --------------------------------------------------------- -------•-----•--------------------------------- 'i <br /> -- ---------------------•---•- -----------�---------------------------- ----•------------- ---- ----------------------------------------------------------- � <br /> ---------- --�------------------------------------------------------- ------------- <br /> r <br /> '� Together with all the tenements, lzereditaments, and app2crtenunces, th ereunto belo�zging, a7id all the Estate, Right, Title, Iryzterest, Dower, i� <br /> � Curtesy, Claim and Demand wf�atsoever of the said Gra7ito�S.____, a�i-e�si#������w�,, of, 4,n or to the sanae, or any part thereof. �i <br /> . �� �MUP Mit� ttt ��t(� the above desc�•ibed prem2ses, witic tlie appurtenances, u:n�o the said Gra�zteeS__..__._anc� to_.____.Zheil'_____________heirs `� <br /> and assigns fo�°ever. And_..._..1�e._.__._..__hereb� eozena�at________2citfa t7ze said Grantee�____.__that.__._._____._.we______________________.___Iaold_.._.:__said p�°emises by '� <br />�� ��good and perfeet title; that_________._._.�`:e____.__._...___l�ccVe.___.goocl rigFzt a�ad lawful a2ctho�°it�'� to sell ancl eonve� tlae san�e; that the� a�•e free and �� <br /> I <br /> elear of all tiens and ineumUrances whatsoezer__.----------------------.-----.-------------------_ -----------.-----------.---------..- ;I <br /> -------- - - ------ -- -- ---- -�- - ------ <br /> ;� <br /> -------�----------�------------------------------�----------- - --------- ----------------- ---- - -- - --- --- -- ------------------------- - - ----------- -------- ----�------ -�-----------------------------�-------------- - --- ------ �I <br /> � <br /> i <br /> -------�---------- --------- - ----------------------------- ---�- ----------------- -- ---- - --- -- -- - -----._....-------------..._-- - --------�------- -_.... ----- ---- ---- ---------------------- I� <br /> --------------- ------ -- <br /> �� And______________..__..___._.___.._we_____.__._.....___..._._________ covenant, 2varrant and defend the said preniises against tlie lazvful claims o� a�ll per- � <br /> I <br /> sons ivhomsoever -- ----- ------ -- --- -- - -- -- - --- ----------- ---- --- - -- -- -...-- - --------------- - -- ---- - - -- -- <br /> �I <br /> ----- -�--------------------------------- -- ---- --- -------- �, <br /> ,� <br /> ;i <br /> i-------------------------------------------- ---- --- --- -- ------ ------------- ----------....-------- --------------- --- ---- - --------------------------------------------- ------- -------------------------- ---------------� il <br /> --------------------------------------- ---- ---- --------- -- ...- - -------------.,.---------- --------- -- - ---- - ----- - --- ------- ------------------------------------- -------------...----------------- -- --- --- ii <br /> Dated the- ------- ---- --- 1 S t _------da� nf__-- -- - ---------Fe bruary- ------------------------------- _ �, <br /> ----- - -- -- -- ---- ------- - -------A.. v. 1�----39--� ; <br /> � <br /> tiVITNESS �----------------------�----------------------------------------�------------------------- ---�------._. � <br /> C.T.Flower ------------------------------Will iam Roquet----------�-----------�-------- ; <br /> � --� l, � <br /> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - ------------ <br /> �------------------------------K�.tie Roquet <br /> i <br /> � �) � <br /> ..-------.. <br /> . <br /> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --- ------------- ,! , <br /> --------------------------------------------------�----------------�-�---------------------------------- : � <br /> STATE OF NEBRASgA, ) <br /> ; }ss. on this----- --- 2nd------.._.da?� �f-------------Februa.ry-------------------------------------�. D. 19--39----, be ore me, ;� � <br /> ---------------------Hall- ----------------CountJ, � f - <br /> ` the 2cndersigned, a Notar� Publie----.-_-______-___----------_--------within and for said County, personcclly eame------------------------------------------------------------------ ------- f i <br /> Willia.m noquet and Katie Koquet, Hugband and �Vife �� '', <br /> - -----�------ - -------------- ---- ------ --- ----- ----------- ------ ----------------------------- ----------- <br /> -----------------_._..---�--------- ----------------------------------------- !� <br /> �. <br /> I �I <br /> - --- ------------------------------- ---------------------- --- ----------- ------------- ----------------------------------- j <br /> --- ----- ------------------ - <br /> ----------------- �: <br /> ---------- �, �� <br /> above nst un entkas��rantore She ideand al_�ethP,y--- ---whose �eme�allv__areow----------------------------a�`�theire ;; ` I <br /> g , ,/ 7edged the sanie to be____________________ �; � <br /> � volunta7�� aet and deed for the purpose therei�t expr•essed. �# <br /> ,, <br /> ����. � IN 7�ITNESS tiVHER�OF, I have liereunto subscribed my name and affi�ed my offieial seal at___._._._____.__. ji I <br /> ( SF.�A.L) �i <br /> Gr_Rri�__�_B�.�I��,__._in_._�aid__�ou71t�__________on the date last above written. ', <br /> . C.T.Flo�re r ":i <br /> ------------------------------------------------�-------------�----------------------------------------- '' <br /> � � Notary PuUltic. ��! <br /> `i il <br /> ;; M� eommissio.n expires----�----------------------------------------- ----- ---�---- - ------September---�-------19�'3------ ;� <br /> � <br /> ___. ___ _ _ <br />___.__� �-_�__ ____.__ ...._: , _ _.. � <br /> `! � <br /> ;i � <br /> ;i . <br />