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I�J---�-�--- at------ --- ---•---5.- --- --- -------o'clocic _.A•__�1. ,� .: <br /> ---------------------------- -- -- - ...TO -- - <br /> - --- -- -- - -- - �larrantp , -- Z1 � <br /> ;; <br /> - �eea - <br /> ------- ----- ------------------------------- <br /> C�"����------------------------- --------- i <br />' ' -----------------�-da,---B_..DeVeT,---�1_Pe------�-------------�------ Register of Deeds, i <br />��' � � ' <br /> BJ------- -----------------------------------------------------------------� i� <br />� ------------------------------------------ -�----- -- ----- ------ -- - ------- ---- Deputy. j! <br /> � � <br /> �K�t�a� ��� ��e�t �� �����e �x���rt��: �i <br /> �'rank H.Dever husband " <br /> TfIAT---------------------------------------- --- - '----- -----...-------------. _._ - - _-- -- - --------- ---- -- ....----------------------- -- -------------------- --------------------- � <br /> --- -------------------- <br /> ,, <br /> � <br /> ---------------------------------------------------------- - ---------�--------------- --------------------- -------------------------------------------------- <br /> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- � <br /> � t� <br /> of the Count� of------------H87,1------.----and State of---------------------------.N�br8.Sk8 ---- ------ ------- -- --._Grantor------------, in consideration �'� <br /> of the sum of__..__.._..Dne___dollar_Lave___and aff�ction, ,j <br /> -- - ------ -- --- --- - - - - - _ --- - - -- ------- ------ --- ------ ----- -- ----------- ----------------------------------------DOLLARS, ;, <br /> ; <br /> in hand paid, do__._________.herevy GRANT, BARGAIN, SELL, AND CONVEY unto ____Id�el__B_,Dever,.__his wife,__ _ i <br /> � <br /> ------------------------------ -------------�-------------------------------------------.. <br /> ;� <br /> - -�--------------------------- -- ----------------------- ------------------------------- ; <br /> - ---------------------��-------------�----�-�----------...------ <br /> of the County of-------------H811 f ') <br /> - ---- - -- --- ---------and State o -----�---------------Nebra�k&----------- ------------------ - ----- ---- Grantee------------ the folloaving �; <br /> HaII 'i <br /> deseribed premises, situated i�z the CountJ of-_----------------------_--_--_-.-------_------__----_-------_------__-------------and State of Neb�°aslca, to-u�it: ! <br /> �� �l <br /> 'i <br /> --------------------------------------------�---------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------- -------------------- --�--------------------------_..--------�------------------------------ ':I <br />� _._.�,ot__.TMO__(_2)___in__I�lock___Fift�!Pn___(I_5.)___Wallich's Addition to the City of Gr�.nd Island, �: <br /> - - - -------- -- ----------- --------- ----------- ---- ---------._._ _. - ----------�---�•--------------------- ---- ;i <br /> � <br /> ---HaII...C�unt-y-�----Nebraska.--------------------�-------------------------------------------------------------------- i <br /> ..---------------�----�------------- - ------------ ----------------�---------------------------------- , <br /> i; <br /> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------�------------------- ---------------------.._....------------------------------------------------------------------- <br /> ---------------------------------�-------�------ <br /> ---....--�----- i' <br /> ;i <br /> --------------------------------------------•--....-•-•------------------ ------------------------------- ---------------------•----------------•-----------------------._....-------------------------------------- ---------------•------------------------------- 'I <br /> ----- -------------------------------�-----------------...----------------------------------�----------------- ------__.--- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- fl <br /> � ,� � <br /> �, <br /> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -----�- ------ ----- ----------------------------------------�- --- ------------------------------------------------ � <br /> � ---�-----------�-------------�---------------------- ;� <br /> ----------�-----------------------------------------------------------------------�-------------- -- ------ ---------- ---------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------- � <br /> Together with a-ll the teneme�nts,� hereditaments, and appurtenayaces, thereunto belonging, and adl the Estate, Right, Title, Interest, Dou;er, <br /> ;� <br /> i <br /> �' Curtes Claim and Demand wha�tsoever of the said GYr�antor•________ a�-rrf�itlter�ef-ti�cm of i7z or to the sanze or• an� �� <br /> y� , , , , ,/ part thercof. �; <br /> , <br /> i; <br /> (�!U ��UP Mlt� #� �A�� the above described �remises, witla the appurtenances, u�ito the said G�•antee______.___and to_____._. ..h�r_____...._heirs 'i <br /> � <br /> I <br />' and assigns forever. And-------_-Z_---------hereb� covenant-------.with the said (�rantee--_._-----t)eat_--___--------------I-_-----------------]colcl--------sa�d pr•emises b� ;, <br />��, ��9ood and perfect title; that__._.____________________._..___.ha_Ve____�oocl ��iylzt and lawful aicthority to sell and conve� tlze sa�ne; tjiat tycey a�•e free and !� <br /> i. <br /> j clear of all liens and iazczcmb�°ances whatsoever------..----------------------------------------------.------------------ - � <br /> - -- --. --------- -- - --- <br /> -- -- - ..---- - ---- -- ._ li <br /> � <br /> „ <br /> r <br /> ., <br /> -- ------ ------ --- -----------------------------�----- --�---------------- - - -- ---- ------ --------------------------- - ---- -----------------------�----- ------..._ --- ---.....----------�------------- - ---------- i <br /> ,� <br /> ----------�----------------- -- -----------------------------------------------------__...- <br /> - - - - ----- ---- ------- ----- ----- - -- --- �! <br /> -------------- ----- -------------- --- <br /> -- ---� ------------------------------------- � <br /> And. .................. . ......._ __.___. ____._ .. ___.__ _.._____ w�rrant a�zd defend the said p7�eniises against tlie lazvful claims of all pe�•_ �� <br /> � <br /> sons whomsocver - -- -- -- ------------------- ---- I; <br /> - --- ---- - --- --- - -- -- - <br /> ---- -- --- -- ----- - ----- ------- -- ------_---------------- ------------------ -------------�-- -------- <br /> ,, <br />; ---------------------------------------------- - --- ------- ------- -- ---- _-- --------------------------_...-- ------- �i <br /> --------- -------------------------------------------------------- <br /> - ------------- --------._--------- -• j; <br /> ,, <br /> ----------- - �--------------------_._..- -� ------------ -- ----------�---------------------------- ---- --- -- --- - -- - -- ------------------ ' <br /> - - --------------------------------- ----------------- -------------- --------- I� <br /> I - - - -------- --------day nf..._...----------F'.ebruary,-- ------ - ------------- ---- � ;, <br /> Dated the----- ------ ---1�------------ - --- -- - -._.__._A.. D. 19:37__._.. <br /> �I <br /> ' tiVIT1VESS --------�-----------------------------------------------------------------------------� <br /> � <br /> ------- -- - ,� <br /> ----- --------------�--.Frank H.Dev�r �I <br /> ------------Paul---C._Hu�ton -- -- -------�-------------------------------------------------------------� , <br /> -- -- -- - -------------------------------..----- ------------- ! <br /> �--------------------�-----------------------------------------------...----------------------------�---- �, <br /> ,� <br /> .--------�----------------------------�-------------------------------------------...----- ------------- Ci <br /> � <br /> i STATE OF.NEBRASgA, l j <br />� }ss. On this--------i6--- ------------da o F �1?Y'Liar -------A. D. 19--�-7----, before me, � <br /> Hall y f---------------------� - - - y-------------- ------- - <br />, --------------------------------------------...__CountJ, � I; <br />', ' the undersigned, a Notary Public----__..__----------___-_----_----_----within and fo�• said County, personc�lly came----------__-----------------------_-------------------------_-------- i� <br /> �'rank H.Dever � <br /> � <br /> ' - ------ ------------ ----- - ---- --------- ----- ------------------ ------------------------- ------------------- -------------- ------------- ----------- - I <br /> ----- ------------------------- � <br /> ' to me personall� knozvn to be the identical perso�i__...____._ZVhose name________1_8..._________.________._.___..__.________aff�xecl to tlae � <br /> , <br /> �� above instruntie�it as grantor._____.___, and. he__ ______ _______seve�-ally acicnowledfe�the same to be___ ___Y118. � <br /> volzcntcc�-y aet and deed for the pu�r•pose thereira expl-essed. � �i <br /> �I <br /> ', IN tiVIT�17ESS tiVHEREOP, I have hereunto szcbscribed my name and affi�ed my official seal at_�?raTld_ i� <br /> �, <br /> Island, in said County, _ _ on the date last above written. I <br /> ( SEAL} Paul C.Hu$ton il <br /> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------..-�--------- i� <br /> �;� � � ltiotary Public. I <br /> M� commission e�pires-----�-----------------�------- --- ------ --------------------------•---------------Ju11e.--21'-------------------------19�"I__.._. ii <br /> � <br /> _._._ -- - _.� _.::.. _:�__�. �__:�_-�.�w�:_=:_�_T.._�_�__—_�--_�—:� _—�__�_=� � <br /> L ., �� <br />