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�,��� <br /> ��� <br /> � � �J�J� ��j�."'J �� � � � � O 0 <br /> � � L✓J � �� ��J <br />�--.� � _ �__ ,.�� � � _---_��� .�_ - _— <br /> q _. _.__ . _., e�. �� <br /> I �S4S STATE JOURNAL COMPANY LWCOLN NEB. � ��� � � �� - � �-- - - �� � �-�- � ���'� � � ���� <br />=-.:�"'i '..._ ..!.. .__�_..__. ., . ,. .,_�. .. . . . .n.�_�_..._�..�_''�__ ' <br /> � � � FRO�lI I hereb� cert�ifJ tyaat tliis i�asty2ament was entered o�i Numerical Index a�nd ',�� <br /> .G�07'�C---R.DeSaP arid t��lf e------ ---- ------ - -- . filed for record tliis----..3----- - ------ ------------------�aJ �f-----------DBcember---------- �. <br /> - i <br /> �larrant fl. D. 19---'��----� at.---- ---- -��.:_�� ----- ------- --dclock---.A.._.�s. ;; <br /> ------------------------------------- - p <br /> -- -- ---- -- . . - - - - -- - - <br /> � , <br /> To �eea � .��� �; <br /> � �; <br /> ------- ---- <br /> , , <br />; -------------------�----------------------------=���--------...__. ,; <br /> '.Opt2I__M.P_f erSOI------------------------------------- ---------- -- Register of Deeds, ! <br /> ; <br /> 'I <br /> I `�'' <br /> BJ-------------------------------------------- ,, <br /> ------------------------------- �.. <br /> � <br /> � Depact�, j� <br /> �_� <br /> ;. <br /> ��C�t�r�r �t�� ��ert br� ���e,��e ���e��e�t��: '' <br /> TgAT_._.__G�orge_.R.DeSoe and Paulint �,ti.DeSoe, his �rife, �! <br /> -- ----- - - -�-- -- ---- - -------- --- ----------- - --- ------ ---- ------ - „ <br /> -- -- -- - ---- - - ----------- ; <br /> �� <br /> ----- ------------------------------------------------------------ - <br /> ------ ------------------- ----------------�------------ --------------------------------�--------------------------------------------------...----------------------...------------------------ `! <br /> !4 <br /> of the Coua2t� af---------------Ht�.11------------_and State of-------------------------Nebraska-------------------- -- ----- --- -- ------- ------Grantore---------, Zn eonsideratio:n ;� <br /> �� <br /> of the sum of_._...__.___One (�1.00) Dollar and other valuable cons idenation DOLLA.I�S �" <br /> -- ---- -- ----------- - - -------- ----- ---- - --- -------- --- ---_�-------- ------- --- <br /> -------------------------- ----- ------- ----------------------------------------- , <br /> in hand paid, do______._._____hereby GPf1NT, BARGAIN, SELL, AND CONVEY unto _____�P�1_.�•PierBOl i <br /> --------------------------------- ---- --------- ----------------------._ �. <br /> ;i <br /> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------�------------------------------------ --------------------------------- � <br /> -- --------------------------------------------------------------- �---------------------------------------._ , <br /> of the CountJ �f----- -- ------Hta,ll- - --- -------and State of-----�--- -- --- -Nebr�.ska- ------ -------- ------- - --- ------� Grantee------------� the following �,� <br /> , <br /> ! described premises, sit2cated in the CountJ of-_-__--------__-------Ha�Z--------------__------------_-----__--.__---------and Stute of Neb�•as1�a, to-wit: !' <br /> ------------------------------------�-�-------------------------------------------------,.---------------------------- ----------------------------------__--------- ------------------ - ---------------------------- --------------�--------�-------------- ; <br /> _The.__�outheast__._4_SE�)_._�uarter___of__.Section._Two __(.2)___Township...�'v�e.lve___( 12) _North,Range_.:Twelye __(12_�_ <br /> � � -- ---- --- ,� <br /> _We.$_t__of__ the___6th_ P.M...,____in___Hall___County, �ebraska. <br /> -- -- -- -- -- - -- -- -- ----- --�------------- - ------ -------------------- -._ ---�- ---- -- - ----.. _..---------- �----�-------- � <br /> h,' <br /> •------------------------=---------------_._..__...-----------------------------_....----------- �' <br /> --------------------------------------- -------------------- <br /> 1.00 I.R.Stamps � ----------------�---------------------------�- <br /> �-' �i <br /> ---------------------------------------�--......---�--------------------------........---------------l-C�n-c�11.e-a-._---------- - �-- �' <br /> ------- --------------- ---------------------- - ;, <br /> -------------------------------------------------------�-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------�--------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------...__--- ;; <br /> . . ii <br /> ----- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------ --------------------------------------------------------------------- -----------__------------ <br /> ------------------------------------�--------------------------- `' <br /> j'`: <br /> ------------------------- ----------------------�--------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------- - --------------------------------------------------------__..----------------�----�---�- ----------- 4� <br /> ---------------------------------------�-----------------------------------�------------------ -- ---------- - � <br /> --------- ------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------- ------------------------------------------ II <br /> �� Together with all the tenements, hereditaments, and app2trtenances, th�7•eunto belonging, arad all the Estate, Right, Title, I�iterest, Dower, �;; <br /> ��� (7urtesy, Cla-im and Demand wlzatsoeve7• of the sazd Q'�rantor_._�_., aa�,d..c�..e,i�tl�er..n�..tb.�n, of, in or to the sanze, or an� pa��t thereof. ;� <br />'� (�� ��UP Mlt� t� ��1� the above describec� p�°enzises, u;itla the appurtenances, unto tlie said C�ran�tee__.__.__.and to_____..h�.�. ..__heirs ;� � <br /> , <br /> and assigns forever. And....._._�e__._____hereb� covena7at....___2cith the said C�rantee__._.___.__that___.._.___._�?��icZ p�°e�nises b� �i <br />' i; <br />'��� good and perfect title; that________._._w�_____________7ia_Ve___goocl riyht and lawful azt,tycority to sell and con.vey tlie scr�ne; tlaat they a�•e fre,e and ;; <br /> � <br /> I clear of all liens and incun2brances whatsoevey'----. -------- --.--- -------- ---- ---- --------- ------- -------- ----.----- -.---.-- - -- -- <br /> -- - --- --- --- •- - - ij <br />�I --.._-- -----------------------------------------------.•--.._._--- <br /> --------------- - -... - -- - - ------- ---------------- -------- - --- ------------ -- --�-- ------ --- ----- -----------...----------------- - <br /> !� <br /> ii------- I, <br /> i; <br /> -- - - ------- -- -----�----...._---------- -__ --- ------ -------- - ---- - -- ------------ --- ------------------------- �� <br /> ---..---- � <br /> � <br /> And................___..__.__.__�!e__._______.____.___.__....____.___._._ warrant ayad defend the sccid prenzise�s agai,nst the lawful claims of all per- ;; <br /> ` sons whomsoever .- ----------- _._ - -- -- - - -- ---- �i <br /> ---------------------- - -- - --�--------- -- - -- ------ ---- ---- ---- -- - ------------------- -------------------�- ----- -------------- �� <br /> �� <br /> ` --------------------------------- --�------- ------ - - ----------- - - , <br /> ---------- -------- - ---------- - � <br /> -- ----- ------ ------ -------------------------------------------------------- - ----------------- -------------..._ <br /> � ;�, <br /> i� '! <br /> --------------------------------------------------------------- -- --_-------------- --------�------------ - ---- -- --- - --- - -- --- ------------------------------------------------- - <br /> �; <br /> - ---------- ----------- -- --------- i <br /> � ��� 2nd December �, <br /> Dated ttie- --- ---- ---- ------------- - -- - -- ----- ------ ------daJ �f---- --- ------------------- --- - -------- ------------------ ------ ------ ----_A.. D. 19--3�---• � <br /> tiVITNESS <br /> � i <br /> �----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --- -- -- - j, <br /> ---------------------------Wm.P_.11t11uIl_en---- -------------------------.._---Geor e...R.DeSoe � <br /> g - --------------�-------------------------------� <br /> - - ---------------- ------ ---------� �i <br /> � Pauline 1�.D�Soe !� <br /> �-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- �, <br />� !i <br /> �, <br /> ._..-------- -�---------------------------------------------------------- --------�---- � <br />� --------- --------- ; <br /> STATE OI' NEBRASg�i, ) ' <br />' � j�ss. On this_.______.�nd December � !i � <br /> --- --- ---------day of---------------------------------------------------- - ----------------A. D. 19---3------, be ore me, �� <br /> ---------------HaII------------------------CountJ, J f ,I <br /> ., <br /> the undersigned, a Notar� Public.__.____________________.__..________.____within and for said County, personc�lly�___R._DesOt___8nd ;;j <br /> ------ ------------�-- �, <br /> , Pauline M.DeSoe, his wife, �� <br /> ` <br /> �; <br /> - - ------------ --- ----------------- --- --- ------- ---- --- -------------------- --- --- ----- ------- ---------------- --------------------- - ------------------------- <br /> ii <br /> ;I <br /> , ----- ------ --- -----�_.--- ---------- --------------- --------- -- ----------------------------------------------- ---- --------- --------- ------ ----- ----------------------------- ;, <br /> li <br /> to me personall� knoz�n to be the identical pe�•soaa__8_....__u;hose name..8..____._ar�_______.._.____._________.___u ffi�ed to tlie il <br /> r above inst7•unzent as grantor.._s___, and__.._____d�_____________._______severall� aeknou;ledged tlie same to be_._�UY' _ '� <br /> . � �f <br />� �� ( SEAL� voluntary act and deed f or the purpose therei�z expr•essed. � �' <br /> I�1T ��ITIITESS tiVFlEPEOF, I have hereunto suUscribed m� name and affi�ed m� official seal at___.____________. � <br /> � --- ----- ------- - - - --------------------------------- �ounty . j� <br /> Gi�.nd__.Island,____Nebrask�: in sald�on the date last above written. '� <br /> _. �I <br /> " W�i.P.Mullen � �) <br /> -----------------------------�--------------- I, <br /> �a-----�---------------..tiot�� PuUlic. i� <br /> �y commission expires----- -------------------------- - --- -- ----------------------------------�-------------------- --y ' 19----3----- �i <br /> ,� <br /> ^ i� <br />_=�-�.-_-_�----.:- - . .__ ._ _. - .:- _ ,. _ ..::..._ __ _:_� ____ ____ <br /> ______.�_.__._�.._._..--,-----_.__.____._._ <br /> —��._._..___._ �__ � �_._ _._. <br />� ., �� <br />