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6�a. <br /> � <br /> � 1 J � � J J � � � � � � O 0 <br /> D���� ������ � ��� ��� <br /> __ _ _ _ _ _ <br /> �.._��Y$`A.�`�=97ATE JQURNAL COMf�ANY,CINCbCN,'.NE9. _....._. . . . . _ _.._. _ .._. .. .. . ._.... _ . . . . - . . <br /> FRO.M I hereb� certify that this instrument wa-s entered on Numerical Inde� and � <br /> ' Roderick J.Max'tiri---a.nd Wife--------------- --- filed for record this----------------------10--------------------da� of--------N�yember._._.._..__._� <br />� ' � �arrantp �. n. 19-----��_� at------------------------Il :Z.5...------�------..o��ao�k.---A-�---�• <br /> ----------------- - - --- ------------- - � - -- -- -- --------------- - <br /> --TO -------- �eea � �' <br /> . , ----------------------------------���_._."_`..`:�_._._._ .�t _.'�y3(-- <br /> (/ .._...-•---- <br /> ", Count of Hall � g' f ' <br /> ------------------------------------y-------�--�--------------------------------------------- Re tister o Deeds � <br /> B�l--------------------------------------------------------------------•------. ' <br /> Depzct�. � <br /> ��t�a� �t�� ���t b�� ���e�� �x��e��e�t��: � <br /> THAT------------------Rode.x'icl�_..,T.Mart in--and---Cora__Lou._Mart in-,----his---wi fe:----------------------- <br /> -----------�--------�----------------------------------------- <br /> -----�------------------------------------�-----.._..------------------------------------------------------�---------------------�-------------------------------------------------------------�----------------------------------------------------------------------�-- <br /> '; of the County of__.__...HaII____._ __,_________._and State of__________.___.__Nebraska _Grantor8.___.____, in consideration � <br /> - --------------------------------------------------------------------------�----- <br /> '! of the sum of_.___One__Hundred FiPty_ (�I�0.00) and_ No�100 •____________________________._______DOLLARS, ' <br /> - -- ------------ ---------------- --- ------ - -------- -- --------- <br /> ! in hand paid, do_._..__.._...__hereby GRANT, BARGAIN, SELL, AND CONVEY unto .______.C_ounty of__Hall_______, _ _ <br /> --�-----------------------------�------------------------------------------------------....------------------------------------------_....----------------------------------------------...------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I <br /> ' Ht�.Il Nebra�ka-------------------------------------------------- Grantee------------, the ollowin � <br /> ! of the County �f--------------------------------------------------------and State of-----�---------------------- f 9 <br /> deseribed premises, situated in the County of.______________________Hall _ _ _ _ _._and State of ATebyaska, to-wit: <br /> ;;.; A certain tract or parcel__ of_ Lots__One (1.) and T�vo (2) , Sec tion Four ( 4) , Township Nine (9) ', <br /> %: --------------------------------- --- ------------------------------------------ -------------------------- <br /> � North Ran e Eleven (11� West bein a stri 66 feet wide, the center line of which is des— <br /> i ----------------'----------� --- - -----------------------------------'---------------g-------------------p-------------------------._...------------------------------------- <br /> --------------------------------------------------------------------------- '� <br /> �� <br /> '' cribed as be innin at a oint on the South Iine of Lot Two ( 2) , .0 feet East oP the I <br /> ;� <br /> � ------------------------------------�....----------�-----------------p--�---------..._...--------.._..-----_._....--�--------------------------------........._..._-----------.._ _55._......-----------...-------�-------------�-------------...----._..._ <br /> '. Southwe4t corner of said Lot Twro (2) ; running thence North 57 degrees 22 ' East, 9�3.1 Peet; I <br /> -------- --------- ----- ; <br /> �: runnin thence North �+ de rees 22 ' East 10 .2 Peet to a oint on the East Iine of Lot One I <br /> -------------------�----------=-----------------.._........----3---------�----------------------------....__...�_.._...__.75----------._..----._....-------------�---�----------------------------------------�----------------------------..._.-------------� , <br /> j _(1) , which is 23�,0 f eet_ South of the Northeast corner of e aid Lot One (1) �_, said_a trip con— i <br /> ----- - ---------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------- <br /> !; tainin� �._�0...�creG-r---morP-----°-r---less�----to---be__used for highway--��ur�oses-'----------�----------�------------------------------------------------------- � <br /> �: � <br /> �f -------------------------------------------------------------------------------�-----------------------------------------------------------------------------�-------------------.....---------------------------------------------------------------------...------------ ; <br /> ii -----------------------•------------................----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------•-----------------------------------------------...---------..._--------------------...-----•-------- � <br /> ;; <br /> i Together with all the tenements, hereditaments, and appurtenances, thereunto belonginq, and all the Estate, Right, Title, I�zterest, Dozcer, , <br /> ;� <br /> �; Curtesy, Claim and Demand wliatsoever of the said Grantor__S._._, a�cd-'�f�eztic�►--of-th�em, of, in or to the sanie, or any part thereof. <br /> ;; (�� ��U� �ri� #A �Al� the above described premises, witla the appurtenances, unto the said Grantee__...___..._and to_._.._._.i.t8..______..._.._heirs � <br /> i <br /> ;� and assigns forever. And__..__.__�e__._..._he�•eb� covenant_._____.2vith tlee said (�rantee________._..that______._.__.._!!�e..._____........._._..___hold__.___..sa2d premises b� '�i, <br /> ;� good and perfect title; that__..._.__.___we______________________lia__ve__.good right and lawful authority to sell and con.�;ey the sa�ne; that the� a�•e fre,e and i <br /> ; i <br /> ;� clear of all liens and incumbrances whatsoever----------------- ------ -------- --------------------- -- ---- - ---------------------------- ------------------------------------ -------------------------- ---------- � <br /> �:i � <br /> ,� --------------------------------------••---------------•••-•••----- <br /> -------------------------- ---- --- --- ------- -------------------------------------------...-- ---... <br /> --------------------•---------------------------•------...--------••---------•�---••-------. i <br /> ,' ••-----•-••--•-----•---------------••------•--------------------•-----------.._..------------- ------------- ----- -------------------------------- - --- ----- ----------------�---- -------•-----•---•-----------•---•--•-•------•------------•-------------- <br /> ,� <br /> ;; And........................._ti'4'P________________._.__________.._..._.._...__ 2t�arrant and defenul the said premises against the lawful claims of all per- ; <br /> ;I' sons whomsoever --�--------------- -------------------- --- --- --------------------------- -- - --- --�------�---------------- ----------�--------------------------------------------------------------------�--------------------------- i <br /> I <br /> !! --�-----�---------------------------�---------------------------------�----------------------�-------------------------------- ------ ---------------- -- ----------------•--------......---�-�---------------------------------------------�---------�---------• ; <br /> i <br /> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------�----------------------- ------------------ ------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; <br /> I; Dated the------------ 31st October------------ -----------�------.A.. D. 19----�-�---• � <br /> -----�---------------- ----------�-----------------�---daJ �f----- ---- ------------�---------- ------- � <br /> ! <br /> • i <br /> i WITNESS °- � <br /> ------------------------------------------•-------------- <br /> -------------------------------�------------- I <br /> ' Roderick J.�artin <br /> '� --------------------�m-�-P_.Mullen �--------------------._...----------•-------------------__...----------------------...------------------• i <br /> -- -- -- -- ----------------------------- -------------------- <br /> ` Cora Lou Martin i <br /> " �-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- � <br /> ; <br /> � ---------------------------------�----------------------.._...__.......-------------------- ------------- ; <br /> . ------------------------------------•--------------------------------_..--------------------------------. � <br /> � <br /> , � ��; � STATE OF' NEBRASgA, i <br /> ,; ss. On this--------------------- -��.18tdcc o �ctober � i <br /> Ht�ll y f--------------------------------------------------------------------------A. D. 19_...�------, before me, ; <br /> " -------------------------------------------------CountJ, <br /> ,� <br /> j; the undersigned, a Notary Public---------------__------_----_--__---------urithin and for said County, personally eame-------------------------------------------------------------------------• � <br /> . ' -------------Roderick---J.P�artin �.nd Cora Lou Martin,_..his_.wife.,----.----..---------------------------.---...------------- <br /> ;, i, �; -------------------�------------------ --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------�---------------------------------------------------------------------�- <br /> I <br /> � '' • 8 Q are------------------------------------ --a �ed to tlie � <br /> � to me personally kno2un to be the identieal perso.n.______.____whose name_.�:._.. .. �"i <br /> ; above instrunaent as grantor.__.$...._., and___________.haVe__________________severally acicnowledge�the same to be__..t�7��X':. I <br /> I <br /> voluntary aet and deed f or the purpose therein e�pressed. � <br />' 'i IN WITNESS tiVHEREOF, I ha e hereunto subscribed m� name and a�'i�ed my o�`icial seal at__________________ � <br /> �ounty � <br /> ,;; ( SEAL) Gra�1d,.__IS.7„axld_,_1�I�_bx't�sk�.___in_..�a�,.si___�__.__on the date last above written. ' <br /> Wm.P.Mullen <br /> , --------------------------------�---------------------------------------------------y----------------- <br /> Notar Public. I <br /> �! �y commission e�pires------�-------------------------------------------------------�---------...---------------------�ay--�i---�--------------------19---�-'>---- <br /> — __ .� <br /> ',� I <br /> _ � i <br />