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��'��: <br /> � <br /> ���� � ��> > � D � � � 0 <br /> � � ���JL✓J�� _� ��� ��J <br /> _�...__. ____.v __._,__ �.. _�—._____._____.._..�_________._.�,�___.._ <br /> _.�._. ._,,-- _.w.._,_�.____r._____ <br />. . —STATE JbURNAL�OMPANY.IiNCOLN.NEB. .. . . .-. .. . . .-...-_.. ... ..........._. . _... . ...__ .._._. . . _ . ... . . . <br /> ._._,.� _ ._.___.. __ . . ... <br /> ...,. ..... ._.._.._,__. _._....._._� _..�. <br /> _____.._.__.____ �._� ..- !. . . <br /> FRO.�YI Z hereby certify that thos i�zst��ument uas entered on Numerical Index and � <br /> _..HaZe1...Fehr`enk�mp .ar1d----------- --------------------- filed for record this_------------Z---------------------------da� of----November � <br /> ---- _----------------- ;. <br /> �I <br /> . i; • <br /> ---Axnol.d_.E,_�ehrenkamP -- - - --- - ----- ------- �laCCallt �. D. 19_.3_�----� at------- ---- -- I0...00------------ --- __._dclock--�----�'-�D�i. <br /> p ;� <br /> To �eea - ; <br /> � � <br /> ��� � ,� : <br /> ---------:----------------- -- . <br /> --------------------------------------------�� <br /> . ---- -----------�------ ;; <br /> ___Alm_�___S�huff___&__Le_ster__E.SchufP___._.._ Reg2ster of Deeds, �j <br /> „ <br /> �i <br />, B�-•------------...-----•-----•------------•-------�-------------•---------� ;j <br /> ----------------------------------------------------------------- ---- --- -- -=---------� Dep2cty. ij <br /> il <br /> ,� <br /> ��C�t�a�r �z� ��e�t b�� ��r���e ���e��e�t��: �; <br /> ,, <br /> Ht�zel Fehrenk�� and Arnold E.Fehrenkam hPr huGband �' <br /> THAT------------------------------------------ -----P-- ----------- ---------- --- ---- - ------------- ---------p-'----...'- ---�-----'=- ------------------------------------------ - ---- -=- ------------ --------------------------- � <br /> I <br /> ; <br /> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- <br /> ----------------------._.. -- ---- --------------------------------------�--------------- -------------------------------------------------------�---------------------------------- � <br /> jI <br /> of the CountJ �f----- -- -- Hal�.- -- ------ --_and State of - ---------- -Nebraska------------- ----------- ---- ------- -- - -- - - - --.Grc�ntor--G-------� Zn consicleration il <br /> j; <br /> i� <br /> of the sum of---------Or�.e---Doll_�r---a,r1d_o_th-�r -�ood---t�.nd._v_����ble---cQ_��ic�.er�t_�o�i- ---------------------------------------------------T3FN�r,zq�. :I <br /> il <br /> in hand paid, do_.__.._______1ie�•eby GRANT, 73ARGAIN; SELL, AND CONV�Y unto __._____..Alma_.Schuff___and_Le_s_ter___E.,5chuff,____.__ (� <br /> ,, <br /> ----her__husbf�nc�.--anc�---t°---tlie---s_urviv4r--o-�---thPi��o�._n�---�enant-s-,----ns�t---a-s---_t�nan.�s---in---c.ommnn--------------------------- i, <br /> ii <br /> of the County of_----- ----HalZ-------- -- - -- -------and State of----- -----------Neb7�'a��a---------------- ----------- -- ---- ----- ----� Grantee------------, the following ;I <br /> Hall �� <br /> described premises, situated in the CountJ of----------------------------------------------------------------------------------_and State of Neb�°aslca, to-wit: '; <br /> t �I <br /> „ <br /> ----Z.,ot-�----�T�r��---(_9. .---�,�d___T_�x�----�ZO)-,�---in_.Block._Nineteen.---(1�9-?-,---M_orrill----s---Ad�.it_ion---t-o----the__.City---of------------------- ! <br /> � <br /> .__Gr�nd__I slan�._,___Hall___Count��_,___Nebraska �� <br /> - -- - - -- --- --------- -------- ---------- ------- ------ ----- �--- ---- ----- - -- - <br /> -------- -- ---- � <br /> �; <br /> ----------�------------------------------------------------------------�------------�----------------- --------------------�------------ --------------�-----------_.---�----------------------- '� <br /> 1Z.04 I.R. Stamp� ) � <br /> ---------------------------------------------------------------------- � ---�a�ce�-�:��.-- - . ;i <br /> -------------�-------------------- - <br /> -----�---------------------------------------------�- � <br /> -------------------------------------------------------------------- ', <br /> -------------------------�------------ ------- --- , <br /> i <br /> , <br /> --�_------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ._---------�---�--------------�-------- � <br /> ------- <br /> ; <br /> ----- -------------------------------------------�----------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------- ---------------------------------------�---------------------�---- - ; <br /> -------- i <br /> � � <br /> ----------------------•------------•-•--------•--•---------------------------•-------------------------------- -------- ---- ------------------•------ ------ -----------------------------------------------------------------------••---•---•�------------- <br /> iI <br /> ;I <br /> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----- ----- ---._..- -- -------------------- --------�-----------------------�---------------�------------------------•--------•--------------------------- 'I <br /> I <br /> ��Together uwith a,ll the tene7nen�ts, Izereditaments, a�zd appz�rtenances, thereunto belonging, and all the Estate, Rigyet, Title, I7aterest, Dower, ���� <br /> Curtesy, Claim �nd Demand wliatsoever of the said C�rantor___8__,�und o f either of them, of, i-n or to tPie sanae, or any par•t t7aereof, i� <br /> I, <br /> , �� ��ttP M1t� #II �U�� the above clescribed premises, with tlie appurtenances, unto the sccid C�rantee.______._._and to_____.__her' _.heirs il <br /> �;and assigns forever. And...._ �e____..__he�•eby covenant..__._.wittE the said C�rantee ______that___. ______. ��e__ __.___._.____hold___._.__sadd_pre�nises by !� <br />�'�, ���good and perfect title; that__________�e__._______.__..___._haY_e_..___�ood right and lazvf��l authorit� to sell and co7aze� the s�ame; that tlaey a�•e fre,e ¢nd ( <br /> 'clear of all liens and incumbrances u�hatsoever--_------_--------._---------------------------------. __... -------------_---------- - --------- i <br /> -- �I <br /> -------------------------------- ------------------------------ -- -- ------------------- ----- - -- - - --- ----------------�--------- -- ---------------�.-- -------- � <br /> � <br /> - - - -... -�- ------------------ ------------ �� <br /> ----- ----- <br /> �" �i <br /> -------- ------------------._...---------_---------------�-- ---- --- -------------- - �- - - � - -- - � ��� <br /> - - - - --------- ---- --- -- ---- -. _ - - ---- - - - -- -- ------ --- -------- --- ---- - ---- <br /> ;I <br />, And __._..._... __.... . .........�e__.___ ________ .. _.._._.._ _____ covenant, war�•ant and defend tlee sccid �ren2ises against the la2vful clainis of ald per i <br />, sons whomsoever � ----- ---- - ..---- ---- --- -- -- ------- -- -------- ----- - ---- I <br /> -- ------------- ----- --------------�------ - ------------- , <br /> ii <br /> ,, <br /> ---------�----------------------------------- ------- -__--- ---- ---------� ------ ----------------- ---- -- -- - ------ --- --- - - - ---�- ----- --------------------------------------- --------- -------�------------------ ----------------� + <br /> ii <br /> ,i <br /> --------------------------------------------- - ------------ ------ -------------�-�----------�---------- --- -- ---- - - - - --- -- - -- ------------------------------------------ ---- -------------------� '' <br /> -- ------ - -----�---- <br /> ;i <br />��, Dated the - - _- --- -- - --31st-- -- - ------------ -- --------��� �f------- - ------------ ---October �: <br /> - --- --- ------------------- - ----- --A.. v. 1�---��---• �� <br /> �,j <br /> WITIVESS ------------------��-----------..._._...--------------------------------------------------�- � !i <br /> -- ------_ �i <br /> ��T.A.Prince -------------�------------------Hazel__Fehrenkamp-------------------------• i� <br /> ------ ------ ------------------- ------------------- - ------------ -- ------ --- ---- -- ------- � jE <br /> --------------------�----....._Arnold__E._Fehrer�k��?p----------------�-- , <br /> ' ------------------------Grace---Lang------------------------------------- ------------ ;) <br /> , �----------------------------------�-�------�-�---�-----------�-----�----...----...__...----------------- ''f <br />�', i STATE OF NEBRASgA, �I <br /> �ctober � � <br /> ss. On this------ -----3-----------------da� �f---•----------------------------------------------------------------.A. D. 19--1'�-------, be ore me, i <br /> -------------------Hall---------- ---------Count�, f �I <br /> ;' the undersigned, a Notary Public-------------------------------------ZVithin and for said County, personally canie------------------------.---.-----------------,---•---------------••- �� <br /> Hazel Fehrenkazn and Arnold E.Fehrenkam her husband �I <br /> � --- --------------------------_ _--------P-�-------------- --------------.�.---------- -------------------------------------- � <br /> ----------�-- ------------ ----------------- -------------- ------- , <br /> � <br /> ,, <br /> -------------- - ------------ ---- ---- ------------------ ------- ---- ------------------------------------- ------------------ ------ ---- --------- ----- -------------------------------- � `, <br /> to me perso�aall� knoavn to be the ide�ztical perso�a._ _______.whose nanae_S_._ __aY'e.._ _.__ ____affi�ed to tlie � '' <br /> ------ - --------�-- <br /> i <br /> � above instrunient as granto�°_�_______, a�id_ .___._�hey_.________severall� acknowledged the same to be_.__theiT� r �� <br /> -- <br /> • ;i <br /> � voluntary aet and deed for the purpose therei��i e�pressed. � <br />�� �� � IN WITNESS tiV�ZEREOF, I hcwe hereunto subscrtibed my name and aJ�ixed m� official seal at________.___.. ��j, <br /> ,: Gr�.rid IslBrid, in 8aid Countybn the date last above written. � <br /> ( SEAL) W.A.Prince <br /> --- - -------- - -------- ------- --------- . <br /> ---- --------------- ------ -------------�----- <br /> ' � Notary Public. ; � � <br /> afy commission expires_._____________Jt1ne_._1�Cth,___1_�_�,9._____________ <br /> ----- --------- •---- -------- ------- ------- ------...19----•------• ') <br /> �:--����_-_- .. . ..�.._ .�- ,__ ._. _ - .__»__ _ �_ { <br /> :.-___.._:__ .-.._ _.____ : . __ .__ _. _.._� .,_:,�__ __=�__,_�.—�._�_�_ _____�. <br /> ' _�_. - �,_—._—,i _ - <br /> ; <br /> i <br /> i <br /> , <br />