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�ey'"� • <br /> ��,�j� ��LJJ�J��� ��VJ ��.J� ��J <br /> ._.._.._,—��_ _�_.__._.�._____ �, <br />_ �'-` �:��_ .�_.=_-�-�_�v-�� _ <br /> .__�-�w.______. __.---- __-_,� <br /> 7o�—STATH JQURNAL COMPANY,LINCOLN.NEB. .- .. ...__.____ .__...._. ... .._.__.... ....._�..� . . . . . . .. <br />_,. . . . . _... .. .. . . . _ . . . . . <br /> FRO✓VI Z Izereb� cert�if� that this i�ist�•ument was entered o�z Nzc�nerical Index and � � � <br /> ---------------T_BY'E�&8_.D_e18hD�de- &AS�.- - --- ---- filed for record this- - ---------�-g- ___.- -----------------�aJ of----��$t----- -------- ------ � <br /> Walter Delahoyde , <br /> �larrantp �. D. 1�-3�--- -, at__..- ...----- --�1-�-�� --------------.._o'clock--..P_._�i. �",: <br /> ---------------------�------------- --- - -�--- ---------- - --- - -� - -- - ; <br /> To �eea —� �} �; � <br /> ------ -------------------- -C�l-,���r Ud �--��� - ---------- <br /> <, <br /> , Register of Deeds, j <br /> '---------------�r�hur---C..Wen�k---and..Veld�----------- � <br /> �denek B✓------------------------------------------------------------------------- - <br /> ----------------------------------------- --- --- ------ ------------- -- -- -- ---------- Depaat�. ! <br /> ��C�t�a� �t�� ��e�t b�� c� k��e��e �x��e��ert#�: ; <br /> � <br /> ,� <br /> TaAT.._.._.I�Teressa__A_._Delaho�de__and Walter Delahoyde,wife and huaband • ; <br /> - - �- ------------ --- --- -- ---- ------- � <br /> --- ----- ---- ---------- - - � -------- -- <br /> -------------------�-----------------------_...-----------------------------------------------------�---- ------------------- -------------------------..--------�--- -----------------------...------------------------------------ --------------...-------------- <br /> ;� <br /> 'of the County of..-- - ---H#�J„�.- - ---- - -- ---and State o.f--- -- ----- - -------NGbY'B.Ska..�--------- - - - -- ---------- --Grantor-fl--------, in consideratio�z ;i <br /> �� <br /> of the sum of_____Three__hundred__an_d__seventy-Five_dollars_,___�_�75.Q0 �� <br /> -- -- --- - ---- ------- ---- ---------- -------- ------------DOLLARS, i <br /> � !i , <br /> in hand paid, do__.__.______hereby GR�1NT, B�IPGAIN, SELL, �1ND CONVEY unto ._._AI'th1�'__C_�Menck__an_d__Velda__Menak__aa___________ !� <br /> '�. <br /> ---�oint----'��r�,an.�-�---�!�.t�__�'�.ght--o�'---eurviyorehip.-- ----------------------------------- - <br /> -------�--- ---------------------------------------------- --- ---------------------------------------- i <br /> of the Cou7at� of-------------H&11--------------------------a,nd State of------------------NBbr&8k& -----, G�•antee--8--------, the olloivin i� <br /> -------------------------------------- ----- -------- ----- f J �I <br /> Hall �� <br /> deseribed premises, situated in the Count� of____________________._..___._.._ _ _________.__.____..._._________.______._____._._..___and State of 11Teb�•as1;,a, to-wit: �� <br /> ...Lot__tw�__(_��.,.��gck__sixty___�60,)__�eeler__and___Bennetta_,Second_ Addition _to the City ot' Grand Island„� <br /> ---Hall_.�QUnty_,Nekzr��k�-•---------------------------------------- '� <br /> --- ---------------------------------------------------------------- ---------- -------------------- , <br /> . <br /> ---- -----�--- -------------------------�-------------- <br /> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------�---------------------�-------:_..------'--------------------------------------------------------�-------------------�--------------------------------------- 'i <br /> -----____------------ , <br /> - ------------------------------...------------------------------------------�----�---�_..50_.I_.R._3tamps------}-------...-------------�----------------------------------- - ii <br /> � -------- -------------------�----------------------------- ;� <br /> �, Cancelled <br /> ',� <br /> ---------------------------------------------------�--------------------------------------------------------------------�-----------------------�---------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------- ----- ------- �, <br /> �; <br /> ----�------------------------------------------------------------------- -- ------------------- -----------------------------------------------------------------..._ !� <br /> ------------------------------------------------ --------------�------------------------------ <br /> ----- ---------------------------------._._.------��------------------------------------ --------- - ------- ---------------...----------------------------------------------------------- ------------�------------�--------------------�-------•---------------- '� <br /> � <br /> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------�----...------ ----- -- - ') <br /> -------------------------------- ----------------------------------�---------------------------------------- <br /> -------�---------------- � <br /> � �i <br /> Toget7ze�• with all the tenements, hereditaments, and appltrtena�nces, th erezcnto belo�zging, a�rad all the Estate, Right, Title, I�zterest, Dower, ;� <br /> Curtes�, Claim a�ad Demand 2vliatsoever• of the said Grantor_.____._raytcL.a�e�t.hex.�-t�ae�of, d,n or to tfae san2e, or any payt thereof. !� <br /> ,; <br /> , i�(�1 i� �MttP Ftlt� �D �AI� the above desc7°ibed pre�nises, witla the appurtenances, wnto the sa2d arantee$______._aracl to______t�j,r___..__._heirs ', <br /> [ <br /> � and assigns forever. And_______W_B___.__.Jiea•eby cove�zant_______�vitic the said C�rantee...___..___t�iat_________W9______.___.______...Jiold_��d pr•emises b�� � <br />�, � good and perfect title; t�hcct__________4��________.__.._.____hcc.4e___goocl r�i�lit anc� lawful au�t7iorit� to sell ancl conve� the sanze; that the� a�•e fre,e and '� <br /> clear of all liens and incicmbrances uwhatsoeroer.---�d--- --- --- __..---- ------- ------- ---- --- ------- -------- - -----.- ------- '� <br /> I - -- ---- - -- - � <br /> -------- i <br /> � <br /> ----------------------...--- -----------°----------------�- -------------•------------ - - � <br /> - -- - --- -- --- -------------------- -- ---- ---- --------- ---.......--- ------ ------- -------•--��- ----------------- ------ <br /> ,i <br />'�, ��And._........._____.__We..___.______________.___..._____._____._ covenant__..__..__to war�•ant and defenr� the said preniises against t7ie lawful claims of cr.11 per-� � <br /> sons whomsoever - -- -- - --- -- -- --- i <br /> -- - -�------- --------------- -- --- - ------ ------- - � <br /> ------ - ------- -�- --- ------- <br /> -----------�------- - --------- ----------- -- <br /> -------------- ii <br /> `'--------------------------------------- <br /> i( <br /> - --- --- _�_. ------�--------------------------- ----------------- - -- ----- - <br /> --- -- --------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------- ------ - <br /> --------------•--.._---------------- --- - - ------- ----- --- ---- -------------- ------------------- - - ----- -- - - -- - -------------------------- ------------ -------- - --------------- ---....-- - --------- <br /> __ �I <br /> Dated the-- -.._...._.th1Y'teeli_t11--- -- ---------- ---- - -----day of----� --- ------------eTL1218---- ---------------------- ---------------------A.. D. 19--3-�-----• � <br /> tivITN��ss �--------------------------Tsx.e�s�__A.�?elahQyd.e-------� ---------__ li <br /> y <br /> 'rY.A.Prince �- --------�----------�---Walt�r._.Aelahoyde--------------------------------� ; <br /> -------------�------------------------------------------------------------------ ---------------------� � <br /> �------------------------------------------------------------------------�-------�------------------�-- <br /> i, , <br />'I ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------- , <br /> �-�--------------------------�-----------------�---------------...-------...-----�------------------�---� i <br /> ' STATE OF NEBI�ASSA, ,I <br /> �ss. On this_thlr' af-------------- -- -------!T.L�iY.1.t-------------- �- 8` i <br /> +-----------------HAI.1----- -----------County, <br /> --------- --------A. D. 19---�-------, before me, i <br /> , <br /> the �,cndersigned, a Notary Public--------------_--_------___-----.----------within a�ul for said Count�, personall� canie-------------,-------------.-----------_----------------_------------... ; <br /> ------T�resa.�._f�_._A�_7._��d---l�a7._t_ex�---D�1�h.Qyd.e_,_h�r--hue_ban-d-------------------------------------------------- - <br /> ------- ------- - <br /> to me persolaall� knozvn to be tlae identieal perso�i.�_. _.__u�hose �zan2e_.____ _____.__�x'�___ ______ ___ ______..____ce��ed to tlie �'!I <br /> . ;� �i <br /> �� ($FAL� cabove insta•unient as grantor8.,__.___., and__ they_. ,� � g �� <br /> ___ __sezerall� aclvnou;bed e t7ie same to be.____�h�1x'_ <br /> � zolu�ita�•� act and deed fo�° the purpose therei��e e�pressed. ' � i <br /> L�' WITNESS tiVHEREOF, I have hereunto szcUscribed my name und affi�ed my official seal at__________________ � , <br /> County, ; 'i <br /> ----------_------.C��'�d_.I���1t�s---�.II1---Q-�-�d_----._on the dccte last above written. , <br /> . --------------------------------------------w.A.P-r-inc�-------------�-------------�- �,, <br /> � IYota�°y Publ�c. <br /> �; �y eommissio.n e�pires_----�TL1218__16_�_1��9�- - --.�-------------------------------------------------------------------19------------ '� <br /> �i -------- --- ---- , <br />_____. . ,_. _ --- - <br /> .__._ �-._-._ .. __ �__,.._ _. ___ . __ . ._ � -_ � <br /> 'I <br />