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��.�J <br /> ��J�J� ��j�NJ�� ���0 '�� �J <br />_ ..._.. .... . .. . . .. . . ...___.._ ._ .-STATE JOURNAL C66iP:4ftY.LiNCOLF7.NEH: .. . . .. _. . .._._ . ..... _ . . .. .. . . .. ._ ._..._.._. .._ _____._'_____._____._______.�...�_�_._ .. . ... ..__._._� <br /> � 'i <br /> �' FRO.M I hereby certify that this instrument was entered on Numerical Inde� and ' <br /> ;� <br /> � .. . Lorenz Sj�eCk--And W1Pe-------�------- ----------- filed for record this--------------�'--------------------------------day �f------------AU�;-4i8t_..-----------� <br /> fl. D. 19-3�----- at---------- -- - -----�;00 - - ---------- � <br /> -� t�arrantp � ____.o��ao�k_.P._.._�. , . <br /> -� -------------�------------------�-------- ----------------------------------- ------- _ <br /> �eea � �.�ti�r Q� , <br /> ' TO � ! <br /> -------------- ------------------- --------------- -- - ------------------------------ - - ' <br /> � �------- , <br /> -----------------Erwin__A.Speek--------------------------------------• � Register of Deeds, ! <br /> B �' <br /> ' 71--...---�---�-------�-�----------------------------------------------------- <br /> -----------------------------� Deputy. � <br /> �rt�� �t�� ��rt b�� ��r�e��e �x��e��rt��: <br /> "� THAT________________Lorenz Speck and _Bertha Speck, husband and wife, <br /> ----- -- ------ ------- - - ------------ �-------- -------- - - ...---------- --- ----------- -----------._ <br /> •----�----�---------------------------------------------------------------------------�-------------------------------------------------------------------------------�------------------------�------------------------------------�----------------�-------------------- ' <br /> NebZ'�.skA------------ --------------------- -------------------- -------- - - --.C�rantor-�--------� in consideration '' <br /> i' of the County �f------- -�&ll----- _-------- ---_and State of---------- -- ----------- <br /> i <br /> � of the sum of.___._.Q.n�.__�ollar_,___.Love___and__APPection _.DOLLARS, � <br /> -------�----------------------------------------------------------- ----------- ---------------�-------------------------------------�- <br /> ,;; in hand paid, do----------------hereby GRANT, BARGAIN, SELL, AND CONVEY unto ------ET3�!1ri..A.._Sp�.�k-----.---------------...--------------------------------------------- �, <br /> ; -----------------------------------------------------------------------�----------------------•-----�------------------�----------------------------=----------------------------------...-----------------------------�-------------...---------------------------•------ ' <br /> � <br /> '' of the County �f---------------F��.lI f Nebraska----------...----------------------------------------------� Grantee-----------_, the following ; <br /> --------------------------------and State o -----�-------------- - <br /> ': deseribed premises, situated in the County of_______________________H€�.11__________________._.._____.,_.___.____.___.____________and State of Nebraslca, to-wit: j <br /> ' ...�1�,�.._o_�__.tY��_._�a.�te.rly__. One-half_._(E2_)___of._Lot__.Six___�6_�_,____in._.Block__One__Hundred Fort _-seven..._ 14._ � <br /> - - - - ------- - - -Y . . - - - ��-- -��-----------. ; <br /> ; in Union Pacific Railway Company 's Second Addition to the City of Grand Island, Nebraska � <br /> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------�-------------------------------.._-- <br /> ------------------------------------------------------�-----------------�-------.....-------------�----�------------------------------ � <br /> '; as the same_ is surveyed, platted and recorded. j <br /> � -------------------------------�---------------------...----------------------------------------------...---------...--------------------------------------�------------- � <br /> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------�------------------------------------------=----= ' I <br /> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ <br /> i <br /> -----------�---------------------------------------�----------.....-------------------------...----�--------....-----------------------------------------...-------------------- I <br /> -----------------�------------------�-------------------------�--�--------_..------------- <br /> I <br /> ------------------------------------------------------------------�--�----------------------------------------------------------------------...---------------------._.....--------------------------------------------------------�------�------------------------------- i <br /> I <br /> __...-----------------------------------------------------------------------------�---------�--�----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- j <br /> � <br /> ----�--�-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------�--------------------------------..._._.....--------------�------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ j <br /> i <br /> i Together with all the tenements, hereditaments, and app2crtenanees, thereunto belonging, and all the Estate, Right, Tit1e, Interest, Dower, � <br /> j Curtesy, Claim and Demand wliatsoever of the said Grantor_�_�___, �-+eitir,�o�t�h„em, of, in or to the same, o�° an� part thereof. ', <br /> ' (�II �MUP Mlt�i #� ����1 the above described premises, witli the appurtenances, unto the said G�•antee..____...___and to..__.__._hi�...............heirs � <br /> and assigns forever. And__..._�e_...__..._.1ie�•eb� covenant..__..__zv�ith the said (�rantee__...__.___that____._...__._...___�!e_...___.._..._..___liold.__._.__said premises b� i <br /> !' good and perfect title; that_______________________we__________..__1ia.Ve.__good yight and lawful authority to sell ancl �onze� tlie sa7ne; that thcy a�•e fre,e and �; <br /> ,, clear of all liens and incumbranees wyeatsoever-- ---- -------- ---- -------- --- --------------- ------ -- -- ---- - ------ ----- -- -------------------------------------------------------------------- ,I <br /> ; <br /> --------�---�------------------------------------.....----------------------...------------ - -- --- ------- --- -----_.------------�------------------ ----- ---------------------------�--------------------- -----------------------------------�--------- � <br /> , <br /> � <br /> � <br /> ; -----�---�-�----�-----------�-------------------------------------�-----------------------�------ --------------- - - ----------------------�---------- ------- -------------------------------------�-------------------------�-----------------�-- ---------- <br /> i <br /> And..................._.__.....�'ae_..__.._..._._____________.___.._....._.... eovenant_..___.___._to warrant and defend tice said premises against the lawful claims of all per- I <br /> rsons auhomsoever ----------------------�--------------- ------------------------------------------- ---------- -�-------...------- �--------------------------------_...------------------------------------------------------------------------- i <br /> ------------------------- -----�-�-----------------------------------------------�----------�-------------------- - - ------- - - <br /> - - - - - - - -�----------------------------------------------------------------------------- - - --- ---------- <br /> - -- - - --------------------- -� <br /> ' Dated the---------------�th------------- -.�------ --�------------- -------da�J �f- -----Augus t--------- --- ---------------------------- -----�-----------------A.. D. 19..��----• � <br /> i <br /> '; WITNESS �-------------------------------Hf-g----------�---------------�-----------------------�---------._- 'I <br /> �'; Lo rPn z �C �S e ck ------------------------------------ i <br /> ' -------------------C-=-E.-�:r'tznd.x--------------------------------.._..------------------• ------------------...:...------ ar p---.....-------:-----: <br /> �-----------Bertha_.Speck--------------------------�-----------------------------.. <br /> ------------ - - -- - - - - -- --y- �--arid`-a,s -- i <br /> Florence V.1�I ers � i <br /> ---- - ---- -- - ------ - -- - -- - <br /> attes�_._� signature of Loren-�---3p���---�3�`_.�a-r�;-------------------------------------------------------•--• � <br /> STATE OF NEBRASgA, I <br /> th <br /> ;': <br /> ss. ZI- Au 8 t $` , <br /> H&.1Z On thxs---------------------- ---------da o --------------------------------�-�----------------------------------A. D. 19---3---..., be ore me, , <br /> �' ---------------------------------------------------County, y f f � <br /> ;; the undersigned, a Notary Public________________________________._________.within and for said County, personally came.__.........__._.___......._____.._..__.._..__.____._..__...._..___....... � <br /> '! ----Lorenz__Speck__and.--Bertha---Speck-,----husband__and..wife,-------------------------------------------------------------------- <br /> ' to me personally kno2un to be the identical person_8.._...___whose name_8_...___a:re__________________....._..._______a�`'i�ed to tltie ; <br /> �', � <br /> �; above instrunient as grantor.�_________, and_._ . _____the_y _ .............severally aelcnowleclged tlie same to be_.__.thEiY'- 'i� <br /> voluntary act and deed for the purpose therein e�pressed. �� <br /> Ij (sEAL) , ' y �`' ✓ b" ,i <br /> IN WITNESS tiVHEREOF I have hereunto subscrxbed m name and a 2�ed m o zcial seal at________________. ; <br /> i <br /> C�rand__I�land_,___.in_._�.��c�___�Q_�,�ty_,.._._on the date last above written. 'i <br /> I', ' C.E.Grund �' <br /> -------------------------------------y--------------- j <br /> . . ---------------------------------------------- - i <br /> ; ltiotar Publ2c. � <br /> " My commission expires---------------------------=---------------�-------------------_.._......----------�-------June---�'��-----....-------------19�----• i <br /> � <br /> ;: ';I <br /> �=-- — <br /> � ;i <br /> ` <br />, � h <br />