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������ <br /> ��J�j� ��J�'e�J�� ��L✓J� u� �J <br /> �,_.�. .___._ <br /> ______.__,__.T� �.�..�.�._._.._. <br />_ _.--�--____.__ _._�._- _:�_:�_. -- — ^_�___._. <br /> �B�F.�-STATE JOURNAL COMPANY.LINCOLN,NE6. .- . .-... . ._......'_'__.,.__.._ ._. ._.... ..__. __ . . . . . <br />__.._,_�._.-.-._-_. . . _.. ,._.. ,. __ ... ..__ .,.... -- -.- _ ,..._._._. _..�__�__.�._..._.._....___�__,._..v�.-_.__�.��.. ,. .r . <br /> . ...�....:,.... :__.:__. .__.�_ .. ._,_ .. _ . .._. ..���..�..__. .. . <br /> _. . ..... �I <br /> �� <br /> � FRO.M I lzereby eertif� tlzat tliis inst7•2tment was ente7•ed o7z Ni�merical Inde� and ' <br /> i� <br /> ..�d�,.__�?1ea.s�,n'G---Cem�tery---.� ---------... - filed for record ticis---------------- 19--- --------------------�a� �f--------------July_----------------- ;�' <br /> ;';' <br /> ------- - -------------- ------ - - - - - <br /> t�arrantp fl. D. 19__�-�---� at---._-- - --S;.20 ---- -----o'clock -----�sM. I :. <br /> _ ._._-� - - ------ <br /> TO �eea (� �j� � <br /> `.JC�c�u�� l_./_l <br /> -•�------------------- -----�-----._...-------------•---------------Re ister�ds ... i; <br /> Mrs. Nettie Youn � g f ' I <br /> ------------------------�-------------- -----------�---g-------------------�- ---- --�-- - <br /> ,; <br />� !� <br /> B✓-------------------------------------------------------------------------� i.. <br /> -----�------------------------------------------------ --- - -- ------ ----------- - Depicty. �� <br /> i� <br /> � ';i � <br />�� ��� ��C�t�� �t�� ���t br� ����� �x����e:���: �,� <br /> ;; <br />' TgA�______.___._____Mt_.____pleasant__Cemeter�_Ass_ociationt._.of__Cairo.__ . _ <br /> ------- -------- -- �-------- - - --- - ' <br /> ----- - --- -- ------- - ---�--�- ;� <br /> ----------------------_.._---------------------------------------------------------------- ------�- <br /> 'i <br /> --�------------ ------ ---------------------------------�----._...-----....----------------------- , <br /> ---------------------------------------------------------- <br /> of the County of______________Hall___ _____ _ ___and State of___.._.._________NebZ'. _,_.__._.___Grantor..___._____., in eonsideration �! <br /> ------------------------------------------- ------------ --- - - <br /> �, <br /> ofthe sum of------------��5.00 ---- ---- --- -- - ----------- -- -- ------------ ------- ------------------------- --- --------- ----....------------------------------DOLLAI�S, '1 <br />' in hand paid, da_______..____._herevy GPANT, Bf�RGA71V, SELL, ��� co�v�Y unto _______�rs_,___Net_t_ie._,Young,___ of__Cairo '; <br /> , <br /> - ---------- ----- -- r <br /> I� <br /> � � <br /> �--------------�-----------------------------------------------------------------------�------------------------------------------------------------ --------------------------- -------- ,. <br /> -----------'---------- --- -------------�--------...--------------- <br /> of the County �f---------- Hall - - - ---- - ----and State of--._...----- ---.Nebi'. - --------------------- ------- ----- ------- f g ;i <br /> _--__._____ G�°antee_____._____ the ollowi�z <br /> described premises, situated in the County of_._______________________Ha.11,________.___._______... __._._ ____. . ___and State of Areir�•aslca, to-wit: .,j <br /> ,i <br /> •----- --.-- ------- - ------------------------------ ---- ---- ------------------ -----------�- ------------------------------�---------------------- �; <br /> _Lot---1-�----in__Block.--�-9----�_New _Part)---------------- - � '' <br /> ------- ------------------------------------------------- ----------�---------------------- ---------- -----_.------------------------�-----------------_ � <br /> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------�------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------- -----._...----------------------------�-�---------�-- ,; <br /> -------------------------------------------------------------------------�---------------------------------------------�------------------------------------------------------------------------- i' <br /> i <br /> ---------------------------------•------•--------------•----------•--- ,. <br /> -----•-----•---•-•-----•------------------------------------------------------------------ ----------------------•----•-------�---------------------•-•-------------------------------------------•----------------•------ -------�-�--- <br /> 'i <br />� ------------------------•-------- � !� <br /> -----------------------------•-----•..................--•---------------------------------------------------------------------------------....-------------------------------------- --------------------------------�--------------------------- --------- <br /> ;i <br /> ----- ---------------------------------•--..._..--•---•---------------------- <br /> ----------------------------------- ---.._._-------------------------------------- -------------------------�---- ----------------------...---•--------------••---�------------- I: <br /> f� <br /> � � �; <br /> -------------------�-------------------------------------------------------------•--•--------------------------...--- ------------------------------ ------------ ------------ -----------------------------------------•-----•-•-------------•°- ---------- ^i <br /> ii <br />�II •----------------•--'-------------°.._...-------------•----------------------------- - --------------------------- <br /> '--'-'-----------------'----'-------------------••------------'-.._----'---- �� <br /> To�ether w�th all the tene�ne�nts, her•editaments, and app2irtenances, thereunto belonging, a�rzd all t1�e Estate, Right, Title, Interest, Dower, ii � � <br /> ��� Curtesy, Olaim and Demand wl�zatsoever of the said G��°a7zto�°_.____._, and o f either of tlien�,, of, in or to the san�ze, or a�i� pa�•t thereof.� � � <br /> ;i <br /> • • • ;; <br /> U�A ��UP Mlt� #� �UI� the above desc�-zbed premises, uiGli the appurtenances, 2vrato the sa2d Gra�itee____..____a�zd ta.________1?er_____._heirs l� <br /> ;; <br /> . . , y <br /> � and assigns �orever. And___.._.tfl�y__.___lzereb� covenant_______w2th the sa�d (�rantee____.___that_____.__________.__theY_______...h�ld__._.__said�p�emzses by ��I <br /> � �� <br /> I� <br /> good and per�eet title; tha�t____ __.._.. t__e�____.._____]au___Pe__.yoocl right cend lawf ul a2�thorit� to sedl nnd� tfae same; tlzat the� nre fre,e and �� <br /> ;i <br /> clear of all liens a7ad i�iczcmbrances 2vliatsoever----.-- ---------------- --------.............------------_----- -----------_.--- , <br /> -- ---------- ---- -----� -- - - - - - --- ---- --- 3': <br /> , <br /> ;� <br /> ---- -------------�--- ----- ----------------------------- --- - ---------------- ---- - - --- - - - -- ---------------- ---- - ----------- ------- --� --- --- ------- -- -----•------------------•--- --------- i <br /> ;I--------------------------------- --------�-------------°-- ------ - -°---------- - -- - - - - - ------- ----�--- - - - -- --_ ------------ - - - ---...------ -- -- -- - ! <br /> ii <br /> I� <br /> And__....._._...._.._._.___._._____.._.___.___._....._...__.___________ covenant___._____to war�ant a��d defe�zd the said premises ayainst the lawful claims of a,ll per- ; <br />� <br /> ; sons whomsoever -- -- - -- ----- -- - - -- - --- ------------------------- ---.._.__ - ----- -- - - -- -- -- --- --- -- -- -- ------------------ -- -----�--- ------- ------------ -�---- ii <br /> --------------------�------------------- -- --- - - - - - --- -------- -------------------- - --- ------------- -- - ------- �- -- --...---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------- -- -� i� <br /> I <br /> ---------------------------------------- --- ------- - --- - ------- ------------------- - ------- -- --------- -- - -- - -- - - ------------------------------------------------- --------.._.._----------. � <br /> --- ------ ------ 'i <br /> Dated the_------------------ -------�l-- -- -- --- -- ---------- --------da� �f------� - - -----------------MarCh ---------------------------------------- I ;' <br /> -------A.. v. ls-�----3--.. �� <br /> �� <br /> tiVITNESS �---�---------------------�-----------------------------�----....-------------------------- ---- -----._. <br /> . ;� <br /> Elliott Harrieon ---------------------------C.A.Tiedeman -.--- �� <br /> -----------------------------------� ;i <br /> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- <br /> ------- - , <br /> �---�-----------------------Geo,__W.@Vinge:rt------------------------------------ �� <br /> „ <br /> I --------------------�------�-------------------------------------------------------------- ------------- Allen Lowr ;; <br /> �----------�--------------�---�----�-------.........-----y�-..Sect•-------------...---------- ' <br />' STATE OF NEBRASSA, i 'I <br /> ss. On this----- -------�-- --- --- ----daJ �f--------------�--- ------- ----Ma.rCh--------- ------- -----...A. Z>. 19-�3----- be ore me '! <br /> -----------HAI.1.---- --------Count�, , f , �� <br /> i <br /> the undersic�ned, a Notary Public_____________.___.__.__._.___.____.___ZVithin ancl for said Count�, personall� came_____.._ ....................................____...___._._._ �; <br /> ,J <br /> --- --C..A,.Tiedeman.,----Geo-�-- -�.Wingert__and---Al,l�n_La�rxy.--��-- ----------------------------------------------------------------- �I <br /> ---- ---------------------- - ------------- ----- --------------- ------------------------------------------------------ ---------------------------------- i <br /> to n2e personall� kno�vn to be the identical pe�•so�z._.�__...._whose nav�ze___8______&I_6__.._______.._.___________________a ff�ed to tice �tl <br /> , ' <br /> avove instru��ie�zt as grant�or__S_____, a�zd________ ��1eY _______ ______._severall� aclanou;lec�ged the sanze to be._the_�Y!___ ' � <br /> ; <br /> volu�ta��y ac� and deed for the purpose therei��z e�pr�essed. � � ;� ' <br /> � I�l? ti�ITNESS tiVIIEPEO�, I have he�°eunto subsc�ribed m� name c�nd a.ffi�ed my official seccl at_ _. .... _. ;� <br /> � ( sEaL) � ; <br /> �airo_, _ Neb. ._on the date last above written. <br /> ---- --- ------- - ,, <br /> �� ! <br /> -------�----�-----------------�-------Elliott Harrieon...-------------�--• ii <br /> -- -- - <br /> � Nota�°y PuUlic. �a <br /> M� com�nission e�pires----- NoV. 16 1916 ..19------------ s i, <br /> - ------- -- -------i------- --- �- ------ -------- <br /> ;� � <br />____�-�-., -�__::-.:.. _ . _�:_ ,--.:.--- : : _ _ ,_; -- <br /> ___ -_::_ ... �_,.__ ,.: .:.�. _ . :., -.. _. <br /> _ _.._�.,v.:�____.�,__ :--_-=—--_— � <br /> �_.____.�^_�._-� .-- <br /> j� <br /> � <br /> � i� I <br />