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�e�.� <br /> _ _ _ . <br /> ������ ������� ���� ��� <br /> . .. 'IH�.�F. -STAT6 JQURNAL COMPANY,LINCOLN,NEB. . .. .. . . .. .. _... .:. ._ . . . . .. . . . _ . _ . ... _ . .__-__ .. ..._. ......_._ .__ __...�_. .. <br /> :i � <br /> il <br /> , FRO✓til I hereby certify that this instrument was entered on Numerdcal Index and� <br />' ' ----...----�--C�,_�u.�_.Eggers- -&--wife----------------------- --- aed or record this------------------- -----=--�-----------------da� o �TU21e � <br /> , � f �-- .! f------------------------------------=------- <br /> . � 4:00 , <br />� � _ ---- �larrantp �. v. 193---------, at--------- ----- ---- --- - - ------ ------- ---------o clock-----Pa--�• <br /> , ------------------- ---------------- -- ----TO- <br /> -------- - -------- --------- l <br />� : �eea C ////� <br />' � � .f_.�GL L,� �/"-'f�L��l-� '. <br /> `� Albert Etting , Register of Deeds, , <br /> , '; -------------�--------------------------------�-------------------------------�---------------- <br /> B1/---�------------------�--------------------------------�-------------------- <br /> ---------------------------------------------------�--------------- ------------- ----�-------- / <br /> Deputy. <br /> �K�t�a�vr ��� ��e�t b�� ���e�� �x����rt��: � <br /> �!' TgAT------------------------We-�.---�1_�u-�---���ers---and__Mary---Eg�-ers_,----his---tiPe�-------------�- � <br /> -------------------�---------------------------------------------------�-------- <br /> -----�--------�-------------�------------------------------...-----------------------�------------------------------------------------------...-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------•------- <br /> ;; <br /> of t3ie County of._..._:___Hall__________________and State of__'__.._._ .__.Nebrask8 ._.__.(#rantor_e____..._, in eonsideration <br /> '-------�--------------��aax�;; <br /> ; of the sum of---------One--I?all�x'_._��nd---QtY�-�r--Gonsideration-�-�------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------ <br /> ! in hand paid, do________________hereby (�RANT, BARGAIN, SELL, AND CONVEY unto .__.____Albert__Etting_ <br /> ------------------------------------------�---------------------- `' <br /> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------..._.._.----------...-------------------.....--------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ i <br /> of the County �f-----------------Ha.11---------------------------and State of-----�-----------�=Nebr6�8k&----------------------------------------------------------� Grantee------------, the following I <br /> � <br /> deseribed premises, situated in the County of________________Ha.11_._._______________._________,____._________________________.and State of Nebraslca, to-wit: ' <br /> ._.__Our..undivided._one__half___(I_/2_�_. interee.t..(being_ all_,_oP__our interest) in___and_.to__.the___�ast_.half.._____ ;; <br /> _.___(E.1/2�___of_Lot..One (,1) _the. North-east_ 4uarter .(NE�) oP section _One (1) in _Township_ Ten � <br /> ,' (10)_ North, of_Han�e_ Nine (9) Weat oP the 6th P.98. <br /> -------------------------------------------------�---------------------------------------------------------------------------.. ._------�------------------------------------------------ , <br /> (The said Albert Ettin� bein� the same �arty by that who, with the eaid Claus E��ers__ ;; <br /> ------------�- ---•----------------- ------------------------------�----------------- <br /> ______.appears.._as.._Grantee___in a certain Warrant� Deed. .from Dierk_9chwieger� dated Jul_y__24� 19pOt I'' <br /> _______conveying above,_described premises, and now on_ record in Book 2�,page �+1�,_ _of the Records j <br /> '' ' ----- .°f._s�1d Hall---�ounty.-)-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' <br /> -------�------------------------------------------�---------------------------�---------- , <br /> � <br /> � ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------�--------------------------------------��------------------------....---------------------------------------- � <br /> -----------------------------------�---------- <br /> --------------�---------------------------------�-------------------------------------�--------------------------------...----------�------- '; <br /> Together ivith all the tenements, hereditaments, and app2crtenances, thereunto belonging, and add the Estate, Right, Title, Interest, Dower, �i <br /> Curtesy, Claim and Demand whatsoever of the saicl Grantor_�$_.__, and o f either of them, of, in or to the sar�ie, o�° any part thereof. <br /> ", (�0 �MUP Mit�t #1� ���� the above described premises, witli the appurtenances, unto the said Grantee_______.__._and to.._.____,hi_$______________heirs ': <br /> ; and assigns forever. And..__�►e___._______he�•eby covenant.....___2vith the said C�rantee_______.__.that_________________�e_.__._.__._....__._.____yiold_..____.said premises by J <br /> good and perfeet title; that____________________�e g 'g f ' � � � � f I <br /> __..____.._.____]ia_v�_.___ ood ra ht and law ul aictho7•it� to sell and con.ve2 the same that the2 a�•e re,e and <br /> '' clear of all liens and incumbrances whatsoever_..-- --- --�-- -- ------ --- ----..-------�- --- -- - -- - -- --- -------------- -- -- ------=-------------------------- -------------------------- ---------- ; <br /> , <br /> ' � <br /> , ---------------------�---�-�----------------....---------------------�------------------------ ----- -------------- � <br /> ------ - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------�-------------------...----.....------------��------------- '' <br /> -�--------------------------------------��------------------------------...-------------- <br /> - - - -- --- - -- - ---�- ---------------------------- ------- - <br /> ---------------�.------------�----...-----...-------- ------------- - - <br /> - - <br /> - - ----------------------- � <br /> � <br /> And_._.._._.................�e._......_____._.___....__...._..______...._____. ivarrant and defend the said premises against tlee lawful elaims of all per- ! <br /> isons whomsoever ------- --- ----------------------------- -------------------------------------------- -�------------------- ---------------------------------- -�------- ' <br /> , <br /> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- <br /> -- ---------------------------------------------------------------�---------------------------------------• � <br /> � <br /> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------�--------------�----------------------------------------- ------ --- --------------------------�------------�---------------------------------------------------------------------------- '; <br /> iDated the-----------------Sth------------ �- --------------- -------------.da� of--------- -- �--------------BdELI'Ch----------------------�----------------------------A.. D. 19.06----• 'I <br /> i <br /> ' WITNESS �------�----------------------------------------------------------------------�-- � <br /> ----------�-------...._ <br /> - 1 <br /> -----------------�------------------Claus---E��ers----------...-------------------- ', <br /> -----------�-------------------------�---.John Allan __ . i <br /> -----�----------------------- ------------------� <br /> ' . -------------------------------------�ary--------.��ers---------.....---....--------- ';li <br /> , <br /> ..............---------�--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- � <br /> STATE OF NEBRASgA, i <br /> H811 ss. On this---------------�th--------day of....----------------b���`C�-----------------..__....--------------A. D. 19---0�.---, before me, ! <br /> --------�------- -�--------- ---------------------County, i <br /> , <br /> '! the undersigned, a Notary Public-------------------------------------------within ancl for said CountJ, personall� came--------------------,-----.---------------------.------------------------- '�, <br /> ------.Claus.._E_ggers._and._�r�ry---Eggers:x---���--Wi-�-�-�------------------=------------------------------------------------------------------------ i <br /> � <br /> , <br /> � , ---------------------�------------------ --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------...-------�- �� <br /> I ; to me personally knozvn to be the identical person.�________whose nanie_.5.._.__�'�__________________________________.____affi�ed to the ! <br /> � above inst�°unzent as grantor.._a_____., and________________t�1ey____._...___._._se�;erally aelcnouwled�ed the same to be_._._'��1.�1x'. 'i <br /> volunta�•y act and deed for the purpose therein expressed. ; <br />� ' IN WITNESS tiVSEREOF, I have hereunto subscribed my name and affixed my o�'icial seal at.._.____.______. �: <br /> ' �SEAL� Grand IslandtNebraska 'I <br /> ___ __ __ ______________________________on the date last above written. �� <br /> , ' J ohn Allan 'i <br /> ---------------------------------�----------�-------------------------�-----------�--------------------- , <br /> ' Notary Public. I <br /> , �y commissio.n expires-�---�-.Jan.---5-:----1�12 -------------------------------------------------•-19---------•-- fl <br /> � <br /> - — = rr-- <br /> � <br /> � <br /> j <br />