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� <br /> � ���� � <br /> D����� ������� ���� ��� � . <br /> _�w:______ _________�_�_ �_____._ <br /> . _ �� �. � ___: ___ _ .___.__ _ <br />_ _ <br /> . <br /> ������ —��L JQURNAL COMPANY,LINCOLN.NEO. . .. - .-- . -....-.. ._.____,..._.._:..._'--�..._-.".._ — . _ . . . _. <br /> .-._._�___ .,_. . ., �... ... _ _ _ .....,. . _ ...,.� _.,_..�._... -'._-- - ------- <br /> __�.c...-s—.—'-....�...:...�.w...�___.._..._....,. ,.._. ... . _.__._��a�.__�. .. ..-.�M._...�.r .. _ ._.�._.__�., �.. _�.�. <br /> .^ . .. ... .. .. _ ... <br /> _. _ _ �<_.. ,,_....__.� .. . _ ._� - — .�, <br /> � FRO.M I hereby certif� that this inst�•u7nent was entered on N2Unzerical Index cend j� <br /> � <br /> -----sTO��-pY�,--_'�-�-�t�waz'd- --- - - --- - - --------- filed for record this------ - - -`�-6... -----------------�aJ �f----- ---Ma'y-- -...----.._--- ----- � <br /> � A. D. 19- -.�---_._� t---- , .� . <br /> � a - - ---- ------- I�-- - -......__o'clock _.A�__M, i. `. <br /> --------------------- ------- ------ . �larrantp : <br /> ----- - - --. .. --- - - - - <br /> �eea � <br /> To ---- - - ----- -- ������ ��,�-�- ;� : : <br /> -- --------------------------------------------- -- - ---� <br />�'I - �'--- -.. _ . <br /> Cora 5teward , Register of Deeds, ; <br /> ----------------------------------------�---------------------------------------- ----._... <br /> .._. � <br /> , <br />' y------- -------------------------- ----------- <br /> ; <br />' ------------------------------------------------------------ - -------------------- Deputy. '; <br /> ��Crt�a�vr �t�� ��en b� � �e��e ��e��ert��: � <br /> � � � <br /> � <br /> THAT._...I,.___Jns.�_p,h___T_._S�ev�arcl_.._ _�ometlmes___desi_�n�ted.__as__J_o.seph__T_.Ste�rart.�_ <br /> ; <br /> ----- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------- -------------------------�- °i <br /> -----�----------------�--------------------------------------------------------------�---------------------- <br /> of the Cou�zty of--------------Ha,ll - - -- -----and State of------------------_NebY'd.SkB ---------------- -----Grantor------------, in eonsideration �I <br /> ---------- ----------------------------�- ---- - <br /> i <br /> of the sum of---------O�e--�.QI�.�r__and--pro_perty -settle�nt.---- --- ------ ------- ---- ------- ----- --- ---- -- --- ---------------------------------------.DOLLARS, ; <br /> I <br /> in hand paid, do.--__---------hereby GRANT, Bf1RGAIN, SELL, A�D CONVEY unto ---my_-]Mi#'�-,----C_Ct�'.A---S_t.�v��,x�7,---__--------------__-----_---------------_ !i <br /> � <br /> --------�----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------- - ------------------------- ----�------------------------------------ !; <br /> Hall ..----and State o Nebraska------------ --- ------------- -----------, Grantee------------, tlie followi�ig i <br /> of the CountJ �f-------------------- -- - ---------- --- - f -- ------------------ ------ - <br /> described premises, situated in the Count� of____________...............Ht�ll r . '� <br /> -----------------------------------_..-----------and Siate of AeL�•aslca, to-wit: '1 <br /> � Lots_.Tvro___�2�___and___Four___(_�)______in__.Block Eleven _(11) , in _Callege �test Lawn, in the ' <br />�.�ewewd�ul�-------------- <br />.,:������,,�..; ; <br /> -----C ity---of---Granc�__Island�----rlebraska------ ---�------------------ ----------------------------------- i <br /> ----�---------------------� ---�---------------------------..---�------------------------------------- ! <br /> !.i <br /> ---------------------------------------------------...--------------------------------------------------=--------------------------------....-------------------------�----------------------------------------------------------•-------------------------- ii <br /> ---------------------------------------------•-...-------------------------------•-----•------------•------------------------._....--•-------•-•-------------------------------•----------- --------------------------------••---•------------•----------------- ;i <br /> -------------------------------------------••----�--------------------------•--------------------------------------------------------------------•------- � <br /> -------------------•-----------•-------------------------------------------------------------._.----- --- �; <br /> , <br /> ; <br /> � <br /> ,� <br /> ------------------------------------•--•---------------------- -----------�------------------------------------------------------------------------------�-------•-------------------------------------- ------------•---------------------- ---- --- <br /> --- ,i <br /> i <br /> ----- --------------------------------•---••--------------------------------------------. _------ ------ -- ------------------------------------------- --------------•-------------------------------------•--------••----•--- tI <br /> --�----••----•-- --°-------- <br /> ;i <br /> •----------_..------•-----------------------------------------•-------•-----------•--...-------�-------- -------� - -------------------------------�-------- <br /> ---------------------------- --------------------------•---------------- <br /> •------------------- EI <br /> � --------------------•--•---------------------------------------------------------------- _--------------- -------- ----------------------------------- � <br /> ------- _--------------------------------- -------------------------------- - ` <br /> ��. Together zvith all the tene�nents, heredita�ne�tits, ancl app�crtena-nces, tlaereunto belonging, c�nd all the Estate, Right, Title, Interest, Do�ver, i� <br />�� �� Curtes�, Claim and Demand wliatsoever of the said (�ra�itor•______., antl-ef-ci�Iccr�ef-tleerrc, of, in or to the same, o�° a7z� part ty�ereof. �� <br /> - . . . �� <br />�, (�1 A ��ttP Mlt� #0 '�U�� the above descr2bed prem¢ses, v,v2th tlae appurtenances, unto the said C�rantee.__.______a�2d to._.__.____hP�'_.__.__.._heirs ' <br />�I '�:and assigns forever. And_---_I---____-_he�reb� covenant_--_--wi�h the �a�d (�rantee---___---that--__---_--_-----___-I------------------Izold-_-----sccid prerr�ises b� ��� <br />� � <br /> I, good and perfect title; that____...____I__________.___._....__yea_Ve__.__good rigkt and lawful azctlzority to sell and conze� tlae sa7z2e; that tliey�a�•e fre,e and <br /> �� clear of all liens a�id dncumbr•ances whatsoever-------------------------------...----------------- -- `� <br /> - - - --- -__-- - ---------- E <br /> --- - - ---- - --- - ----- - - ---- „ <br /> li <br /> --------------------- ------ -- ------------------------- - ---- --- ---.�---------- -- -- -- .__._-- - ---------- ------_�------- �. <br /> ------------- ----------• 1 <br /> - ---------.. ... . <br /> ---------- - -------- � -- - - - - -- - ------_ . -- �� - - - - - --- - -- - - - -�-- ---- - --- --- -- ----- ---- - - ---- _---°- -- <br /> I� <br /> And . .. ......... ..... . 1 _. .. ___ __ covenant_. warrant and defend the said premises aya�inst the lawful elaims of a�ll pe7•-� �j <br /> --------------------------- - --- -------. ,'� <br /> sons 2vhomsoever - -- -------- -- -- -- -- ------- ----------------- ---------- - - --._.. ---------- - - !i <br /> - ----�-- - -------- --------------------------- �� <br /> i <br /> --------�------------------------------------ <br /> � ;i <br /> ------- ---- -- - - --- -- - - - - --- ---- -- -------------------�---------------------- - -- '; <br /> - --- -----�-------------- ----------- - <br /> --- ;i <br /> Dated the--- ---- ---- -26------- - - ---- ---- --�------- ------daJ �f---- ---- - ----- -------�`��y-------- -------------------------_ , <br /> - ------- -------A.. D. 19-----'��--• � <br /> i <br /> ;� <br /> �------------------------------Jo�eph---T._Stew�rd------------�--- ----- . `'� <br /> tiVITNESS � <br /> - i <br />� � �i <br /> PaulC .Holmber -----------------�-------------------�----------------------------�--------:--------------------------� '� <br /> - -----------------------------------------------------------�-�----------------- -------------------� i� <br /> �� <br />��, --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- r, <br />', ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------- <br /> � <br /> u. <br /> �-----------------------------------------------------------------------------�-----�-------------------- � <br /> STATE OF NEBRASIfA, �j <br /> ;: <br /> Hall ss. On this--------26----- f '' <br /> ---------day �f------------------------��Y--------------------- --------------A. D. 19--��----, be ore me, .,, <br /> " ----------------------------------- -------..._Count�, i,. <br /> i� <br /> tlie undersigned, a Nota7•y Public----------_-_---_-__-__---_-___-__-within ancl for said County, personally came_----_-------_--------------------------•------------__-----_--...._ ;i <br /> '� <br /> _____Joseph__T_.5teward__�_sometimes__d�_sign_�ted__as__Jos.e�h_._T.Stewart).___________________________ �I <br /> : �i <br /> I <br /> ;: <br /> to ��2e pe�-sonall� knozvn to be the identical �ers��a...___ .____2chose name_.... ... __ig_ ___._. . ___._____..affi�ed to the I <br /> � <br /> � above instrunae�tit as grantor__..__.____, and____________he______..____________seze�°all� acicnowleclgey�the same to be._____.h1_$__ � <br /> ;, <br /> � volunta7-y act and deed for the pac7•pose tfiereiri e�p�•essed. `.I <br /> , IN WITNESS tiVHEI�EOF, I I�ave hereunto subscribed my name and affixed my official seal at___.__..____..._. 'I <br /> ,� <br /> (SEt1L) Gz'�.nd Is1And, in said County� on the date last above written. , <br /> - - ---- ------- -------------------------- - - - , <br /> , -----------------------------------------------------------------------�1%ota�--Publi------- '( <br /> Paul C .Holmber �� <br /> �. y c. , <br /> ' D1� eommission e�pires------------------- -------- ----------------------- -----------------------------------July--12- -----------�-------� 'I <br /> -- - - - -? 19---��---- �� <br /> 4 <br /> --------i�- — <br /> . . _ �::_.. ..�_-�_.���.�._ -.�..___-.:. _�_ =---__�.—.__.��--.._—_� _ <br />�_�__ .,..,_ -__,.:: _ . ,, <br /> � � 1 <br /> � �� � <br /> ;� <br />