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�5"� ;`.j � <br /> ���,� <br /> ��J�j� ��J�L✓�� ��L✓J� '�� �J <br />_m __,._.�..�_ ..�__.._ .___::=_.�______.�_�.. ___.�____._ _ <br />. �._..�___:�_ _�_:s� ____ _. - -_, �.__.._._._ <br /> ���—STA7E JOURNAL CbMPANY,LINCOLN,NEB. � �� � � �-� � �� �� � ���� � ����� ����� <br /> �_._.�.....�._ _.__...__..____._,..�_..r..__._._....._ .. _..._ ..__. . <br /> � <br /> � FRO.M I hereby cert�ify that this i�zst7�itme7zt was� entered o�z Ni��nerical Inde� a�nd ( <br /> � <br /> , <br /> Leroy C.Brot�n and trrife . �' <br /> -----------� ----------------- --- -- --- --- - - - - -. --- --- led or record tlais---- ------- -- -------�6--------------.__da� o � ri�__..---------------- <br /> � f J f--------- ---�--- <br /> ,I <br /> �1. D. 19---��-._, at. --._ - - -------II_:JO.-- -- ------------o'clock-----A-�--M• I <br /> � �larrantp ;� �� <br /> ---------------------------------------- --- -- - - ------- <br /> --- ------- ---- <br /> , . <br /> To �eea r <br /> ,, f <br /> ----------------�---------------------��c-c���C �r�c-o�Y= i <br /> , <br /> --------------------------•-------...------'�------•-•-- � <br /> Alex Kehm �.nd Marie Kehm Register of Deeds, ii <br /> ------------------------------------------------------------------- ------ -------._.--- ,; <br /> i�. <br /> i <br />' BJ---------------------------------------------------------------------------� !i <br /> ------------------------------------------- ---------- --- <br /> ---- - ------- -- -- � Depi�ty. ;! <br /> . _ I <br /> !i <br /> ��Crt�� �1� ��e� b�� ��r�e��e �����e�t��: <br /> : <br /> ! TII'AT-------�,e�'-c��---C..Brnr�n_an�__Ka.t.i.e--E.�x_ovrn-�----h1.s_..w:�.�'e�------ --- -------------------- -- --- . !� <br /> ------------------- - -------------�-------------------_...--------- !I� <br /> ,� <br /> i <br /> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------�----...----------------------------------------------------------------------------------�------------- i <br /> ; <br /> : of the Cou�itJ �f---- -- -Fi��.Il- -------- -----and State of-------- ----- -Nebrt�,ska------------------------- -- --- ---------- - ------ - -.C,�yantor----$------, in eonsideration i� <br /> i', <br /> - - -- - ---------------- ----------------�----------- -- --- ---------- -----------------------------------------�6{��z4��� '� <br /> of tlae sum of_________________One_Hundred Seventy-f ive Do17_ars �17�.00) <br /> in hand paid, do_______________]iereb� GR�1NT, BARGAIN, SELL, AND CONVEY unto __Alex Kehm and &Iarie__Kehm,_ his_ wife, _ as ;' <br /> � <br /> ,�oint tenants, not as te:iants in comrnon and to the survivor of thFm ' . <br /> ---- - -------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------- <br /> - ----�-------------------------------------------------------- -...----------- � <br /> Hall Nebr�.ska 8 !' <br /> of the County �f---------- ------ ---- - - --- ----- ------and State of----------------------- -- ------------------------ -------------- --------- - --- -- ----� Gra,ntee-----------� the following i� <br /> deseribed premises, situated in the CoicntJ of------------------------------------HaI.I------------------------- --- ----- f T � • ,� <br /> �___u�ad State o �ebr•aslca to-w2t: � I <br /> n <br /> ----��----�-�-�----in---�1_ack_.F'ive----�-��__._and_.L.ot---�'io�.t.---�-��----��--Bloc.�.._�'vro---�.���-- both---in-_�oehler_--Pl_&�e-�--------- �; <br /> ..__in__the__.Cit�__of___Grt�nd.__IslandtHAl1__C_ounty, Nebr�.ska. �� <br /> ----------- - ---------- --- -- -- -------- � <br /> _----- - --- ------------- <br /> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------�--- <br /> (50 I.R.Stamps -- - -------------------------- ------------- --------------------------------------- <br /> ; <br /> ;i <br /> - - _------- �� <br /> ) � <br /> ;, <br /> ---------------------- ---Canc_ell�d._..------ ;; <br /> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -.._._----------�_ �: <br /> ------------------------�----_..-- ------------------------------------- <br /> ---------------------- ; <br /> -------------------------------------------------�------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ._._._------------- ----------------------------------------------- �, <br /> ,� <br /> :, <br /> , <br /> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------_..---------- ----------------------- - ,� <br /> -------------------------------------�---- ---- „ <br /> ----- ---------------------------------....----------------------------------------------�------ -- -------------- --- -- ---------------------------------------------------------.. ------------------------------------------------------------�--�---------- �', <br /> -------_.-----�---�---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - --------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------- ,� <br /> �', <br /> ---- ------------------------------------------------ --------------------- -- - -------- - ----- --�-- --------------------------------- ---� ---------------- -------------- --------------------------------------------- ;� <br /> �' Together uith all the tenements, hereditaments, and app2�rtenances, thereunto belonging, and adl the P.state, Right, Title, I�iterest, Dowe�°, �i <br /> �� 0'urtesy, Claim and Demand wlia�tsoever of tlze said C�rantor��._._., cr�e�3-o-�-e�#,�eew�-o���ew�; of, in or to the sanae, or r�ny part tl�e►•eof. � � � <br /> li <br /> - . . . ,i <br /> t�� �MUP �tt� �A 'I�A�� the above desc7-abed premises, ivzth the appurtenances, unto tfae said G�•aniee_�_._._.and to_____th�iT' _ __ _heirs f; <br /> . . ,;i <br /> : and assigns forever. And.._..__..�`Te___.�..hereby covenant______.iczth the sc�2d Grantee__s.____ticat.__________._�!?e._____._____.___.___y�old..____sa�d pre�nises b� �,! <br /> good and per�fect title; tlzat________..�!e..____.______._____Jza_Ve._.good yi�ht and lr�wful az�tho7•it� to sell a.nd con-ve� tfae sa��ie; that tlaes c�re fre,e and l,i <br /> � <br /> clear of all liens and inczcmb��ances u�hatsoever•_..__._eXGept__ �erler&�._t_aXF_S,__�.nd_.__s_tY'eet___gY'aVeling.__tA.X_,________ � <br /> --- - ---- <br /> - ----- - �� <br /> ;; <br /> ---------_...------------- --- ----------------------------- --- - --------------- --- -- .. <br /> , <br /> - - - -----------------�-----.._ --- - -- ------ ---------- - <br /> - ------------- -- - ----------------------------�------- <br /> --------- � <br /> ------ --------------------------- ----------------- ---�_-_._..--- --- --------------- ----- - - <br /> -- --- ------- --------------- - <br /> i <br /> --- ------------------ ------ ----------- --- ------------------------------- - ------ -- ,! <br /> And_......................_____._1�!�_._.___...___.___._.___________._._ covenant________._to warrant and defend the said prenaise�s against the lawful claims of all per•- �I <br /> , sons 2Uhomsoeve�• - - - - ---------- - - -- -------------- ---- ----- -- - ---� il <br /> -- ----------- -- - ------ - ------ -- --- - <br /> --- -------------------- - - ----------------------- <br /> ---------------- i <br /> , �! <br /> ----------------------------------------------------- -- ----------- ----------------------------------- -------- ------ ------- -- - - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------� �i <br /> � <br /> ----------------------------------------------- --- ----. _.------ -- --------------- -------------------- - ----------- - - -------- --- ----- „ <br /> ---------------------- ---- -- -------------------------- --- <br /> ----- ----- <br /> Dated t1ce---- ----------- -26th � f ---Apr il- ------- ---- ----------�.. D. 19---�- -----• ' <br /> - -------------- ------ - -- --- ----- -------da2 0 --- --- - - - - ------------------------- - � <br /> a <br /> tiVITNESS �� <br /> �---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------_. �� <br /> H�.�xold A.Prince __�----------------------------Leroy--C..3rown---------------------------------- ;� <br /> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------- -------------- <br /> k � <br /> �--------------------------------Katie.--E.�Brown-------------�-------------------- '� <br /> �� <br /> , .------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------- �� <br /> ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- � <br /> --------------------------- <br /> STATE OF NEBR�ISSA, ij <br /> f.�.II �ss. On this----------26th.--------da o -------------APril--------- ---------------A. D. 19----��---, before me, 'j <br /> r <br /> y f------------------- <br /> ' -------------------------------------•-----------Count�, . I, <br /> !� <br /> '; the undersigned, a Notary Public__...__.____________________________.__within and for said County, personall9 came______Leroy___C._3rown___anc�__Ratie. ,i <br /> � <br />' - E_,_Broran-�----h3s---wife�--- --- ------ --------- ' <br /> --------------------------- ---�--------- ---------------------- ----------�------ -----------------------------.- f <br /> � <br /> I'''' ' ------------------------------- --------- ._------------------------------------------------ - --------------------- -------------------------- ----- ------------------------------------- �' <br /> � to me personall� knoz�n to be the identical perso7i.__$_______u;hose name__� __ �e �� - <br /> --------- -------- ----------._affixed to tlae ; , <br />� �' above inst�•unaent as grantor.s.__.__, and_._______.____the.Y____________seve�°all� acicnowiec�gdy�the same to be._._��,��,.r__ <br /> � <br />��� � zolunta7�y act and deed for the purpose tlzere�i�i e�py�essed. ( <br /> �'� IN WITNESS tiVHDREOF, I have hereunto subscrived my name a�id affi�ed m� official seal at___.._____._ �� <br /> ' _Gr_�n�.__I_sl�r�c�,..._in.._s�i�.__C�unt.�.,,_on the date last above written. '�i <br /> (uE�L) ` �i <br /> H�.rold A.Prince !' <br /> --------------------------------------------�---------------------------�-,--------------------------- <br /> ,; <br /> � � lyotary Public. �� <br /> • • April 16, !� <br /> ' My comm2ssio.n exp2res--------------------- -------------- -----------------------�-----..----------------------------------------------------------------1�---�--- <br /> i <br /> ;, <br />�v-__ �. .>w�:--� _ ..._-_--����__ __' <br /> _.:_ __ -. _ ._ .. .._ _ .��__ .,.�._ ___._. _� _.__._.___ .______�___��______.�__._.___ <br /> � - — <br /> � <br />, �I I <br /> i <br />