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�� � <br /> �J�11,�J� L�!L�JjJ���� ���� u.� �A� '. <br /> . ___.._ .._ . . ... .__._.. ......._.. -STATE JOUHNAL CQKiPAft4.ti7VCDLA�..�gg, .. ..,. . _... _ . . .. . . .. . ._.. .... ..._... ... .. ... . . _. .. . ._._-..---_. ___._._.._ ..._...____�. ..____. __._. .__._ <br /> II . <br /> FRO✓YI I her�b� certify that this instr�ument was entered on Numerical Index and i <br /> i' I <br /> �� <br /> ; .EmmR---�,ofgren_.Nielsen--and---husband-- fileat for reeorrz t�iis---------------------�Q----------------------day of-�-711�a�.�h------------------------� <br /> . . <br />�� El. D. 19--3�----� at---------------------------4'-r?..5----------------..o'clock----P--'---�. I <br />� ! -------------------------------=-------------------- -----�------------------�---------------- . �larrantp � <br /> , � <br />� ' To �eea �,�� �/ ' <br /> ,�� � � ' <br /> �' ----------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------- ---------- . <br /> �f .............�yrtle__.FiI7_more , Register f Deeds, � <br /> � <br /> -�------------------------�----��---------- <br /> i <br /> 8�----�---------------------------------------�-=----------------------------. � <br /> � <br /> '' ------------------------------�-----�--------------------------------------------------------- Deputy. i <br /> i <br /> �!Crtaor� �t�� ���t b�� ���e��e ���e���t��: � <br /> . i <br /> TgAT._.....Emma_.Lczf_gr.en_..Niel�s�n_,___.f.armer.l�t_.Frima__.LaPgr_en.,._.and._Ar.thur._E._Ni.el.sen,__.wife---a.n.d--huab�x�.�._ � <br /> �' i <br /> � -----.-----�------------------------- � <br /> , --------------------------------------------------�------------------------------------------------�-----------------....--�---------------------------�-------------------------------�-------------�------------------------------• � <br /> I; of the County of-------------Hall ---and State of--------------------.Nebraskt�.------------------------ -------------- --- -------------- -.�rantor..._.._._._., in eonsideration � <br /> i <br /> ' of the sum of____.Three___hundre_d and no�100 (�300.00) _ i <br /> -------- -- -- --- ------- -- --------------- --- -- ----- ----------------- - - ------------------...---._DOLLARS, ; <br /> �; � <br /> ;,, in hand paid, do----------------herevy (�RANT, BARGAIN, SELL, AND CONVEY unto ----------IVIy__T_�7.�---�1la.AlOx'E-----------_--------------------------------------------- I <br /> ; <br /> � <br /> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------•-------------------------------------------- i <br /> i <br /> f J f f Nebraska-----------------------------------------------------------� Grantee....--------, tke following , <br /> ; o the Count o --------------��111------- -----------------..and State o -----------------•--- <br />• ;' described premises, situated in the County of__________________.____.._._Hall.__,_..___.______._______._______.______._________and State of Neb�°aslca, to-urit: I <br /> ' .Pax�.t_..of:..the._.Southvrest___quarter__of__ the___Southeast_._�yuarter.__of___the...�outheas_t_..�,�artPr__.o�___Se�.t�.om__..__ '� <br /> : , <br /> ;! .Three---�-�-�---in---To�ship--Eleven.._�I?__�.�---rJorths-.-Qf---Range..._Nine----�-�-�---We4.t---°�'---tk�e.__�_�kl.__F,M.__.d.e$�r.ib�d---aa � <br /> ;,;, follows_; Commencing at _a poin� �3 Peet North of the South line of said Section ,____and__410 � <br /> -- -- ----------------------------------------------------------------�-�-----�-----...-----------------------3- - 5------- <br /> , feet East of the West line of said Section Three O ,_ runnin thence North 264 feet to a stak � , <br /> - ------------------------------�-------------------------------------------------------------------------.._..------�--��---------------------�----- �- � <br /> ---------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- <br /> ;; thence du:e West to the �Jesterly line_ of the Southeast quarter of the .Southeast _._ uarter SE�SE ) <br /> - - - - - 4-- - - - - -----�-------�----- <br /> C of sa,id Sectinn Three_ (�) , thence due___Sou_th__ along_.the_._s�_id.__Westerly__1_ine___�f..said__.SoutheaQ_t__..._. <br /> - -- -------------------------------------------- - - - <br /> i; _Quarter of the Southea�t uarter ( SE�SE4__._ of said Section Three (_ ), _to a oint thirt three � <br /> , - - - --------------------------------------- <br /> --------- �-- � - ------------'�- - - � - ------------- �- p-------------- -----------�'------....--------- � <br /> ; (��) Peet North of the South line of said Section Three �31� �hence due East i�o_ the point oP <br /> ;� ---- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------�---------------------------------------...----....._._---�---- - -- - -- --- ------------ <br /> i'� ----beginnin�z---containing---one----�1_�__.acre� ��--more----°--r---le_ss-�----------------�----------��SCancelled. -�p8---------)------------------------------�-----..._ � <br /> � <br /> !� To ether with all the tenements Icereditaments and a zcrtenanees thereunto belon in and all the Estate Pi ht Title Interest Dower <br /> �� <br /> 9 , , 1�p , 9 9, , 9 , , , , <br /> Curtesy, Claim and Dema�zd whatsoever of the said Grantor_�______, a.ucL.v�.e�tl�ex.�o��b�e.v�r., of, in or to the sanze, o�• any pa�•t thereof. I <br /> 'I (�0� �MUP Mlt� #ct �itt(� the above described premises, u�itli tlie appurtenances, wnto the said Grantee.__.._...__.and to___.___._heY' _ _..heirs I <br /> l� � <br /> . ij and assigns forever. And__.___�e_______._.._he��eby covenant________with the said (�rantee________._that._____________________�?�..._____.______..holcl..____..said premises b� ' <br /> , <br /> i� good and perfect title; that___..__.____�!e_________________________)aaVe__:..__�ood right and lawful authority to sell and con-tie� the sanze; that they are fre,e and j <br /> �� <br /> !' elear of all liens and incumbranees whatsoever----- ---------- --�-- - ---- -- ------------------- --------- -- ------------- ---- - - --- �----�---------------�------------�------------�-- -------------------- <br /> I <br /> j, ----------------------------------------------------------------------------_._.._....----��-- -- -- -------- - -- - --- ---------------------------- -- ---- -------------------------�------------------------------- i <br /> '� , <br /> =- --------------------------------------�-----�-------------�-----�---------�---------------------------- --�---------- �-- �----------------------------- - --- ----------------�.-----------------�--- ------- -�-----....------�----------�-�-- ---------- <br /> ��; <br /> 'j And.._._..__.__..___.__....____._�Te__._____..................._.________.. covenant____._.._._to warrant and defend the said premises against the Zawful elaims of all per- <br /> ji sons ivhomsoever• ---------- ---------------------�------------------------------------------• , <br /> . ...._---�----------------------- --------------------------------------- ,, <br /> ;� <br /> '! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ --------------------------------------------- - <br /> ------------------------------------------- ' <br /> �; ----------------------------------------------------- <br /> �, '� <br /> �;" 'I------------------------- ------------------------------------------.__----------------------�-------------------�----- -------------- -- --------�----------------�---------------------._.------------------------------- <br /> - ------------------------- i <br /> ; " - ---------------March-- � <br /> Dated the------------�------1�------------------------------------------------da o --------------------------------�--- --------A.. D. 19---��---. ' <br /> I'� y f------ -- <br /> ��� �----Emma__Lofgren._Nielsen----------------------------�-------....._ ' <br /> �; WITNESS I <br /> ,� ----Arthur E.Niel.een --------------------------- <br /> „ Herman F:Buckow -- --- - ---------------------------------------------------�------ <br /> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------- . <br /> i; ; <br /> ; <br /> ;; STATE OF NEBRASSA, ) ' <br /> }ss. On this----------------10n---...--day �f------------------------------Ad�r�h-----------------------------�. D. 19--��-----, before me, ; <br /> �i --------------xa.l.l------------------------._CountJ, ) <br /> i� the undersigned, a Notary Publia__.______.__._.._.__________._______._._within ancl for said County, personally came__._.�?ma_..�!OPgY'eTl._.�tTie�,$�21�___._____ j <br /> �I <br /> !i formerl_y___Emma. LoP�ren__and_Arthur__ E.Niel_ser�_,___wife__.�nd___Y�u_�1��,��________________...._______......__. � <br /> ; <br /> ,ii ------------------------------------�--------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------._..._ . <br /> �, <br /> � �� to me personall9 knozvn to be the identical person__s_.._..__�whose namee______�'.e________________________________________a�cxed to the ; <br /> ;. <br /> '' above instrunLent as grantor_a__...___, and_________________they__.___._______.severally acicnou,ledged the same to be_._...t�l.�_1.X' ! <br /> il � <br /> ��j voluntary act and deed for the pu�rpose thereiryz e�pressed. j <br /> i IN WITNESS tiVHEREOF, I have hereunto subscribed my name and a�"ixed my o�j`icial seal atC?r'aj1d.__ � <br /> �' ( SEAL) Island, in said County i <br /> ------------------------�----------�--------------------------------------------------�n the date last above written. ; <br /> ; -------------------------------------------Herman---F.Buckow-------�--------. � <br />' � �Yotary Publio. <br /> Myeommission expires---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Apr-i�---�6--------------19---'�S._.._ ; <br /> � <br /> i <br /> ii � <br />. �, <br /> ii ; <br /> il <br />