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��'� <br /> ��j�J� �_'L-.�_'�JJ�J�J'�� �5l V��o �1� �OJ <br />_,________.�-��.___.___�______--_F_.___---- _.:w� :�as�-.>�-_--�.—__ - __�_� <br /> � �_-��I��S7A7E JAURNAL COMPANY,LINCOLN.NEB. ° . . . ... . ....�. .-. ..--_---. ..--..-.-' '� ..-.:...... _.- .. . . . . . <br /> � � FRO.M I ycereby certify that tycis i�zst�•ument was entered oyz Nume�•ical Inde� a�nd � � <br /> !I <br /> ;, <br /> !i <br /> -----JQhn_._Busklm€�rix�__and--Eva7,yna-.------------- . filed for reco►•d this-----------7 �dareh ' <br /> - -- -----------------�------�a� �f------------ ---- - ----._.-------------- � <br /> t1. D. 193-------- at_.___ ------- ------ ---5- -_._--- -- ----o'clocic .-----�.M. ; <br />�, his wife, � � ° 10:1 A <br /> - - --------------------------� -- ---- -- --- ----- -- - ---- �parrantp ;.. <br /> To �e¢a i <br /> ��.-�._�-�-------.---. <br /> � �, Regtister of Deeds, jI � <br /> `�nn.-- ---------------- ._... -�---- ------ ,' <br /> ;i <br /> BJ------- ------------------------------------------�-----------------------• , <br /> -------------------- ---- -----------� Deput�. '!,,, <br /> _ ` ;� <br /> ��Crt�u�vr �t�� ��rt br� ��r���e �x�����t�,�: '� . <br /> � ;l <br /> Tg�T___.__John;,.Bus�ann__and___Evalyna__BushmAnn, his wife ' <br /> ------- ------------- - -- _�.---- --- --------------------_.._. il <br /> ---------------------- ---------------- -- ------- --- -------------- <br /> , <br /> -------------------------------- � <br /> ( <br /> ; <br /> of the Count� of_____..______H&11__________._.__and State of________._.___.NEbY'a.BkA ___.Granto7•________.___, in eonsideration � <br /> of the sum of__.__...____Qn�__.an_c�__no_/100__&__Exch�n�e__of property_ _ '' <br /> ---- ------ ---------- ------ --- ------ - ---- ----------DOLLARS, <br /> in hand paid, do_._..._.__..__hereby GPElNT, BARG�IN, SELL, AND CONVEY unto _____Herman_Buehmann � <br /> „ <br /> --------------------------- ----- ---------- ------------------ � <br /> f <br /> """"____"___"""'_"'_'___'_._____""__""'_"""__""""""""""""""""'_""""" �i <br /> I,! <br /> of the Count� of---------------Ha11 -- --- --- -- ---- ---ancl State of----------Nebraskt� -------� G�°antee------------, the following ;i <br /> ,, <br /> . . . ;I <br /> described prem2ses, situated in the County of____.._.._.________.__HAll____________._______________.__._________________and State of Neb�°aslca, to-wit: !' <br /> �; <br /> _____All___of_our._undiyide_d__interee_t in _and to The North Half of the Northeast Quarter (N�NE�) ;E <br /> ------------ ----�-� ------- ---- --- �---- <br /> ------- -- ------ ------ �---- -�--------- --- -------- �: <br /> ____.Q�___S�Gt_ion___Thirty_._four__.(_3?�)__.in__Town�.hip _Eleven ( 11) , _North, Range_ Eleven (11) West oP the <br /> - -- --- ------ ---- ---- ---�------------------� � <br /> ---------- ------ <br /> �----6 th---P.1�.----------------- � `' <br /> - -- ----------�---------------------------------------------------- <br /> - - -- - - --------------- ----------...----------------------------------- '; <br /> � - -I.�. . amps �- -------------�-�------------------------ 'i <br /> , <br /> ------------------�:---�.anc_elled----- --�-------------------------------------------- ---------- �i <br /> ;; , <br /> ---------------------------------------�----------�--��------�------------------------�----------------------------------------------------�--------------------------------------------------�---- ------------�----------------------------------- ----- - --- ,� <br /> . ,, <br /> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------�------------- --- 'i <br /> ------------------------------------- ----------�--------------------------- ---- - <br /> ----- -------------------------------------------------._._�----- ------------------- ----------------------------------------� ---------------__---------------------------------------...--�-------------------- ---------- <br /> -- ---___ --- ------------ ,' <br /> ----------------------------------- ---------------------�-------------------------- <br /> ,� <br /> -------- -- ----------------------_ -------------------------------- - <br /> ---------. _-------------------------- � <br /> -------------------------------------------- <br /> ---------------•--- �. <br /> . <br /> -- ---------------------------------------------- <br /> ;� � <br /> Together with a.11 the tenements, her•editaments, and appz�rtenances, thereunto belonging, and all the ,I+'state, Riglit, Title, I�aterest, Dower, '� <br /> Curtesy, Claim and Demand w7iatsoevey of the saicl C�rantor_�.___._, ftr.*1=y�±et�Faer-�f—th.�n, of, in, or to the same, or any pa��t thereof. �i <br /> r; <br /> ��t �Ue Mit� �Q �III� ty�e above descy^ebed premas�s, witla the ap�u�-tenances, 2�nto tice said C�rantee.__._._._._and to..___.�i$_.______.____heirs �� <br /> !i <br /> � and assigns forever. �nd___�e..............he�°eb� coveriant__.____2vith tlie suid Grantee _____that__._ ._____�8.. __. ___..__...._I�old_.__..__said pren�zises by �! � � <br /> � good and perfect title; that.._________�16_________._______h�_oe___good 7�ight a7ad lazvful aictlio��it� to sell and con,�;ey the same; that t1�c� are fre,e and �' <br /> i <br /> clear of all liens and inczcmb��ances 2�laatsoever--.------------------------------_-------------------- ----- ii <br /> - - --- - - �� <br /> -__---- --�------------------ --- --- ----- --- --- i <br /> �) <br /> j; <br /> -------------------�-------� ----�-------------------------------------------------...---- - --- - - �� <br /> _ . _ __.. ... ------- ----- -- - - ----- ----- _....- - - -- --- --- --- --- --- ---- --- ------ - - --- <br /> i, <br /> I And._.. __.__ _,_._.__ ... e__. ._.__.__ _________ _ _____ ___ ___ _ covenant.._.._______to �,carran,t and defend the said premises against tTae lauful claims of all per ,; <br /> i �� <br />�I ' sons whomsoever �: <br /> ----- -- -- -- - ----- -- --- -- -- ----------------- ----- -- - - - - ----------------- - - ---------------------- ---- -------------------- ------------�----- f� <br /> - ------- <br /> i; <br /> ------------------------------------------------ ------- --- - -- -- ----�-------------------------- ---- ----------- �' <br /> � <br />' ----------------------------------------------- ------- - -------------------------- .._...--------------------------------- -- - !j <br /> - -------------------------------------------- --- ------------�-------------- <br /> Dated the 7th-----�--- - -- -- - - -- - - ----------�a✓ �f-- - ------ ------March ----- --------------- -- ----- ------ --- -------A.. D. 19--3�---.-------...----------- I . <br /> . ii <br /> tivrT�v��ss �-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------�---------... �� <br /> ----------------�--------------John--Buehmann 'I <br /> Herman F.Buckow -- -- ---------•- � <br /> ----------------------------------�---� !; <br /> ---------------------------------------------�----------------------------------- ---- --� a Y � <br /> Ev 1 na Bushmann il <br /> �----------------�--------------------------------�------------------------------------------------------ �� <br /> ----------�------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------- �i <br /> -- �----------------------------------------------------------�-----------------------------...----.. <br /> STATE OF NEBRASKA, ) �' <br /> }�ss. On this------ -----7th.--------day �f--------------------MaY'Ch--------------�--------------_..__A. D. 19---3�---, be ore me, ; <br /> ----------------H&11----- ----- ---------CountJ, ) f ; <br /> the undersigned, a Notar� Public_________________.____..____:_..____.___within ancl for said County, personally came____4Toh11_Bu8hm8r1T1_._�nd__________,___._ �' <br /> � <br /> ` --- �valyna__Bushmann� --his_wiPe,. -`------------------- ------------- ---- ---------------------.�---- -- �' <br /> -------------------------------------------- � <br /> i) <br /> ---- - -- --- ----- ------------ -------------------------------------------- ------------- ----- ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ii <br /> � to me personall� knozvn to be the identieal perso7z.8. __.__wlzose nam�___ _�'_�... �� � <br /> -- ------- -------- ------ ----- -affi�ed to tlac �i <br /> �� above insta-untent as grantor_8_______, and.._____thEy____________.___severally acicnowledge� tfie same to be._th�ir'_ � <br /> volunta��� act ccnd deed for the purpose therei��a e�pressed. . � <br /> IN ZVITNESS yVHEREOF, I have hereunto sicbscrived my name and affi�ed my� off�,eial seal at_______.___.. ! � <br /> ( SEAL� Grand Island, in �Baid County on the date last above 2vritten. ;, <br /> ----- ------- -- ------�---------------------------------------------- <br /> ij Herman F.F3uckow ', <br /> ------------------------------------------- -------------------------- -------�----------------- ( <br /> ------ <br /> ; ------... ltiotary �ublic. ii <br /> ', M� commission e�pires------------- ------- -------------------------------------------------=------------------------Ap�''1I 16 $ <br /> �: - -- -- -- ------ ss.-3------- I <br />��—��.,�_. ._ ---_ _ _.:___ .�_:-. :., _ _ ,-�« �_-�-��—___�_�:____ ._�---__��-_. __�_:�__�:�__����=—�—� —_ ��_���—�-- <br /> i <br /> ;; � <br />� ;i i <br />