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���� <br /> D���1� ��J���� ��� ��J <br />____ a _ _ ___ s� _ <br /> FRO.M I hereb�certify that this instrument was ente�•ed on Numerical Inde� and I, <br /> �i <br /> Herman Bushman 2nd- FI'leda------------------. �iled for record this--------------7---------.__------------------.daJ of-----.---MaY'Ch------- <br /> ,; ------------------------ �-----------� ------ <br /> ', --Bushman, husband and �rife �i D. 19.��.-----� at----------------Z�-•-15-----------------------.o'clock--�'-'----�. ; <br /> - -- ------------------------------------------�------------__.--- --- ----._----� �larrantp • <br /> , . <br />. <br /> ' To �eea ����� Q <br /> ---�------------------------------------------------------------�----------------------- ---------------- � <br /> John Bushman ; Register of Deeds, 'i <br /> ................. .....�-----�----------................-�--��--------------�---------------- l <br /> � <br /> B1/---------------------------------------------------------------------------• �I <br /> �� ---------------------------• � Deputy. � <br /> � <br /> ��C�t�u� �tX� ���t b� � ��� x��e��ert��: � <br /> � � � , <br /> !' THAT_.__Herman Bushman and Frieda Buahman, each in their own right and as husband and wife �,� <br /> - ------------- ---------------�-�---------------------------------------------�--------------------------------------�-�---------------------------..... � <br /> I <br /> � <br /> •-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------�-------------------------------------------......_.......---------- :-----�------�---------�-------------------------------------------...------------------------------------• I <br /> ; of the County of_____________Hall _ _.and State of_______________.______Nebrasi�a .(�rantor_________.__, in eonsideration � <br />, ------------------------------------------------------------------------- - <br /> � <br /> ,, i <br /> , of the sum of--�---------One---and._no/I00---------&_exch�.nge-of--property---------------------------------- �-------------------------------------------------------DOLLARS, � <br /> 'i in hand paid, do.._...._...____hereby C�RANT, BARGf1IN, SELL, AND CONVEY unto ____._Joht1 BushrilaTl � <br /> I. <br /> -� -- --------------------------------------------------� ---------- ---------------------------�--- <br /> � I <br /> � <br /> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------�--------------------�--------------------------------------------------------------------------�----------------------------------------------------• I <br /> ', of the County �f----------HA,lI-�-- ---- ------------------------and State of--------------------Nebr�_ska---------------�----------------------------------- -----, Grantee------------, the following I <br /> I <br /> '' deseribed premises, situated in the County of________.__._____Hall _____________________.._________________and State of Nebraska, to-urit: ! <br /> - -- -- ---- ---------�- <br /> �', __.Fr�ctional__Lot_._Three__.(.�)..._in._Fractional Block Fifty �hree E53) in Packer & Barr's Second � <br /> - ------------ -- - -------------�-------------�----------...-------------------------�- <br /> ---------------------- � <br /> ! Rddition, and its eomplement, �o-v�it ; Fr�etion�l._Lot_..Three._(_3)__.in_._Fractional,.Block._Twelye_.__.___ � <br /> (12) in Baker's pddition, l�th being additions to the City of Grand Island,Nebraska, .as <br /> - --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- • ----..... . ._..-- ---------------------- --------- ------------------- - ------ ----------------.....--------- � -----------------------------------------�--- � <br /> ;�; surveyed, platted and recorded. ' � <br /> - ------------------ --- ---------- ----------------------------------------------------------------- --------------- - <br /> , -------- ---- ---------------------------------------- ; <br /> � <br /> ; � <br /> -----------------------------�---------------------�-------------------------�--------------�- <br /> ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- � <br /> ;, . I.R.Stamps <br /> ---�--�------ <br /> �' ...............�-----------------------------------------------------�-------------------------�---Canae.11ect--------------------------�------------------------------------------------------------...------------------------------------------------- � <br /> �; <br /> , <br /> -----�--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------�----------------------------------------- , <br /> ''; I� <br /> ,; <br /> � ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------�---------------------------------------�--------�-------------------------------------------------.....--------------------- ! <br /> r ------------------------------------�------------- ; <br /> � <br /> , <br /> ------------------ <br /> i <br /> �� Together wtith all the tenements, hereditaments, and appzcrtenances, thereunto belonging, and all the Estate, Right, Title, I�zterest, Dower, <br /> ,; <br /> (' Curtesy, Claim and Demand whatsoever of the said Grantor__.____., ' , of, in or to the same, or any part thereof. � <br /> �' i <br /> ;! (�0 ��ttP Mtt� #D �IIX� the above described premises, 2vitla the appurtenances, unto the said Grantee___.__._.___and to_.____._1?.i8.___.._.__._____heirs � <br /> �i and assigns forever. Ancl_.._.___.�e.__.__.hea•eby covenant________2vith the said Grantee__._._..._._that.............._.._we__._:__._......__.___.yiold__....__said p�•emises b� I <br /> fl I <br /> ;! good and perfect title; that__.._.._....�e.__.____.______._.______7ea.V e.._..good right and lawful authorit� to sell and �onve� the same; that tliey a�•e fre,e and � <br /> ' � <br /> clear of all liens and i�icumbrances whatsoever---------------- ----�-- ------ - -------------------- - ---- ---- -- �-- ------------------�----- -- -�-------------------------------------------- i <br /> � <br /> !,I --------------------------------------------�------------------------------------------------------------------ - - ---- ---------------------------- ----------------------------- -- ------------------------------------------...-------------- ------------- <br /> � <br /> `� <br /> ;; -----------------------------------------------�---�-------...-------------- ------�-------------------------- ------ ---- ------------------------------ ------------------------------------------ --- ---�----------------------------�---------------- I <br /> ' And_______________________.__._....o`r.e_._______._._._..__._.____....._.._..._ warrant and defend the said premises against tlie lawful claims of all per- ,� <br /> ; sons whomsoever ----�---�----------------------------- -_....-- ------------------------- ---- -- - -- -�- � <br /> : ---------------�------------------------------------- --------------------...------------------------------------�-------------• � <br /> , <br /> ; --------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------ I <br /> --------�----------------------------------------------------------------------------------�-------------------- ------------------- ------ -- -- -------._...-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I <br /> Datedthe---------------------�th-------.__..----------- -----------�-------day of------------.._Mareh----- ----------------------------------.....------- --------A.. D. 19--3�----• I <br /> i <br /> , WITNESS �------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ' <br /> . , <br /> , .................Herman F.Buckov� --------------......---------Herman. Bushman.------------�-------------------� 'I <br /> ,, --- - -- - ------------�----------------�----------------- ..-------------------� <br /> ` �------------------------------Frieda Bushman � <br /> -- • ---------------------------------------------- � <br /> -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------._...----------• ':� <br /> '! STATE OF NEBRASgA, i <br /> ss. On this-----------�-�� arch----------------------------- S �! <br /> Hi�,ll -----� �f-------�----------------------�....._.. _ A. D. 19-3-----..., before me, ; <br /> � ---------------------------------�---------�--------County, <br /> � 'I the undersiqned, a Notary Public__________________.____________._____..___._within and for said County, personally came_.___.____.._._._...__..__._...___________..__.._.__.__.._._.__.__....__ �I <br /> �( � � <br /> Herman Bushman and Frieda �ushman, each in their own right, and as husba d <br /> and e�rife i, <br /> ; ---------------------------------------�-------------------�------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------...------------�--- � <br /> � to me personally kno�on to be tfee identical person..$.__.__whose name.._S______&Y'e________________________________ ___ _a�ji�ed to the ! <br /> i above instruntient as grantor_8______, and_.____.__they_____ __ _____________sezerally acl�no2cledge,( the same to be_._their_. �i <br /> �' volunta��y act and deed for the purpose therein e�pressed. ! <br /> ; ( BEAL) IN WITNESS tiVHEREOF, I have hereunto sicbscribed my name and a�'i�ed my o�'icial seal at____._.._.___.._. �I <br /> ;� <br /> ', Gr�.nd..Island, in_ said County __ on the date last above written. j <br /> � <br /> �! , Herman F.l3uckow <br /> , � <br /> -------------------------------------------------------------------------�--------------------�--------. � <br /> 1Yotary Public. � <br /> ' . . . --------------------April.--- �..--------...-----�----------r9--- �---- � <br /> ,' �y commasstion expires--------------------------------------------------------------- �-6 � � ' <br /> ;i ; <br /> ,� i <br />- —�-- - _ <br /> �i I ��� <br /> i ', <br /> • ; I <br />