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��� <br /> D����� ��'���� ���� ��� <br /> __ <br /> __ _ ___ _ __ _ ____ _ . __ <br />.�.._ . . . . -STATE JDVRiVA OIRPAIVY.LTIQCDLN.10EHT.. ._.. . . . . . . . .. . _... . _ . ... <br /> �� <br /> '' FROJI2 I hereby certify that this instrument was entered on Numerical Index a�nd ' <br /> ;; <br /> '� I <br /> W17_liam E,Clayton and wife • December 'I <br /> -- - -- ----------�-----------�- ------�---------------------------------�--- filed for record th2s-- ------------�------------ ------------�------�ay �f---------- - ----------------------------- � <br /> � <br /> � El. D. 19--3Z---- at--------- -----�'Z 5- -- -----------�--------o'clock.-----P.hf. ;i <br /> , ` <br /> ' -----------------�-------------------- -------- _.... -------�---- --- ------- �larrantp , <br /> To �eea <br /> ,: ��� ��t�� �� <br /> , ----------------------�--------------------�-------------- �� <br /> - - - -- �-- - -- ------------- <br /> - --- - - - <br />'' ; ._,....._.�am.es__�I.IViassex_.and Pearl Masse , Register of Deeds, jl <br /> ------ ' <br /> , -------------------- � <br /> ,, <br /> '' � By-------------�-------------------------�------------•----------------------- � <br /> i <br />'' ---------- ----� Deputy. 'i <br /> ; <br /> � <br /> �Krt�r�vr �t�� ���t b�� ���e�� �x��e��e�t��: ,; <br /> , <br /> i THAT------�t...E..C.��.y.'�on---�.r�d---�race---�layton-�----his---wife------------------------------------ � <br /> ---------------------------------------------�----------------�-----------�----------- � <br /> � <br /> -�--�---------------------------------�---�---------�-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------�----------�-------------�-----------------------------------------------------------------------•-----------...--------- <br /> ' of the County �f-- ----- -Hall.---- -- ----------and State of------NebT'&Sk&----------------------------- ------ -------------------- -- ------ -.Grantor---8------ in consideration 'II <br /> ' l <br /> ' of the sum of-------------Six---Hundred---Fift�---& ----------------------------...DOLLARS, 'I <br /> ------------------------�---------------- -----------------�------ -------- --------- � <br /> j� in hand paid, do.__.___._._.._.hereby GRANT, BAI�G�AIN, SELL, AND CONVEY unto _.__J�?es__W.�as�ey__�nd___Pearl___Mas_se�y_,___ae______. :� <br /> � � <br /> , __�oint__tenant_s_,__ not__as___tenants_ in common, and to the survivor _of_ them, _ __ _ _ ' <br /> � <br /> , <br /> !� of the County �f----------------------Ha�.l------------ ------.and State of---------------------.Nebr�sk�t,---------------------------------------------------� Grantee-°--------� the follo2ving i <br /> ;; described premises, situated in the County of_______...____________________________Hall_____.________.________,.____.________.and State of Neb7•aska, to-wit: ',� <br /> 'i , I <br /> ' ----------�+°t---S.eYen---�-�-�---�.n..�lock---F-O--�r----��'�-x---�$hton_--�Iace.x.._�n---�daitSon---tO---th�-C-ity---Q�---�raz?d...�s.l��da-------- !; <br /> , ----------Hall_._Count,y-,---Nebraska. _ � ;; <br /> -- --- -- --------------------------------------------�-----------------...-----------------------------....-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- , <br /> � <br /> � ---�--------------------------------------------•----------------------------•--------------------------------------...._ <br /> , -----------•------------------------------------------------------•------------�-----------�---------------------------•--------------------�---- � <br /> 1.00 I.R.Stamps ) ' <br /> ' ----------------------�-------------._....---------------------------------------------------(---�a�ee�.-}-��------------------------}- <br /> --------------------------------�--------------------------------------------------------------........------------ �; <br /> i <br /> ; , <br /> j; ---------------------------------------------------�--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------�--------------------_._.------------�-------------------------------------------------....------------------------- , <br /> �, � <br /> ; -----�----�---------------------------------------------�------------�-�-------------------------------------------------------------------...--------�----------------------------------�-------------�-----------�--------------------------------------------------- � <br /> I <br /> . I <br /> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------�-----------------�--------------------------------------......---------------------�------------------------------------------ � <br /> ( <br /> '' -----------------�-------------------------------------------------..._ � <br /> ;', Together with all the tene�nents, hereditaments, and app�crtenances, thereunto belonging, and all the Estate, I�ight, Title, I9iterest, Dower, i <br /> i; I'! Curtesy, Claim and Demand wPcatsoever of the said Grantor._._.._., and o f either of tlzem, of, in or to the same, or any part thereof. <br /> i', C�Iit �MttP �1t� #U ��1� the above described p��emises, witli the appurtenances, unto the said Grantee..$._.....and to_._.__:��?e��'...._____.._heirs ! <br /> , I <br /> i, _. <br /> i <br /> ;I and assigns forever. And...�!� ___________hereby eovenant________ivith the said l�rantee�__-__..__.that___.._�'�_____________________________._...Icold____..__said premises by � <br /> V� -- - . . <br /> il good and perfect title; that...................._e..,._._.______._.ha._Ve__._qood raght and lawful author2ty to sell ancl con.2ey the sarne; that tlaey ure fre,e and <br /> W i <br /> �� i <br /> , elear of all liens a.nd ineumbrances whatsoever------ --- ---------- --------------------------------------- - -- ---------- ------------- ��- -- -----�----------------------- ------------�---------------------�-----�- � <br /> �� � <br /> ;i <br /> �; ,, <br /> ,i �e................................................ covena�it__.____.__to warrant and defend the said premises ac�ainst the lawful claims of atl per- <br /> , And--------�------------------------ � <br /> ;� � <br /> isons whomsoever --- ----- -�----�-----�------ ----- --- ------------�------------�---- -- ----�-------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------�--�------------------- i <br /> ;� <br /> I <br /> ,� ----------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------- ----� ----�-- ------ --------------------------------------------------------� <br /> ;; <br /> i� <br /> ------------------------------------•-•--•-------------------------------------------------...._------------------------------------.._----- ----------------------------------••----------•-•-•--------••------------�-----------------------•---------- � <br /> ',i I <br /> ;, Dated the--------------�-d--,------------ -------------- -----------------------day of----- -- - -- --.S�ptember_..__---- -----------------------�----------------A.. D. 19---��---• , <br /> , <br />� �i ti�ITNESS �--------------------------W_.E.C lay ton.------------------...-------------------- - , <br />� :' Grace Clayton � <br />' � Harold A.Pr3.nce -- -----------------------------------------------------•------------�----------------------------•--_. <br /> E <br /> 'i ---------------------��---------�--------------�------------------------------------------------------� <br /> i <br /> ;� �-------------------------------------------•------.....--------------------------------------.._._..--- 'i <br /> , ..._. . <br /> i;; STATE OF NEBRASgA, <br />, ±i ss. On this..------ --2d--- --------day �f--------------------S_e}���IAb�S.'---------------------------A. D. 19_�7----- before me 'i <br /> � Hall -----.Count�, ' ' <br /> ----------------- -------------- ---------- ! <br /> i <br /> ii the undersigned, a Notary Publie_______._.____..._____._____________________zvithin and for said County, personally eame_.__.___......____.____.._.__________..____...._________._.___.._..___. ;i <br /> ;I <br /> ;i _ _ __�.E.Clayton and Grace Clayton, hie wife, � <br /> - ---------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I <br /> j <br /> 1 --------------------------------------- ---------------- -----------------------------�----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- !,i <br /> ,,, ( SEkL) ' <br /> ' to me personall� knozvn to be the identical person8...__.__._whose name.._B____..t�.rB............................_.___._._.aj��ed to the � <br /> I <br /> ii above instruntient as grantor._�___..__, and_.__._______'�h2y_._______._.._..__severall� acicnowledged t1Le same to be___t�,e�.�'.. '' <br /> ,� � <br /> ;; voluntary act and deed f or the purpose thereira e�pressed. '� <br /> � IN WITNESS tiVIIEREOF, I have here2anto subscribed my name and affi�ed my official seal at________________. ;i <br /> ; Grt�nc�._.Island,___1.n_.s�.id_ Count_y_,_._.__on the date last above written. I <br /> , -----------------------------------------------Harold---�1_._Px'�x�.c�-------------- '' <br /> Notary Public. <br /> �� My eommission expires-------�-- ��--��---------------------------------------------�----------..............----•----�---ApT1I 16----------•---19__3�_._. I! <br /> ----- --------------- <br /> ,� <br /> - —.�.__—�. -.�.—. _ - -- �— <br /> �! ;� <br /> �I -- -- - ;i <br />