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e��� <br />. ����'� ������� ���� ��J <br />�-'.. .... .. ... . '. . . . . � -STATE JQVRNAt COEtPRFiY:tiNCQLfV.�1VE8.. .... '- . . . . . <br />� f' FRO.M I hereby certify that this instrument was•entered on Numerical Inde�a-nd ��' <br /> ' � <br /> ;� <br /> �' DonRld F.Sam son & David E. � <br /> ' ---.... - - - - - --p--------------------------------------------------- led or record this--�------------------21�. .-----da� o October------------ � <br /> fi f --------------- � f--------=-------- I <br /> , � •� -----o'clock__._A._.h�. j <br /> ; �agnuson, Trustees �larrantp �• D. Is..-37_.. at......... ..........9' S. __...._.___.._... <br /> . , ------ ---- ---- -----� ------------ �eea ---... ---�---------- --�_�----������-�----------------- ----------- � <br />� TO ..�-�� , <br /> `' Register of Deeds, � <br /> ' --------I?�:tt�.s�._�_._ft��g�u�on---------------------------------------�- �,,� , <br /> �, <br /> " B, ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- � <br /> --------------------------------------------------------�------- ------------------- Dep2cty. �'i <br /> i <br /> ;� � <br /> �' ��t�r� �t�� ��rt �� t� ����e �x�����t��: '� <br /> ; <br /> �, ; <br /> 'I THAT_____________Dor�ald._.F..Sam�?son and David E.Ma.gnuson, ,Trustee�, , <br /> ----------- ------- -------------------------------------------------------------- � <br /> ---------------------------------------- <br /> I ' ; <br /> ` ----.._...-----�-. <br /> --�--------------------------------------------------------------------------�-------------------------------------------�----------------�----------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------_... ,I <br /> �. <br /> � <br /> !;' of the County of..____.__Merrick -.: � State of....................Nebraska _.__.._..._, in consideration i <br /> � One Ilnllar ( �I.00) ' <br /> ;� of the sum of-------------------------------------- ---------------------------------- ----�----...... --- -- ----�------�---------------------------------------------- --- --------------------------------------------------DOLLARS, ;j <br /> ! <br /> '�! in hand paid, do_.:_.._.___.__hereby GRANT, BARGAIN, S�LL, .�ONVEY and CODT,P'I�__unto,_____.Dayid__E_,_Magnuson, __ � <br /> , ---- --- -------- -------- � <br /> ; <br /> � <br /> ;: -----------------------------------------------------------------�-----------------------------------�------�--------------------------------------...---�------------------------------------------------------��-------------�----...--•------------------------------- � <br /> � <br /> ,4 o the Count o __.__.._. Merrick Nebraska . ., <br /> , � y f ----- -- --- -- ---------- --�-- --- -.and State of-----�------- ----------- --�--------- - ------------- - --------------------------- -- ---- � , - ., -------------, the following <br /> i <br /> Hall ' <br /> �; described reu/estofe situated in the County of__________ _____________ _ __ ________ _____________ _ __________ __._. .._.___ __._..__and State of Neb�°aslca, to-wit: ' <br /> I <br /> � �----- �� <br /> ,; __.Lot___�_ Block 3 Voitle S Addition to Grand Island Nebraska• Lot � Block 62 Wheeler and � <br /> 2--------------------- -�------ ------�----._.. .----------------- ---------------------------------------------------�--------�--------- -----�------------------�--------.... .....----------z-------------------------------------------- <br /> �, Bennett 's Addition to Grand Island Nebraska• Lote � 'I <br /> i -------------�--------------------------.....-----------------.._..._...---�--------------------------�------------------------t---------�--------6.__and_7-�---Block---70�---Wheeler and Bennett s :I <br /> -- --------------------�------------- <br /> � <br /> ,' Second Addition to_ Grand Island, Nebraska; Lot__ 5, Block_.5, Bonnie Brae Addition to Grand i <br /> -------------------- -�---- -�---------�------------------------------------------------------ ,, <br /> i� _____Island ._Nebraska; Lot 3,_ _Block___l.t___Packer and Barr 's Addition to Grand Island Nebr�.ska• �� <br /> ;� Lot 12 Block 1 ScarP� 's Addition to Grand Ieland,Nebraska and Lots 1 16 and 1 of Sub- I <br /> x �---••----•-•...............�---.....----- � <br /> ,�� -7--------------�-------- '' <br /> -------------�---------�--------------.._._..._.�.:.------------------�-�--�----------------------------�-----------------------------------------------------...-�----�---....:--------------------------------5�------.._._...---�----- � <br /> ;, division oP Lots 2�0,2�1 and 2�2 in West Lawn, Grand Island,Nebraska, sub�ect to mortgages �� <br /> '� ------ --------------------- � --------- --------- ------...---------------------- � <br /> ----------------------------------------------------- ------------------------�---------------•------------------- <br /> � oP record and unp�id taxes. � <br /> ;j -----�------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------•---------------------------------------------------------------...----------------------•-------------------------------------- <br /> , <br /> , i <br />'I 'I ----�-�-�-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------•--------...------. ', <br /> -----------------------�-------------------------------------------------------�------- <br /> � ( 1.00 I.R.5tamps <br /> -------------------------------------------�;-�-�ance.11e�.----------------------------�- i, <br /> �� ------------------------------------------- -�-----------------------------...-----------------------------------------------------------------------------�----- ; <br /> � , <br /> � Together with all the tenements, hereditaments, and appzcrtena-nces, �o . BaTfie belon ing an all the �state Ri h Title, I�aterest, Dower, <br /> Claim o r Demand wlcatsoever o the said DQnAld F. Sa,m s on and �av�d �.Ma�nus ori��I'TLt�s�e e s �, <br /> iI f . ' P A of, in or to he same, or a�ty part thereof. hi8 � <br /> �I U��t �i�UP �lt� #tt �i��� the above described �remises, witlz�ke-appurtenances, unto the said David.._.E.MagXiu$on_,.and__to �__.heirs ;� <br /> -- ,i <br /> i� and assigns forever. And__._._.we.._dp__he�•eby eovenant__._....witlz the said (�rantee____8nd .W3th__his.__helrs___a.nd 8ssigElB� ' <br />, , - -- -.._. �� . - - _._ .J � � . <br /> ?� '�hat we ase lawfully__ se_i_zed_._oP sA2d premises; that t7Ec� a�•e re,e ro:n <br /> ,I <br /> ' encumbrance, except encumbrances of record. that we have good right and lawful authority to ' <br /> � .. -- � -- - - -� ---- - --- --------- -- ---------- -- - ------ ---�-- � <br /> �i sell ��ie sam_e ; ' <br /> - <br /> - -------------------------------------------�---------------- -- -------------------------- ' <br /> '� ---------------�----.._......-------- , <br /> I I <br /> ----------------------�--------------��----------------_..-------------- ----..........------- - - - - - <br /> - - - - - ----------- �------- ------------------ -------- ---- --------------------------------------------------------�---------------�----------------------- �, <br /> � - � the title to said ��; <br /> SYtd we do hereby _ warrant and defend�t�Ce��+aid premises against the lawful claims of all per- : <br /> �I . _ j <br /> �� sons ivhonisoeve�• - --------- --------- ------- -------- ---------�-------- --------- --- --- -�- ------------- -......--------------------. ._- --- ------- ---------------• I <br /> i And the s�.id �onald F.Sam _son and David E �r2a nuson Trustees, hereb' relin uishes all their ; <br /> � ----------------------------------------- -�---------------------------------p ---------------------------------------'------g--�-------- -'- - ---------------------------�----�------�----------q----------------------------------------------•-• . <br /> i� .._�st�te.,_..right_,.__title_,___intere_st_,__.claim or der�and, in and to the above described premises. ,� <br /> -- . .. - --- -------------- --- ----- ------- -- --- - - ---------------------------------------- - - ----- ------ <br /> �' Signed this 21st Sentember <br /> ( --------- - � - ---- - ----- ------ ------ --------- -- ----------------da� �f - . .-- --- -...- --a-------- -� ---- ------------------------------------------ --------A.. D. 1937.-----• <br /> � � <br /> EIN' THE-,��S�NCE OF �----�---------------------------------•----------------------------------.....------------�--------- -- '� <br /> li ,� <br /> ��� ----------�-----------------Leo Armatys �-------------------------------Donald__F_.Sampeon_...-------------------... <br /> -- -- -- -- -� - -----�-------------._----------------�---• . <br /> ' � --------------------------------David E.Ma�nuson-------------------------- �i <br /> ' TruGteea `� <br /> ;, <br /> r� �--------------------------------�--------------------�-------------------�---------------- ------------- � <br /> � STATE OF NEBRASSA, j� <br /> � ,i <br /> � MERRICK ss. On this-------------��.a'�-------day �f--....------------September-----------�------------------A. D. 19.��...--, before me, ; <br /> � ---------- --- ----------- -- - - -------------County, I <br /> ! Leo Armatys, a-�ota�y Public, duly commissioned and qualified for , <br /> � the undersign.ed, a Notary Pubbic_._________ _ _ ____ _________ __._ <br /> ;i and residing_,in sald county, personally came Donald F.Sampson and <br /> ,I - -- -- ---- ------------- -- -- --------- --- - -- -------------------------�-----� ------ ---------------------------------- � <br /> ; ;� � ___.______I�avid_ E_.�!Ia�nus�n,__Trustees_,____to_me_ known to be the identical persons ; <br /> evhose neraes ---- affi�ed. to the foregoing instrument as gr�.ntora and <br /> � ' . - - -- ..--- - ----------------------------�--- -- <br /> - <br /> - <br /> ` ;; aeknowladged the 4same to be their voluntary act and deed. ,� <br /> `' ( SEAL) Witn�ss my h�nd-and Not�r4ai- -Se$i---t�e `c�ay and year last above �tr�-�-�e�.!,I <br /> .� <br /> , . <br /> ,' , ' ' . <br /> . � . _ � <br /> ;; .:: ��. : . . , , �Leo Armatys . . . I <br /> : . �otary Publ�Sc��------- <br /> !I _______. .My._commission expires the 22nd dRy of June, 1942. <br /> i - -- <br /> �i " <br /> � <br /> ,, <br /> ,i ; <br /> , -------------------------�-----------�----------------------------------------------------------;------• I <br /> , <br /> � ��� <br /> ,� . . . <br /> ------------------------------------------------------------------�-------------------------....----- ' <br /> ----------------------------�-----=�2----------- i <br /> � - --�v - -- - _ _ <br /> !1 <br /> �� 'I <br /> i � <br />