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�1� <br /> D����� ������� ���� ��� <br /> ____ ______�_.__.______________ ________ <br /> .. . -STATfi JOURYAL COMPANY�LINCOLN.NEB. . . . . . . . ....__..__ ._..... . .__...___. ,..__._,_.._.__...._____._._._�..._.. .. . .. <br /> � FRO.M � � I hereby certif� that this instrz�ment ua.s entered on Numerical Index a�nd 'i <br /> ---flay---S�.lebury- and wife----------------------- ---._ �ed or record this-----------------7-- OCtOb�2'' ' <br /> � f -------------------�------da?/ of-------------------�- ------------------- <br /> � �larrantp �1. D. 19- -�7.-� at---------------- --��-'3��------- -------- ---0'clock---P-'----M• . <br /> - ---------- ------- - - --- - - -------- - - - - -- - -- <br /> TO �Qea <br /> ----------------------------------�-c��c��(._�.u-!-�-� <br /> Alice V.Fowler' Registe�• of Deeds, <br /> ------------------------------�---------------___----------_.------------------- ----- -- �k. <br /> BJ------- -------------------------------------------------------------------• : <br /> ----------------------------------------------------------- ----------- - -------- - .._... Deput�. <br /> '� � • <br /> ,.Krt�r� �tX� ���t b� c� �e�� x��e��e�t�,�. <br /> � � � <br /> TgAT_.___Roy_ S�lsbury and Jennie Salsbury, Husband and w�.Pe ' <br /> - --------------------__- ---- ---------- -- ------------ - --....-----_.. ------- ------------------------------- --�------------------------ ---------- ---...----------- � <br /> -------- -------------------------------------------------------- --- -----�----------- - <br /> - --- ----- -------- ------------------------..._-------------------------------------- - ; <br /> of the County of-----Hall--- ----- - --- -- --..and State of----------------NebT'&8ka. - - - ----- -- -- --- - ----.G�•antor.-S-------, in eonsideration ' <br /> of the sum of___..__.___��x�eer�___Hundred__and. Fifty_ and__�To_/100,__-_ _.- _-___- - - - - - - - - - - - - DoLLAr <br /> ... - --- - ---- - ------ - ------ ---- ----- --- ------------- s, ", <br /> in hand paid, do______._____.hereby GRANT, BAR.GA�N,-SELL, AND CONVEY unto __.AI_1Ce V.FoW182` <br /> ---- ------------------ ----------------- -- - -- ---- -- ------- ------------ , <br /> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------......--�------------------------------------ ' <br /> of the Count� of______________.__Ha.11 f Nebraska _ __. __ _,___ ___.� Grantee___________, the following <br /> -- ---- -- - ---- ---------and State o ----- ------------- ---------- --------------------- -- ---- --- - <br /> deseribed premises, situated in the Coacnty of___.___._________________x�11_.____._._______.______.__.___________.___________and State of Nebraska, to-wit: <br /> .--I,o.�---3'pv�z---(-2)---in__B1_a_ck...El.g�_�....(_��.__�n_.�he-_Ori�inal---Tov�m,---Now._City--0�'._Grand Island� . ---Nebraska "!: <br /> .__A$___The_,Same __Is___Surveyed_.Plotted And Recorded. '' <br /> -- -- ----- ------ - -- - --------- ------------ - - -------------- - --�-- --- ---- ----- - - ------ -_ _.. -- --- -. .._----�--------------------- ---- ------- ' <br /> --------------------------�-------------------------...-=----------------------- <br /> --------------------- - ----------..-----�------------------ ----- ------�- ------------------------� <br /> 2.00 I.R.St�mps � ------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------- -------- � <br /> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------� <br /> ----- ---�Ga�oe�-�eti:�---------------------- <br /> �------------ --------------------------------------------- ---------- ---------------------------------------------�------------------ -�-- ------ -----�- ----------------�---------------�-------------. , <br /> -----------------------------------------------------------------__------------------------------------------ -----.._-------------------------- -----------�---------------------�--------------�---...---- --------�--------------�--------- ---- <br /> - -- ------__...------�---------------------------------- ------------------- ----------- ---------------- - ---------------------------------- -------------------------- - --------------- ------ --------��---------------------------------- <br /> Togethe7• with a-bl the tene�ne7zts, hereditaments, and appecrte7aa-nces, ty�ereunto belonging, and adl the Z�;state, Right, Title, I�iterest, Dowe�•, i� <br /> � Curtesy Claim and Demand zulea�tsoever of tlie said C'i�ranto�•_8___.., an�-e��t�leer���, of, in or to the san�ie, o�• ariy pa�t thereof.Of ROy <br /> Sals�ur� and Je�n e Salabury � <br /> �A �UC �lt� #it Ol� the above dese7�zbed premises, witic tl�e appurtenances, writo the said Grantee. ___..__.a7acl ta ___geY'.___________heirs �� <br /> and assigns forever. And.___We___ ..____liereb� covena�at____.2citli tice said Grantee.____.__tleczt____. ___.___ _._.__.__�8_..__._...___Jcold_:....__said premises b� ! <br />, good and perfeet t�itle; tlaat________.._.__�e_____.____.__lza�'�____�ood right and lawful au�lio�•it� t�o sell and� the same; tfaat tlie� are free and ��� <br /> � <br />' �� clear of all liens and incumbrtences �vhcetsoever_._-------------------------------,--------------- - �� <br /> . _- - - -- --.. - - --------- - - - - -- ----- - --- ------ -----• � <br /> , -- --------------�--------- --- --------------------------�- --- .._..----------------- - - - --- -- ..- --- -------------- -----�--- - -- -- ----------------- ----�-- -- ---------------•--------•-------------.__...-�---• ' <br /> ----- ------ --- -- ---- ---- --------------------------------- - --------------- -- --- - -- - -- -- -- - - - ---------------�._ -- ---- 'i <br /> --------- ------ ------------------ --- ------------------�----------- ------- -- : <br /> � ll�e ;i� <br /> And_...._._._____.._..___.___._ ____.________________________._____ covenant_._____..._to warrant and defend tfie said p��enzises against the lawful claims of all pe�•- ;f <br />''� sons whomsoeve�• . - ---- - --------- - -- --- - --- --------------- ---- - ------- ; <br /> --- - ---------- -------- -------�- ----------------- ----------------------- ------- - ------------ ------ ----------- ,, <br /> � <br /> -------------------------------------------- -- --- -- -------- ------ ------------- ---------------------------- ---- --- ------- - -- - - -- - --------------------------------------------- ---------- -----------�------- -------------- � <br /> Dated tlie_._.__. 221d------ -- - ---------- -- ---da� �f- - -----------QCtObel`---- -----------------------------------�--- -----.A.. D. 1J_��-----• ' <br />, WITNESS �-------------------------------------------- i <br /> ----------------------------------------------�------- ..._. : <br /> •: <br /> --------------------A_t t�.Campbell------------------------- --------------------- �-------------------...----------Roy__._Salsbury---------------------------�---..__. i . <br /> ' �------------------------------�--Jennie...Salabury.------�-------------------- ' <br /> ' -------�-----------------------------------------�---------------------------------�----- ------------- ; <br /> �-----------�--------------------------------------------------------�-------------------------------�-- � <br /> II <br /> STATE OP NEBRASI�A, ) � <br /> I; Hall r ss. On this-----------2Tld-- ---------day �f-------------------------pC�Q�L�S'------------------- -------.A. D. 19--��----, before me, 'i <br /> ' --------------------------------- --...----------CountJ, ) , <br /> � <br /> the undersigned, a Notary Public--------------------------------------within ancl for said CountJ, personall� came------------------------------------------------------------------ ; <br />' -----R-°--y--S_���bu�'y--a�d---�_�x�z1_�.�---St�l.Bbur.y.,.--Husband__anci._.l�lfe------ -- ----- ------------- ---------------------- + <br /> -- -- �-- ------------ --�- ---------- --- -- ------- -------------------------------- ------------------------- --------------------- ----------------------- i . <br /> . , j ; <br />, to ��ze personally knozvn. to be the tide�2taeal perso?ze...__.__._wlcose nccme___A�''Q..............._____.____.______._.__affixed to the :{ <br /> ��� above instrur�ie�a,t as grantoa�_.____._, and.______Th��t_____._._.______.__severally avknou;iedged the same to I�e______t�lgi�'�� � � � <br /> ' voluntar� act ccnd deed for the purpose the�°ei�i e�pr�essed. � <br /> (SEAL� IV y��Tl%ESS tiVHEREOi+', I have hereunto sicbseribed my name and affixed my offieial se¢l at______________._. <br /> Grand__,Is_l�.ncl.,___.in__said__county�__.__on the date last above 2vritten. <br /> ---------------------------------�-------A.�l_._Campbell-- ---:_�.----------------- ,i <br /> �� Notary Public. <br /> D1y commission e�pires.----�---- -------_----------------------------- -----�-------------------.OctobeZ'---2�th i <br /> - -------------------------------1��------- <br />� � . <br /> i � <br /> { .�_< <br />�_ i� �.e,. ��„ � �� � � i� � <br />