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��`"� <br /> D�J�J� ��j�.'�J��� �� `�J�� �1 �J <br /> __� _ �r.�.�___._��_______�_ <br />�... �'r�Z4Z-STATE JOURNAL COMPANY.LINCOLN.NEB. s� . -. . -. --..-. .._._._..�.. _._..._.-�_�__._._..___.. ._..._�._ <br /> 6 <br /> ��� FRO.M I he�°eb� eertify tlzat th�is inst�°�unzeryit wa.s entered on N2��nerical Inde� a�nd �i <br /> E.G.Kroger a,nd V'ti fe -----.__ led o�• �°eeo7�d tlzis- ---------------- -26--------------------da� o August.- ---------------- <br /> --------- - --------- --- -- -- - - --- ----------- -- - � f -- .! f-------------- <br /> - �4arrantp �. D. 1�----37-, at--------_._...-- ----9�-'�--�------- ------------dclocic------A"n�r. , ' <br /> ----------------------�------......----- --TO- - ---- -- ---- <br /> ---- -- - --- <br /> �leea - ; <br /> ------ --------------------- <br /> � � <br /> ----���c�----------'`'U`"� <br /> F.B.Thompe on Registe�• o f Deeds, <br /> --------------------------- - ---- --- ---------------------- --------------------------- <br /> HBJ------ -------------------------------------------------------------------- ' <br /> --------------------------------------- -----------------------.._.----- --- -------� Deput�. <br /> �!C�tn��r ��� ��e�t b�� c� ��e,��e �x��e��ert��: <br /> THAT_________________E.G.K_roger and K�,therine 14�.Kroger, husband and wife <br /> - ------- --------- ---- -- ------ ------ --- ---- - - --- ---- --...-- -- --------- -- ----------- < <br /> ----- -------------�--------------------------------------------------- ----------------- ------------�----------- ------ -----------------------------.....------------------------------- ---------...-------------------------------------��-------=----- <br /> of the County �f------ -----H�.11- ------- -----and State of- -- - - ----- Nebraska----- ------------------------- - -------- -- -- ----- -- -.Ga°antor------------, in consideration ', <br /> of the sum of----------------------F�VE__FiUNDRED- -FIFTY._C10 -- ��55�a�0�-----------� -- ----------- -- ----- ----- -- -- --- --- ----._--------------------------------DOLLAI�S, <br /> in hand paid, do.___.______.hereby GRANT, BARG�IN, SELL, AND CONVEY unto _..._.F.B,,_ThomRson_________________________ ______. ____ <br /> --------------------------------------------------------------------�---------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------�----------------------- -------------- ------------�------------------------------------------ <br /> Ha.Il ---------,--------------� Grantee------------, the following ' <br /> of the County �f---------- ----- --- ---- --- -- - --- ----and State of----- ----------NGbY'&gka.----------------- -- _.----- <br /> described premises, situated in tyce Count� of__.......................Hall _________.and State of Neb�•aslca, to-wit: <br /> - ---- - ------------------------------------ -- - <br /> ----Lo-t-s---�i�b��---T Pn.._�.�,0-)---E�,�ve�__�11_)__.and__Twelve----(-12�----in---Blo_ek_.numbe r--six---(6-)---in--Asht on_.P l�.c e,_------- <br /> ___�n__adc�it_ian_._t�__the___Ci_ty___of :Grand_Island, _Nebraskat as_ platte_d, _ surveyed, and of record. <br /> ------ - ------ ---------�------------- ----- <br /> -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------�-----------------------------------------.....-----------------�-------------------------------- ------------------------------�--�------------------------------�-- <br /> -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------..__..------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------�------------------------------------- ------- -- <br /> --------------------------------------------------�---------...-----�---------------------------------�-------- -------- ------------------------------ --------�-- -..---------------- -- ---------------- -- ------------------------------------------- <br /> --------------------------------------------------------------------�-------------------- --- ---------------------- ---- -------------------------- - ------------------------------ ------- ------�---- --------- ---------------------------- ---- ---- <br /> ---- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------�---- -- -� -- - - -- �----------------------------------------------- ------------------------�----- ------------------�-- --------------------------- ------------ <br /> ------------ ---�-------------_------------------------------- - ---- ----------------------- --- --- - --- ----- ------------------------------ - - ------------- - - - <br /> - ------- -- ----�-- -------- <br /> ---------------------------�- --- � <br />� Together 2vith a,ll the tenements, hered�6taments, and a�pzcrtenances, the�reunto belong�ing, and all the Estate, Right, Title, I�aterest, Dower, , <br /> Curtesy, Claim and Demand ivhatsoevcr o f the said C�rantor___5,., c�zci..o�reit.lie���her�., o f, tin or to t�ee sa�me, o�• a7a� part therco f. � � ' <br />� � (�� 'f�MttP Mltl� #1� �A�� the above clese7�ibed premises, witlz the appurtenances, uryeto the said C��•antee____._..__and to_________;____________._faeirs <br />; and assigns forever. A�zd_---��e---a0----hereb� cove�nant.-_----with the said Cr'antee._--_--_-tlzat._-_-_-__--�e--_-_.-___---_-----Izold-_-----said p�•e��aises b� �; <br /> good and perfeet title; that._ __�e � Ve g •g •f ' ,/ � �J , J f �� � <br /> -- <br /> __________ �a___ oocl rz Fct and law ul azctlzo��ztz to sell ancl �onz;e the sarne• that the� are 7•e,e and ' <br /> clear of all Liens a�nd i�xcu�nbrances z�hatsoever•______._eXCe�3t1,t1g__unp8.ld__bala.nCe_ Qf_ SeWe,I'' _aBSessmerit6 ��' <br /> - --- --- --- - ---- - -- --- -- <br /> ----------�---------------- ----------------- ------------- ------ ---------- -- -- ----- -- - - -------. _ ---------- • <br /> --------- - - - - ----------------� --- --------- - ---__.._ <br />�, ----------------------------- ----- - <br />'�, . And___________________________�e______.___.__.___..____.._.._____.______._ warran-t and defend tice said �renz,ise�s against tyae lawful claims of all per- ': <br /> I, sons whomsoever ---- ------ --------- --- - --- ------------------------------ -- - ----- ----------------------- --...-------- ---------- ----------------------� -------------------- ---------- ; <br /> -�----------- <br /> ---- --------- -------------------- : <br /> Dated the------------�7�h------.._ ------------------ -----_da9 of�----..- -. .-----June------- - - -----------------� 1 . <br /> ---- -- ------- -- -----A.. D. 19--3� -----• <br /> tiVITNESS �---------------------------------------------------------------------- ; <br /> -------------Arthur---C.Ma _er-------------- � - ---------;------- <br /> - �y ------------- -------�-------------� . <br /> --------------------------------------------------.G.Kroger--------------------��---� ''; <br /> : �-------------------------------------------Katherine 11r2.Kro-�er--------- ` <br /> ------------------�---------- -------- , <br />��'�i STATE OF NEBRASIf�, � <br /> �ss. On this_______21�rd June 1 � � <br /> ---- - -------day �f------------------------------------------------------ --------------._A. D. 19---3------ be ore me <br /> III --------- Ha.11--- ------------------.._.Gount�, f � <br />�', ' the 2indersigned, a Notary Public__.._____.__________________..__._.._._..withiyc and for said County, personc�lly came_.._______E.G.Kroger and Katherin;e <br /> .- ----- ------------------------------ , <br />� - ---��I.Kroger, husband and v�iPe, �� <br /> -- -- - --------------------- ---- -- ----------- -------------- ---- ----- ---- ------- ------- -------------------�- � <br /> � <br /> ------------- - ----- -------- ---- ------- ----- ---- --- --------- -�------------------------- - ------------- ------ - --- --------- ------ ------------- -- -------------------- : <br /> to me personall� IcnozUn to be the identieal pe��s�7z__s.__._2vhose narne__s_____are__________,_.___________._________ccffi�ed to tlie ! ' <br /> � above instrur�zent as grantor.____.____._, and__._____________..Y__.________._seveyally ackazowdeclged the samze to be.___���'r ���� � <br /> s the <br /> �� volunta7�y act and deed for the purpose therei�i e�pr•essed. �� <br /> ( SEAL) I��r tiyITNESS SVHEREOF, I have herezcnto szcbserived my name and affi�ed my offieial seal at_______.._..___:�� <br /> Grand I:�I«nd,_ in said County, on the date last above written. ' <br /> ---------------------------------------------------Arthur C.N?ayer----------- ''� <br /> � � � Itiotary Public. <br /> D�I� commission e�pires.________.._._ JUrie 11 n ! �� <br /> - -- ---------------------------- -- ------------------------------------ 1s_�.5.---- � <br /> ; <br /> . , <br /> � <br />