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� _ _ _ ��� <br /> � ����� ���� � �� ��� � O (�� <br /> � �� � J � �L�J <br /> ... .. . .. . . . 'jB..+f -STATEJ6URNALC6MPANY.LINCOLN�,NE9. . ....�. . .. ...-..�. . . .. .. .. . . . <br /> .__ .._ ........ .. . . ._..____ .. ._. _.. . _.-- <br /> � I <br /> {i FRO.M I hereby certify that this instrument was entered on Numericat Inde� a-nd � <br /> � <br /> ; ____ J�hn__Frederick_.Abr�h�mson .et al • � '' <br /> ---- ------- filed for record thas---------- ------------------ �----------------�a� �f---------ALl.g�l,at__...------------- <br /> ---- ----- �aCCallt d. D. 19j7------ at-------- - - 3-�-��----------------------------o cloek----.P.�.�. ,� <br /> ! , I <br /> �� ----------------------------------- ---------T-------- - --------- - -- -- p , <br /> ., , <br /> � i o �eea � <br /> =, ���� <br /> � <br /> R�y rJi2�y Register of Deeds, <br /> _ - - - ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ; <br /> I '� � -------._--------------------------•• i <br /> , Bv------------------------------------- <br /> " -------�------------------------------------- ----------------�------------------------------• Depiaty. ':� <br />' � <br /> �rt�a� �tz� ��ert �� ����� �x��,��rt��: ' <br /> ;� THAT__ ____we_2___John Frederick Abrahamson and__Gl�.d,ys__L..�brahama9n, _husband and:wife_,____and__Robert ;� <br /> ' ..L..Sta,nfield-�----an..ufim�rrted__man,----------------------------------------- ; <br /> ._...-�-------------_.._...----�-------�------------------------------------------------..........------------------------------------- .� <br /> � <br /> � <br />, ' of the Count� of-----------------H�.I1 -- --------.and State of-------- --- .--_Neb2'aska--------------------�------- --------- ------ ----- --- -----Grantor.�..------, in eonsideration ;I <br /> i <br /> � ; <br />, of the sum of------------Q��----t�.o�,I�,r--and---othf-r---valuable--c.ons_ideration.----=-----------------------------------------------------------------------------DOLLARS, ; <br /> ' in hand paid, do----------------hereby C�RANT, BARGf1IN, SELL, AND CONVEY unto --------Roy--�'Iay---------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------- 'I <br /> I <br /> i <br /> ! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------�------.._..----------------------------------------- -----------�--------------------------�--------------------------------------------•------------------------ ,, <br /> i of the CountJ �f--------------H�.11 f Nebraska-----------....-------------------------------------------, (�rantee__...----_._, the folloiving '!� <br /> - --------------------------------and State o -----�------------------ - ' <br /> I <br /> �,;, described premises, situated in tyee County of_____..............................._H�Zl_____._____._._.__..__..__.__._.________and State of RTebraslca, to-wit: ;I <br /> �i ..The.._�'Vest___f�ft .__.. 0__...feet of Lot Nine O in Block Tlinet�en (1 ) YTallicns ' Adcxl.tion to Gr�nd '� <br /> _Y ��-- � -- --------•-----------------------------------��--- -----�----------------------------........-------------------�---------------_._._�------------------�..--------------...------------------------- � <br /> ii Ialand, Nebr�ska, sub,j ect hovaever, to a mortga�e in the sum of �2,000.00 vrhich mort��ge._t.he____ 'I <br /> ------� -�-----------------------------.x.. _ . _ <br /> � <br /> II ._._..�.r�,nt�_e___herein..assume_s___�,nd,__a�rees___to___pay__as__ a._.part___of___the__cons.icierati�n_..�or___tnis._deed_,_______________ '��� <br /> � ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- <br /> - - - - - - - - <br /> � 50 I.R. Stamps �- - --------------- - --- ----------�---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ,i <br /> � ---------------------------------------------------�--------------....---�------...---------G---C�-��1,Z,.e.d--------------------------�----------..._..-------------------------------------------------------�---------------------------------�--------- 'i <br /> �; � <br /> �i , <br /> --------------------------------------------------------------------------�-------------------------._.._..------------------�-----------�-------------------�--------�---------------------------------�------------�----------�-----------------•-------------�- '; <br /> ' -------- � <br /> � <br /> �:� -----�----------------------------------------------------�---------------...---------------�-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------�-------.._...-------------------------------....----- :i <br /> i <br /> !�' ----------�--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------�------�--------.......---------------...--------.._._...---------------------------------------------------- .;I <br /> �' <br /> �, ---------------------------------------------------------------------�--------...---------�----------------------------------------------------------------------�---------------------�----------------------------...---�--�-------------------------------------------- <br /> I <br /> �' Together lvith all the tenements, hereditaments, and app2crtenances, thereunto belonging, and all the Estate, Right, Title, Interest, Dower, ;i <br /> i Curtesy, Claim and Demand wliatsoever of the said .G�°antor.�s.._, aa��1��i�r`����a, of, in or to the same, o�• any part the�-eof. , <br /> ;, � <br /> �i - . . . � <br /> ;i ("Zt A �ttUP tt2t�1 �� 't�A�� the above desc�°ibed premises, watla the appurtenances, unto tyce sazd G��antee__.____...._and ta__..____.h.i�.�,...__________.heirs <br /> %� and assigns forever. And.__.._.SNB.-__._.___he�•eby eovenant_______.with the said (�rantee__._._..____that...........................�!g._________..._ycold_____.._said premises by '� <br /> � '� i <br /> ;i good and perfect title; that_______.___._____..__�8_______________yLa_..V e___goocl r��ht asid lawful autlaoritJ to sell and conzey tl�e same; that they are fre,e and 'i <br /> i� ; <br /> �j clear of all liens and incumbrances wliatsoever._______.._e�_�.ept_as__._�t�.'��s�__.�,.botre_____________________________ __ '1 <br /> ;; <br /> : ----------------�----------------- -�-�------------...------------�-----------------�-----�----- --...-- ---- ---- - --- - <br /> ----------------------------- ---- ---------------------....----------------------------------- <br /> ------------------------�----�-----...- ;� <br /> .� <br /> `� ------------------------------�--------------��-------�-------------------------------.....---...-----�- -------------- -- ---- ------------------------------------ -- ��---�------------------�--------------�------------------------�---�--...--�------------- ;i <br /> ,i And.......................We........:_........._____.______...._.._._______.__ covenant__.__.....__to wa�•rant and defend the said premises against tlae lawful claims of all per- <br /> ? sons u�homsoever ------------------------------------------------ - ----------------------------------- - -- ------- ----------�-=--- ----------- --------�----------- -- -----------�---------------------------------------------�------------ ,I <br /> �, i <br /> ;I .._------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ .--------....-------------------------------------------�--�-------------------------------------.. ;� <br /> I <br /> ;i -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------�---------------------------------------� - --�------------------------------------------------------------�-------------------------�----------------------------�-- i <br /> 'i Dated the- -------------------------2�th---- -------------------------day �f---- ----- - --------------------JLiIy -----------------------�-------------------------A.. D. 19----�7--• I <br /> 'i tivITN��ss �----------!�ohn.--Frederi.�k---�br�a�sc�n,------- ---------.._ � <br /> !� ---------.Gl�a�T-E---L.�1?arahamson------------------�-------------- li <br /> ;� B.J.Cunnin�ham ----- ;� <br /> , --------------------------------------------�----------.__.�-------------------- ---------------------- <br /> ; _ Robert i,.5tanfield <br /> j - ---- -- -- -- -- - -- -- - ---------------------------------------- �� <br /> I <br /> ' ..----------------------------------------------------- �--------------------------------- --- --------- � <br /> ,� �---------------------------------------•---------------------------------------------------------------- � <br /> STATE OF NEBRASgA, ) <br /> ` � }ss. On this-------..29�h..---------day �f------------�----------J-�-Y---------------------------------------A. D. 19----'>7----, before me, ; <br /> �, ---------------------Hall.---------------.CountJ, � , <br /> il the undersigned, a Notary P'ubl"ic_____._._._._______________.._________._...�.vithin ancl for said County, personally came__.eTJoh21___k'X'�.��.x'i�}�__AbX'ah�ms_ol1 ; <br /> i, ; <br />�' ______.._and__,Gl�dy_s_,L.Abrahamson_,.._husbarld___�nc�__wife_t_.and__Robert___L._Stanfield,�an..__ �I <br /> il unma-�ried man <br /> I - ---------- - ---------�--- -- ------'--- - -- - - - <br /> �, <br /> - ------ -�----- ----- --------------- --- --------- ---- --- -- ------------------- -- - ---- ---- ---- --- ----- . ..------ i <br />�� ,, , <br /> ' to me personally kno2vn to be the identical person_5..._..___uwliose name_S___�X'�___________________________________________af�xed to the � <br /> � I <br /> �� above instrunzent as grantor8_._______, a.nd___________�`1�__._._.._____._.._______severally acJcnowledqed the same to be.....___Qtlr__ � <br /> i; <br /> voluntary•� act and deed for the purpose therei�a expressed. ; <br /> i�, ���L� N WITNESS tiVHEREOF, I have hereunto subscribed m� name and a�'ixed my o�'icial seal at_.______.___.._.. ; <br /> j', ' .Gra.nd Island, in Sdid CoLirity _on the date last ccbove written. ! <br /> � -----------------�---�----------------------------------------- - ` <br /> . � . <br /> !' ---------B.J.Cunn ingham---------------- �: <br /> � ------�-------------------------------� <br /> 1Votary Public. <br /> !� . . . Au ust -------....1s---4i--- '' <br /> ;, M'� eommtissio.n e�pzres--------------------------------�----------------------------�------�------------------.._..------�-----------5----------- <br />�--- �� �-..� --- — — ---- — — ��----- <br /> i� ;� <br /> Ii ' <br /> li ° _ <br />