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��� <br /> D�J1J�j� ��J�JL✓J�� =y�`���� ��J <br /> �_� _ �. <br /> _ -- _— ..� __.�� �_. �_� � <br />�_____ . 7B2'�2. STATE JOURNAL COMPANY LINCOLN NEB. . . . .. . . . .. .. ........... ._..---� - --- -".. ._".... . ..". ".� <br /> i <br />, ��� FRO.M I he�•eby ce�°tify that this i�ist�-ument was entcred on Nztmerical Index a�nd '�! <br /> � <br /> -----Fred__Herman,- a-widov�er---- --- - - - --- fiaed for record this------�-19---- ------------------------�ay of--------Ju1.Y... ---..--------------- < . <br /> t1. D. 19-- 37 --� at---- --��---.10_.._----------_�._--- -----o'clocic_._A'_.M. ; <br /> --- ----------------- ----------------- ----- -- - - - ----- - -- --- ---- �larrantp _ ; <br /> To �eea - <br /> �������_�� , <br /> ------ -------- -- ------ -------�------�--- - -----------------------------. ...--------- � <br /> P e t er N.HeT'mari Register o f eeds, <br /> --------------------------------------- y� <br /> 8�------------------------------�-------------------------------------------- <br /> ----------------------------------------------------- --- ----- ------------- ------ Dep2cty. <br /> �K�taar� ��� ��rt br� c� ���� ���,��rt��: - <br /> TgAT..___Freci..Herman� a widower, " <br /> -- -- -- -- - --- ----- -- --- --- --------_.------------ ---- ------- --- ----------------- --------------------------- ------- --------_...---------- -- ---- ---- <br /> ---- ------------------------ -------------------------------------------------- ------ ---------- -------------------- -----------------------_..-----------�---------------- ----------- ---------�-----------------------�-�----------------------------- <br /> of the CountJ of---------------Hall--------------and State of--------------------NebY`&.ska---------- ---------- ------ --- - -- ---------_._Grantor------..._._, in consideration '; <br /> Iove and affection and <br /> of�,the suna of-----------------One__anc�---00�100- --- - - --- -------- ----------- - ---- - -�--- - --- --- -------------------------------------_.DOLLA�S, <br /> in hand paid, do_______________Jier•eby GRANT, BARGAIN, SELL, 11ND CONVI;Y �cnto __________PetEZ' N.Herman � <br /> - -- --------------------------------------- - - --- ---- ------- ---------- -------- <br /> -----------------------------------------...-------------------------------------------------------------------------�- -----------------�---------------- -----�----------------------... - ---- -------------------------- ----------------------------------------- ' <br /> of the County of---------Hall-- - - --- ----- - -- ----a7ad State of---------------------Nebi'a�kR -------,------, Grantee------------, the following ' <br /> deseribed premises, sit2cated in the County of____..._.____H�Zl_______....___________________________..__.___.____.___..__and State of Neb�°aslca, to-wit: ' <br /> ._______Lot___Number.__Two___(2�__in__Block Number Fourteen ( 14) ,_ in_Wallichs:! Addition to_ the City oP _ <br /> ' _.__..__.Grand___Island_,.__Nebrask�., _ as surveyed, _platted and �ecorded. : <br /> - - ------------- --- -- -- ------ -- ------ - ----- �._ --__.... _. ....-------------------------------- ------- <br /> ._._____Sub,�ect to encumbrancea of reeord. <br /> - -- - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------�--------------------------------�-��-------------------=---------------------------------- ---------------------------------�---------------------- ' <br /> _.__.___Sub_�ect,however,___to___the___use__and.__oc_cupanc.y of__ the_,_premi�ea herein conveyed, by the grantor _ ', <br /> __ durin� hie nf3_tural life time. <br /> - - ------ -------------------------------- --------------------------------- ------- ------ --- �-------------------------------- - ----- ----- , <br /> ----�---------------------------------------------------------------- - ------------------- ------------------------ -------------------------------------------------�--------------------------------------- ----�----------------------------------- --- <br /> � <br /> -----------------=-----------------------------------------------------------------...--- -------------- -- - ---�---------------------------. .--------- ---------------------- ----- -------------------�-----------------�--------------------------- ' <br /> -------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ --- --- - ---- - - - ---------------------------- - - - -- -------------------.....------- - -- -------- ----------------------------- ----- ------- � <br />�� � Together with a,ll the teryaeme�vts, hereditaments, and appicrtenc��nces, thereunto velong�ing, arid ald tfie Ii;state, Right, Title, Interest, Doiver, f <br />����, � Curtes� CJlaim and Demand ivlca�tsoever of tlae said Grantor_�___.._ eaa�.�c�.f-.e�.�kea�-e.f�k,aa�a of �-n o�° to the same o�° a7zz �� <br /> .!, , , , , ,� part the�°eo f. <br /> � <br /> �0 �FtUP �lt� �it �pj� the above desc�•ibed pr•emises, with t7ae appurtenances, un�to tlie said Grantee__..____._and to_ hi$__._______7�ei�°s ���� <br /> ; <br /> and ass�-gns �forever. And....._..I___.___.._he�•eby covenaryit_______with the sa�d Grantee____..___that_________.._I__....____..___.._____.t�old:._.___said p�°erraises b� �'. <br /> � good and perfeet title; th�ct__.__________I_____.._____._.___._ha_ve___good right and lawf2�l a2c�horit� to sell ancl eon,ze� the sarne; tfaat the� a�•e f7•e,� and ��` <br /> � elear of all liens and ineumb���ances 2cyeut�soever_____eXC@pt_ a8 AbOV� 8t8t2d. "� <br /> - -- --------- --- ---- - --- ---- ---- -- -- - ---------� - -- - - - -- - - --- - ------ --- ----- <br /> ---------------------------- - ---------�-------------------- --_- ----------------- - --- - ---- -- - - -------------- __---- -- --._.----.._..--------- ---- ------- --- ---- -------------------------------------- -- ' <br /> And__________________________I_..___..._._.._ ________.._._._..__.____ warrant and defend the sccid pre�7iises against th,e lawful claims of all per- ` <br /> sons ivhomsoever .__.___eXCept as aboVe. <br /> - ---- - - -- ------------ ----- -------- - --- -- -- ------------------ ----- --- --- ------ -- - -- ---- ----------------------- --------�--------- -------- -------- <br /> ------------------------------------------- --------- -- -- --- - ------�---- ------------------------- ------ -------------- ----- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------� : <br /> _ _ _ ____- - --- --- ---._ -------------- ---- ---------------- --- ------------- - ---- - - <br /> ----------------------------------------- -------- - <br /> - --------------------- - -------- ----- , <br /> Dated tlae ----- ------------------14th-- -------- -------------da� �f-- ----- ------------------Mar'Ch--------- --------------- -- -------_..._.A.. D. 19--34----• <br /> WITNESS ------------------------------------------------- <br /> --••------------------------------�------------�-- .' <br /> Florence V.l�yers --------------------------------Ex�e.s�..H�xta�,n.----------------------------------•----. ' <br /> ----------------------�-�---....---�-�------------------------------------------._...------.._--------. , <br /> STATE OI+' N�BRASI�A, --------------- -----------A. D. 19---3�---, be ore me, <br /> ss. On this------ -- - -l�th----daJ of------------------ -- -MarCh-------- f I <br /> Hall---- ------------countJ, <br /> the undersigned, a Notary Publie___.__..______._..___..._____.__._.____2vithin and fo�• said County, personall� eame_.._._.__._.Fz'ed HeI'maA ' <br /> - - ---- -------�--------------- --- -- -------- �, <br /> , <br />'I -- ------ ---- --------------------- ---- ----- ----------------- ------------------------------ -- ----- --------------- ----- ------------------------------------------ :; <br /> --------- ---------- - ---- ----------- -- - ------- ---- ------ ------------------------- ----- --------------------- --- ------ - ---- --------- --------- ---- -----------------�-- ' , <br /> to rrze �ersonall� knozvn to be the identical pe�°s�»z___..__._.2chose name______________________i$_________._.____..._________affi�ed to the I , <br /> above inst�•urrtient as grantor__._______, and___.________._____.r?e __s� acicriowled ed the same to be.__h18____ ��i � � <br /> - ---- ��' �J <br /> �� voluntury aet and deed for the purpose therei��i expressed. � � <br /> ���p,j,� L� TVITNESS tiVHEI�EOF, I have hereunto subscribed my name and affixed my official seal at___..._______.__ ' <br /> .___.Grand__Island, in___said _Countyon the date last above written. ' <br /> � <br /> -----------------------------�--------------- --Florence_ V.Pdyers--------- �: <br /> � � Notary Public. � <br /> h�y commission e�pires.---- -- ----- --- -- ---- --------- -------------------------------Ati.g--•----�7.-----------------------19.37----- '�! <br /> 'i <br />