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��� <br /> D����� ������� ���� ��J <br />..- . . . . . -S7A7E JOURNAI.C6M1IPANY;LiNCOLN.NE9. . ... . . - - . . . . .. _ _. . � . .. _._- -----. __.._ - ._.__.. ._ .._...__._ _ ... ., .__.__.._ <br />.... 7�_ <br /> _ . . _ _ .. . ..__ <br />_ . I_. _. . .. .. . . . _ -� ' .. <br /> i� <br /> FRO.M I hereby certify that this instrument wa,s entered on Numerical Inde� and � <br /> ;; i <br /> ���' ,� <br /> ...�ess-�-�---Kuhlsen-�----�-in-�le-----------------------�--- �ed or record tltis----------Z�------------------------------da o June------------------- ±I <br /> fi f y f--------------- i <br /> ,� <br /> : 'j ; <br />, , �1. D. 19_�7-----� at------ --- - -- -----11--•-.5�-----------------._o'ctock-----A'-�. i' <br /> : �! --------�---------�---�------- ----- --- --- --------- ---------- -- - - -- --- --------�---- �larrantp I <br />�� " �eea <br />.:. ; To �f���� C/�{�-�> !I <br /> ----------------------------------------------------------------------- - --- -- - - - <br /> - ----- ------ �. <br /> ,. <br /> ROy Sta,18bu2'y , Register o Deeds, i <br /> ..-------�----------------------------------------------------------------------�-�------------ d� �I <br /> _ I <br /> , 81�-----------------------------�---�----------�-----�------�------------------ `� <br /> , <br /> , --------------�---------------------�------------------------------------ <br /> Deput�. { <br /> ; --------------------- <br /> �. <br /> �rt�� �t�� ,��ert br� �k����e� �x��e��en��: i <br /> �� <br /> � TgAT._.....__-------------�e s s ie..Kuhlsen,----s ingle------------------------ ' <br /> -------�------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ i� <br /> . � <br /> � <br /> � <br /> -----------------------------------------�-----......----------------------------------....------------------------------------- ---------�----------------------�-----------------------------------------•--------------.._....------------------------------------ , <br /> � <br /> ; of the County of__...._. . _HSll f Nebraska __.______(�rantor._.___......, in consideration � <br /> - -----.and State o ....-- -- -�- ---------�---------- ---- - - ----- ---- -- --------- --- ----- I <br /> , <br /> ! of the sum of____F.Q��y-�'�..vQ__.��dr_�d___(_�?�00_�_00)___and___other_._yaluable.__cons_ideration_______________________________________DOLLARS, :i <br /> in hand paid, do--ee--_-----hereb� C�RANT, BARGf17N, SELL, AND CONVEY unto ----ROy- -3&lsbuY',y---------------------------_--------------- -----_--_------------------ ; <br /> ; <br /> I <br /> , <br /> •---------------------------�--------------_........_..----------...-------------�------------------------...---�-------------------........_.--------------- ------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------.....---------------- �� <br /> ;; of the County �f----------Hall--- ----- -- ---------------------and State of-------------------------NebraskA-------------------------------------------� Grantee----------_., the following � <br /> I described premises, situated in the Count� of_____..____.________________________Hall.___.____._._ _. ._____ __._____________and State of Nebraslca, to-wit: ; <br /> ;. <br /> : _._The_..!�lesterly...tvao.-third_..(2 f�)._..oP___Lot_._Four:_.(4) ,. in Block Sixt _-nine__._ .6 of the �ri inal_._Town <br /> ,, <br /> - ------------------------------------�---y - - - - � - ��-----------��-----------�-------�-- � - - --------� � <br /> i; now City, of_ Grand Island,Hall County, Nebraska, sub�ect to the right set forth ln the War- '� <br /> -------------------------------------�-------...------- � <br /> ;; ranty Deed .from__Bessie Kuhlsen and husband to John Kuhlsen d.a.ted �arch �,_ 1920, and recorded ;i <br /> -- ---------------�----------------------------._._...--------- ------------------�----.._._...-------._...--- ._._.----------------- -- --------------- -----�---------------�--------- <br /> � <br /> '� __..in___Book___�9___of__Deeds,�_._at.__Pa�e____�_7, _in the office of _the._Re�ister of Deeda of Hall County,_ Ne- ; <br /> ;� ...braska, which ri�ht__is in words as follows, to-wit; "The grar�tor hereby _agrees that so long ai�a <br /> � the_ preeent house on the property__conyeyed _shall__ exist without_..remodelling or_ rebuilding tha� <br /> i''., .__it__may____remain._on_._that .part oP Lot �+ not hereby conveyed which it at present occupies. " ,� <br /> �I 5•50 I.R.Stampa ) � <br /> '� - -------- ---------- -------- ------------- ----- --------- --------- ------- -------- -- -�ar�c�7:l�d---------------------- )--------- -_.._..-- --------- --------- ------�-- <br /> --------------------- --------- --------- '� <br /> ; <br /> 4--- <br /> � <br /> , ------------- ; <br />. ;i Together with all the tenements, hereditaments, and appurtenances, th ereunto belonging, and all the Estate, Right, Title, I�aterest, Dower, i <br /> aCurtesy, Claim and Demand whatsoever of the said Grantor_�._____, , of, in or to the same, or any part thereof. � <br /> ;i I <br /> '' (Z1 D� ��UF Mlt� #� �II�� the above described premises, witta the appurtenances, u.nto the said C��•antee______.___._and to____...__....�?i$..._...._..heirs I <br /> � i <br /> ,I <br /> ,I and assigns forever. And__.___..__.I.________hereb� eovenant___....with the said (�rantee___________that_________________I_.._..___...___....._._..___hold_____.__said pry•emises b� ;) <br /> � ood and er eet tztle that__...._.._..I..__._____________________yea_.._.Ve.. ood ri ht and law ul autlaor•itz to sell and �onve� tlie same that tfeei are re,e and ' <br /> ..'� 9 p f � ; - 9 9 f J J � J f <br /> i clear of all liens and incumbrances whatsoeve�•-------ex�-eF'�--th�...r_�g�t---h�r_Q_inbe�_are_-�e-t---f.or.�kt----------------------__------------------------------------- <br /> �, i <br /> ,� --------------------------------------�------------.....---------------�----------------------� --- --�----------- ------ ------------------------------------------------------------ -----�------�---------------------------------�----...-------��---�--------- � <br /> I <br /> i <br /> .............�------�------�------------------------........----------��--------------.....----------- - --------- ----- --.._..- --------------------------- ��- �-� ------------------------------�--------------------------------------------�---------------------- <br />' " �I <br /> ilAnd----------------------------I----/------------------------------------ f p 9 f f p <br /> - -- - - --------------- - ----------�----------------------------------------.-------------.--------------.-----�--------------------------------------�------�------ <br /> covenant_._.....____to warrant and de end tlie said remzses a aanst the law ul claims o all er- <br /> '� son� whomsoever _..__._Pxcept___the_.right. hereinbePore set forth. � <br /> .� ------------------------------ --------------------------------...-------------------------------------------- --�-------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------...---------------------------------• !I <br /> � <br /> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------�---------------------------..__.__�--- ------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------�--------�---------- `� <br /> iDated the--------------------- ------�th-------------------------------------day �f------ -------------------------June---------------------------------- ------._-------A.. D. 19__3.Z_.__. � <br /> �'� � � � <br /> iWITNESS �---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------�------------- -- <br /> !� Ha.rald A.Prince Beasi '� <br /> � --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------- <br /> --------�----------------------------------------------------e._Kuhlsen----------------- ' <br /> �� <br /> �I <br /> , �-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- j <br /> 'i, <br /> '� �--------------------------------�----------------......------------------------..._..----- ------------- <br /> � -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- !. <br /> ;i STATE OF NEBRASgA l �� <br /> ii � }ss. On this------------�th.---------day �f-----------------------------------sll�@-----�--------------------A. D. 19-'�-�------, before me, ii <br /> i ------------------Hall---------------------Count�✓, ) , <br /> �� the undersigned, a Notary Public________________..___.________________.__within and for said County, personally eame_._._Be_8812__KuhlBen:.__9_121g1e_._.._ '� <br /> i I <br /> I <br /> i <br /> ""'"'"""""""..."""""'"'_'""'_""_"_'"'_""'"'""_"'""_"'"""""""'"'"'"""""""""'""'""""._._.._..""'"""""'"'""'""""""""'""""""'"'_'""'""""""'_"'""" i <br /> � _._.'"""'"'"'"'"""""'"""" I <br /> i� I� <br /> �j I <br /> ""'"""'""'"""" � <br /> �iI """"'_"""'""_""_"_"_""""""""""'"""'""'"""""'"""""_""___"'"'""""'""""""__'_"""""""""""'"_"___"'"'""""'__'"""_""""""""""""""'_'_""""' , <br />' i <br />= ' '; to me personall� knozvn to be the identieal person._.___._____whose name......................1a.__.___.______...._..___.__. affi�ed to tlie I <br /> il above instrunient as grantor__._.._____, a7ad______________..She________._..___.seve�°all� acknowleclged the same to be.______...heY'. `. <br /> �; voluntary act and deed for the purpose therei7i e�pressed. � <br /> '�� (SEAL) IN WITNESS tiVHEREOF, I have hereunto subscribed my name and a�'ixed my o�"ieial seal at___._.____.__.. ''I <br /> ;; Grand._I�lsnd,___in__.said_..County_,_____________on the date last above written. �I <br /> � <br /> , ---------------------------------------------------Fiarold---AaP_�.in��--------- ,i <br /> i� <br /> - 1V otary Public. <br /> , <br /> I �y commission expires----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------�}2�'�.1---�-�:------------------------19.---�-�-�--- '� <br /> - ----��-�------�----- _ =— _ — ��— <br /> �,; <br /> '� <br /> ; <br /> i� - -- <br />