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���1 <br /> ��,�j� ��J�J�/J�� �� W�/.J� '-�J �J <br /> _..,_.. _.._._._____..____�_ _ �_�_ <br />__ . �IBZ4Z-STATE JQURNAL COMPANY�LINCOLN�NEB. i .. . .. .. . . . .... .. _.. . _ . .__. _.._..... .. _...__.�.__.._._......�__...__..____.�._..... .... <br /> i <br /> � FRO.M I hereby ce7•tify that this instru�nent z�as e7ztered o7i Nuaraerical Inde� a�nd �,' <br /> i <br /> Wm.O.TJebe1 and wtf e • 1 <br /> -------- -----------------�--------- -- --- - ----- -- ---- -- -- ---- --- filed for �°ecord thas-------------�----- - -----------------_clay of------------=-----c�LiriG-------------- <br /> �larrantp �. D. 1�_..3_7--, at-- --- -- - ---- -----3-���-------- --------o'clocic- ---�-•--�• ' ' <br /> --------------------------�----------------- - --- - ----- - -- -- --- --- -, <br /> TO �1QQa - { `.'; <br /> ------ - --�---------- -------- -u��=�------------------ ------------ <br /> Roswell E.Johnson & Grace M. <br /> Register of eeds, <br /> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- <br /> � <br /> By--------------------------------------_...-------------------------------- <br /> -----Johnson----------------------- --------------------------- ----------- Dep�cty. <br /> ��C�t�� �t�� ,��rt b�� c� �r�e�� �x��,��e�t��: <br /> THAT-----------------W�sQ_._TJ�b�1---&--Je_s_s ie._Uebel-,--husband--&_wiPe-----------------------------------------.- <br /> -----�---- ------------ -------- ----------------------- <br /> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------...------------- ---------------- ----------------------------------�--------._.-----------------�------------�-------------- <br /> of the County of-----------------H�,11 - -- ---and State of-----------------Nebx'aSk&------------------- ------------ --- ---- - - -.Grantor-8----.--, in consideration ; <br /> of the sum of____ .�n,�...DQllar__and oth�r va,luabl._e__cons_ideration____._ _ ______ ___... .............De�,bftx�, <br /> -- -- -- --- - --------- ----- <br /> in hand paid, do_________...hereb� GP�1NT, BARGfIIN, SELL, ANID CONVEY unto _______Roswel_�.___E_._John$on___�C._Grace___�.._�ohn�or�_._ ' <br /> .___as___'!�jolnt_.t_enants!!_,___and__not__as tenante _in common, ; <br /> - ------------ ---------- -----------...- -------- ------------- - -- -------------------------- ----------. <br /> of the Count✓ of---------------Hall---------------------and State of--;------------------NebY'ask& ---------, Grantee-$-------., the following ` <br /> deseribed premises, situated i�z the Count� of ______.H&.lI _ _ _ _ _ ___and State of TTeb�•aska,, to-wit: <br /> ____�,ot___�_�ve1�__(_7_)_._��_.Block_.�'ifteen.__�15_?,.____ <br /> Nebraska.. <br /> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------ --- ------ ------------------ --�-----�-�--__.----------------------------. <br /> __ _.It_ bein�__.the...lntention _oP_ alI _partie_s hereto,_ that in the event oP the death of eithPr of <br /> ------ ---�--------- -------------------------------- --------------------- ------- ---- - - --- - ----. ..---- ----- -�----------- --------- : <br /> ____said_granteea__ the___entire__fee___s_imple_,_title to_ the_ real__.e8tate .herein _described, shall vest <br /> ---- ------- --- --�-- <br /> _____in __the.__�urvivin�._grante_e. I <br /> - - - - ----------------------- - --- <br /> 0 I.R.St�an s <br /> --- --- ------ ---- - --- -- <br /> --- ------------ ----- ----- -- ------- . <br /> ---- ------ --------- --------- --------- ---------- - - -----------�-�ancelled.-------p-- -__---- � <br /> ---- ---- ---------------------------------------------------------._.----------------- -- ---- --- ----- - ------------------------------------------------------------- -�--------- ---------------- -------------------------------------- --- <br /> � Together with all the tenements, heredit�c�ments, and appurtena_7aces, thereunto belonging, a�zd all the I'state, Pight, Title, I�iterest, Dower, �� � <br />� Curtesy, Claim ancl Demand whatsoeve�• of tltie sccid G�'antor_$____, a�rtaz�af�eirth�r-uftht�m of, d,n or to the sanie, o�• a.n� pa�•t thereof. <br /> as ",�oint tenants'� , and not as tenan�s in common <br />' � �R �MttP Mri� #A ���� th�e c�bove describecl premises, with the appurtenanees, u�ito the said dra7ztee_$.�._._and to_.______thel?' __ _._yzeirs �_ <br />��''�, � and assigns forever. And______�e______hereb� eovenant______icith tlze �azd (�rantee_8_.___.._that___..._______�!(e___._____,.___.._._]iold.___.__said g»��emises b� ��, <br /> good and perfect title; tfiat____._______wE________.______yi�__VG__�ood ��igf�t ancl lawful aictlio�•it;i� to sell anc� con,�;e� the same; that they are f�•e,e and �' <br /> clear of all liens and i�acumbrances wyzcctsoever---------------..--.--------.-------_------------------.---------.---------- <br /> _ -- -- -- --------- -�--- ---- - --- ----- ----- ------ <br /> ---------- ---- -- ----------- ------------------------ ----...- ----------------- - - - - .___._- ----- ------ ---- ---- ----._..-- ---�-------...------ -- -- ----- -------- - ------------------------------ -_ -- -- <br /> And__..._____________________.._.__ _!!�e.______._________.___._____ covcnccnt..._._.__.._to war��ant and deferid the said premise.s a�ainst tl�e la2vful claims of all per- i <br /> sons2vhomsoe2er - --- - -- ---------------------------�---------- -�--------------- -------------- ------- ' <br /> - ---- --- --- --- ----- ---- ----- ----------------- - - ------�----------------------- - - --- <br /> ----------------------------- ----------... ------- -�-- <br /> Dated the- -- � lOth ---- ---- --------------- -------daJ �f---- ------ ----------=�---- _`rUrie ----- ---------------------------------- -------�i.. I�. 19---�7---• , <br /> tiVITNL'SS �---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- <br /> Archie G.0'Brien ---�------------------------Ritu..Q_._IJ.�b�1_--------------------------------------------. ' . <br /> ------------------------------------------------------------_..-------�------ ------- ---- -------� <br /> �-----------------------------Je s s i�__Ueb��---------------------------------------- <br /> STATE OF NEBI�ASSA, ; <br /> Hall �ss. On this---------- -- I.O�h--da�J of------ �TLiri@ <br /> --- -------------------------------------------.A. D. 19--3�-__, be ore me,i! <br /> -----...__.----- ---------- --- --- --- --------Count�, f <br /> the undersigned, a Notary Public-----__----_--_----__-----------_--------within and for said CountJ, personally canze----_--_-----__---------------__----.---------_-_----------------- '; <br /> - �m.._0_.1.J_�bel--&-J.�_s.�le_.(IeUel-,�e----------- ---------------------- ------ ------------------ ------------------------ '' <br /> -- ------------------- ----------- ----- ---- ----------- ------------- ------------------------ _---- ------------- -- --- --------- ------- -------------- --- ------------�------ <br /> to me personall� IcnozUn to be the identieal pe7•s��z._$..__..__u�7eose name_8......$I'_6 _______ ___..__ ___.._____.__af�i�ed to tlae '� <br /> above instrunie7zt as grantor__.3�_____, and_._________'�YlB-3[_____________seierally aelcnowleclged tlie same to be___�kle_1Z!_ '!� <br />� � � � voluntary�� act and deed for the purpose therei�c e��ressed. � � <br /> (SF�iL� I;V tiVITIYESS TVH�PEOF, I have hea•eunto subscribed m� na�ne and affi�ed my official seal at.._._____.._____. ' <br /> __G7C'A2:1d.__��1�.t1d, the date last above written. <br /> ---------------------------------------------�'rchie---C._�_!Brien---------.... <br /> �� �� � 11%otary Publ�c. • <br /> ' �� commission e�pires__.__.._...____. �IIaY'Ch 20 ' <br /> -------------------------- ------ -----�------------------------------------------------�------------------------19---3�--- <br />