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; . <br /> ��� <br /> � <br /> D <br /> J J J J <br /> D��� ������ ���� ��� <br />�� -S7ATE JOURNAL COMPANY.LINC6LN.NEB. . . . . . .... . .... . . .. . . .. . ._.. . . . . . . . - . . .-_._.____._.___._� ___.^ . ---. .-_.-,._.. _ . .---_---- <br /> - - I - . _ . .. . _ . . . .... I <br />� 'i . FRO.M I hereby certify that this instrument ivas entered on Numerical Index and '! <br /> ��� <br /> �' ' <br />� ' <br />� '' Cr�Q-Fge---�'tGlover__and__wi_fe------------------- �ed or r.ecord this-----------------11------------------------da� o Jtu1e - � ,i <br /> ;i --------- - - - � f ✓ f----- -------------- <br /> ------------------------ � <br /> � �, �].. D. 19---��---�<�t------------------lI:1F� -- -----�--�-----..o'clock-------A-'�• � <br /> ` � � ---- --- �larrantp � <br /> . --------------------------------------- -------- - ----- - <br /> . , .................. . <br /> : ; <br /> � �eea <br /> - TO � <br /> , • � � <br /> r ,. ; ------ �--- -------- -------------------------�-`-----`�`=---Re ister.��'-... �, <br /> Loucille Glover � g f � <br /> , � <br /> _.......--�-�--�-�-------------------------------�---�---��---------------------- ---- - <br /> ' � � <br /> By---------------------------------------------------------------------------• I <br /> �;' ---------- Depzcty. I <br /> i� <br />� �� <br />�� � �rt�r�� �t�� ��rt b� � �e��e x����rt��: �����'! <br /> ;, <br /> � � � <br /> ; . <br /> ;I THAT__.___.___Geor�e_.T.,.Ctlover__.and_Eya__D.Glover, his wiPe . . i <br /> , -- -- -- -- -- -- -- - -�---- ------...- ----�-----------------------------------------.......----------------------------------------------------�------------- , <br /> � <br /> � ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------�---------�-----------------------------�---....--�- ------------------------....-------...------------------- ; <br /> '' I <br /> �� of the County �f---------Allerl-- ---------------and State of------ - �----------Oh10------------------------�----------- -------------------- -----�- --� --Grantor-S--------, in consideration I <br /> �' <br /> ',; of the sum of_____....Qn�__�o1Zar_.and___other___valuable___consideration__.___._______________ __ ____.____ � <br /> �------- ----------- - ----------------------DOLLARS, 'i <br /> '' Louc_ille___Glover � <br /> ;; in hand paid, .do----------------hereby GRANT, $ARGAIN, SELL, AND CO1V VEY unto --------------..._-- -------------------------------------------------------- � <br /> �� <br /> � <br /> ;! ; <br /> ;; --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------�------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ --------------------------------..._._.......----------------------�-------- <br /> �' I <br /> Ha.Il Nebraska _._.., Grantee___.._..___, the following, i <br /> i; of the County °f--------------------------------------- - --------and State of-----�---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- <br /> " Hall <br /> ;, deseribed premises, situated in the County of______________________________________..___..__.______._____.___.__.___.___._._._.___.._._and State of Nebraslca, to-wit: <br /> i <br /> ;; ---..Ax�_._�tns��.vld�s�---an_e_-�h�.x�__�nt_�r�st--in---�,Qt-$---Three_..�,�-)---and._Four---��-)---in__Block---Thirty_-nine._..(_39�---....--- j <br /> ,;i -----Original---Tov�n,---now..City---oP..Gr�nd__Island,Ha11.._Countya---Nebraeka.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ' <br /> �i I <br /> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - <br /> G---�a�€e11.e-d-------------�---------�-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------...----�------------------------------- <br /> !i ------------------------�---------�-----..._......----.__-----._.�------------------t 2.00 I.R.Stamps �--------------------�----------------------------------------------------------------------�---------------------------�-- i <br /> ;i ; <br /> � ---------------------------------------------------�---------------------------�---------------------------------------------------------------------------------�--..._.--------------------------------�-------------------------------------....------------ <br /> I <br /> ; <br /> ----------- I <br /> ,i <br /> :� <br /> „ ------------------------------------------------------------�-------------------------------.._--------------------------------------------------------------------....----------�----------------�-------�--------------�-�------ I <br /> I i <br /> !� ----- ------------•-•---•••••-•---••-•-•-.--••••••••••-------....-••-••-....---••---••••----•--------------•-•-----•------------------•----••-•-•-•-•••••-•---------•••------......---••------••-•---------••-••-...----••••---•-••-••-•-••••--•-••••••-••••----•...--••-- I <br /> ii <br /> --------------------•----•--•--•-•--•••••---........_._..-----•---.._._....----.._....-•--------------------------------._.---------•--------------------------------------------------------------...._..---------...-------•--••-•-•••--•----•--•----•------••-----•--- I <br /> i <br /> ,� i <br /> `i -------••---...•---•---------------------------------------•-•---------------------------...--------- -----------------------------------••-•-•---•-----•--------------------.....---....-----------------•---------------------------•••---•----•-•-------•----...------• I <br /> ;j Together with all the tenements, hereditaments, and app2trtenances, thereunto belonging, and all the Estccte, Right, Title, Interest, Dower, I <br /> �'; Curtesy, Claim and Demccnd whatsoever o the said Granto�•........, a , , , � p f. <br /> f ����¢'�s�$���fv, of in or to the same or an2 art thereo I <br /> ,, i <br /> ;, (�� �ttUP Mlt� #q �D��� the above described premises, witla the appurtenances, unto the said Grantee......___.__and to_____________h�Y'._._______.heirs <br /> �I and assigns forever. And_____..We______._.__hereb� covena7it.._._...with the said C�rantee...._.______that..................�e__.__..__...._.__....___hold____.__.said premises bf � <br /> �� � <br /> !j good and perfect title; that______________�!e___..__.._____._________ha___oe___good right and lawful authorit� to sell and con-vey the same; that the� a�•e fre,e and i - <br /> � <br /> I� clear of ald liens and incumbranees whatsoever.___.._.e�►Cept_enCUmbr�.nCes___of r'eCOTd <br /> ,' � <br /> � --------------�-------------------------------........------------�-----�---------------------------- ----�-------------------�--�--------------------------- ---- ------------------------- ------------------------------------------------�----�--------�------------- � <br /> ;� <br /> � <br />, �; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -�------- ------ ----- � ------ ------------------ ------- -�----------------------------�---------------�---�-----�---------------...----------------------------- <br /> �� <br /> I �� And.................................._____�!e____._._._._.....__...._.._______._ covenant__..._______to warrant and defend the said premises against the lawful claims of all per- <br /> �. <br />'I �'', sons whomsoever _....._..ex�ept---encurabrances---of__recurd._-_..-.----------------- -- --- ------------------------------------ - <br /> !J <br /> �i � <br /> ; --------------------•---•-------•-�-�------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ---- ---------- ------- ------------------•---•-----------------•-•-•-•------------•---------------•-------•--•-----------...., , <br /> ii � <br /> t, ------------------------------------------------------------ --------------------------------�------------------------ ----------------------------------�------------------------------------------------------- - i <br /> i 2 th---------------------------------- -------day �f------._.__---�-----14I8y--------------------------------------------------------------------A.. ll. 19----37--• I <br /> Dated the----------------------------9--- - <br /> 4! WITNL+'SS I <br /> •� •-------••-.........--••-•---•-••-•••••-••-•....................••--•----•-••---------••-�-----------�- i <br /> �' R.R.sim son ----------------------------------��nr.�e---�-.Glav-er--..----------------...._--- � <br /> ; ------------------------------------------P...--------------------- " <br /> ------------- ---------------------- <br /> ;; E�.a D - - - <br /> ------------------------------------ •----------._Glover----------------._.......----------- � <br /> � � <br /> � �------�-------------------------------------------�--------------------------------------- ------------- i <br /> �i oxzo <br /> ----------------------------�--------------------------------------------------------------------------- i <br /> ':! STATE OF N��4; l �ia 2 <br /> }ss. On this______.._______________ y f . _ , before me, <br /> i _..._------Allen----------------- � --------da o -----------------------------9------�------------------------------A. D. 19_.__.37_ � <br /> � ---..__County, ' <br /> � the undersiqned, a Notary Public_._.._______________._.________.__.___.within and for said County, personally eame__.__._________________________________..____._.._._..___.__.___...__. i <br /> !, ..-------George---T._Glover--and Eva---D.Clover, his wife - --------------------------------------------------------------- � <br /> -- - ----------- �- --- ---- ----------------- I <br /> � i -----------------------------------------�--�--._._----------�------------------------------------------------ <br />, ; ! <br />� � � to me personally known to be the identieal perso.n8__.____.whose name.a._._..are________________________________________affi�ed to tlae � <br /> ' above inst�•unzent as grantor__.�_...._., and_.___.____they_.__._________________severall� aeknowledged the same to be.___...the 11' <br /> voluntary�y act and deed for the purpose tlaerein e�p�•essed. <br /> � <br /> IN WITNESS tiVHEREOP, I have hereunto subscribed my name and a�i�ed my o�'ictial seal at_______._...._. <br /> i L1mA�_Ohl� _ _ _ on the date last above written. <br /> , ------------------ -- --- -- <br /> ''.I' (SEAL) R.R.8 imp s on------------------ <br /> -----------------------------------------------�-------- --- - - - - � <br /> � Notary Publ�o. <br /> '',' M� commission e�pires..---------------------------------------------------------�----------------Jatl_.----�..--------------------------..._..-------193g------ � <br /> � <br /> I <br /> i� <br /> ;; <br /> ; <br /> ,i <br />