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D. 19--�-7----� at---------------�-1-.-3�----------------�--------.o cZoc7c----...A.M. �, - <br /> --- -------------- -------- -- - -------- �eea --------- --------------.-.------.---��� <br /> ."�`"�'�---.- ; , �. <br /> To ---- - -- ------------- - ''; ; , <br /> �- � <br /> Regzster of Deeds, i; <br />, -----�n�--F•--�P�?g'.enberg.------------------------------------- � ;! <br /> h <br /> B1/----------------•-••----••-----•-------••------------- ;' <br /> --------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------� Depict�. �i <br /> �rt�� �i� ��e�t b�� � ���e x��e���t��: �� <br /> � � <br /> TgAT---------F.,.A_..Terry--and_.Li113.a�n__TerrY2his__w3._fe-t-------- - -----------------=-----------------------�----------- ' �' <br /> -----�------------------------------------------------------- <br /> ;I <br /> ----- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ --------�------------ ---------------------�---�---------------------------------------------�-------------------------....------------�-------------------- <br /> of the County �f----�------HFLll--- ----------...---and State of----- ------- -- -----------NebTSBka.�_.------------------- ------------ -----------�-- ._Grantor.----------� in eonsideration ';; <br /> ;; <br /> ofthe sum of--------------TS�O----ThDLtH8X1-d--�-�2�0�_.-(0��----------- --------- ------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------�------------------------------------DOLLf1RS, ; <br /> in hand paid, do..__._.___.__hereb� GPANT, I3ARGAIN, SELL, �1ND CONVEY icnto ._____A??_Tl@._F,_Sp821ge21bE:T� ,;'; <br /> ------ ----------- ---------- -------- ------- ----- <br /> � <br /> ------------------�-----------------------------------------------------------------------------�------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------- ---------------------------------�----------------------------�---...------- ;; <br /> of the County �f---------- --------H811-- ---- -- ----------and State of----- ------------------------N��r8a.1Ce.------------- -------------------- -----� Gra�Ztee------------� the following ;� <br /> descri�ied premises, situated in the County of__________________________________.__HB.�.�._.__....______.__________.,__.______.__.and State of NeL�•aslca, to-wit: �� <br /> ----L.o-�---��gh�----(.��__:.in__Blo�k---_�ten�_y-Q�e---�21�-,-�chimmer!-$---Addition--to---the---Qity---o�_.(�randIelaxid.;H�.11----- �, <br /> ----4ounty-,.Ateb�saka..---------�-----------------�--------------------�- :�, <br /> --- ----------------------------------------------- �--------------------------�----- -------- ----------------------...-------------�-----�---�----------- <br /> __---______ . <br /> -------- . <br /> -- ------------------------ -----------------�---------....---------------------------------------------- --- - ------------- ------------------------------ <br /> � ��.00 �.R.9tamps )------- -------------------------------------------------�----�----�--------------------------------- <br /> -- --- -------------------------- -------------------------------�-------- -------------------------{----C�ee-�-]�ed------- '% <br /> ----------------}--------------------------------- � <br /> ; <br /> ----------- ---------------�----------�-----....--�-----------�--�------------._...----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- ------------ -----------�---------------------� -------- --- + <br /> ---------------------;----------------------------------------------- --- -------------------------------�----�--- : <br /> �i <br /> ----- -------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------�--- ----- ------ ---- --------------------------------------------�------------------------ <br /> --- ---------------------------------•----------------------------------- ii <br /> ---------------------------------------------------------_...-•----�---------------------------.....------- .- ' <br /> -- -- ------- -------------------------- --------- --------- <br /> ----------------------- ----------�---- - <br /> ---------•----•----•----•- <br /> ij <br /> -------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------�--- - <br /> � ---- - --- ---- - - ----------------------------- - --------� --------------------- ` <br /> ------�--------------•---•----------- ----- ------ <br /> Together wtith all the tenements, Iiereclitame�zts, and appzcrtenances, th ereunto belonging, and all the �state, Right, Title, I�zterest, 'Dozver, �i <br />� � Curtesy, Claim and Demand wlaatsoever of the sc�id Grantor.B..__, a��e�-e��-�rf-�k�+�; of, in or to tfae same, o�° an� part thercof. � '� <br /> ,i <br /> � (�II �N�itP Mri� ��0 '�A�� the aboroe describec� premi8es, witla the appurten,ances, unto the said G��antee.___.._____.a�ad to.___.__h@�.___._________.Izeirs ;� <br /> and assigns forever. And___W8.______._._hereb� covenant_____._2vith tyie �aid (�ra�ztee__._.__.___that______.____._._A►.@____..___.__.___.]aald_.____said premases b� �� <br /> i <br />', good and perfect title; thc�t________._1�8__...___________.._1aaV8___youod riglzt and lawful a2ctho�•it� to sell and conze� tlae same; tfaat tlze� a�•e free and ?j <br /> clear of all liens and i�icu7nbrances whcctsoever---- --- - - - --- - -- -- - -------------- ---- ----- ----- - --- - ---- -- -- -- ----------�--- ------- ----------------- -- -- --�---- ji <br /> !I <br /> ---------- -----•---------------------------- ----------------- ----- -- - ---- - - --- ---------------------------------- - ---------------------------- -�-- ----------------•-------------�--------------- ------------- , <br /> � <br /> � <br /> . ....................'____.___.__'_".._____..__.__.____'__...__._"_'__.___'."._..'.'._._______"'_.__.'"_...___.___"_""___._"_______._________._....___'_-..__.__'__.____'___...____._.__'_.__.______""_'..____...__"_____.'____'.__'____________.'._._.."._____.__.___ �� <br />', . And..._.................?�@______..______________.._.__._______._..._..____. covena�at_..___.____to warrant and defe�id the said preniises a�ainst the lawful claimg of all per- ;' , <br /> ------------------------ -------------------------------- ---------------- !; <br />' ; sons whomsoever ---�----- ------------- -----� ------------------------------------ - - , <br /> �; <br /> -----------------------------�----------------------------- - ---------------- <br /> ---------- ---------------------- -- <br /> ---- ---------- -------- _..--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- �, <br /> �� <br /> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------- -------------------- --------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; <br /> ------ �i <br />'', Dated the------ -------------2 TCI------ -------- ---� ---..da2 0 ---------------------Februa,ry-t------------------------- - ';i <br /> -3 - - ----------------� J f------------ - ------A.. D. 1937.-----• <br /> �-- -----..... I� <br /> wlT�v��ss �------------�-----------------F_,.,A_,_Terry------------------�---------�---- I <br />� � � � � � �I <br /> --------------------------------------H�old,--�►_.�'r_ince.--------------------� �------------------�-----�-----�.i.�.�,��.n._.T�rrY.--------...-----------------------� �� <br /> ' �----------------------------------------------�--------------------------------------------�-----...---- <br />, ' <br /> � <br /> ' �--------------------�-----------�----------------------------------.-------.._------------ ------------- I <br /> , <br /> �---------------------------------------------�-------------.----------------------...------------------ �, <br /> STATE OF NEBRASSA, ) -- - -------------- - - ' f ' I <br /> r ss. On this---------�3ra--------d�y �f----------------- F'��xL18,xY-----------------------A. D. 19_�-7----- be ore me � <br /> ': ---------- --------------�38,1-1-------------CountJ, ) <br /> the undersigned, a 117otary Public--_---------__--.--------_-_--_-_--------ivithin ancl for said CountJ, personc�ll� came--------------_----------.----------------------------------------------- !i <br />' -------- �----------F_.A.._T�rry---�,nd.--��l�.i_an---�err_X:hi.-�--W�.-�e-:-------------------------�---------------------------- --------------------- ', <br />' � �� � � ��w� <br /> ----------------------------- ---- ------- ------- -------�-------- -------------------------------------------------- --------------------- ---- -- <br /> , <br /> �, - -�-- <br /> -- -- ---------- --------�--- 3 i <br /> .------------ '1 <br /> ; <br /> ; � <br /> to me pea•sonall� knozvn to be the identical pe�°soya__B______..whose name_._fl .___.____.aTB_____ _______ ___________affixed to tlie ;i ' <br /> ,I <br /> � above instrunzent as grantor__�____., and '�hB_�__.__ .. _._____severally acicnowledyecl tlie same to ve.__.'�h��� . j� � � � <br /> ��3EAL� voluntar� act and deed for the purpose ttiereirz exp�°essed. ''� <br /> ` IN tiVITNESS tiVHEREOF, I have hereurito sicbscribed my name and affi�ed my official seal at.................. i; <br /> _�r.�,nd.__IBla�d�iz1---S&�.d.�-G4LtI��x-s--...on the date last above written. !i <br /> a <br /> . --=-Harold A_.Prinos-------------- �, <br /> ------------------------------� <br /> -------�---- Notary Pubbic. !� <br /> '; aiy commission expires-----�-----------------AI3T-il--1�-�-�-9-�a`-----------�----�---------------�----------------__.--------------------z9------------ ,i <br />--.—,__�..��� ,,�..,_ , ___.:.�._.____:.�-. w����,.�.:___���--_�.^ _ _— ----�:-.�M_ <br /> ;� <br /> ' I <br /> � _ _ <br />