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��� <br /> ������ ������� ���� ��� <br />_ _ .. . . . . ._. '-_. __... _...�`a-��—..�TAT�JOURNAL GOMPANY,LWCOLN��-�N�b. ._.. ._ ._. . .. .. _ ... . . _... .. . ...__. . . .. '� ---.-----"— ' — <br /> � � FROd11 I hereb�certif� that this instrument was entered on Nuntierical Index a-nd <br /> ,+ <br /> li <br /> �! .....R�.gkl._.��'y_&�T�---��d__w_��2------------ -- ------- ---. led or record this-------------------1�----- -------------- M&'------------�-�-------• I <br /> f� f �f----------------- � <br /> , <br /> I <br />, , <br /> << p �1. D. 19...�.�----� at------------------11-------------------------------.o'clock._..A.�_.M. � <br /> j : ;: ---------------------------------------�------------ ---- ---------------------------.._ �larrant <br />�� ��� �eea . I <br /> " T O �.,���� �-�_�--�� " I <br /> ---------------------------------- ----------------�------------ - -- - f�------------------• I <br /> '' Henr W.Mettenbrink , Register of Deeds, ; <br /> , -------------------y------------------------------------------------...---------------------- � <br /> � <br /> _ ;: � By----------------------�--------------�----------------...-------------...... � <br /> ;� <br /> Depicty. � <br /> ----�---------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------�----- I <br /> ! <br /> � <br /> �� ��Crt�r� �t�� ,��rt b� � �e��e x��e��e�t��: i <br /> � � � <br /> � <br /> I, �', TgAT------A�.�h---Hr,�san --�n�.__Hele.n__�rysonx...hi�---wi.�'.e.�--- - --- --- -- - --------- ------------------------ <br /> ;, ------------------------------------------------------------------ - <br /> . � <br /> .................._.------------------------------------------------------------�----------------------�--------------------------------------------------------�-----------------------------------------------------------------��------------------------------- ;I <br /> �; of the County of________________Hall________ ___and State of______.________Nebraeka. .((�ra�ator___a______, in consideration � <br /> ; <br /> �' of the sum of------------ -�--Tv�o Thousand---&,1100 - - — — — — — — — ---------------------------------------�-- ------------------------DOLLAR , <br /> -------------�--- -- -- -------- -- - - -- - -..._, S .i <br /> ---------------- I <br /> in hand paid, do_______________Jiereby GR�NT, BARGIIIN, SELL, �ND CONVEY unto _.Henry �.Mettenbrink _ _ _ i <br /> , ----------------------------------------- -- �-------------- - <br /> i <br /> , <br /> -------------------------------------�-------------------------...-------�--�--------..._...--------------------------------------------�--------------------�----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------�------------- � <br /> I i' of the CountJ �f--------------------Ha.11---- ------- --------and State of-----�----------•---- -------- ---Nebr`�.ska.--------- ------ ------------� Gra�ztee------------, the following i� <br /> I�I described premises, situated in the County of.__________________.__________Hall_ ____ .___and State of Nebraslca, to-wit: �I <br />�, �! .________The___�ast__half.._oP___the___Southv�e�_t 4uarter (_E� _9W�) oP Section Three (3) , in Townshio _Eleven ( 1) <br /> v� <br />', ---� -- ; <br /> " ----------North.:_..Ran�e---Ten---(10� ,_: West.._of---the---6th _P.M. --.in_..Hall---County�---Nebraska---------------------------------------------------------- �i <br /> � � �� <br />�' ;! ---------------------------------------�----------------------------------------------------- <br /> --�----- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;i <br />'' ;' 2.00 I.R. tampa <br /> ' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ - ;. <br /> (---Gar�c�-l-Iec�-----------------------�--------------------....-�------ <br /> -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' <br /> ,. <br /> ; �i <br /> ----------------------------------------------�-----------------------------------....------------------------------------�--�--------....._..._..-------------�--------------------------------------------�----------------...-----------------------�------��--- <br /> `; ----- -- I� <br /> i <br /> ;, -----�-------------------------------------------------�-----------------------...-----------�-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------�------------------�---------.._....------------------------_......---------------------- I <br /> !i �� <br /> •--•-------------------------------•------------------------------•----•-••---••--------•-•--•-•----------------------------------...._.....-•----•--------•�---••-----------------------•-------------------------••----------•--•-...--•---•-•••••-•--...------•-••-- �� <br /> I, II <br /> � <br /> i Together a,cith all the tenements, hereditaments, and appzertenanees, thereunto belonging, and all tlie �state, Right, Title, Interest, Dower, <br /> ! Curtesy, Claim and Demand wleatsoever of the said Grantor_�__._, �d.���itbe��,f�h,e.�., of, in or to the sanie, or any part thereof. � <br /> � <br /> ;'1 ('Z!D ��Up M1t� #D �0�� the above deseribed pti•emises, witla the appurtenanees, unto the said Grantee_..._._...__and to_._....__hi8___________,._�eirs ; <br /> !; and assigns forever. And.._____�e________he�•eby covenant________with the said C�rantee__________..that............._...____�e_____.........____Jcold_.._.__.said p�•emises b� i <br /> �; ood and er eet title• that.__..__.__________�e________________._fca._Ve.___ ood r•i ht and law ul autho7•ita to sell and �� the sa7�ze that tlae a��e re,e and � <br /> , 9 p f � -- 9 9 f J .! � �J f ,� <br /> ;! � <br /> c�ear of all �iens and 2ncumbranees whatsoever_._..._except_ any_,liPn___or.__encumbrance___placed__thereon___by_._the___se_cond_____ j <br /> ; <br /> ,� ----Aarty. <br /> , ---------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------- - - -- <br /> . --- ---------------------------------�- -----------------------------------------�---------------------------------.._..---- <br /> -------------� I� <br /> y � �� <br /> II 'I And..---�---�---�-.we----------- -------------- --------------------------- covenant-----------_to--2varra--�--an-�------------t -- ----i-------r-�a i-�-----------:--�------ ------------------------------�--- -�---------- i'' <br /> n d defend he sa d p e i ses agatinst the lawful cla,ims of all per- � <br /> ;� sons whomsoever _..�xc�pt...a.e__�,foreGaid.___,.____._ ; <br /> ,I ------------ --- -- -- ------...------- ----- ---- -------------------- ----�-- <br /> -----------�-----------------------------------------------�--�-----• , <br /> ; <br /> � <br /> �� -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! <br /> ----------------------- ------------------ --- �----------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------•• � <br /> I' <br /> � -------------------------------------------------------------------------------�-----------�--------�---------------- -------------------- ---__..--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- �� <br />'', �� Dated the------ -----------------------------Cth---- --------------�----------da� o ------�arch ------A.. D. 19-�-�------• i <br /> �� J f-- - - --- --- - -------- ------- --------------------------------------- - <br /> �� <br /> � WITN�'SS � <br /> , --------------------------------------------•-----------...--------------------------�-----�--------... il <br /> �! A.M.Chase -- ----------------------Ra1Ph..Bryson.........--------------....-----------------� �� <br /> ' --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------- <br /> � -------------------------Helen---Br�son-----------------------------�---�---------- ' <br /> , <br />, �� .A,._M.Chase � <br /> -------------------------�--- ----------�-----�----------------------------------- ------------- <br />', j,, --------------------------�------------------------...--------�----------------------------------------- �, <br />�� �� STATE �OI+' NEBRASSA, l '� �� <br /> }ss. On this----------���1-- ---------day �f---------------------------------------�aTCh--------------------A. v. is--37----, before me, ', <br /> Lo s A.ngel e s-----------------County, � <br /> '� ---------------------- - � <br />, i, , <br /> I <br /> the undersigned, a Notary Public.__ ._____________________.._within and for said County, personally came_._..___._.._.__.._____._.___.___._____.____._______._.__.....______ I <br /> ,� ,' <br /> �' -------------------Ralph---Br _son.--and__Helen_.Bryson,- -hi�---i"ife---------------------------- --------------------------------------------- '� <br /> II - --� <br /> ,i , <br /> ,. <br /> �' --- ---------------------- <br /> ------------------------------ I <br /> „ ------------------------- ------- ------------------------------�---------------------- - - - - -- -- -- -..._._ -- <br /> � <br /> iito me personally knozvn to be the identical perso�a___$_.__._uhose narne_4._ar'e.__..__...____.___.___.__...............affi�ed to tlae � <br /> --. i <br /> ;; above inst�•untient as grantor.__S_______, and_.._. .___the3'. .. _____...___.severall� aeknowledgecl tlze sarne to be.__.the12` j <br /> t� voluntary act and deed for the purpose therei�z e�pressed. � � <br /> 'I <br /> IY WITNESS tiVIIEREOb', I have hereunto subscribed my name and a�'ixed my o�"icial seal at__________________ <br /> ; �SEAL) . <br /> `, .Loe Angeles, in $aid County_ on the dccte last above written. ' <br /> � <br />'' � --------------------------�--------------------A.M.Cha s e _ <br /> ' -------- ---------------------�--- � <br /> ` � Notary YubLic. i <br /> ;! I <br /> , M� commission expires--�--------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------Nov�---22nd---------.19---37--- � <br /> 'i i <br /> i <br />� ;i I , <br /> ,� � � <br />