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n« r�;� <br /> �" � �J <br /> LIJ�j� ����J �� ���/J� � O 0 <br />� <br /> �J J.� �J ��J <br />_.�.___ _._._._.__y_____.�_____. _ _.�`.=_____v.v.�__ __________..____.._=__.__._.___ <br /> __� ._.:��._._�_-�_.___.� --- <br />'� .. �—��—���L—STATHJOORNALCOfi1PANY.LfNCOLN.NEB. . ___ __ . ___.... ... �_.._.._..._ .._.__,._. . __._..'- -,...._. . <br />� �� FRO.M I hereby cert�ify that this i�ist7•�i�ment was entered on Numer•ical Inde��a�rcd (� <br />� � i <br /> __Chr.iat_i�.__E,�I_exl_���.__��d_wife------------ led or record this--------------� ----------.._---------------da2 o November �I <br /> � f � J f-------------------- ------ -----�---------- il <br /> ;� <br /> , ; <br /> � �4arrantp �. v. 1�---35---, at------------------ �---------------------------------.o clock---._I�._M. �, <br />�' --------------------------------------------------------------- ----- ------ --- -------- � <br /> _ ,, <br /> C��-���� QJ-�-e.�, ; <br /> To �eea ,, <br /> -------------------------------�---------------------------------------------------------- -------------- � <br /> ..............�Testine__Jena_en----------------------------------------- �eg2ster of neeats, ;i <br /> . ;� <br /> B31-------------------------------�----------------�-----------------------• !I <br /> ------------------------------------------------------------------------�------------------- Deputy.' ';; <br /> ��C�t�ru� �t�� ��rt br� ���e,��e �x��e���t��: <br />' THAT--------------Chr.i�t�a�__E...Jensen-_and_.Jestine---Jensen�---hi_s �ife '! <br /> --- ------ -------------------------------------------------------------------.__---------------------------- '� <br /> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --- ; <br /> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------.......----------------------------------------- !; <br /> Hall Nebraska ! <br /> of the CountJ �f------------=-------------- --- ---------and State of---------- - --- ----------------------------------------------�--------------- -- -- ---Grantor__5..-----� in consideratio?a ',i <br /> of the sum of-•-----Uri�...I?Ola.A�...��1..4Q.).._and_._other--valuable.--c.on�_ideration------------------------------------,-------------------------...DOLLARS, ': <br /> in hand paid, do__._______.___Jiereb� GPANT, BARG�AIN, SELL, AIT.D CONVEY unto .____.eTe:it1116__�72i'1S@21 ," <br /> - -�------------------------- ------------ ------------ -------._ <br /> ----------------------------------------- --------------------�---------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------...------- ; <br /> of the County of---------------Ha.l1-------------- -------------and State of----------- Neb�:'aska `, <br /> ------------ ---------------------------- - --- --- ----------- ------� Grantee.-----------� the following ;i <br /> deseribed premises, sit�tated in the Coient� of_ .._.._.._.._.___...Ha.11__________________.___________.___ _ ___and State of ATeb�•aslca, to-wit: ! <br /> ; <br /> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------- ----------------------------------------- ----�---- -------------- - ---------------------------------- -----�•------...----------------------- "'� <br /> _..Lo'�s__Ei.g.�'�_._(��_,�___�Iin�_._(9_)_,___Ten____�_10).__in._Block_G___in .�acColl &_Leflang's second addition to ;'; <br /> _..the__t�v�n___of._Wood___River_,__Hall___County� _Nebraska. ; <br /> -- -- -- - ------------- --------- ---- -- -----------------�--- ---- - --- - ---- - -- ------------------------..----- -- -------- ;` <br /> ----------------------�-------.__..---------------------------------------------------------------- �------ ------------------------------�-----------------------------------�-------__ ----...------------_�-------------�-------------�-------------------- 'ii <br /> '! <br /> --------. _--------------------------------------�-------------------�------------------------- --.... ..--- -------------------------------------------------------------...-------- ----- ------- ---- ---�-------------------�------------------ - ---- " <br /> ---------------------------------�------------------------------------- -----�---------- ------ <br /> -- ------�----------------------------------------___..--------------� - <br /> --------------------------- --------------------------------------------- <br /> ;; <br /> r, <br /> ----- --------------------------------------------------_..----------- --------------------------- -- -- ------...------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------�-�----------- li <br /> _ i, <br /> __ �� <br /> --------------------------------•----••----••-----------••----------- �: <br /> ' -------------------------------.._----------------------------- - - -- ---- <br /> ----_�----------------•------- ----------------- - --------------------_...----------------- ------------------------•----------------•------•------•------------ ---�--- <br /> _ ' <br /> -- ------- - �i <br /> I� <br /> i Together 2vith all the tene�nents, hereditaments, and a�pzcrtenances, thereunto belonginq, and azl the L'state, Right, Title, I�aterest, Dower, !� <br /> . i! <br /> �� Curtesy, Claim and Demand wha�tsoever of tfze s�cid Grantor._.____, cenc�vf-ez�G�cer-vf-t�, of, �,n or to the sanae, o�° ccny part thereof. j� <br /> ;, <br />'�,, �� �� �MUP Mlt� #A '�A�� the above described prenaises, witJz� the appurtenanees, u.�ito the said G�rantee______..__.ccnd ta._.__._h�Z'______.._.__hezrs i� <br /> . <br />'i and assigns forever. And..__._..._qP�__.._..hereby cove�acznt_.____.ivityc tlie said Grantee____._..__.that________________�e...____.._..__..._,..___7aold_.____._sazd prernises b� ;) <br /> �� ood and er eet title• that....__�e__.____ ' <br /> �i <br /> ! g p f , ____________._____lca_�e___�ood �°ight and lawful aicthor�ty to sell and� tlae same; that the� a�•e free and ;; <br /> elear of all liens and i�icumb�°ances 2�hatsoever.--- -- - ---- --- --------- -------------- - -- --- - -- � - -- . _--- ----- --- --- ----------------- ------ ---------------------- - -- ------- �I <br /> � <br /> -------------------------- ;� <br /> ... -�---- - ----�----�-------------�- ------------- <br /> � <br /> ,� <br /> �-------------------------------------------�------------------------------------------------------------ --- -- - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------ ------------- j, <br />,I And_._..__________________________?�►8.._.._..____._._____._.._____________. covenant___,______._to warrant and defend the said premises against the laivful elaims of all per- I) <br /> ' sons whomsoever ------- --------- --------- ------- ------------- - ---- --- ---------------- -----�------------------------------------------------------ --------------------------------------------- ---------------------- �i <br /> i'' <br /> ------------------------------__....------------------------------ --------------------- ---------------------�-------------------------------- ------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------• ;I <br /> 'I <br /> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------�------------------------------------------ ----- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------- ;I <br /> ; <br /> _ Dated the-------------------2 --�h.---------- -----------------da o November--------------------------------... ...-------.A.. I�. 19----3--"��--• �� <br /> 7 y f------------- �---------�------ <br /> WITNL+'SS �-----------------------------------------------•---------- '.i <br /> ----------------------------------------._._. ;i <br /> n <br /> �----------------------------------�nri�tian__EtJensen.------------------ �) <br /> ' --------------------11Yza..p_..�ul�._�n----------------------------- ---------------------� � i� <br /> �---------------------------------�e�������n..----------------------------- ,� <br /> ,: <br />, , .--------------------�-------------------�-----------...---------------------------------- ------------- �� <br /> , <br /> �-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------� '� <br /> STd TE OF NEBRA SgA, ) !' <br /> }ss. �� <br /> Hall � On this---------�- -��- ---------da o NQVember---------------------------------a. D. 19-----�-5--, before me, J <br /> ------------------------- ---------------------.County, <br /> - y f------------------- <br /> � <br /> the undersigned, a Notccry Public-------_---_-------_---------__---_-------within and for said County, personally came----------_-------------------------------------------------------------- ji <br /> --�hr_is.t.ian---E.�.enssn..and__J�s'�jn�---J.ensen,_..his---�-i��--------------�---- ----------------------------------------------- `i <br /> , <br /> '�,, <br /> - --- ------- ------ �------- - -----------_--- ------- --------------------------------- --------------------------- --�--- ------ ------------- ---------------------- ;; <br /> ;� <br /> to n2e personall� knolvn to be the identical perso7i8._..__.._uwhose name.8 __________________________.__.._.____._.__a��ed to tlee j� <br /> � ��� above instrunze�at as grantor.._�._.__, ccnd________�1_V_�__.._.____________severall� ackno2cledged the same to be__.the iY'__ ;� <br /> �; � <br /> voluntary act and deed for the purpose tlierei�i e�pressed. j� <br /> IN WITNLSS WHFPEOF,I have hereunto subscribed my name and a�'i�ed my official seal at____..________, 1 <br /> ! <br /> (SEAL) ; ' <br /> ___�rand__Island_,____in..said._County,�an the date last above written. `� � <br /> -------------------------------------------Wm.P.�ullen: �� <br /> - -- -- -- - -- - ------- --------- � <br /> � Notary Public. ' <br /> My commission expires..................... �� <br /> ------------------�ay -�'�-------�-------------------�s�-7.------- � <br /> ____:__ __._____�._____ <br /> __��_�.^.TM—�.- _. _ <br /> . ._. . ___. . .___ __ _..___ ._ __ _.__. .__ ___________ _.___ <br /> ______._.___ <br /> ._____ _ _._... __..__. _ _ . _ . ;, <br /> � <br /> ; <br /> ,, , <br />