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D. rs_35..----� at---------- - ----2:00--------- �--�------ ----o'clock----._P.-M. .� <br /> -------------------------------------�----------- - -- --- -------------- ------------- �larrantp • ' <br /> �eea ' <br /> TO ��;��d.� <br /> i; <br /> •--------------------------- ---------------...-�--------------g-----------f----- - i <br /> - . ___.. <br /> _ <br /> - <br /> Re iste�• o eeds, I <br /> ------.--Bertha---�athr�rn._Terr�------------------- ' ;; <br /> B3/-----------------v-`-'-----------------------------------�-----------------• �� <br /> �� De ut �-_, <br /> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------�-------. p �✓• <br /> ''i <br /> ��C�t�or� �t�� ��rt �r c� �e��e x����e�t��: ; <br /> � � � ; <br /> �� <br /> TgAT------------�--I1---JQSeph._T_,_Stewaxd---------------------- -------------- - � <br /> --------- --- -------------------------------------------------------�--------------------------------------------- � <br /> --------._ <br /> !f <br /> -------------------------------�----------------...---------- ------------------------------------------�-------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ '` <br /> of the CountJ of--------_.H�,11------------and State of----------------------NebY'askA----------------------------------------- --- ,--Grantor------------� in consideration ;I <br /> of the sum of__._.___One__Dollar_.and___other valuable consideration ______._._.__________________ _ _DOLLARS, ,� <br /> -- -- - ---- -- -------- -- ------- - ---------- ------- ------ -- --------- -- ----- <br /> in hand paid, do.______.__....]iereb� GRANT, BARG�IIN, SELL, AVD CONVEY unto ___Bertha Cathryn__Terry _ ;, <br /> -- , <br /> � ;; � <br /> � ------------------------------------------------------------�-----------------------------�-----------------------------------------�---------------------- ------------------------------------- - , <br /> - ------------------------ �-------------�-------------------------- <br /> City Grant Pass Ore on � <br /> of the-6be�nt�tJ of--------- - ----- --� ----- --- ------- - ----and Stccte of----- -- ---------------- ------- -��--------------------- - ---------------- ---- --- -- ---- Grantee_._..------. the following ,, <br /> described premises, sit�icated in the CountJ of_--__--------------_-_--------H811---------.---.--_--. _- _--- - - _ _----�nd State of ATeb��aslca, to-wit: � <br /> , <br /> , <br /> ._._._._._Ls�t_._F.iue�._..(.�.)_._$1Q.�k._Sevez��y___(_�0_)_..Or.�ginal__Town_,._now__the__�ity_._oP__Grand__I8lands,._.Hall_..County,__. '; <br /> ; <br /> ----�---Nebraska.. ---------------- ---------------- --------- -----------------=----------------------- '� <br /> ; <br /> ..___.._..The_._.�ald__.par�y.__o��e_._�.ir_�t.__part.._hereby_._ex�resslx__re s erve_s.._to__hims elP,�._.the._us_e___oP.._the___above�i <br /> __________de_scribed__premises___and_the_._rents, issues_ and profits thereoP, _for and_ during hie natural <br /> I <br /> _ life_,__, and__also that_ the said party of_ the second part__ shall not sell or convey the within �� <br /> -- -- -- -- -- -- ---p-----------------------------------g-----------�------------------- ----------- --------------------------------- -P--------y------ --------------------------- .-p.---------------------------t his �� <br /> ._._:.-----•- - - - - - - - - <br /> described remises durin the natura Iife of the said art of the first art withou I <br /> consent. �il <br /> ----- -------------------------------------------------------------- -----------------....------ �-------------.._._..--------�-------------------------- ----------------------------- ------------------------------------- � <br /> ----------------------�--------------- '�i <br /> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------- -------------------------------------------------------------- -----�---- ------------ i <br /> i <br /> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---- ------------- ---- -------------------------- ------------ ------------- - ------------------------------------------------------- ------------ i <br /> Together with a-ll the tenerynenBs, lae�°editaments, and appacrtenances, thereunto belon�ing, and all the �state, Ri�ht, Title, I�iterest, Do�;er, ',i <br /> � Czcrtesy, Claim and Demand wlea�tsoeve7• of the said C�rantor_�______,-a�d�-�f-e�3cer-vf-t�c�em, of, i�z or to the sarne, or an� par�t thereof. ���� <br /> ('�1 U �MUP Mit�i #D �II�� the above desc��ibed �renzises, 2vitla the appurtenances, unto the said Grantee.._.__..___.and to______._._�e�'______________heirs � <br /> '; and assigns forever. And------I------------•--hereb� covenayxt.-------2citlz the said Grantee-----__---that---____I--_------------------------------ycold--.-----saicl �i�emises b� ,� <br /> �� good and perfec�t title; that____ _____I____.._ ... .__._.__Taa__oe___good a°ic�lit and la2vful autjzority to sedl and con,vey the san�e; thcct tlie9 a�•e f�°ee and �j <br /> i ; clear of all liens and iazeumbrances whatsoeve�°.__.__._._____.___..except_ _such___liens__a.s ar'e of record. '' <br /> ---------------------------------------------------------�---------------- ------------------ ----- -------...----- --------------------------------------------------------- --�--------------------- -----------------...--------------�----�------- `' <br /> i <br /> ,� <br /> ; <br /> -----------------�------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --- ----- ---- ---------------------------------- ----,-----------------------------�------------------_..---------------------------------...---- I <br /> And------------------ - -- ---------? ------ - <br /> ______________ _ warrant and defend the said preniises against the lccw,�ul claims of all per- ,i <br /> � <br /> sonsu�homsoever• ----------------- -�----------- ------- ---------------------------- ------ --�-------------------------------------------------- ----- ------------------------------------------------------------------------ I <br /> ,I� ----------------•---------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------�---------------------------------------------------------------� i <br /> �i <br /> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------�----------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- �� <br /> ; 2rid --------- of----------------Februar------------------------------------------------- --------A.. D.�19------------• �� <br /> Dated the---------------------------------------------------------- - y 35 <br /> �i <br /> WITNESS �I <br /> �--------------------------------------------------�---------------------------------------�-•-------.... i <br /> , .____Joseph_ T.Steward - � � <br /> --------�----�---Hazel..Lars on----------------------------- ---- ---- --- ----- �-- ----------------- - ;- :-: -------------------�---- --------- �; <br /> i <br /> .-------- <br /> � <br /> �-----�-�-------------------------------------------------�------ -------- ----- ? , <br /> �--�------------ -- -------- <br /> �------------------------------------------------------------------------------�------------- �, <br /> ; ------------ -, <br /> �, STATE OF NEBRASSA, � �`� � �� � �i <br /> , , <br /> Ha.11 �ss. On this---- 2nd----- ---------d�y �f-------------------- Februa�y..------- ----- �---------A. D. 19_-�-'r�-----, beforc me, ' � <br /> < --------------------------------------------------.County, i <br /> � <br /> ; the undersigned, a Notary Public___.____________________..__.____...__._._within and for said Coicnty, personally came_.____.._.____.__...._..._______....__..__..__..__..___. ! <br /> -------------- i <br /> ------------- .JosePh__T_,_Steward__.a_widower-�---------------------------- -----------------------------------------------------------------�--------------- I; <br />, � i <br /> --- -- -------- - ----- ---- ---- -- ---- - ----- ----- - ------- -- ------- ----- --- -------- -- ---- --- -- ---- ---- ---- ------ ------- <br /> , � <br /> ------- ------ <br /> � ,.; <br /> to me personccll� knozun to be the identical pe�•s�n__..... ._._2chose nanie____.... _ _.�.5_______ ______ ___ ______________affi�ed to the � ' <br /> � � (SEAL� above inst�°unzent as rantor_____._.___. and__.._.___.._1?_�______________________severalL� acknowledged tlae sanae to be.__._hj.g__ ;� ����� <br /> � , � <br /> , <br /> voluntarJ act and deed for the purpose tlierei7z e�pressed. � <br /> �� <br /> ! IN tiVITN�SS WHEREOP, I fecvue hereunto sicbscribed my name and affixed my offieial seal at....__________. I{ <br /> , - - �r �; <br /> Grand_S.sland,._._in_.said._CAUn'� . .._on the date �ast above u�ritten. Paul C.Holmber i� �' <br /> ` ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------g-------......------• <br />� � � Notary Pi�bli�. �� � <br /> ' �'y commission e�pires.-------------------------------- ----------------... ------------�-----------------.�U13t.--�-2-x-----------------------19--��---- � <br /> � <br /> C-----�-- _.�.._ .._ . _, ..._._________ ....... , . . . . . . — . . . . . .. _,_ .. .v�_._._.�-�----__ -� _ �.. <br /> ._..:....:..�.._..V...__�.�.. � ... ..._. ...�_ . . . ._. .._._.._ ._._. ... _....�.. <br /> I <br /> _.�. _ .._.- . . �....�..�.......�._..��._.�..r'"___.��.�__�... ... � �_�__ .._�_. . ..�_ . <br /> �,_....�. . . . �..��... .�._ � <br />, � <br /> i � <br />� II I <br /> F ..:i:lf�f. . . . .I '. <br />