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. � <br /> 2���`+���..�1 <br /> D����� ���'���� _`��� ��� <br />___�.�. �_________YA__ __e __� .�p��� <br />. __ ___� .r:�:_ _________________ <br /> . .—STATE JOURNAL COMPANY.LINCOLN.NEB. .-.. — ....._. .. ___.._-_. ..._..___ _.. _... _. _."'._.. . . <br />�_-�--W�,�-�:��:..�.._.�.:-:_ . .._._"'�. ''�.c" �.._c �:�a:c� . . <br /> . . ._ .. ___ _.._...______.�_ �__.��_ _..r �. <br /> �� <br /> FRO.M I hereby eertif� that t�cis i�astr�cment auas entered on Numerical I�zdea� and �I <br /> , <br /> ----Will_iam---Swain---------------- ------------- -------------�--- f�ed for record �f---------September i; <br /> - - - ----------- <br /> :i <br /> � t1. D. 19---3�---� at------�--------1�----------------------------------o'clock--_JA►._.M. ;i <br /> --------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------- ------ �parrantp <br /> a� <br /> ; <br /> To �eea � ` <br /> �;�Q�� � ' <br /> ------------------- -----------------------------------�--------------- -- - - ---- ;; <br /> . <br /> - <br /> -----B.irdis_._�t�a��,---his__wife.------------------------- � Regiater o Deeds, �, <br /> � ' Ir <br /> B3l----•-----••-•---••----I!_S.._-----------------•----••----•---••-•-----•---• �� <br /> -----------------------------------�------------------------------__.------------------------- Dep�tty. �', <br /> , <br />' 'i <br /> �K�t�a� ��� ��rt b�� ����� �x����e�t��: ; <br /> TgAT-----I-�---�ill iam---�v�ain.�_--�----------- <br /> --------- ------ ----------------- ------------------ - <br /> ---------------------- ---------------------------._._------------------- ------------_._-------------------------- � <br /> � <br /> - - -----------------------------------------------------�--------------------- -------------...---------�-------------------------------------------------------------------------------._.-------------------------- :; . <br /> ---------------------------- --------------- ----- ---- --Grantor------------� in consideration !I <br /> of the County of___ Hall._..............and State of___._________________Nebraska. <br /> of tlze sum of....__On.e.__Dollar_..an_d_love__and___aPfeetion ________________________._____.._DOLLARS, ',' <br /> ------------ - - -------- -- ---- --- - ---- - -- ------ ------- <br /> in hand paid, do._______....hereb� C�R�NT, BARGAIV, SELL, AND coNVEY unto __Birdie. S�uain, my v�ife, _ ' <br /> ----------------------- � <br /> f' <br /> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------�--------------------- ._.__.---------------------...._._..------------------�-------------------------------------------=--------�------�•---------------------------- ',' <br /> of the County of--------------------.---Ha.11-----------and Stccte of-------------NebY'askA ' <br /> --- ----- ------------------------ --- -- - ----- Gra�ztee---------.._ the ollowin ,' <br /> --- -- - � , f 9 i <br /> ,' <br /> described premises, situatcd in the Coi�nt� of.._..�.............._._.__HAll,__.__________.._,_.___.__________, _ . __._�nd State of Nebraska, �o-wit: Ii <br /> _____An___�nd�vided.._one--half___interest.__in..and_. to_ the___following described _property_: _ _ _ �� <br /> ----------- --------- <br /> - - - - - - - - - - -C 3 � - - - -- - - - - ._.7. - -- ---...- ---- --' --�------ -- - ---- ------�----.--------------- --- -- , <br /> ___Fr�_�tional___�ot__Thr�e )in �'ractional_ �lock__.Seventeen_.(1 ) _ in La.mbert s Addition and Frac- �;, <br /> -----.t_�..p��,�,---��-�-�---2��^�,�:--�,�d__F'q�r...(.3_).. and---��F_}iri;Frae'�,ianal._81pck__,Ten---(10-�- -°f_ Evana Addition:--- both- ---- !i <br /> ' -----Q_f...r�,is�.__a.t7.dit iQ.n.�---b�_�.z�g---�c�di_�_�on�_...�_Q.__the__.G ity_----°--f---Grand__I sland,�Nebraska.,..__as__surne_yed,---plat ted;; <br /> and recorded. � <br /> -----------------�-------- -------------------------------------------------------------- -�---- <br /> _ Fraetional Lot Four (�) in Fractional B1ock Seventeen (17) of Lambert �e Addltion and Fractio�al <br /> -- -- -- -- - -- -- -- -- --------------------------------------�------------------ _-----------------------------------------------------------------�-------------------�- -------- <br /> --------------------------------------------�----------�------- !� <br /> ___._Lot Five (5)_ in Fra.ctional Block Ten (10) of Evan's Addition, both of said additiona being j; <br /> - -- -- ------ --- ----- - -- - - -- -- - -- - ---------------------------�------------ -- ---------------------------------------------------------..._--------------------------------------------....-------------------------- .- <br /> ' _.___additions__.to__ the.__Cit_y__of__.Gr�nd__I_aland,.Nebraska,_._as surve�ed, pla�ted and recorded. �i <br />, ------ ��----------- - - - ----------------------- ----- -- --- --...-- - - ---------------------- - ---- ----- --- --------- - ------�- ---------- ----- - ------....._..-------�----�---- --. . <br /> 4r�e���tVb��tt�3en us the relation of oint tenants in all oP said ra ert with all the ri ht 'I <br /> g .� P P Y g � <br /> � Together �.vith a-ll the tenernents, hereditame�nts, and appz�rte�aa.nces, t)�ereunto belonging, arad all the Dstate, Right, Titte, Interest, Dower, i <br /> � Curtesy, Claim and Demand wliatsoever of the said Grantor_______, c�a�cLaf�eat�.e�e.�.t.l�.e�m, of, i�z or to the sanze, o�• any part thereof. �,' <br /> j ��� t�II �ttUP i�lt� #0 �p�� the above described p�°emises, witla the appurte�iances, unto the said G�•antee_.___._____and to__.__hez'_ �� <br /> --- - ------heirs '� <br /> ii <br />��I and assigns forever. And__.__.__I___________here�iy cozena�at_____._witye tlze said Grantee___.._.._.that.._._.___I_._._._..__..____________________l�old.._____said premises vy I� <br /> ood and er ect title that_._..____I _ . ' ( <br /> 9 p f ; ___ . __..__._______.___.]ia_ve____.good r�ght and lawf2el authoa•at� to sell and eon,2e� the sa�ne; that they a�•e free c�nd I <br /> �� elear o all liens a�nd incumbranees whatsoever____.___..___.___.___ � � � <br /> f --- ---� -------------�---- - --- - ------ -- --.�----------.._.-- -- - I <br /> ---------------------�- <br /> -- --�--------- -- ---------------- � <br /> -----------------�------------------------------------------- ---- --.,.�---- ---------------------------------------- ------------------------- -------- ----------------------------�-------------------��------------ <br /> � <br /> ------------------------------- i <br /> I' <br /> ---------------------------------------------�-----------------------------------------------------------------�---- --... --�-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' <br /> ----- ------------------------------�--------- --- i <br /> And___...._______________.____.�_.._..____.__............................._. covenant.__...___.__to warrant a�ad defend the said premise,s against tlae lawful claims of all per- j� <br /> i! <br /> sonswhomsoever -------- ------------------------------ ------------------------------�--------- -------�-----�--��--------------- ----------------------------------�----------------------...----�--- I' <br /> --------------�-----------------------------------------------------------------------_---------------------------------------- <br /> --------- -------- --------------------- <br /> !� <br /> ------------------------------------------�--------- �, <br /> ------------------------------� " <br />' -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------�------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ �� <br />'�,� Dated the-----------------17th------------- -----------� �f---- -----------------September------------------------------------- -- - `I <br /> ------.A.. D. 19__�5---.. � <br /> + <br />�'I ; WITN�'SS -------------------------------------------------�-----------------------------------------�- � <br /> � -------..... ! <br /> i <br /> ------------------------�i�.t�.�r►►.._s��a�.-----...------�---------------------------- il <br /> -------------W�A_._P�'�n�e-------------�------------------------- --------------------- - , <br /> , <br /> �-----------------------------------�---------.......--------------------- i <br /> -----------------------------�- <br /> � <br /> , � , <br /> �---------�---�-------------------------------------- � <br /> ---------------------------------------------------- � <br /> ; <br /> STATE Or NEBRASgA, ) 17th Se tember. �' <br /> Ha,ll r ss. On this.-- ----- - -------------day of------- ---------- ---p--------------- - -----�- - ------------A. v. l�._-35---, before me, �� <br /> -----------�------------------------------------CountJ, � � <br /> !i the undersigned, a Notary Public.________________________________.__._.__.within and for said County, personc�lly came_.._....____.._:.___.__.._ <br /> -----------------------------------------•---� II <br /> �� � <br /> -- ------------------------.W_�,l�..i�m__Sw��.?�--------- ----- -------------------- -...-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- � <br /> -- ---� ---------------- --..- ----------- ---------------------�--� -------------------- -------- -- ---------------- --------------------...------------------------------- <br /> i� <br /> to me personall� knozvn to be the identical perso�z._____._..._ZVlzose nanae___......__ia.____._.._._________________________affaxecl to the ;i <br /> above instrunze�2t as grantor_________, and..______________�e.___ _____.__.seve�°ally aelcnowlec�ged the same to be.._.___.�7,�}9_ ' <br /> �� (SEAL� volun�ta7�y a�ct and deed for the purpose tlierei�i e�pressed. � 1 - -� <br /> .. <br /> IN tiVITNESS tiVI3FRE0F, I have hereunto sicbscrived my nccnze and affi�ed my official seal at.................. � <br /> Grand_Island,__in___said._Count,y__..._.on the date �ast above wr�itten. ' <br /> i <br /> W.A.Prince � <br /> ---------------------------�--��------------�- -�-------------�----------------------------------------• i <br /> � �� Nota�•y Public. ` <br /> 'I <br /> ' � d�1y commission e�pirea-------------- -- - ------------- - ------------------ ._...�-------------------------------------June---16�----------19....3�__ ; <br /> ;� <br />=-��_v__.u= _:._..- -�- - -- :�-�____-.,� _ � <br /> .:_,�:�__�.._ ___ _ _ _ _ .:.:» „_ _:<:___. ..---_ =�.�--N:_�-�___._,___._���---- —_�.-��=-+F- _--- <br /> �, <br /> i <br /> i <br /> � <br /> i <br />