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� <br /> � � �"� <br /> � <br /> �. <br /> �� ��-, <br /> � ��� � ��� � �L�I�N � � � � � p <br /> ��J� �,J�J��� � ��� ��J <br /> �___��_________.__..___..�..w _ ----------_._._._.__ ;—_ _-- <br /> _,_. _._�:::_ _�-:v� _.���.�_.__.__- <br />.._ � -57ATE JOURNAL,COMPANY,LINCOLN.NEB. � . --.. .. ....__ _ __... ___. ...__..... ... _ ....,.__ .__.._ . <br />�..._..._=:_.-r.._-__.�...__..�.._.___��_._.__.,__._ ,......r. __.. . ,_.�__ ,__..._ _.._'......_,.. ______,� _ <br /> FRO.M I hereby eertif� that this inatrument 2vas entered o7z Numerical Index and sI <br /> ii <br /> i <br /> ---------�us_tan---R�.b.�_...(_als.o---kna�vn--�.�----------- fled for �•ecora t��is-----�-----------11---------------------------day �f---------------June....------------- '; <br /> i <br /> Ei. D. 19----�-5---� at-�---------------�'_���------- - - - --------------o'eZocic.---.P.,..M. ! ; ; <br /> ---------Gu$tav---�oby_)�.rine----------.. �UIaCCalltp i . ; <br /> Roby, husbanc�,�nd wiPe �Qea ' <br /> �r�c�.�ul �.,��� <br /> , <br /> --••--------•-----••-__...----�---•--... -•---------------•--..._....-•---••--••�••--••------- <br /> `' Register of Deeds, <br /> -----------------S�a�ne---F'o�,ter---------------------------------------..._ ' � <br /> ;� <br /> B�l-------�------------�-�-----------�=------------------------------------• � <br /> -------------------------------�--------------------�-------------- -�---- <br /> ---• � � � Depicty. ;; <br /> ----------- <br /> ;I <br /> ��C�t�a� �t�� �r�t � � ���e x��e��e�t��: �� <br /> � � � <br /> �; <br /> TgAT--------------------------Guataue.-RQb�:---Ga7-ga._�riQ�rn--as----Gus.tav---Roby.-�----and---Catha.rina..Aoby.�---h�uaband__and._wi�8 ii <br /> � <br /> ', <br /> �. <br /> - - - - - --- - ----- - - --------�-��---------------------------------------------------------------------------------�----------- ;; <br /> of the Couazty �f�-------- --Ha.Il- --- -- _.-------and State o.f------�- -------- ---NebY`�.SkEt-----------------...------ ------- --�-------- -- --Grantor-$-------�, in cons2deration il <br /> i <br /> �,i <br /> of the sum of-----�----Eigh�---huYlc�'�d� �-�$.4Q_.O(��---A�ld--11Q�.1.00.--------- --�------------ - --- ---------------------�------_-----------------------------.DOLLARS, si <br /> tin hand paid, do................hereb� C�RANT, 13ARGAIN, SELL, AND CONVEY unto ._..,____1�ayne.__Faa�e.r_..._...______..:____.__._...,._ !' <br /> - --------------------------- �� <br /> r; <br /> -----------------------�-------------------._....----------------------- ---------------------�------------------------- ----�------------------------------------------------------------ �------------------------------- ---------------........_._..-------------- ; <br /> o� the County �f------ - --- ---H&�11-- --- - --------and State of----- -------NebY'a.SkR--------------------- --- ---- ------------- - ------, Crantee-----------., tfee following ;i <br /> . ,; <br /> described premises, situated in the Cozcnty of________..__._.____..__Ha,ll._._________________________._______.____._______�ncl State of RTeLr•aska, to-wit: ;; <br /> i; <br /> i� <br /> ---- �- --- - ----- - ------- - ----- ----- - � -- ----- ----------------�-------- -- ---- --- �-------------- - -- - -------- -------------�-- -- ---------------�-------�- ------------- <br /> ---------The.--.Eas t__On�_..�ial-�'---�E��._.of.._�ot._Se9en---(-7-�---on._Island,---in---Se_e.tion--9:---in__�ownshl�--1Q,----North,_Rang� <br /> ________9_.West__of__t�ie___Sixth__.P_��._..excepting__that_ _part._thereof._.conve�ed__to___the__County_.of_ _Hall__in___the ;''; <br /> _.._.__.J_tate_._Q�'_Nebrask�,__by..,_deed_.r��orded.._in___Book.__.�4.__at__Page_.�F06__o�'.._the__,deed__re cords..oP___Hall__Count�, <br />� - ,, <br /> _______Nebraska,___and.._al_so___excepting__thereYror�._.that___part__thereof,__conve_yed._to_ _the._.State of Nebraska, i; <br /> _ - -- - �- -�---------- -------- <br /> ---------. <br /> .--------1�y_._�.e_ed---�e.�_Qa�ded.._�.�--�oQ�C---7�,�__161---oP--�he---de_�d__re�ords---q�'__HaZl.--CountY,�_.Nebr�.ska:----aceor�- <br /> I -----.---ing_,to_ the._.GoY�rnm�nt �urvey.thereof--- --_-:---- � �•00 I.R.Stamps ) <br /> _ Grantors further certify that the annual payments of��1�0. 00_ _provided for in the will of Fr� <br /> - - --- --- • d <br /> �----- - ------------------ -------...------....--------------�----------- , <br />' . ._.___.Rob�r.__deC�ased,____to_be__.paid__.to_.Johanna_.Roby,.__�idow__of___eaid__Fred__Roby,deceased,___.have_.been__made� <br /> Togethea• with all the tenements, he�°editaments, a�ad app2crtenances, thereunto belonging, and ald the Estate, Right, Title, I�iter•est, Dower•, � <br /> � �� Curtesy, Claim a�zd Denzand w1�a�tsoever of the said (��rantor8.____., and of ez.ther of them, of, in or to the sa��ae, o�° any pai°t ther•eof. �� <br /> ('�1 U ��UP Mit� tit �A�� the avove described premises, with tyie appurtenances, unto the said Gr•antee___..._._...and to____.._..___hi$__.__...___heirs il <br /> . � <br /> �� and assigns forever. And._____.3R�________he�•eby covenant__.____iuith the said Ga•antee_______.__tkat._____._.__.._.l�te...._______.______youold_:..,__sa�id premises by � <br />, good and perfect title; thnt________.�e________________________7ea-_v�_.._good rigl�t and lauwf2cl author•ity to sell and �on�;e� the sarne; that theJ a�•e fre,e and �! <br /> elear of all liens and ineu�nbrances whatsoever---- ------- --- --- - --- _-�--------�------ .......- --- -- ---�-------- - ----- - --- --------------------- �� <br /> ---� ------ -- ----�--------�-- --------- i <br /> , ;�---_.--�-------------------------------------------------------------------,-.-----------._ ----------. ----- -- --------- ----------------.----------- -- -...----------.-------._------.--------------�------.--------------. �� <br /> °-'-----�---------�----------- � <br /> I� <br /> -'--- '----'-' ' ---°-----�-----"-'----' ------'-----'-'--'•-------------'-----------°---�----'--------"-'--'--•'-----•------------"------°--'---•-----'•-----'---'---'- ,,' <br />, And______________.._.......__________l��_...._________.__.____________._..____ warra�zt and defend the said �renaises against the la2vful clai�ns of all per- i� <br /> sonswhomsoever ---------- ---------------�--------------------------------------------------------------�--�-------------------------------�----------�---------------------------------...--------- �� <br /> --------------------------------------- ,� <br /> � <br /> �� <br /> , <br />' ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------�----------------------------------------------------------------------...----------------------------------------------------�-------�--------------� � <br /> ------_---------------------------------------------------------------�-------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------�-------------------------------------------�--------------------------------�-------�----------------------- !� <br /> 'I <br />�I Dated the--------------------2�'�h--------------------------------------.da� of--------�------------------------------��Y--------------------------------------------.A.. D. �s...-35_. j; <br /> � <br /> WITNESS �-------------------------------------•---------...----------------------------------------�- 'I <br /> ---------._. , <br />� �: <br /> . ;; <br />� -------------------------Herman---F.Buekow---�--------- ---------------------� �-------------------------Gustave..RobY...-------------......---------:------------- il <br />� -----------------�---------catharina__Roby--------------..... �� <br /> . <br /> �f <br /> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------- <br /> , <br /> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -� <br /> ;� <br /> STATE OF NEBRASgA, l '' <br /> : }ss. On tliis----- --2�th- --------day �f----------------- - �a -------------�----------------------------- Ii <br /> ------ -Y A. D. 19_._3�_�_, before me, � <br /> ------ �Ia.11- ---- -- --------- ---------CountJ, � � <br /> the undersi ned a Notar Publie_.__. .. ..___ .__.witTain and or said Count ersonall came..GuB.��,Qe___RQxt �_�.1.��_.�C21Q_WEl.._. '� <br /> 9 , y �----- - --- f y, p y y--- _ <br /> �I <br /> --as--Guata�r__AQby.�__and__.Ca�ar.ina_.A�bY�---huaband---and__�rife------------------------------------------------------- "I <br /> - �! • <br /> -- -- --.... ------------------------ --------- --------- --------- --------------------- ----- ------------------------------------ -------------------------- � ' -' <br /> ---------------------�-- , . <br /> � , <br /> to me personall� knoavn to be the identical person.S ______� name..&_ __.._____�'_@__ . ______.. ........ ..._affi�ecZ to tlie i ' <br /> � ' - above instrunze�zt as grantor_8__.___, and___________t�Ey_�__________. y g _ ,� , ��� �!, <br /> .severall ackno�,vled ed the same to be.__th8�x'_ ! <br /> � (��j,� volunta�•y act and deed for the purpose thereiyi e�pressed. � �� <br /> �; IN WITNESS WfIFI�EOF, I liave hereunto siabscribed m� name and af�vmed my official seal at..��,__ � <br /> zs�.ana,__ in___$aia__�ounty, _ .on the date last above written. ! <br /> Herm !� <br /> an F.Buckow <br /> ----��------------------------------�-----------------------------...------------------------------�-- !I <br /> � � � 11�otary Public. �� <br /> ' M� commission e�pires----- -------�----------------- --- - --- -- --- -----------------April---16�------ ---------------------- is---3-�-�---� !� <br />—____�. ..r__ _,__ _.. ___ _ <br />_..____.__ --_.. . _ . _ _.. _._ _ -_.— .___._.,___ .�. � .. _.__ _.._ _ -- - <br /> � <br /> __, ___,�.—_—��__ � _=�—.�- ' — - <br /> _ . .I <br /> . i <br /> i <br />