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- <br /> � � � <br /> �c.°�� <br /> ��j�j� ��j�Jt✓J�� z51 V��/J� u� �J <br /> __._.�-�:.�, _.� _---...�-��_____�__��i_�.____.__e______ <br /> �� <br />__ _ ,. : _�._ s..:, <br /> e._. <br /> . <br /> 78�4� STATE JOURNAL COMPANY.LINCOLN_NEB. .. . . . .. _. .. . . . . . . ... . ._.,___. ._. ._.._._-.U.._�_..__,r_..�.�,--_,..."--._,__. . .. .. ._. .... _. <br /> ______..._ �_.� � i� <br /> FRO.M I hereby certify that this instrument 2r;as ente7•ed o7i Nu�nericat Index and �' <br /> �; <br /> : � <br /> ----Clarence._L.Clark_and---v��i_fe--,-- ------- ---- �ed or �•ecord this----------------------------- ------------------da o June <br /> ;� <br /> � f 3 y f---------------------------�---------------- !'� <br /> �, <br /> i <br /> -------------------------�--- ----- ---TO-- <br /> �larrantp �i. D. 19--�-5---�-� at--------- ----- - --�"_�_��.. .--- ---------- ----�'clock_..P.t._.M. ,' <br /> --- ---- ----� -- - - - ----- ----- �eea <br /> � <br /> , ; <br /> ------------------------------�:�� ���-- <br /> ----------------------------------------- -- -- - - - <br /> ---------------------Ed_,A.Jones,Jr.---------------------------------- Register o Deeds, ' <br /> � �, <br /> B3l----------�--------------------- � <br /> ---------------•-----------------------------------------------�----------------------------• Deput�. ii <br /> F <br /> �� <br /> ;� <br /> ��rt�or� ��� ��ert �� ��r�e��e �x��e��rt��: ;; <br /> THAT_,_..__..__.Claren_�_�__L..Clark,_and__Gladys._E_,_Clark___each___in__their__own__.ri_ght__and___as._.husband__and__wi�'e' <br /> -------------------------------------------------�---------------------------------------------------------�----�-------------- -----------------------._..-------------- ----- - <br /> ---------------------------------------�----------------...-------------------------- �� <br /> f y f -- ---._and State of- --------_ ----- -- ---- ;i <br /> o the Count o _________.Hall___________ NebraLka ________________._G�°antor$____..____, in eonsideration ;: <br /> - -------------------------- ----------�---- � <br /> of the sum of----,--ons.---clallar_..and-- o-��er--valuable_..�.�nsider�.t�on-�------------------- ---------------------------------------------------DOLLARS, �; <br /> in hand paid, do--_-e$_,--hereL� GR�1NT;BARGAIN, SELL, AND CONVEY unto _-.----�d---�_.J_Qx�e�_..�Ir.-----------------_-_---.-_--_----------------_--_----,----- i <br /> '; <br /> ---------------------------------- ---------�-�-------�---------------------�------------------------------------------ ---------------------------------- ----�---------------------�-------------- ----------------------- -------------------�---�----------------- ' <br /> �� <br /> of the Count�J �f-- ----------H�11-- - ----- - -- -_.__and State of-- ----------------1��1�Y'�.�.�s�-------------- ---__. - <br /> -------------------------, Grantee--------.---, the otlowin !' <br /> f �' <br /> � <br /> deseribed premises, situated iiz tyee Co2cnt� of._______...____..._H&�..1______.___.._________.__.___.________._.___________.__and Stccte of Nebr•aslca, to-wit: <br /> i <br /> ._�------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ---- --------------- ------ -------------------------------------------- ----------------- ------�------------------------ - <br /> --------------�-----------------�----- +; <br /> ---------------Lo.t.._f_if.�.e.en---.(.1��.---Block---t�ra.---(�-�.--Fir_st-_Ar_t�is_'�ic__Home_!.s_.Additio-n---t_o-_�rand._Ialand,N�hraska---- �i <br /> �� <br /> ---�-----------Sub.�e ct_..:�o...all---encumbrance s---and---t�.xe s_._�f_record�------------------------------------------------ --------�--------------�----- �, <br /> ------�----------- - ---- ---- � <br /> -------------- ------------...--------------------�----------------------- --------..--------------- -------------- - -------------------------------------------------------------- - -----------------------------------------------------�--- ---------- !i <br /> ;; <br /> ------�--- --------------------------�-----------�-----�---------------------------------------------------------- ----- --- ----------------------------- -----�-----�-----------------------------------------------------------------------�--- ----- � <br /> ii <br /> f. . ._- -'-- - --- --' ---- ------- ----------------�----'--'---------------------------------------'--------'--'---.._----------' ,. <br /> ---'--"-------------'.'-"-'-_ <br /> �i <br /> iI <br /> -°°•-----------------•---------------•°-•-•----°---•-°-----------------------°_.....------- -------------- -- -- --------------------------------•----------------•-------�---------------------�---------------•---•------••----------•---------•---° 'I <br /> il <br /> �� -'-----------'-•-----------°---....-•-----•-•----------------------------------°---'---------------� i�, <br /> . "_____'_"_'____"_____"""""""""""___'___""'____"_"__""'_""_""""""__'_"___"'_""'_"""""""""""""""' <br /> ""'_""""" ;� <br /> i <br /> �' <br /> ., """""'_"_"""""'""""_"'"""" <br /> """'_"""""'"""'""'"""'"_"'"""__""_'_____"""_""'_"'""'""""'""_""""__'___.'_""'""""""'_"'"""""_""'""""'_"""'_""""""""""""'"""""_'_"""""' Ii <br /> i <br /> Together u�itfe all the tenements, laereditaments, and appurtencrnces, thereunto belonging, arid all the Estate, Right, Title, Interest, Do2ver, ;; <br /> �' Curtes Claim and Demand wlaa�tsoezer of the said C�ra�itor_._.____ pa2�i-e.�.eithex:��uP.� of in or to the same o�° art �` <br /> J, , , , y part ther•eof. �� <br />�� � � (�0 �MUP Mit� #U �II�� the above described pren�iises, witli the appurtenances, u.nto the said G��antee._._______..a�id to__._____h18_...............he�irs � <br /> !I <br />, and assigns forever. And.__.___�e_______hereb�y covenant._____.u��th the Grantee__________that___.________.__��..____._.___._..___fiold.__.___.said pre�nises b� �� <br /> I� <br /> . i; <br /> good and perfect title; thc�t___.___.___�!6_..________._._____yaa__V_�___good rigyct and lawful author2t� to sell and eonze� tlie same; that they a�•e fre,e and ;i <br />�'�, clear of all liens and ineumbranees whatsoever___..____eXCep�.__a8___abOVe_.s_t�ted__.._____ ______ _____ _ _. �i <br /> --------------------------------�----- <br /> :� <br /> ---------------------------•--------------------------------------------------------- -------- --------- ----- ------•------------------------------------ --------- <br /> 'I <br /> -------------•---•-------------------------•------------•--•-----•--•�- - :, <br /> --------- ,, <br /> :; <br /> � <br /> --- --- -- - •---• --- ------- -----------------------------------� ------------------------------ - , <br /> ----------------------------- ---- --------------------------------------- <br /> And__._.__________________W�_.____._..____._._._.____,__....____._._____.._ covenant._____.__.__to 2varrant and defend the said p�°emises against tlie lawful claims of all per- ';� <br />' sons whomsoever _..__exee�t_.as__ab9ve___st�,ted�.__.__________ '� <br /> ------------��----------------- ----------------------------------------------- �� <br /> ------------�---------------------------------------------------- � <br /> , <br /> ----------------•------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------�----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------�----------• {; <br /> ' ------------------------�--------------------------------------------------------------------�------------------------------------= �� <br /> ------------------------------------------...------------------------------------------- - <br /> • ------------•-------------------------- I <br /> i <br /> , Dated the.-�----------�------------1�-th-----------------------------------.daJ �f--------- ---------------------June -----..A.. D. 19---�2----• 'I <br /> WITNESS �-----------------------------------------------•-------------------------�----------------._ ,�j <br /> ;' -------------------------A,W,_Camvb-�11--------------------- --------------------- <br /> �---------------------------------�l�r�n�.e---L-..Clar�..---�-------------------- ';; <br /> � <br /> ; �-------------•-----------�--------��-ladys---E-._Clark-----...----------------------- �� <br /> �-------------------------------------------------------------�---------------------------...------------ ' <br /> � <br /> �-------------•-----�--------------�---------------�--...-----------------------------------------------• ; <br /> t' STATE OF NEBRASSA, i <br /> �ss. On this----- ---� �f---------------------- ---------Jt121G---------------------------.A. D. 19-�2-----. before me � <br /> --------------.H,�.11-----------------------CountJ, � , i <br /> � <br /> the unde-rsigned, a Notary Pubbie---.-----------------------------------within and for said County, personally eunxe-------------------------_--------------------------------------------- � <br /> ___________C7�_ax�.�n��._L._�lar�__&__Gladys___E._�lark__each__in__.their__own__right__.and__as_______________ ;� <br /> husband & v�ife ' <br /> - -- --------- --�---- ---�----- -- - ----- --------- ----------- -- --------�--------- <br /> ---- ----------------------------------- ------- ------- ----------------------------------- <br /> � <br /> to me ersonall2 knoZVn to be the identical erso�i_S__.____icltiose name._s _. ___._�.re ...... .......... '� ' <br /> p J 1� -- - ---------a�xed to tlze ; <br /> � above instrunze�zt as grantor_________, and____. __the.y_____ ____.__seve7•all� ack�aou;ledged the same to be._�h�"�!" �� <br /> (SEAL� voluntary act and deed for the pu�°pose therein e�pressed. � �' <br /> .� <br /> �! � ZN WITNESS tiVHERFOF, Z have laereunto subscribed my name and affixed my oJj'icial seal at__............._ �� <br /> I <br /> Gr�nd__Island,___in_._said___County_,______._._o,t the date last above u�ritten. !� <br /> ;j <br /> !� ----------------------------------------------Andrew W_.Campbell--------- i <br /> � Notary Fublic. �j <br /> ,,' 9 . . p. � ----------1�--��--- �i <br /> :: D1z comm2ss�on ex tires-----------------------_..-------------------- ------------�-----------QC.'G_.._.�£�------------------------------ �, <br /> ',� � <br /> „ <br /> ___�- �-.---.. .- _ � ___ _ ,� . _ _ -�_. __._..�___.__ ,_.._ _ _-_.._. _,,._._______,_._ --_.�-.�._.._ - ___. - — <br /> _ _ _ ._._�.___ __. . _ <br /> ==r :,_...._. _ _ _� __ .-___—.. __ _ �� �� Y.. <br /> �I <br /> ; <br /> i <br />