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► ,-� <br /> � . <br /> �e�� <br /> D���� � ��> > o � � o �, � o <br /> ���� ������ � �� ��� <br /> ---.,. ....._ . -.... . . =STAY�JOURNAL COMPANY�L�NCOLN.NEB. ... . . .. ...- .. .. .. . ... <br /> -- . .._ . .... _ . ,_�-��--- --- . . _ --- <br /> � �-------�' - --�--' - <br /> �; <br /> '� FRO.M I hereby certify that this instrument was entered on Numerical Index and '� <br /> 'I <br /> �I 2 ----.._...-�--------.da o January------------------- �' <br />" �� ...AlBX,�.Ild�x---D,_.l�Ixl-g,h.�---,a21d---4Y7.�e-------------- filed for record this----.._..-----------....---� y f------------------- � <br />- ''� <br />.. �aCCaDtp d. D. 19..3�-----, at--------�--1-���---------------------------------o'clock---.P'--.M. '� <br />�. -------------------------------------------- ----------- ------- <br /> , ---- -- - -------- -------- <br />�';. - Z,0 �Qea I <br /> ` ,�^��d � <br /> , ---------------�------.------ ---...-------------------.----------------------------- --- .- -- --- ; <br /> . -- -- - - <br /> � _�,qui_$.__C..Thuerna el_._and___Laur�__ ___________ Req�ster of Deeats, � <br /> -- - - - - -g-- - �, I <br /> ;; <br />, ; By..---------�---------------------------------------------------------------- � <br /> ' Thuerna eI ,n Deputy, ; <br /> --------------------��-----------------...-----------�----------------------�---------- <br /> ----• ,� <br /> � , ,I <br /> ,�rt��r ��� ,��ert br� c���e,��e �x����ert��: <br /> THAT_____.___Al.exander__.D._�iright and Bertha �rig_rt , his wife ;� <br /> --------}----- --�-------- - - <br /> ------�----------------�--�--�---------------------------....---�--------------------------------�----------------------------- <br /> ,j <br /> i <br /> ---�-•------•-------------�------------._......------------------------�---------...------------------------�-----------------------------------..._...-------------------�------------------------------------------------------�-------��------------------------------- ., <br /> of the County �f----.�'i.��,�,-------------- --------and State of---�-- -� �----- ---- ---Nebr�ska--------------------- --- -------�------.....- - -�---.(�ra�ators----...---, in consideration !�I <br /> I <br /> of the sum of-----------�'���nty.-five--Hundred �.�2.�00_,.00�--------------- r--------`--------------------�- --- -----------._�--------r--- ---�------DOLLARS, <br /> ---- - -- �---.. ;i <br /> ;i <br /> ' in hand paid, do______..____._hereby C�RANT, BAR(�AIN, SEI.L, AND CONVEY unto .___Loui.s.__C._`�uernagel__.and Laura ,I <br /> - -- --- --------------------------------��--- ,. <br /> � <br /> ' .Thuernagel_�.__his___�fe,.__as...j_oint tenants,__not �.s..tenants in com:mon, and to the survivor of them;! <br /> -- -- -- -- -- � -- -- -- --------------------�------ ------- ------ ------- ------ �----�---------•-------•-----�-------•---• �, <br /> ! of the County �f--------Hall------ -- .--------�- ----------and State of-----�-�---------- -------T`Tebraska--------------------------------------- -----� Grantee.�---------, the following ,,� <br /> � described premises, situated in the County of_________________________________________Hall____________._._____,_.___...,.____.__._and State of Neb�•aska, to-wit: ;I <br /> � --------..L�_t._._Faux_...�.?k.�_�_..�ls�_�k--=N�.�e---�.�.)__�_...J_Qehnck!s.--,�ddit_iQn_..to__Grand---Island-:---Hall---County,_._Nebraska. �� <br /> ! _______..Thi_�..deed__.i.�___�,n.,.�solu�_e._conveyance__of..t itle_.in__f_a_ct___as _well___as _in form and z s not int ende <br /> - - - - - -- --------- --------- --- --- ------------ --------- ------------�---� ------ --- � <br /> _____ ___as__a mort a: e___or. other security, the _ eonsideratlon for the deed bein the a ent of a __ _ �) <br /> -�--�-- - ��--- - - p -�------------------- I <br /> , _ , I <br /> , --------._��r:�_ai�i---n�4:4-�----�.�t..-�-�-�---�r�_?�c_i�al---��---Q�---�2400_�.00..dated._June..2�_:_..�.932�---and__'�h.e_..release----°--f---------�---- 'I <br /> � __ ___.__the_.mortg�g�__.d�.ted___�ame__date__ and__recorded___in._Book._.67 _of_..Mort ! <br /> - - - .�ages._at__.Pa,�e_. ��6._ in �he -- ------. , <br /> � ---_._Offi_�.e�--of---the..Regist�er---of---De.eds---o-f---Hal-1---Count_�r,.__N.ehr_aska,�---an�.--u�zs�]-I.v-�ry--°f---thi-s---------- I <br /> i - - - ' <br /> � <br /> ! -----�---------------------------�----.._._....---�---------------------------�------------------�---- .c� I.R.Stamps -----..�---------�-------------�--------------------------------------�---�-._.3'-----�------------- i <br /> eed he rantors shall have no lnterest in this ro ert either in law or in e u1t . <br /> ' ------------�-------------------------------------------------------�----------------------...----�----- -�anc_ell,�d---....------------------- ----------.._-----------------�---------�-------�---------------------------------------------------�---- I <br /> � � <br /> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------�------�--------------- --------------------------------------------._...-----------------------------...---- <br /> ' <br /> -------------------�----------------------------------------------- � <br /> ; Together with all the tenements, hereditaments, and appzcrtenances, thereunto belonging, and all the Estate, Right, Title, Interest, Dower, ;� <br /> ��, Curtesy, Claim and Demand wPea.tsoever of the said Grantor_8_..., c�eab-e#�i�,�ae�-o-�-�ke�; of, in or to th,e same, or any part thereof. �) <br /> �j ('Z1 U �MUP Mri� #A ���� the above described preniises, witlz the uppurtenanees, unto the said Grantees__..__._.and to____.._..._th��T____..__�,eirs !I <br /> ii <br /> ','; and assigns forever. And_____W�_._____...__hereby covenant____.._.with the said C�rantee._._...._.._that___._.....__W�................______...___fcold..___.._said p�•emises b� i <br /> ,� good and perfect title; that_________________i�e_..._______,____...__jcaY�...___good right and lawful authority to sell and �onvey the same; that tlaey are fre,e and i <br /> 1, <br /> ;,� clear of all liens a.nd i�acumbrances whatsoever.----eXC-e�?t---lYlCtimbra�T1G��---Of---r�G9.r-�.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 <br /> ; �� <br /> q � <br /> �;� ----------------------------------------------------•------------------�--------�--------------------------�-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------�------------------------------------------..__._....------�--�---------- , <br />�, ;� ------------ <br /> ------------------------•------.....------------------....----------------------------------------------------------�-------------------- <br /> ....--------�-------------------------------------�------------------------------------------------------------------ <br />, ii <br /> ,! And_________________________�!.�:�__--__.__.__________....__._.__.___.....__.____. covenant_________.._to warrant and defend the said premises against the lawful claims of a.11 per- i <br /> '�; sons whomsoever '� <br /> � --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' <br /> -------------------------------------------------------------��-------------------------��-----------------------------• �i <br /> , i� <br /> -----------•-••••-------...-•-••-•-•-------•--•-----------•------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------�--....-------••••--•---•--•-•------•-•••------•--------••--------------...-----------•••-•-.•-•• "i <br /> i <br /> i� i <br /> •--°°•••-••••..................•--------••--------------------------••-°-------•-•-•-----••---••----•--------••---------------------------------°----•--------�-------------•-••-•---.......------......---....•----••-•-----°•••----•-•--•--------------- <br /> ----•-- j <br /> '� Dated the----------�----��ra---------------------------------------------------d�J �f-----------------------�?-anuar�r--------------------�----------------------...-------.A.. D. 19_�5------• I <br /> , , <br /> ' � WITNESS �---�----------------�1��&���r---�l-WTigr,t---------..._..----...----- 'I <br /> ;! �----------------�-B ertha_..�right------------------�----.._..._ <br /> -----------------Harol.d,_A.Pr i nce------�------------- --•------------------- ----�------------• � <br /> ; <br /> ,; � <br /> '�' �--------------------------------------------------------------------�---------------•----- -----------�- I <br /> ;; ..._..-..----------�---•-----------•-------------------------------•-------------------------------••--- �� <br /> i STATE OF NEBRASl�A, l I <br /> ' Hall r ss. On this-------2�ra-- ---------day �f-------------------------------�8_IIl�BT.y---------------....----A. D. 19--3-�-----, before me, i <br /> '` ------------------------------------- ----�----•---county, � ' <br /> �i the undersigned, a Notary Public__________________________________..______._.within ancl for said County, personally eame.._._._.__......._____.._____.___.....__._..._______. I� <br /> i <br /> ------ � <br /> +� ----------------Al.exander.--D..�Gr-l.g??-�---�a..B.e��ha__S�x.igh�-��--h.i�s_..wif.�-------- ------------------------------------------------- f <br /> �� <br /> i� - <br /> �� <br />- = i <br /> � ;� ---------------------------------------- --�-------- -----------------------�----------------------------------------------------- ------------ --- -------- ---- --------•------�--- ------------------------- � <br /> _ � � <br /> � il to me personally known to be the identical personS._.___..u,hose name.$.__..B,T@___________ __ ____________ ....__.__. a�`'i�ed to tice � <br /> � <br /> 'j above instrunze�xt as granto�.___...__, and...............��QX_._.____....__severalL� aeknoicled�ed tlae same to be_._the1T._ i <br /> � <br /> �,�; � SFAL� volunta7�� act and deed for tlie purpose therein e�pressed. I <br /> ,; IN WITNESS ZVHEREOF, I have hereunto siibscribed my n¢me and affixed my o�'icial seal at.................. ; <br /> ; I <br /> _ , <br /> i; Gra�1d__Islandi____in..s�ic�_..Cot��:�y.....__.,on the date last above written. j <br /> i <br /> ���� � Haxold A•Prince � <br /> �� -�-----------------�----------�--------------------- -------------------------------------�------------- � <br /> Notary Picblic. � <br /> ' A .rl , <br /> ,; <br /> `; �y eommission expi�•es----------------�--�----------�------------------------�-------------------------------------�?---�-1--.1��..---------�--------19--��---- ; <br /> If <br /> ;j I <br /> � <br /> � <br /> ;i � <br />