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r�r' '� <br /> ����� <br /> ����� ������� ���� ��J <br />__��_______�,_ .�___ _.____ :__ _ �.-_ �_ .�_� , __ _ _ <br /> _ __�_ ___ ,�_ .- _ <br />�v�v ..�...�..._� Z4�...._STATE JOURNAL COMPANY.LINCO�N NEB. .. ._... .._. . ._._. _. �..___.__.__._._-.— - <br /> . -. �_ _._.::-..___ �_;—.w._.._:�.—,=.__�.�--�.—�—.=—� .� .�...�. _ <br />�_.�--_ -".--_-__ _.__=�_..�_.___._.....- a _ :..-. ..�.. . .... . .. ��. . �I <br /> FRO.M I hereb� certif� that this anstrument 2cas entered o�a Numerical Inde� a�nd �; <br /> i <br /> .__.G�.�.dX�___S_�hWQeT_..8,iid_.hti�b8xld-------------- filed for record this--------------------------��? of------.------Ootober--------- il <br /> i; <br /> -------------------------------------------�--------- ------------------- ------------ <br /> ---- �larrantp �. D. rs:--3?�---� at----�---�-------�.Q:-�1Q---------------- ---------o'cloelc-----A-'--�• .i <br /> � �eea �� �� <br /> TO --------------------------����.L � jl. <br /> ---------------------------------------------- ---- - <br /> , <br /> � � ,, Register o Deeds, ;i <br /> E.F.Terry � <br /> ---�-�------------------------------- -------------------�------------------------------------ � ;� <br /> Bv----------------------------------------------------------------------�-�--. ,, <br /> Depict�. <br /> ii <br /> i' <br /> ��C�t�r�r �t�� ��rt b�� ���e�� �x����ert��: � <br /> ,. <br /> TgAT__________________Gladxs_._Schweer__.and._Earl._P.Schweer,.__l�ife and Husband :, <br /> -- ------ � ----- ---�-- - - ---- ----------- - ------- �---- ------ -------- -- --- --- ----- ; <br /> � ; <br /> ;, <br /> of the Count� of---._----H8.1.1.---------------and State of------.---------N6bT8,8k8------------------------ <br /> .--------------------------------E�rantor-H--------, in consideratio:n � <br /> ii <br /> of the sum of--------T�l�.��y--�'.'.�YG_Ht323dT�d__8.T1_d--NO_�lOO.,- - --------------___._.._..------ - ----------- -- -------------------------------------------------------.DOLLARS, ;i <br /> '; <br /> in laand paid, do_______________yeereby GRANT, BARGAIN, SELL, AND CONVEY unto __..__._.____.E..,T+'.T.2TTy � <br /> - - -------�----------- -- -- --- --_- --------- ------- �' <br />� '` <br /> -----------�-----------------------------------------�--------------...------------------------------ � <br />,I of the Co�cntJ �f----- -�-- - ------ -- Ha.l1 -- --------anc� State of----- -------------- -Neb�38k8, i' <br /> --------------------- - --- - ------------ ---- - -----� G7•antee------------, the followin� ;i <br /> �; <br /> described premises, siticated an tlie Coicn�y of_____________________________._�a,�.�._._________________________.__________.crnd State of Neb�•as3ca, to-a�it: ;j <br /> ii <br /> •-----------------------------------------------------------------------------••-•------ ----------------------------- -----------------------------------------•-----�--------- ----------_._ <br /> ------------------------------ ---------------------------------- -- '' <br /> �; <br /> ' ---------------L.a.t.--�:----ix�---B�Q_c�---�5,----Charle�---�aamer-!s---Addition.-to---the,_City of---Grand_--I-sland,Nebraska '; <br /> - --- -----------------�------.....------------- ,: <br />� �I <br />',� � -----------------------------------�--------...----._._..--------------------------------..._ �� <br /> ---�------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ --------- <br /> w�•9Q I.R. Sta.mps <br /> I� <br /> .. <br /> ---�-----------------------� ----------�--------------------------- Ca.�c��l�d- '; <br /> ------------------------- ----------- - � <br /> , �� <br /> ---�-----------------------------------�--��-------�--�------------------�--------------------------------------------------------�-------------------------------�-------- ------------�-------....-- ---�---------- ----------------------------�-------- - ----------- i� <br /> i; <br /> --•---- -•-------•--- - - � <br /> •-------- �------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- <br /> -- ------------------------------------ ---- ---- �i <br /> ' �, <br /> ; <br /> ----- ---------------------------------------------------••--•---------------------•---------------- --------------- -- ---------------------•-------------------------------•-•---------- --------------------------•-------•---••-•-------....-----••------ -----•----- '� <br /> i <br /> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- � <br /> ------------------------------ --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------- �i <br /> , <br /> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - -- - - -------------------------------------- -------------------------------- ' <br /> , <br /> ----------------�----------------------------------- ----� <br /> �------- i; <br /> � Together 2vith a,ll the tenemen�ts, hereditame�nts, ccnd appztirte�aa,nces, there�2ento belonginq, and all the �state, Right,� Title, I7tterest, Dower, �� <br /> � Curtesy, Claim a�id De�nand wyiatsoever of the said C�rantor.�S.__, e�nd�r-e�'�ti�er-e�-tkem, of, in or to the same, o�° any pa�°t thereof. �, <br /> p <br /> (�1 U �MttP Mn� #� �0�� the above desc7•ived pre�nises, uwitli the appurtenances, u.nto tlae said G�°antee__...__.____and to__._.___hi_5_________________heirs �i <br /> .._...._..Jiold__.___.said pre7nises b� f� <br /> and assigns forever. And_____�!E_._._.______hereb� co2enant________with tlze said C�rantee__..______that.............__._._.�!e____ �) <br /> ---- <br /> good and perfeet title; that__....______._..1�8_...__.._.__.____.Iza_V�.___�ood ri�ht and la2vfu� a2etho�°it� to sedl and �� the sarne; that tlaey a��e f�°e,e and i! <br /> clear of all liens and i7acu��abrances 2vhatsoever____.___Sub j_eGt_._t0.__�__f iTSt__moTtgag� iYl_.the_.a,mOUAt_ of �500.00 in � <br /> - ----- ----- ---- --------- � <br /> --�---�'avQa�---t�e__N�b���I��__I,o��---a�t�._.`I'ru�t. -Co.�?p�ny------- ------------ ---------- - - ----- ---- ------ - -- ------ ---------------------------- - �, <br /> ------------------------- ------�------ � <br /> --�------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------�---------------- - �; <br /> ------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------��--- ------- '; <br /> And______________________________�!B_.______...________.______....________._.___ warrant and defen�l the said preniises against the lazvful claims of all per- � <br /> sonsivhomsoever -------------------------------------------------------------,--------------------- --- -�------------------�------- - --- ------�----------------- !� <br /> ---------------------------------------------------------------- I <br /> , <br /> II <br /> -----------------------�----...--------------------------------------------------�------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------...-------------------------------------------------------� !� <br /> ------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------�--------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- �� <br /> Datedthe-------------------�'��------------ ------ -------------------------da� �f----- --- ..._..October- -- -- --�--------------------------------- 4 �� <br /> ---- --------A.. D. 19-----3----• �; <br /> WITNL+'SS �-----------------------------•---------�------- � <br /> -------------------�-------...-------�-----�----------.._ <br /> i <br /> -----------�-----�-Ruby---M.Ddeves �------------------�------------- - - - - - - - � <br /> --------------------------- --------------------- - - - <br /> ------�-� -ady_s---�chweer-----------------------� i <br /> �-----------------------------------------�ar�._.�..Schweer.----------------....--- �i <br /> , <br /> .--------�---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- i� <br /> ---------------------------------------••••-•---••-------....------.....------....--•--••••-----••-•---� 1� <br /> STATE OF NEBRASSA, l I� <br /> , }ss. On this----- ��b:--- -- --------day �f---------------�-----OC�Ob�Z'-------------- --- ---------.A. D. 19__��'--., before me, , <br /> ---------------Hall----- --------------.CountJ, � � <br /> the icndersigned, a Notary Public____.________.__.____..,....____.____...within and for said Count�, personall� came_______________..__._._..__._.____ _ , <br /> -- ---------------------- ------- I <br /> � <br /> --�lad�rs--Sch��reer-,---�'ifE---and__Huahand----------------------------------------------------- i <br /> ; <br /> , <br /> �._--------------- -- ---- ---- --- - -------------- --- ------- ----------------------- --- --------------- - --- - ---------- -_------ ---------------- ------------------------ . <br /> ; <br /> � <br /> to me ersonall2 knozvn to be the identical erso�a__g____._.2vhose name._3.._�re______________________._______._______ � <br /> p J p a ffi�ed to tlae I <br /> � above instruntie�zt as gr�ntor_f3______, a7id______.'��1�� ______ _____..._se�cerally acicnouwle�lged tlae same to� be.__ _th��r_ � <br /> . (SEAL) � <br /> volicnta�•y act and deed for the purpose therei��z e�pressed. � <br /> IN tiVITIVESS ZVHEPEOP, I have hereunto sacbscrdbed my name and affi�ed my official seal at_._._GT3Tld� <br /> � <br /> _.Island_,_Nebr_,____in._said_County______o,� the date last above written. "I <br /> II-- - --------- -------- - -- ----------Ruby--M.�deves , <br /> -------------------------- <br /> � � �� � Notary Public. � � <br /> M� commission expires----- -------- ----- - -- -- ---- ---------.._..- --- -�------------�------------------------------Febx-�---.7��-:�__...19....�'0__ f .. <br /> ' +, — <br /> i <br /> ., � <br />