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<br /> � <br /> in hand paid, do.-------------liereb� GPANT, 13ARG�IN, SELL, �ND COl�VEY unto .----�d�9�d--C.��.T�Yl---------------------------------- -- - --- ---- -----------.-- �i <br /> r; <br /> 4 <br /> ----------------�-------�----�--------------------------------------------------------------------------�------------------------�--------------------------- ------�----------------- ---- - ------------------------------.._.._._.._...--------------------�----------- ;, <br />� I . <br /> o� the Count� �f--------- --- -�- - -H�.�.�,---- ------.and State of----�- - - -----�-- ---ItiT��?��.&ke.---�-- ----- -- --------- -- --- --- -- -.�, Grantee-------.._.., the following !, <br /> deseribed remises sit2cated in the Cou7itv o _______.____.._.H�,II ____ _ _____ __,____ r ii <br /> p , J f -------------.-----,-------------and State of R eba-asha, to-zvit: i <br /> I �: <br /> - �i <br /> ----An---undivided__one_--half---in-�ere�t_._ii%..�nd_.,to.._the_.t�e_st.�rly--Qne-��_ird---,(_� _.3-1--of:_.Lot---�ig---�6-)_.,,--- a� <br /> II <br /> Block Slxt�r fzve__�_6�_) of the__Ori_gi.nal__ Toyvn, now__Ci-��, of Gr�,nd _Island, Ha13 Cou�2ty, _ ,Nebraska,!I <br /> -_-as_-surveyed_?_._plat�ed,_and-_r�eqrd�d:---the,_sa.m.e_.bein�;---th�---entir.�__i.nter�st.--in---s�id---prer�ises__o�ned 'i <br /> -- -- � <br /> ----by. .the--graz�to�_s.---------- -�----------- �! 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<br /> �-- -�-------------------------- <br /> ---------------�---------------�------------- <br /> � <br /> ; <br /> � � II <br /> ---�---------------------------------------------�------------------------•----------....--- -------------•------------ --- ------•-----------------------•--------------•---------•------------------------•--------------••--------•----------------------------- � <br /> I <br /> And_______________________:.___._____..We._____..____.._....______________. warrant a�ad defend the said premises against the lawf2cl claims of all per- <br /> - sons whomsoever -----------------------------------------------------�---------------------------------- -----�----------�------�-------- ------�------------------------�------�-------------------------------...-------------------------- ( <br /> I <br /> ---------------------------------------------------�---------------�-------�--------------------------------�-----------------------�---------------------- ----------------------------------------- -----------�--------------------------------------------� ;I <br /> � <br /> -------------------------------- <br /> Dated the- -------•---------------$'�h_------ --- --- --------- ---------------da o --------- ---- -------!�Tt221e---------- - --�------- � <br /> y f -----------------------------------A.. D. 13.__��"---• <br /> tiVITNL+'SS �-------�--------------�---------•--------------•---------•---......----------------------�-------�- • I <br /> ' � <br /> � ------ --------------------------Car_�._.H._�ann..._._..---------�-------- <br /> ' ----------�Ha?�Q�.d__�..P�.�.n_�e--------------�---------- ------------------ -------...._. �, <br /> ------------------------------�,Ethy1:�.A.Hann----------........---�-------------- j <br /> � <br /> �-----------------------------------------�----�---------.._._....---------- <br /> -------�--------------------� �� <br /> STATE OF NEBRASI�A, <br /> 1 ;I <br /> �ss. On this-------�'�h ------------d�y �f----�----------� ------J�nQ-----�--- ----- � � <br /> H�,11 ----- -------�-------A. D. 19----3-----� before me, � <br /> -----------�------�--------- ----...............County, , <br /> � <br /> '� the zandersigned, a ATOta�•y Publie_---_.-----_-_-__-__--_.-_--.---------�vithin and for said County, personall� came--_------,---_-----------------_---------------...-----_._--_------- � <br /> ! <br />�I - �-- .Gar1_H..Hann_.and__Ethyl -A.,_Ha.nn�---�.i.s..�if_�a_- ---- ------------------ --- --- --------------- t <br /> -------------- <br /> I <br /> -- ------ -- ---- ------- --- ----- --- ---- -- ----------- -- ----------------------------------------------- ---- ---- ----- -- -------- ---------- - -----------------.._ i <br /> I ' <br /> to me personall� kno2vn to be the identical �erso7a__$._..__whosc name._.6___B.rC_______._,________.___.______affi�ed to tlac � <br />� � above ins��7•unient as grc�ntor__H______, a�id___________�h6y._..__..__._seve�r•ally acknouleclged tice same to be__thE;$�__ � � <br />� � �SEAL� voluntary act and deed for the purpose therei�z e�pressed. � � � <br /> i <br /> ' IiV tiVITNESS ZVHEPEOF, I 7eave hereunto subscr%bed my name and affi�ed my oj�'ieial seal at__________________ j I <br /> ! Gr�,xa.�.___I�land,---iz�.__sa�._d..CQ��y---------------on the date last above written. . ! I <br /> , <br /> , <br /> ---------- ----•------------------------�----------- - --------...--- --------------- i <br /> Harold A.Pr inee___..__.__ I <br /> Notary Public. � <br /> � �y eommission e�pires-----�------- .._ - -------- ---� --- - ------------ -----------------------------------A�r�l.---1-�-s---------•-1`�--��---- j <br />�-:_:-,..�_.,.:- -:�.. .,.-- -- �. _._.-_�_�, <br /> i <br /> � <br /> � <br /> f <br />— , _ � _ � � �� <br />