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���� <br /> D����� ������� ���� ��� I <br /> � <br /> _ _ _ _ __ , <br />' � 7S -S7A7E JAURNAL COMPANY,LINCOLN,NEB.� � _ � <br /> � � FRp,7� � � � I hereb� certify that this instru��nent �vas entered on Nu�ner�iccc2 Inde� a�nd , ��� <br /> i <br /> ,I <br /> ----IIliY�r---E_._Gil?�_e,�t---_------�----------- - - --------- --- �aed for �•ecord this---------------�--�----------------------------�a� �f---------._JLlS�E---------------�------ ;I <br /> �}' 'i . <br /> �larrantn Ei D. 19--�T----, a�----�---�--------�---�'�-�3-�3-------------�----------o'ctack-----..P.,M'. I <br /> ---------------------------�---------------------------------�------------------------------ � � <br /> TO �DFea ; <br /> --------------�------------------- _.-�a�-�-------------------------- ------------- '� <br /> � Register of eeds, �� <br /> ----Emma._M. Cunnir�ham---------�---�----------------------�--- �` �� <br /> ,� <br /> 811-�-------�------------�----------------------------------------------------• (i <br /> -----------------------------------�------------------------- - - � ---- ----�--� <br /> Depict�. `' <br /> . .--- - -- --- j <br /> �i <br /> ��C�t�r� ��� ���t �� ����� ���e���t��: Ii <br /> �� <br /> T$AT-----.Q7��,ve�...E_..��._lb.�rt-�---�.�n�le:--of__Alda� -.Nebraska-- ---- --- -- -- -- <br /> ---- -- --------------------------------, ---------------------------------------- I+ <br /> �� � <br /> � <br /> --------------�----- ---�-------------------------�-------- ---------- ----�--------- ------ --� --�--- --------------------�------------------�------------�-- --------- ---------------�------------------�---------�-------------------•------�------- � <br /> ; of the CountJ �f------------- - .._ ...and State of --- - ..._ -- --------------------_------- -------- --- -- ---- ---- - -------- --Grantor------------� in consideration � <br /> --- -- - - - <br /> I <br /> of tf�e sum of----------One---Hundred and_.Fifty- �.�15�.0�-)--Do_llars_.. - - - -- - --- -- -- - -----�----�--------�r�� !I <br /> 'I <br /> in hand paid, do._.______.___Jzer•eb� GR�1NT, BfLIZGfiIIT, �S�ELL, AND CO�V�'Y zcnto _._____EtriII1R_.M.Cia.nningharn...of__Gxazl.d.._Islant�_.______. i <br /> � <br /> i <br /> �. <br /> ;�-----------�---•--------------- -- -•-------------•---------... ------- -- -----�--------�•----- ------------------� --------- ---------------�---------- -----�--------•------------ - --------�------------------- -•-•-•---------....._......------••---_.. : <br /> �� <br /> ' of tlae Count� �f---- ---- -H�1-7.�-- -- -- _.._and State of--- - --- ------ N�b�8.8.�{&.-- ---- - ------- - - ----- --- ------- G7•antce------------ the following ;i <br /> ' ' I <br /> , <br />� ��� deser-ibed p�°emises, situated i7i the County of____:_. .�_. _____ ... �___...__ ___... ..____�_ _____ ______ ______ccnd Sta�te of Nebraslca, to-u��it: ;; <br /> i, <br /> .---L�t---I�umb er_..�'w��.ve_._(1�.)--iz�_B�,o��__�umb er--Twelv�----��2�----in,--Coll.eg_e__Addit ion-t o---�Pe st._Lawn,.-------- ----------- <br /> ----Grand__Island,Nebraska.--- ------- ------- ------- <br /> �� <br /> ---- - -------- ------- -- � --------- ---------- --- -------------- ' <br /> ------- �� <br /> - ----- <br /> ---------------------------�--------------------------------------------------------- - - ---- -- --- - -- - � <br /> ------------------------------�-----�------------� ; <br /> � � - - -- - -----�---_�------------�-------�--------------------------�- -�- -------- ---------------------�---------------------------- �I <br /> ---�--------- ---------- --- -----------------------------�--------�-----------�-�a�ae��ed-- - - - - <br /> � I.R � amps , <br /> _""""' I <br /> � <br /> � <br /> -----�--------- -------------------�-----------�----------� --� --------�-----------�----------- --------------------------.-------------- -- �-----------------------------__...-----------_ --- ----------._�-------------�-----------�----- <br /> - ----- : <br /> --- �i <br /> ----�---------------------------------------------------- ------ .---------------------------- ------------------- -- ------------------------�------.._-------------------------�------------------------ --�--------------------------�---- -- - -- ---- �I <br /> ', <br /> ----- ---------------------------------------------------------------� -----------------�----- ---�----.._.._...--- --------------�------------------------- ----------- + <br /> ------------ --�--- ----�---------------------------�----------------------�------------ <br /> I� <br /> , <br /> � <br /> 'I- -------------�-------.......�------- ------------- � <br /> ;I <br /> - ------------------------------------------ ----_------------------- ------- ---- ---- -----------�-------------------------- �--------------------------------------------------------------�---------------------------.._._.... � <br /> - - --- - � <br /> ; Together with all the teneme��i�s, hereditc�ments, and app2�rtenances, tliereunto belonging, and all tice �state, Piglit,� Title, I�iterest, Dower, � � <br /> ��� Curtes�, Claim r�ncl Demand wl�atsoever of the said G�°anto�r_..______, cq�������� of, i�z or to tlae sanie, o�° a��a� pa1�t thereof. � <br /> � (�1� '��UP Mri� �0 'l�p��1 the above described preniises, with the appurtenances, i�nto the said Gra,�ztce._.___._.___and to_.____...�..�?.er___.__._heirs � <br /> ; and assigns foreve�-. And.._._._._S__________ycereb f coveriarat___.__2cit)c tlie said Grantee__...___._._that..__._...___:____.�_ I <br /> ------------------.._Icold---:----saic� premises b� I <br /> ���� good and perfeet title; tlzc�t________.____._____S._..___.______Ia�c__�___�ood r•�glzt and la2uful au,ulioritf to sell a�zd �� the sa���ze; that tliey a�°e free and � � <br /> clear of all liens a�id iaicumbran.ces wliatsoevei•----- -------- --.. --- --- - ------------�------- ------ ---- - ------- �- --- ------------�--..._._------�-------- - ; <br /> ----------- ---------- --- ----�-------- <br /> � <br /> ' ----------------------------------------------------�---------------------------�------------ --- ----- -------..._ ---------------------------�----------- ----------� � <br /> -------- ------ ------------------------------------------------ - <br /> - -------------------------- �� <br /> , � <br /> I And__________________________________._I.._________._.____._.___.._________.._. covenant________.__to warrant and defencl the said preniise.s against the lawful clainas of all per- <br /> ;! sons 2vhonasoever ---------------- ----------.._ ----------_ ---------------------------------------------�--------------- -----�-----------------...------�- <br /> -----------------------------�-----------�------------------�----------------- � <br /> ? ------------------------------------------....._ --------------------------------------------------�---------------------------- ------ -----------------------------------------------------------...__._--------� <br /> --------- i <br /> Datedthe-------�--- ------ -5.�x1_------------ -- ------------------------da� �f------ - --------._Q.CtO�?�T----------------------•-----------------•------•----A.. I�. 19---�-��- ---• � <br /> , �--------------•-----•- � <br /> tiVll'NESS ------------------------------------------------------------------�-----------._. �� <br /> ----------�----Qli�v_�_x._.�..C?��,b�rt----------------------------------�-------. +, <br /> ----O.�M..quack.enhush--------------------------------- ----------------�----- I <br /> 'i -------------------------------------------------�-------......_-------------�----._...------------------ ( <br /> ------------------------------------------------�-�----�----------------._._._.._._..-------•----------- <br /> ' STATF. OF NEBRASEA, ) � ( <br />, i }ss. On this----- -�th.---- -� ----.da� �f-------------- - � <br /> Hall ------ --------Oc:�aber----- .-----------------A. D. 19----32-., before me, <br /> " -----�--------------------------- - �-----------CountJ> > <br /> I t; : <br /> �� tlie undersigned, a Notary Public---___-_____-_-_..-- _ _-__-__---within and for said Coun�J, pe��sonccll� came..__-------------_------.---------------.--_---------- <br /> ------ ------- � <br />� �� --------O.liuer._ �._Gilhart�,-.Bin�1e_,._af---Al_da-,_--�tebraska--------------------------- <br /> ._------- --------------------- � <br /> ---.._._--- --- -�-�---- -- -- .. ------- ---- ---- - ------- --- --�---- -- -------- - -- ------- �- --- --- -------- ------ -------- ----- 1 . <br /> ;, � - <br /> , <br /> to me pe�°so�zall� kno2vn to be the ide7tticat pe��sou_____._._u•wTzose nanae....___iH______________________________________._ciffi�cct to tice ! <br /> ; above instrunlent as grantor________, a�zd_._______...___�?t'__________ ______.__seZer�cll� ac7cno�,Zedg�3 tjce sa�ne to bc_._._.___�i�$ <br /> (sEAL) <br /> '� volu.nta��y act and deed for tlie pur•y�ose tltierei7z e�pressed. j � <br /> i <br /> �� IN T��Z�TI�l;'SS ZVIITPFOI+', I laave hereaanto saabscribed my na�nae and affi�ed my official seal at_._G��?'15�: � <br /> : I <br /> Island,___�Iebra.ska-,��r_____on the date last above written, i' <br /> � <br /> ;; <br /> - ------------------------�-O�.M;._�.Quackenbush <br /> ------------- - - -- ----------------------• <br /> � ----• - Nota�°J Public. ( I <br /> ,;� M� commission expires--------�-----� - - - ------ -- ----- -�---- - ----�------------------------Febr. �th---------------------19._��---- � <br /> � - ------- <br /> � <br /> , <br /> ; <br /> I <br /> �i � <br />