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Y S� <br /> ���; <br /> ������ ������� ���� ��� <br /> �J� J� <br /> _..��.�.__��..._._____.�:,�-- -__._ ___-_-- ----- __..___-=._.__ _. <br /> i _._�.:� _.__.�.� ___.:�_._. M�.__._____.� <br />_ __ _ _______ _ ._ <br /> /���-S7ATE JOURNAL COMPANY,LINCOLN,NEB. . . <br /> _ ..� �.. c_...,: ,�.,.._" ._:�::._.._�....�_...:... ��_......�...___,._—...._._.�...._ �.______�.._�_� . <br />�:=_ _�_:..��.�_ ..,�'°:..� _._.:.,r-__. ....._._.. . <br /> FRO,M I hereby ce�°tify that this instrument uas ente�°ed oya Nicnierical Inde� and � <br /> ----------------�iayx�-�---1�...I?ean---�nd__�if e----------- - -- terz or r�cord this----------------------.14--------------------da o �'y .-------------- ! <br /> fi f � f----------------------------- � <br /> , <br /> �, <br /> ---------------------------------------------TO--------------------------- -- ------ <br /> �BCraqYp fl. D. 19---�1�---., at---------------------�-�-�-��--------------------o'clock-------A-M. � <br /> , . <br /> �1Qea �j '' <br /> - -- ---- --�---------- ' <br /> -------------------------•-------- --%`--��-------Re ister o Deeds ,I <br /> � ����� � <br /> W.A.Prince ' ��° ' <br /> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------. <br /> , <br /> B�/------------�--------------------------------------------------------------• �; <br /> -------------------------------------------------------- --- --...- ---- ------------- ----- Deput�. ;' <br /> ;; <br /> ��C�t�au� �t�� ��ert b�� c� �r��� �x����e�t��: '� <br /> � <br /> TgAT---------------------�faY?z�---W_,_De.a�n...and_�Mildred_Dean.:_..hi-s---wife_.._..----- ------- `� <br /> - -------------------------�-------------------------- <br /> ---------------------- -------------------�-----�------------------ ------ ------------------------�---�----------- '. <br /> ------- --------------------------.------------- ----------- ----------- - <br /> --------------------------�----�---...------------------------- I <br /> � <br /> � � ._(a�rantor.._.....__._, in consi�eration ;i <br /> of the count� of_.----Rea__�Ji�law.------and state of- ---- - -- Nebraska-------------- ------------ - -- - ----- ------ <br /> of the sum of___._`�.�etY-five_ Hundred__(_�2500.00) � <br /> - - -- ---------- -- - - ---- -- -- ---------- --- -- ---------- -------------- -------------�---------DOLLARS, i <br /> in hand pazd, do_________..__hereby CRANT, BARGAIN, SELL, AND CONVEY unto .___.__._W,_A._Pr_ince_______._.________: !' <br /> -�--- ------- - - -- --------- ----- � <br /> !; <br /> - � <br /> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------�---------------------- --- --- -----�--------------------------------------------------------------- --- ------- ---------- ---�--------....----------------------------- ; <br /> of the CountJ �f---- - ---H�11---- -- -- - ----and State of---- --- --------�----- .._ --N.��?�'�s.�CA -- ---------- - <br /> ----------, G�rantee------------, the follo2vinq ;I <br /> ��� described premises, situated in the Count� of__________________.___._H811 _ __ _ _ .__and State of Nebraslca, to-wit: � <br /> ______________The_West__,66___rods_.of_._the__North�e_st__.Quarter. _�_N1��)__.of the___Northeast_ .�uarter (NE�) _ ___ ;I <br /> ;i <br /> ----------------°f---Section---One----�1.�-�---in--.�ovGn.�hip----�en---(-10�-�----KQrt�-�---Q-�---Rang�---�.7._ev_en---(_ll_).,....��_s_�__.��---��-�--------------- �; <br /> 6th P.�d. more...particula,rly._described_._as__.follows.�,___to_-wit�_______Th_e___UPest___66.__�ods.._of__the North- 'i <br /> ----- -- - <br /> west _Quaxter �NS��)_._of the:__Northeast___Qua,rter____(NE.�_)_„of___�ect_ion__One.__(1_)_,___ in_.Township___Ten__ __ ; <br /> ,; <br /> - -- - ----�10�.�North.:, of_..Range_..�1e.v..e??---�.1�,_).:_..��Bt---of----�-h�---6:�k�---P,.�,..�----b�ing.._a.._x.�_�t��gu-�-a�---�r_�.�t--O-f---lan�i <br /> --_.----_-----66__ro ds--by--�0---rods._and_-co_ntaining---33__acres.-----_------------ '! <br /> -------- --- ----- -------- -- ---------- ----- -_ - --- --- --------------- ---- - - <br /> -� - ---- ;j <br /> -- �-'-- -----I_.R._Stam�s—j <br /> � <br /> ----- ---------------------------------------�--------------------------------------�------ ----- - ` <br /> Cancelled ----------------------------------------------�------- <br /> --------- --�---------- -------------------------------� <br /> ---------- ;, <br /> �i <br /> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------ --------�--------------------------- -------------------------,--------------------------------- -----------�-------�------...------------------- 'I <br /> � <br /> ---------------------�-------------------------�----------- -------------�-------------------- - --- ---------------------�----------------------------------�---------------------------------�-------------------------�---------------------------- ----------- ,i <br /> �� <br /> ' Together with alb the tenements, Icereditaments, and appzcrtenances, thereunto belonging, arad all the �state, Right, Title, I�iterest, Dower, � <br /> Curtesy, Claim and Deniand wha�Bsoever of the said Grantor_._____., and o f either of them, of, in or to the sanae, o�° any par� ther•eof. � ��' <br /> _ i <br />� �0 '�MttP Mlt� #ct �A�� the above described premises, with the appurtenances, unto-the said Grantee:.___....._.a�zd to.__.._..___..h�_S_______.heirs j� <br /> and assigns forever. And_.________.'@�4__.._Jze�•eb� covenant__._____2vith the said Grantee__._____.__that............._��____...._...______.__.__.._I�old__._._..said ��°emises b� !! <br /> (I <br /> good and pe�°fect title; that___.__.________W�__________________taaVe__.__good 7•iyht and lawful aicthor•�ity to sell and co�� the sa�ne; that they a�•e fre,e and ;� <br />' y <br /> elear of all liens and incumbranees Zvhatsoever•.__.._sub_a_���__t_p___22�oT�gs'�ge__.Of._.YY..A._Pxin�e.._and_._unp_a,�_d._�axe.s_.____(_'Eh_i$__dee � <br /> � . <br /> ; ----------------1-s--.inten�ed. as---�:n---abso-�ut�---conv�Yance---and_ not---a--mortgage-)-+------------------- -------,--------- I, <br /> ----------------�------------ ,� <br /> --� ----------- � <br /> ;, <br /> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------_..----------------------------- ------------�-------------------------�- ;� <br /> ;� <br /> ' And______________________ WE____.________.......___._____._..... covenant.._____._.__to warrant and defend the said premises against the lawful claims of all per- �I <br /> . , <br /> sons whomsoever _ .�:xc_e�'G._�.s__ta___said__mor_tgage__and__unpaid__taxes_,________________________ �I <br /> ----- ----�---- --------- ------- - ----- ,. <br /> ----- - ------------ , <br /> � <br /> ----------------------------------------------------------- -------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------- , <br /> ----------------------------------------------------�� � <br /> F, <br /> �---------�------------------------ !� <br /> Dated the-------------------------�-----------------�f------ --- ------------.._----------BIIa'y-----------------.._.-----------�-------- -------A.. D. 19---3�__..-------------------�- `� <br /> I <br /> WITNESS �----------------------------------------------------------------�- <br /> ----------------------------------_. �� <br /> t�a ne W Dean � <br /> I <br /> J.W. Curl �------------------------------------y------------'�--------------------------------------------------- � <br /> -----------------�-------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------- � <br /> �------------------------------Mildr.�d.._Dean---------------...----------._.._..---- j� <br /> Lyle Lewis ' <br /> --. <br /> ; <br /> , �---------------------------------------------------�-------------....._._ <br /> -------------------�--------� �) <br /> ' ! <br /> ; STATE OF NEBRASTiA, i <br /> ss. On this-------- --9------ �f----------- -�--D$a'y------------------------------------�. D. 19_3�'_.._, beforc me, � <br /> ' .-----Red__Wi7.low-----------...Count?/, <br /> the undersigned, a Notary Public_____.________________ ________.__ ...__within and for said County, personally came_._.��.y_?_1_�.__�,_�e�n__and_.Mildred � <br /> ! <br /> ' Ae-�an-1 h�s---w�.f e-�--- - -- -- --- - -----� --------- -------------�-------- ---- - -- -- -------------- --- --- II <br /> : ---------- ------------------------------------- � <br /> , <br /> _.-- - -------- --- ------ - - - - ------ ---- ----- --- ------------------------�---- --- -- ------- - _-._-------------- ---------- ----------- ------ ----------------------- <br /> to me personall� Icnoaun to be the identical pe�•so�a.__S._._.__zvhose name._E�___._B.�Q_______.............................affi�ed to tice ' <br /> � above instrument as grccntoa°__S._____, and__.____1They____.___________.__sEVer•all� aelcriowledged the same to be.__�h_83.T_.. � <br />� �SEAL� volunta���y act and deed for the pu��pose tjaere�irz e���•essed. i <br /> '�, :, IY tiVITl�'ESS ZVHFREOF, I have liery•eunto subscribed my name and affi�ed my official seal at__________________ II , <br /> ' ____.._,__MCCOOk,_in___sa.id_._COUnt�t_____.____...on the date last above written. ; <br /> � <br /> J a�'.Curl ; <br /> --------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------�--------------------- ;, <br /> � � Nota�•y PuLlic. <br /> '' M'� commission exptires-----��-- --- ---------------- - --- ---�� ---- ----- -------------....---...---------------------Mt�.TCh---3-�----.._19..��.__. i <br /> i <br /> _ � _ <br /> i <br /> : <br /> E� <br /> __ i <br />