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�f�4�j <br /> ��-/ .� <br /> �L�J�J� rSI�L�J .�`�'JL✓J�� ���/J� �l� �J <br />�--------_--__ _._____ _T--- ��. __.:-__ ���_.�:� �. �.�. <br /> ._...�=-- --- <br /> -STATE JQURNAL COMPANY,LINCOW.NEB. . . . .. - . . . . .- . ... . ... - °°.-.------_--..--.. _ .___�_..�_'_. ..�..�-__ . .._. .. _. ._ . . _.... .._. <br />�.--��_,.:�-r�-..._.-.:�._-���.���_ .r..._ �.._... .. . _ ..:;:: � _,:�::_-_-=._-__«_-� <br /> :,_._._ . �.. �_.; _�_.:-._� <br /> � <br /> FRD✓l1 I hereby certify that this instrument was entered on Nz�merical Index and � � <br /> �I <br /> ,� <br />� � <br /> ._�,i�OS �---G7,a.�Ctp1_�_�--..�1_dQwET------------------ -------- filed for reeord this---------------------3- -� -------------- : da o JLil . � <br /> � -- -- y f--------------------�- ---y-------------- � <br /> ------------------------------- - ----- ---------- ------ --- -- ---------------- �larrantp <br /> t1. D. 19�.�-------� at-------1�.�-��------------- --- - - - ---------dclocic---A-----�, i <br /> �eea � ` <br /> TO ��-�-�l �-��. <br /> Register of Deeds, '' <br /> -----�_.H..�ushin ------------------------------------ , <br /> -� -------- r. <br /> ,, <br /> ; <br /> B!/---------------------------------------------------•---------------------• , <br /> _ Depiaty. I; <br /> ��� ��C�t�r�r ��� ���t ��� �����e �����rt��: .� <br /> ;, <br /> �� <br /> TgAT-------------------------�eQrg�---Gu.empelx--alsQ---know�i- a�- ��Q�g�__.�imp�.�-�--�ido�aer--------------- -----..._. <br /> ._------ ----------------------------- <br /> ----- ----------------------------------------------------------------- ------------- ----- - � <br /> --------------- ------ ------------------------- -------- ----- ------- -------------------------------------------------�----------------------------� <br /> -- ,� <br /> of the Count� of. __._.___ _..H811 _._________and State of ___NebTSekB ____Grccntor._.______._., in consideration ' <br /> - --- --- -- ------ -------- - - - --- - -- - , <br /> of the sum of-------- ---021�---B.xid--11TQ_�1Q�___ ------ - --- - --- - - -- --- --------------- -------- ----- --- ---- --- - - ---- ---- ------------- --------------------DOLLARS, '! <br /> il <br /> in Iaand paid, do-----_-__----hereb� GRANT, I3ARGAIN, SELL, �11VD CONVEY unto __ll�_.H...L't].Sh�IIg----_--------.-_--------------_-_--__----------___-_-_-----------_ `; <br /> ---------�------------------------------------------------�_--------�---------------------------------------- ---- -------------------------------- ----- -------------------------------- -----�------------ --------------------...------------------ !i . <br /> of the Cou�ztJ of--------- --- ---A�I�m6- --- -- - -----and State of---- --------------�44bT�,�ka.---------- -- ------ - - - - -- -------� Grantee------------, tlie followin� !; <br /> ' deseribed premises, situated in tyee County of.___.__ . . .__.... ______. ____$all_. _ -- _..____a�cd State of Neba•aslca, to-wit: -- '' <br /> , ------Th_e._.East___Ear_:��r-_s.e� --�-��7�----of---th� --South__.�ighty.---Fe-�-� -�-��-0-1---s��- -LQ.t.__N�ne_--�9-�----in---Block------------- =i <br /> ' _._.�Tineteen----�19�_._in__H.G.Clark!g---Addition---to__�he-_City---of---Grand---Island,Nebraska-- ---- ------------------ -------- ------------- :; <br /> ;, <br /> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------�------------------------------ <br /> i! _ <br /> -----------�------------------------------------------------------------- __ --- --------�---�------------------------------ ---- r; <br /> ( 1.QO I.R.Stamps ) '' <br /> - ------- ;: <br /> - -------------�-----{-Ga�n�eel�-ed----------- -- ----- <br /> ---�------------------------------------------------ <br /> - ------- - ------------ ------ ,� <br /> ------------ �--- - <br /> - ------------------------------------------------ � <br /> _ ,� <br />� � <br /> --------- _-------------------------------------�- <br /> ----------- ------------------------------ <br />, -------------------�--------------------------------------------------------------- <br /> --- ----------------- ------------------------------ -�-------- �f <br /> ,: <br /> �; <br /> ----- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------�------ -------------------- ---- --- �--------------------------------�---------�-------------------- -----�- � <br /> ------------------------------�----...------------------------ i� <br /> :, <br /> -------�------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -----------�- -----------------------------------------------------------------�-----------�--�----------- �I <br /> ; <br /> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------- -- ------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------- <br /> ----------------------�----------- �I <br /> Together u�ith a-ll the tenements, 7oereditaments, and app�crtenances, thereunto belonging, and adl tlie Estate, Right, Title, Interest, Dou�er, �� ;:�; <br /> � Curtesy, Claim and Demand wliatsoever of the said (�rantor_..______, �'�'a'f'�ith�raf-tlt��►2, of, in or to the san�ae, o�° any�part thereof. � '' <br /> . . . . <br />�, �� �MUP Mlt� #0 ��1� the above descrzbed p7•emzses, wztlti the appurtenances, unto the said Grantee_.__________and �to_____._.___h�B___.___.__heirs i� <br /> �; <br /> " and assigns forever. And...__._�'1_B_______..hereb� covenant___�___with tlie saicl Grantee______.._that_.__._.___._____.11e___.________.__.____hold$_.___said pr•emises by i� <br /> i� <br />' ; good and perfect title; that_.___________h�_________________yi�.Ve__youod ri�ht a�2d bawful aic�hority to sell and con,ve� the same; that tlze� are free and <br /> ' clear of all liens and iaieumbrances whatsoever. .._.__NQ...e?C.�_�p.�'i.�0��__________________________.____._______ fl <br /> .- --- -- -�------------- -------------- ------------_----- - ---------- I <br /> --------------------------------------------------------------------------�--------------------- ------- -- ---- -------------------------------- -...------------------- - ---------- I <br /> --------- ---------------------------- ------------------ ---------------------------------------- ----------- <br />'' . �4 <br /> And___________________________________________.__._._._..__..__..________._.__ warrant and defencl the said p�°emises ar�ainst t)ae lawful cla.ims of abl per- i� <br /> sonszvhomsoever - ----- ----------------------------�----------------------------------- -------�---------- --- - ------------------------ ---------------------------------- -------------------------------------- �, <br /> I <br /> ----------•----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------- --- - - -------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (i <br /> I. <br /> •------- --------- -------------------------------------------------- ------------------- ------- - -- ------- -- ----------------------------------------------------�----------- - ' <br /> ' - ----------------------------------• � <br /> Datedthe- - - ------ ------ ------�----- ---- --- ------ ------- -- �f---- --- ---------------�llly - -------------------------------- -�------------A.. I�. .z�-33-----� � <br /> i, <br /> WITNESS �------------------------C-'-�Q_�g@---��,�J�l�?�1---------------------------�---------... � <br /> -----------------------George__Gimple------------- '�� <br /> ' ------�---------Pe��r.__G_,.G�,.mg_1-�---------------------------------------------- ---------------------�-----� � - <br /> i <br /> � --------------------------------------�--------�---------------�----------------------�----------�------- <br /> ' .------�---------Charles.--F-�-�.yer--------------------��--- � <br /> STATE OF NEBRASSA, ) �, <br /> ' }�ss. On this------ --- - <br /> �-...--- -----daJ �f------------ -�T_U.J,�--- ----------------------------- ------A. D. 19---��----, before me, � <br /> ------------------------HB.l�.------------Count✓, � i <br /> ', the undersigned, a Notayy Public----_-----------------__----_-_-----_-----2vithin and for said CountJ, personally camc--_-----_-__-----------------------------------------_--- --_ ------ � . <br /> , <br /> ! .._____________George___Guemp_el, also__.known as Geor�e__Gim�le, _wido�er � <br /> - - -- - --- --------� � �+ <br /> ; <br /> - ------ --------------------- , <br /> , <br /> to me personall� Icnozan to be tice iclentical pe�•so7a.__ ___._.whose name _______�.8. . ___.___ _. _____..___affixed to the ; � <br /> above inst�•unaent as grantor_________, and___.___ _,_.___hG______ ____.__seve��all� acicnowled�ed the same to be__ __I1�8- �I <br /> �� volunta�•y act and deed for the purpose tfie��ei�z e�pressed. �' � <br /> ! ($EAL) I1y tiyITNESS WIZEREOI', I laaroe herezcnto subscribed my name and affi�ed mf officdal seal at_____...,______. �� <br /> _ � <br /> C.sT.8,21d__I81STld_�__.i21.-Ba,j.�l.-_CO_tiYl.t�t______o7z the date last above wr•itten. � <br /> '" ----------------------------------------------------�dwa,.ra---�'.xannon------ I� <br /> � Itiotary Public. j� �! <br /> ' �� commission expires----- -- -- _. .- --- - - ---._ .. _..--- ------ ------ -----------OCt. 12 - --- � <br /> ,. - - --------- -- --- -�--- --- -- - -- <br /> ----19----�3 i <br />--,-� :� ,--:� _ . --___ _—.� - - -- -- - <br /> . __.:... . W..�. _.__ _.- _ . :,._ , __ _. ._. _.-, -�:_�_ _ �.__. .. <br /> _ . .._ _._..-: - _---._. ___..-�-�__:.__��_.___._.__ - � <br /> --=—.jl--- -- <br /> �1 <br /> � <br />