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��`� <br /> ��j�j� ��j��./J'�.�� =�`���/J� '�� �J <br />,.�_.�.�`-_�.�_____. �� �_.� <br />_ -_��_,.,.�-__...__ ..�� ._�.��===_..__._____._._._-- — <br /> STATE J6URNAL COMPANY.LINCOLN,NEB. � - .. . _�... ._ __....__� _...._._ . ._.�_� .._..__'__r.. . ._.. _ _...._..__ <br />�., _._.. .�.,._.... .. . _. _.__. _ . .. . . . . .�. ..__.. ._..__-�,..��__ - �-� - _ _ _ _ ' <br /> .________�,.�r:�_;._��:..� � ...._ . __�__ .._..�_ �.._...- <br /> _ ___�._... _. _:._. .._..__ .__.:. . ._. .�._. '�'__.T_ _.�._..�..� ..__...._._..�.. <br /> il <br /> � � FRO✓YI I hereby certify that this i�2strument was entered on Numerical Tnde� a�nd " <br /> � <br />` --------I,ea�,i-�---�oQdry---Jr.---&-wf.-------- - -------- led or record this---------- -- -- ---�5 ------------------d¢� o ----------I�d �i <br /> � f � f �9�--=------------- - -- -� <br /> ;, <br /> �l. D. 19--3'--�3----� at------------- -- ---�---- -------dclocic---.P.__.M. 1., . .... <br /> --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --- ------------- �larrantp - - ----------- <br /> � To � �eea ��� . <br /> ����� . <br /> ------ -- ---- -�---�--- - ------� � <br /> - ------- - -- -_"`_��------------- <br /> -----------Register of Deeds, �I <br /> -----------Detlef---H..M_�ves-------------------------- --- ------------- r , <br /> 8�------------------------------------�------------�---------------....-----� i <br /> , Dep2ity. ; <br /> ��C�t�or�r ��� ��e� b�� c��. ���� ���e���t��: ;; , <br /> TgAT------------I�esli�_Bar�dr_y=��_...._and...Rachel---Boo_dry_.:.._his---wife - '; <br /> ------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------- <br /> of the CountJ �f-- --- -- -�T311 ---- -and State of- - - - �ebrB.SkS--- --�--------- -------- -- .__.. - _ -- ---- - � . . '� <br /> _(�rantorg_...._._ in consaderation , <br /> : of the sum of---------T.�.ex�tat-fivs- Do11ar-s--and e�chang� -af---p.�Q�_sxt�t ---- �---------------- -- - - --- --------------------------------�------.DOLL�1�s, ; <br /> in hand paid, do------_---_-_hereb� GRANT, B�PGAIN, SFLL, �iATD CONVF,Y u�ato -__--De'�lef__H_,Meves--_---------------_---__----_ _ ---__------ _---__---- i; <br /> ------------------------------ ---------------------------------------------------------------�-------------------- -------------------------------------- ---- -_--------------------- - - - ------ ----------- -------------------------------------------- !a <br /> u <br /> of the CountJ �f-- --- - - ------- -H8.11-- - - - ---anc� State of----- - --� ------- ----�1Teb��,H��.-- ---- - - --- - ------._. --- - ---� Grantee--------•---, the following i! <br /> deseribed premises, situated in��the County of:___..____.._____________.$dll.._.__._________.._____..._______._and State of Neb�•aslca to-w�atr � - � `�� <br /> , {, <br /> ----------I,n-ta---Elev_en-,----3'�velve,---Thirt_e_en._and_.Fa�trt.e_en---s��---�'e�'�---La�n._gc��l�t�,Qn--to---the.._City---of---Grand `' <br /> ---------._I_��.�,x�d,_Nebx�.�k���y��.�---pl�.tt��.---a�r�d--�ecQ_�c�._��.-�-- - ------ ------ -- --- --- --�------- - +, <br /> � <br /> - - - - --------- ----------------�-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------...--------------------- -- --------------------------------- --------------�-----�---------------------- --------- �; <br /> - - ------------------------------..._------------- -------------------------------------------------�---------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------- ------ -------- ---------------------------------- ---- �,; <br /> j,1 <br /> ---------------------°-----------°-------------�------•------------------------------------ ---------------------- --------------------------------------------- ----°-••-------------------- --------------------°----------------------------------- i: <br /> ii <br /> -'--------'---"""-"_"""'--"•---'--'-"----'--------"--'-'-"_"---"-------'-----------'_"'--'-------'-----'-----'--'-'------'-""-'---" . --°'•_""'----"_'--""'----""_""_---°"--"-'---""'--'-'-----"---° <br /> "-'-'---- '-'- �I <br /> --'--""""--"---'-"----""---"'----'--'-'--"'-."-'--"--"---'-'-_'-"'--'°-°'�._ <br /> ----------"'-'--"--------'-."---'----'------""'---'----'-"'-------"-'----'--•-'----"'--•-""""--'-- ,, <br /> "-'_"-'-'•--'••-'--'••-'-...-°••--'--"'--"'•• :i <br /> """"""""'••"'__""_""" ,I <br />. . """_"""'_"""""_'_""""""'_______________""_"_""""_________._____'________"__'____""""""_-___"""_"____""____'__"'_""__""_""'___""_""_"_""_""""""""""•"""""_"__""__""..' <br /> I <br /> Together u�ith all the tenements, hereditan2ents, and a�p2crtenances, th ereacnto belonging, cerzd all the Estate, Right, Title, Interest, Dower, i� <br /> Clurtesy, Claim a�id Demand �vhatsoeve�° o f the said Grantor_.S_._.,�zne£�-e f�ei�d7e�r-rr��ke�m, o f, in or to tlze sanie, oa• an� pa�°t thereo f. �� <br /> ;i <br />'�, �� �0 'l��UP M2t� #� �D�� the above described premises, witla the appurtenances, unto tlie said C�rantee__..__.__.._and ta__.._..��.H____.._____._heirs j' <br />� �; and assigns forever, flnd_..:�hS�t_______.he�•evy covena�it_______wityc tlie said Grantee________that.._._____._'�h�y_.___.__________________7��Z�.___,__said p��enzises b� i� <br /> ,� <br /> good a�id perfect title; that__..._.__th.ey_________________hccVE:____good ��iglit and lawful azcthorit� to sell and convey the same; that the� a�•e fre,e and ;� <br /> � <br /> . . . �I <br /> clear of all lzens and 27iczcmbrances wliatsoever____.__..e��.��tt__�h�___u�1g�,l.ti__8_��e�C._�,nd___w�t,_e_�.__ta�___f�,113,23�_ due after thiB '! <br /> - � -- ---- --------- - - ----- --- - <br /> date.�� <br /> And.__.____._._..'�_��'j�._.______________________________________________. covenant______._.__to ivarrant and defencl the said premises against the lawful clQims oj all per- ;� <br /> sons whomsoever ------S.X-C-@�.2�--&8_..a.b�_VB---Y10:���1----------------- - ------�------------------- --.. .------------------------------------------ --------------------------------------------- ,:'�, <br /> � <br /> �i <br /> - ----------------- ------- ---------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------_._. ; <br /> i; <br /> ------------------------------------------ �_.�_--------------------------------------------------- ----------------- ---- -- ----------- ------------------------------------------------- -------------- -------------------------- 'I <br /> �: Dated tlie--- ----- -----------�gth--- -- ----- ----------- ------day of._--- ----Februar�_ !I <br /> ---------------------------------------------A.. D. 19__��---• ii <br /> ii <br /> , <br /> WITNESS �-----------------------------=----•---------------------------------------------------------------- - �i <br /> 'I <br /> , ----------�--Edwa��i._.F,.H:a,nnon--------------------------------------------- <br /> ---------------------�---I,esl-i-e---Bao-dxp---Jx-•-----------------------------� 'I <br /> ;, <br /> , -------------------------Rachel..Boodrp---------------------------------�-�------ 'I <br /> , ------------------------------------�-----------�---------------------------------------- ------------- ;i <br /> , <br /> ------------------------------------------------�-------------------------------�-------....----...---. � <br /> � ST�TE OF NEBRASHA, ) � � � � <br /> }ss. On this-- -- ---P-9th--------��� �f------- ------- ----.F@b.T_LiBZ�T_---- - -- - --------�. D. 19_.2�-----, be ore me, ;; <br /> ------- ----H8,1-1------ ----- --------Count✓> > f � <br /> q <br /> , the undersi,gned, a Notary Public--------------------- -----.-----------------2vithin and for said County, perso�aall9 ca���e---------------.------.-------------------------------- -------- '; <br /> -- --�e.��,ie__BoocLry�Jr�--�- -and-- Rachel.--Boodry-�--.his--wife ------------- -------- -----�---- ---- ------------------- , <br /> ��� � <br /> - -.. --- -... - ---- - ----- - --- -------- ---- --- - --- ------ ---------- --------- � <br /> ------ -� -------- --------- -_.. ---- ---- ----- ----- ------------------------------ � <br /> to me personall� kno2vn to be t�ce i�lentical �erso�a.$____._.u;leose nameB_.____�_e____.______.______________.._.___affi�ed to tTie `� <br /> il <br /> u ___.__sezerall� ackriowleclgecl tlze same to ve___ their ;I <br /> above inst�•unle�2t as granto�°B________, a7id______...t�l� __._.__ <br /> � �SEAL� volunta��� act and deed for the �urpose therein e�pressed. � �� � <br /> IY WITNESS tiVFIEREOI+', I have hereunta subscrived m� name and affi�ed m� official seal at________________ ; , <br /> 1 <br /> ' Gr�.nd__Zs1a�d,__.�r�_._r�aid...Cour��y..___._.on the date last above wr•itten. i� ', <br /> ------------------------------------------Ed���c�.---�'..��nQi�------------------- � <br /> iV"otary Public. �I � <br /> � . . . ?, <br /> ; M� comm2sszon e�ptires.---- -- -- ._ - -------- ---------- -- - - --- ----------------------------------------Q-�t-'---�-�'------ ----...--19---�1-�1---- <br /> , <br /> ( <br /> _ .-,-: _ _�� _� ._ _�_ _ <br /> . . , _�.-_—.�-=-�_- _ _-_�-__ ____ �.�._----- <br /> - _ _,- _ _.. _ -� <br /> j <br /> � <br />