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D. 19.33-----� at...--- _._.1�:��---- ------------- ----dclock-----A._M. i; <br /> ; <br /> To �eea � . <br /> _ �� <br /> - � ----- - -------- -- ------- ----------- -- ' <br /> C�--��-------- -��=�--------------- �� <br /> Register of Deeds, ;� <br /> ---------------------------�'12Ti$...sT..�Ti_P�&.��.�T.------------------------ �-, �I <br /> � <br /> �J------------------------•-----------------�----------------•---------------• '' <br /> '-------------------�--------------------------------- ...------ -- ---- -- --- --- - -------- Depzcty. ii <br /> ;� <br /> ��Crt��r �t�� ��ert b�� ��r�e��e �x��e��ert��: <br /> . ; <br /> TgAT----------.--------��.,---I►u,�inda--J_._Lamt�.._Fs�,-----(-�Qrm.e_xly.---Lu�_inda---�'_.-L-�b�-,---and---Q�a__H.�oster-,---Wi_fe__$�._ '� <br /> , , <br /> ----�Iu�b�d�------------��--------------------- ---- --------_._..----------------------------------- ------------------------- --.._..__ ------- - ----------------------�------------------------�--------------------------- i <br /> ; <br /> of the CountJ �f----- --Gt1Bt er--� ------and State of--- - - - N�b.�ABI��------------- ------- ----- --- -- - <br /> --------------_.._._______G�°antor..8_._._._., in conside�°ation ;� <br /> of the sum of------------S�X._.HtlIISa.T_e_d_-�-�6_UQ.Q�-�----- ----- <br /> - - ---- -- - ------ ---�- --... -- - ---_._ - ---- --�-- ------ -----------------DOLLAPS, �� <br /> i�i hand paid, do._e8-------liereb�� GPfiNT, 13ARG�IIN, SFLL, AND COYVEY unto -----Emt218--.T-.SnearlX--_.------.--------------------------------------.._ ii <br /> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----...- ------------------------------- -- ------------------------ -------------------------------- ---------------•------------------------- �I <br /> of the Count� of-- ------- -H�11- - - -- -- -----and Stccte of-� -_.-------------Nebr88k&-- ------- - - - - --- -- - ------ ------, G��a�atee--------•---, the following t; <br /> �� J <br /> described premises, situated in the Count,� of____..____.._____________H&11_____.___.__.___._.___________________._______and State of Nebr�asTca, to-wit: ; <br /> ,� <br /> i� <br /> •-------------------------------------------•-------------•------------- ---------------------------------------- --- --------------•------------- - ---------- ----------- ---- -- -� -----------------------------------•-------------------------- '' <br /> i <br /> ---------Lo-�---$�ven---�-7-�.-,.Slo.ek---ldine---{g-)----in.._�he---Ori�inal---Ta�m--of_--Dani�han-,---Nebr-aeka. ---.---- ------------------ ---__.-- ---- - � <br /> _ ;� <br /> ------------- ------------------------�--�-------------------------------------------- <br /> - - - . . ,�..�- - - -------�--- ----------------------------__ _------------------------- -----------------------------._..-------------------------- ;I <br /> -- - -- <br /> 1. .R�st�s <br /> -- --- -------------------------------------------------------------------------�-ca��ela.ea-------- - <br /> ------ ------------------- <br /> , -- -------�----------------------------------------�--------------------------------------------------------------------...-------------------------------------------------------------- ------- --- ------------- ----------------------------------------------- <br /> il <br /> ,� <br /> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------�---------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------- -------- ;i <br /> �i <br /> ----�-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------�----------�----------------�----------------------------------------------------------------- �� <br /> „ <br /> ,; <br /> ;, <br /> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --- -- -------------------------------------�---------�------------------- -------------------------------------�--------- --- ,� <br /> .-- �-------------------- � <br /> -----------------------------------------------------------�------------------------------ � <br /> , <br /> ---- --- --------------- --- --- --------------------------------------- - , <br /> -------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------�------- � <br /> � ��' Together zvdth all the tenements, he�reditaments, and a�pzcrtenances, the�°eunto belonging, and all the �state, Right, Title, I�aterest, Dower, '� � <br />� � ����� Cury•tesy, Claim and Demand wlaatsoever of the said Grantoa�_.___:, a�c���rr���i��r ti� ��h�,rxc, of, in o�° to tlie same, or ccny part thereof. (� <br /> - . . . <br /> i' <br /> �� '�MUP Mn� #Dt �D►�� the above descr�zbed prentizses, wzth the appurtenances, unto the sair� G�•antee._____._._.and to___._.h.G'T..._.__.__..__heirs i� <br /> �' and a,ssigns forever. 9.nd_.__.____�Itg_____hereb� coroenant__.___._with tlie said (�rantee___..._.__.that_._______�e___...___...__._...___._.]iold____.__said pyemises by ;; <br /> ,� <br /> „ <br /> ; <br />''� � good and perfect title; that____________.____._We__._____ha_Ve_.__good riyht and lawful ccuthorit� to sell and eo�� the same; that thef ar•e f�•ee and �; <br /> ;i <br />' clear of all lie�zs ayad incumb�-ances wha,tsoever---------�--- --- - ------ ---- ----------------- ----- ----- ------- -- ----- -- -- ------------------------ ---- ------ - il <br /> --------- ------ ------- ----- �� <br /> ---------------------------...----------•------------------•----------------------------- --------- --------- ---- - !� <br />�I -- ------------------------------ ---------------------------- ----------------------------------------�--------------- ------------- f! <br /> i' <br /> ------------ ------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------- ------ - i <br />'�� --------------------------------------------------------------------- ----- � <br />,'�, A��a-------------------------------------�e- --- --------------- --- ' ii <br /> __. war�°ant and defend the said premises agaznst the laivful claims of all per- ;! <br /> u <br /> I ;: sons whomsoever -- -- -------------------------------- --- ------- ------------------------ � <br /> �i <br /> --�----------------------.�_------ ------- -- ---- ----------•---------------------------------------------�-------------••- ii <br /> '.I <br /> •----•------------------------------•----------- --------------- <br /> ---- ------� ------------------------------ <br /> .------- -----------._------------ - ------ -- -------------------- �I <br /> --------------------------•------------------------------------------------- !i <br /> -----.. ! <br />' --------------•-•-•--•-------------------------- - ------ - <br /> : - -- <br /> - ------------ --------------�----------------------------- ------- ------ ----- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------- � <br /> Datedthe----- ---------- -------����-- - --------------------- ---day nf---- - - -- ----------F_e?�r.--- -- --------------------------------------- -�----_A.. D. .rs-�9-----• j, . <br /> 'i <br /> tivzTNESS ---- ----------- ----------�-------------------------------------�------------------------� - ii <br /> ------------�---�-' _ _. _.- <br /> ' -------Lu.ci_?�da_._�._I�am�...Fo_e_�_�r-�--- �----- ---------�--- ;� <br /> ----- - -RhS�.d��----- ----------------- ----- --- - -- ---------- formerly Lucinda J�Lamb, !, <br /> --------------Ora---H...I�o_eter._ -----------------------------------...--------------- !I <br /> �-----------------�-�------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ � �l <br /> STATE OF NEBRASI�A, � ' <br />�, �ss. On this.-------�-���...------_day of. Fe1JT_:----------------------------- -----------A. D. 19---�.�----, before me, ' <br /> ------ --------------------C1�8�_�T_-------Co2cnty, ;� <br /> - the undersigned, a Notary Public_._._.:__._._lri__ '�he---_.---_-__.__ZV2thin and for said Co2cnt�, personall� came___._____________:. � <br /> ---Lucinda--J._Lamb.--Fost.er_:.__former]�Y--Lnc3,nd�,---�i,L�b,---a�.d---Qxa__H_._Fs�.s_t.��.,..._��.f-e---& �I <br /> --Husband-�--- --- ------- -- ----------�- -------- - -- ---- ----- -.-- -- - ------�- --- ----- ---- --------- ----- -------- -- - - ' <br /> --------------------------- <br /> ; <br /> ��� to me personald� kno�vn to be tlie identical perso7z_3_-_...wliose nantie_,�_.__.________.BTe.._______.__.__.______affi�ed �to the ; `� <br /> �� a�bove instr�c��ie�it as grantorB__.___.__, and______ _______________j_________.______seveT•alb� acknowleclged tTze sccme to be.__'�h�f.r._ j <br /> �sEAL� volu�ata7•� act and deed for the purpose therei�a e�p�r-essed. � ' <br /> , -- IN TVITNL+'SS tiVHFPEOF, I leave hereunto s2cbscribed my name and affixed my official seal at__________________ _ <br /> �� � <br /> 1 <br /> . .AY381E3t.�__.pj.gbT8,Bk8,----_-------•---_-_----------------o7i the date last above written. ; <br /> ------------------------- ---------:-- ---- ------J_,R._�o de-�-------------._.-----� �� <br /> �� � � � iVota�°y Publ�i�. �� i <br /> My eommission e�pires------------------ ------ � �-- -�--------------------------------------------Dec. I�a ' I <br /> 19._��.--- '� <br /> -----------�----- ----------------�--- , <br />�_�� _ �,__ ,v. ._ ,_ _. _ w_ .___ __._._._...___,_.___�______...__._- -- I <br /> __._._._ __ _,._ . _ __ . _ <br /> � <br /> , _ _. ._ _�_____.__�__�.._�_ _._ __�_, `�� ' i <br /> . � 'I <br /> , - • � � �I <br />