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��>�a , <br /> ��i/J <br /> D����� ������� ��� ��� <br /> _�______ _ ____�__ ____ � _.� .Y�.� _____� �_.� <br /> _�_M, _ <br /> -STATE JOURNAL COMPANY.LINCOLN,NEB. � ... . __.._ _ _._....______...._.�_..___.__.. ._._.... .'.._._....._ . _ _ . _ .. . <br /> -��.xv�:w__ ... ...,. __ .._._. .. . , �- -- -.f.__---____.�._.��... __.�.�___. - - - <br /> �..�.._ ..-,--. _. __ _ __ .._.._s <br /> -'�__.._�._ _.. ,. ... _ . ...�_..____...._�.._ <br /> ..-.�,.�..,._ �--- - - <br />�� � � FRO✓11 � hereby ce�°t�if� that this inst�°un2ent was entered on N2�merical I�zde� a�nd �j <br />� �� � � ;) <br /> � <br /> -----..A�.de�ick._�'.._�dart_iri_and_w_ife---$�---a ��ed fo�° reeord this--------------------------2-3----------------day of------Decernber-------------. "� <br /> r <br /> �1. D. 19---'��----� at---------2:1�--------------- - - ------o'clocic-------P--M. '' " <br /> ------------------------------------------------- ---__.------�---------------- ----- �larrantp ----- �, ,; <br /> �eea � � �.. <br /> TO ,��,,, - �-�� " <br /> � c ° <br /> � �--- ---- --------------- --------------------------------�---------�-�-------------0-------------- '! . <br /> '' � Register of Deeds, �� � <br /> ...--�----------.P1::-1�t_�.��mRb���.----------�--------�---------- ------------- ' <br /> B1/-----------------•------•--------------...---------------------•••--------• ' <br /> --------------- --�---- - ------ --- --- ----- DepeatJ. ;'i <br /> �K�t�r� �t�� ,���t b�� ��r���e �x�����t��: _ <br /> ; <br /> . �. <br /> TgAT...............l�.odex.a..c�___J..�a._�t_i��_.and___�ora_Lou__Mart_in,____h�s_wife__G.E,_At�at_er_..and_ Idel7.a.__Atwater,__ _ ; <br /> his �ife <br /> ----- -----------�---------------------�-------------------- - - --- --- ---------------- ---- -- ---- ---- --�--- ----- ----------------------- -----�-- -- ----- ------------------.-----------...-------------....-----------------�--------------- ' <br /> of the CountJ �f-- --.H�.11- --- ----------and State o�- - - - ------ - NG'bra.8k8------- ---------- - --------- -- --- --- - - --Ga•antor---$------, in considerataon ;l <br /> of the surn of-----.-Three__thousand._and__f.ive-hundred-- -- ---- ---- ----- -- --------- -- - --- ------ ----�-------------------------DOLLARS, ;�; <br /> in ha�ad paicl, do-----------liereb� GPANT, I3f1RGAIN, SELL, AND CONVEY unto ------A-1�T._�a.mpb_�_1�7,---------------------------------------- ---------------- ; <br /> i! <br /> •-----�-------------------------------------------------------------------------------•---------------------- -------- � ------------------------------ - -....----- ---------------- -- ----------------------------------------••----•------------------- ' <br /> o� the Cozcnty of----------------------Hall--- - - --_�nc� state of----.---------------Nebraska ---, Grantee------------, the ollowin ! <br /> --- -_...----------�----------- ---- - -- --- - - f ' � " <br /> �lescribed premises, sit��ated in the Count� of________ _ ______._._ _____ I3a,11____. . __.___._ancl State of A'ebr•aska, to-wit: - " <br /> ------Idoxtb,_--52--.fe�t..._of---_Lo_t.._�.,.in_.B1Q_ck---12�-,----K�ienig__and._VPiekz�s.--A�di�_i.on--ta---�h-e---Ci-��r---af---�rand------------------ !i <br /> Tsland, N�braska. � <br /> - -- ----- - ---- ------------------------------------------- ------------------------------ - ---------------- -------------�----------�----�----------------- : <br /> . �� <br /> ---------------------------------- ' <br /> ----�-----------�------------------------------------------ <br /> , -------- ------------ --------�-----------------------------._.__..--------------...----------------------- ---------------------------------------------------- ' <br /> ( 2.00 I.R.Stamps� �'' <br /> ------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------- - <br /> t-�a�es�.-�-e�d------------------------------------------------------�---------- ' <br /> , '; <br /> -- ------------------------------ --------------�----------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- _.--------- ;; <br /> -----�--------------------------'--------------�------------------------------------------�--- -----------------------------------------....------------------------------------------------ <br /> ----------------------------- ------------------------------------------------ !' <br /> , <br /> , <br /> ---�--------- <br /> ------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------ --------------------------- -----------------------------------------------------------�--------------------------------------- ..------------------------- j� <br /> ;� <br />, -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------�----------------------------- ------------------------------�------------ --------------- -- -------------------------- ------------------------------------------------ ;' <br /> �i <br /> • �i <br /> ----------�-----------------�------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------- ----------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- �, <br /> -------------------------�-------- --- ---- I <br />� � Together with all tlie tenerne�nts, hereditaments, and app��rtenances, thereunto belonging, arad all the �state, Right, Title, I�zterest, Dowei°, �� <br />�, � _ . �� <br /> 0'urtesy, Claim and Demand zvhatsoever of the said Granto�•_�..__, � � of, 2n or to tlze same, or any part thereof. <br /> I <br /> _ �� <br />; � �A �MttP �lt� �ct 9���� tlze above-descyibed premises, witla the appu7•tenanees, unto tlie said G�r�an�ee______..___and to._..____k��.6 ___..hears `� <br />' . �� <br /> and assigns forever. And_.___._�fP_G'_____..__hereb� eovenant__._____2citle the �aid Grantee____._____._that___________.____.._)t��____.._______.__._hold._____._sccid �°emises b� �� <br /> � � �, � <br /> � �i <br /> good and pe�°fect t4-tle; that_____ R!�__________.______fcr�Y�.___._qood right ancl lawful autkority to sel�l ancl eon.vey the same; that they�a�•e fre,e and �;� <br /> clear of all liens and incumbrances whatsoever._._____._.__.__EXC��?_�___�,__��.x:S_t.__Yt1Qxt.gag�__.l�__�r�,VQT__Q�.._"�h_�_._�;C,�U1t3b1G_______._ ;I <br /> -- --- ----• II <br /> -------Hui.1_ding---a.nd__I,aan__Asso.ciatian_,---nf---Gr_a.nd--Is1_and_,----I�•----------------------------------------- ; <br /> ------------------------------------------------- ,i <br /> , I <br /> i <br /> -- -------------------------------- -------------------�--------------------�--- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------- ., <br /> .__... , <br /> ; <br /> And______________________________R!e____._.._______________.._____________ covenant_.'__._.____to warrant and defend the said p�-enaises a�ainst the lawful claims of pll per- �; <br /> , <br /> I sons whomsoever- ---------------- - --------- - - ------ --- -.__--------------------- - --- ----�---------- - --- --- - ' <br /> ------------------ ---- ------ ----------------------------------------------------------------- �� <br /> -------------------------------------------------- --------._.- ------------------------------------------------- ----------- - � <br /> -- ----- - --------------------------------------------------------- -------�----------------------------------� n <br /> � � � II � <br /> ----------------------------------------------- ----- ----------- --------- ------------- ---------- <br /> -------------------------- ----- - ---- ._----- ---------------------------------�------------------------ - � <br />', . - ----------------------------------- i� <br /> Dated the- ------------- --�-- -'�h. ------._._da� o ------.A:. D. 19�J-� -----• (� <br /> 5 - ----- -- ------------- � f---- --- -- -BiQVember - ----- -------- --------------- -------- - ,i <br /> tivlTlv��ss ---------Rode.x_i.ek...J_Ma��in-----�----------------------------- ----- - ;I <br /> _ f <br /> ' -------..�i�.�._�am---Hx�s-�----------------------------------- -------- ------------- ._------�ora._Lou__�a.rtin-------------------------------�------------------� '� <br /> �i <br /> ; <br /> �----- ---�-•E.,�twat:er------------------�---------------------- ------ �,, <br />�� �---------William._Brase.---------------------------------------- ------------- ---- - --- :i <br /> -- -------Idella.--At�rater--------------------------��-------------------------- `i <br /> ' STATE OI+' NEBRASI�A, ) �� <br /> }ss. On this--------..._�.5'�.�7. -----�a� �f-----------NDVBTtlb_6r--------- ------- - ---- --------A. D. 19-�2---•-, before me, ;I <br /> ----------Hall------ -- ---- ---------CountJ, ) `,y <br />', the undersi-gned, a Notary Public____ ______ _______________within ancl for said Count�, person�elly ea��ie__.__._.. .__.____ ._... __._ :_._:_.__ .__. _ 'I <br /> ' ________Roderi_ck_J_�_�ar_tin_ and___Cora__Lou__Martin.,hi_$__wi_f�___�__C._�.Atwater.__and___.__.____.__ ii <br /> - - -zd�1,�a_._A�wat�r--h-�-s---wif�-�------------------------- ----------- ----- -- ---------- ---- ---------- --- ----- ----- -- - � : <br /> ------------------ �i �::, <br /> � � il �`� ' <br /> to me personall� Icno�Un to be the identical person___S__.._.zoliose n�znzeg.... __.__.. _____________affi�ed to the �j '�� <br /> � �� .. <br /> � a�iove instrunae�zt as grantor__8____.., and_____'�h�� _._._ _____.severa,ll�y aelcno2cleclyed the sanze to ve._'�hEls._ � <br /> �SEAL� volunta7•y act and deed for the purpose therei�ri e�cpr°essed. ;I <br /> ���� IN tiVZTNESS ti�I3EI�E0F, I have hereunto subscribed my name a,nd uffi�ed m� official seal at__.___..___.___. � <br /> • Count ;, <br /> Grand___I�land_,__Nebr_,____in_.sald__A.___._on t�e aate tast above written. ,� <br /> ; �� <br /> _.. -- --l�a._��iam--Hxa.s-�---- - ' <br /> --- --- --------- -- ----- -------- <br /> ---- --- - --- <br /> � � � �� � lYota�°y Pu7�dic. ;1 <br /> a1� commission e�pires-----�---- --- --- -------------- --- ---------- ---- --------------------------------------NOV.--1.�1--'-----------.19--�3---- ;� <br /> � <br /> ,_._,_ . ,_ f_.._� _ <br />____.�:::::�� -�:_._ _. .. ���_�_�..�_. _ -.-. _.�__�.._ ..__. �_=_�:-_..—. ___�,..._-.�.:.�__�_:�,.�__—-�.� ___.___. _._ <br /> , ; <br /> ; <br /> � <br /> i <br />