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D. 1�J--3?----� at---- ---11-;'�-�----- -- ------- - -------.o'clock_ _.A_�_M. ,; <br /> -- -- -- -�� ---------- -------- --- - ------ / <br /> TO �1QQa • � <br /> ------ --------- ------- ------- <br /> � � � Register of Deeds, ;; �� <br /> _.���ir�,�k�___CQnfer_ence__Assoeiat_ion_.__ �, ' <br /> ;� <br /> � <br /> . <br /> 83�----------------•----- -----------------••------•--�•------------...-------• � <br /> --Q-�---the._.S�v.e?�th--Day--Adventist-s----------. Dep��t�. '.; <br /> ��C�t�r�r �t�� ��e�t br� �k��e�� �x��e���t��: <br /> .; <br /> Tg�T--------------Ax_chi�---F.Kir.k--an.d._$at_�i-e-- L�.K�.�rk-�- hi�--v�if e- -- --- - ---- - ------ --�--------------- -- --- - --- ----------------- ------------------- ' <br /> i <br /> ----- --------------------------�---------------------------- -- �----------------�------------ --- ---- -------- ---------------------------__.-----...__--------- --- ----_._.. -------------------------------------------------------------- , <br /> _.._._Grantor�._.___..., in consideration !� <br /> of the CountJ �f--- - ---- - - ----------and State of- - -- ----- Nebr8.8k8---------------------- - -- -- ---- - ----- -- � <br /> , <br /> of the s�,cm of-----�-lt ht---'�h0_t18H.Yld.__a.Tld_IIO�.lOQ. ----- --- - -- ---- --- - -- ----------- - --� - - --- - - .-- -- ----------------------------------------------_DOLI.APS, '� <br /> in hand paid, do_____..__.__hereb� GPf1NT, Bf1I�G�1IN, SF,LL, �ND coNVFY u�2to _the___Neb�as?�&___�on�er_�nce__Associ_ation___of._ ':i <br /> .�.he__.S.e�En#,h--DaY---Ad�r_en�is-t-s-}---a---cos�aar_a�_ion---- ------------------------------- ;'; <br /> ------- --- --------------- ---- ---------------------------------------�-----�------..__�-------- <br /> of the Co2cnt✓ �f--- -- - --- ---- --- - -- --- - --and State of----- -. _.NebT8,sk8 - ---------------- --- ---------- - -- ----., Gr�a�atee------------, the followinq �;� <br /> , described premises, situated in t�ce Count� of_____________________________,Ha.11______________ ._ __ . __ . _ ___ancl State of NeLa°aska, to-wit: i; <br /> .The._-S.ou.th_._two--thix-ds----(-2I-3-�---of--the--8ou�h_eas�---quar.�.�r---G3E,���_er----(-I4�-)___of___. !i <br /> .Se_ction.__thirty-one____�31)_,,_North,__Rang.e___twelve_ _�12.� _V�est of the Sz�th !'i <br /> _P��.r�c.�.��,1..M��---Hall---C_aun�.y,._Nebr.as_::a_,..._cQx�.�aix��n�y.-sig---and----��o_-_�lai��s.---(�6---�/3-�------------ ;! <br /> �; <br /> _acr_�-s---Mox�--a�---l�s�s-,---ms�x-e---�ar�icula�elX---d_eecr_i�_ed__as_.�_a11s��s-�---:��-wi�_:._._.��.enc�._ng--at_--the-----�-------------- '; <br /> _Ss�_ut�_��.�t.__c.arn�r---��---�h�__�Tarth�as-�---Qu�r.�_er.---(_1VE�)---a�'---s_a_id._ss_c�i�n.,---�unniug.--��ien��---�orth._.eight----- ;i <br /> , <br /> hundx_�d---ea..gh_�y._.._(.�-�-Q-�---f_e�-t-,---�k►�n�.e---I�as_t.__az��---t�.ausan�---��a:e�_�undr��._.t��x�ty.----(�1�20�---feet-,---thence--- `� <br /> � <br /> _SQ�.�h---eigY��._.�unsir_e-d--�ig����----(-�.�Q,�_.fee-t-,--�hs.nce---Eas�---Qn_e._.:t.housand---�l�r.e�_.�t�.zidred---'�t�enty.---�132��------ ',, <br /> �. <br /> f_e�-�---tp---the._.p1aC�--O�---�?e�ix�r��.m��------- --------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------�---------------------------�-------------...---------------------------------- !; <br /> i; <br /> Together with all the tenements, hereditaments, and a�p��rtena,nces, thereunto belonging, and adl the Dstate; Right, Title, I�iterest, Dower, i; <br /> � Curtesy, alair�ti and Demand u�liatsoever of the said Ga°antor.6_.__., a^�zt�-rrf-ei-t�cer-�f-t�eem, of, in or to the san�ze, o��• any par•t ther•eof. � � �� <br /> `i _ <br /> (�it �i�ttP Mlt� #� 1�II�� the ai�ove described premises, witla the appurtenances, unto the said Crr�antee___.______.and to_��S_.��.1CCeS�O�B., �� <br /> ' �i <br /> and assigns forever. And__._.We________._hereb� eove�aant_._.____2vith the said Grantee_______...that_____._____�P�_________________________hold_..__.__said premises by �� <br /> ,, <br /> : <br /> . . ,� <br /> � good and perfect title; that___________.._��________.___lza__Ve_youod riyht and lau�ful author2t� to sell und conve� the sanze; that they a�•e fre,e and !i <br /> . elear of all liens a,�id i�aeumbr•ances wlzatsoeve�°._____.______.______________________._._ '' <br /> --------- --- -- ------- ----------- ----- �-- --_�-------------- - i� <br /> --- ---------------------------- - - <br /> -�----- � <br /> ____---__. <br /> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -----�----- ----------------------------------------- --- ------------- --------------------------------------------�---------------.-�----------- i' <br /> ; <br /> � � <br /> --------------------------------------------------------�------------- - --------------- ----- ---- -- -- ---- - ---- ------�------------.---------- -------------------------- -- -----.--------------- --- --_.-----�---------------------- ----------- li <br /> ,; <br /> And_..................._._..._______._w8..________._._____________,____.__ covenant..__...____to warrant and defend the said prenaises against tyce lawful claims of a,ll per- ,� <br /> I�', sons ivhomsocve�• - ------ ------_. -------- ---- - -- -------- <br /> --- ----------- - ---- - ------ ----- --- <br /> ; <br /> ------ --- ----- ----- ----- - ------- - ------ - --- ----- --- !� <br />', ----- --------- i <br /> ---------------------------------------------------------------- - ---- ------------------------------------ --- ------- ---- -------- -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ '� <br /> ;i <br />' ----------------------------------------------_--- ------- ---------- -------------------------------. i <br /> -------- ------------ - ------- <br /> - ---------------------------------------°--------__----�----------------------- --------• I,. <br /> Dated tlae_.___._.� �th- - -- ----- --- ---� �f------------�---------------------February------------------------ � <br /> --------�.. v. .r�---��---• '� <br /> tiVITNESS ' ---�------------------------------------------------------------------------------------� ----------__ �i <br /> �� <br /> - -------------------------�--------,E��ch�.�...F_�_��.rl�----------------------------� �i <br /> ----- --Harold---�RP��.n��------------------------------ -------------------- � <br /> �--------------------------------------Hatt-i-e---L,_Kirk----------------------------- i <br /> �� <br /> .....................�-----.........._.....----�----------------------------------------- ------------- � <br /> �----------------------------------------------------------�-------------------------------------�------- , <br /> STATE OF NEBRASS�I, (I <br /> �ss. , +� <br /> On this----- -- -- --�-�-h--------day �f---------------- -- .FB1J���y-----_�- ---- ------.._A. D. 19.3�-----. before me ii <br /> ` -------�-�------Ha..7.1- --- --- -----.._County, ' ' I <br /> ; <br /> the undersigned, a Notary Public_---------------------._---- -------witicin ancl fo�• said CountJ, personally canze-----------------------------------.------------------------------ ji <br /> -- Ax�hi.e_.F.._K�..rk---ar�d__Hatti�__L,.Kirk.:...his--�ife------------� -------------- --- ---------- ----- -------------- �; <br /> ---------- ,, <br /> �, <br /> - -- -------- - --- ----- -- ------ - --- --- -- ------------------------------------ - -- - ------- ---------- � ----- -- ------ -- j� <br /> -- ------------- --------�---------- ,; , <br /> � �i to me pe�°sonall� Icno2vn to be the identieal pe�•so�a__�______wyiose nanac�______�.T_�____.__.____.__________,_____ _affi�ecl to tlie � ' <br /> i <br /> ��� �$EAL� avove instrunae�2t as grani;or__S___.__, and_____'��'1�17______.___.._._____severally ackraoicled�ed the same to be__,t"1!_e�1"_____ ; � � �� <br /> i <br /> volu7zta7�� act and deed for the purpose tiverei�a expressed. �� <br /> 'I <br /> ! IN tiVITNFSS tiVI�EILEOI', I have hereunto subscribed m� na-me and affi�ed my official seal at,___.....___.._._. jl <br /> ; Grand.__Islans�,._.in__.sai.d__County___.___.____on the clate last above wr•itten. i <br /> i <br /> ;; ---------------------------------------------H�rol�d---�.�rince--------------- ' <br /> � � Notary PuUlic. I� � <br /> �fy commissio,n e�pires--------- --- ------ ----------------------�--�------------ ------------------------��T�xl.--a.�-�-----------------...19--�-�----- � <br /> �� i <br />�—._.� -- _ ,_ _._ �,,. _ ,, _ -. ___.____________ .___.___. __ .._ �.._.._.__�._..____:a_� -- . - - � - V._ <br /> _ �..__. �_�:.__�_ . - _._- ..- �_. � �._. _- <br /> - � � � <br /> ii �� <br />