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�;`� � �� <br /> � � �� <br /> lI � O . ' <br /> ������ ������� `��� �J� <br /> ______ __�,=��w��`�i� __,_� .� _ _�____�.__._ __ <br /> ���___ � �:___ ._��: _ <br />��� �B� -57ATE JOURNAL COMPANY,LINCOLN NEB. . �� � <br />�---"_....__�. _.__....�.. . _ ,_.:;:.,: ._.. . _._ __.. . ..�_-._.-_�.�__..._,_._._�_ <br /> _______.._...�_--._..,�:_._._.--_ __ _. �:_ _.. ,__ .. .._.. .,_ _.._:::�._,., ._�__.����__.._..___,_._____ .�.______�..__.__�f _._,. - .. _ <br /> 4� <br /> � � � FROJ�2 I hereby certif� thcct this inst7°urnent wa� entered on Numerical Inde� and � <br /> �, . <br /> .--__Vinn,et'�,�..�alsh,.--���ag�e------------------------- aea for �•eco7•d tnis.------------------ �ovember �� <br /> fi -----�'-----------------------�ay of------------- ------------------------• i� <br /> ;i <br /> ,; <br /> --------- - ---- - ----- ------ ------ � -�------ - ---- - �--- - --- -----�-- <br /> �aCCatltp fl. D. 19------��-� at--------... . �-�-34- - ---� --- ---------dclock_...A.�..�1. ,! <br /> To �eea � <br /> �"�.��C��«..� <br /> ------------------- -------------------==------- - --._...-------. ,. <br /> -------------------- --- - - - ; <br /> Register of Deeds, i <br /> Franeis E.Walsh ' �; <br /> ------------------�----�----------------------�--------------------�----------- ---------�-- <br /> �� �:i <br /> B3/----------------•---------------------------------------------•••-------• � <br /> � � � Depz�ty. �i <br /> -----------------------�----------------------- ---------- - ----�-----�-�-------------... � <br /> _ i <br /> �Kr���r �t�� ��er� �� c� �r���e �x����ert��: ; <br /> ; <br /> ,, <br /> TaAT-------------�---._V��ette--�Fa�_�h_��g.. e-- _ --- - --- - --------- -- - ----- - ------- ------- ------------�--------- -- ------------� ------------ -- - ----- ------- <br /> �� <br /> , <br /> ---�------------------------------ ----------- -------------..-�--------...-----------------------------------------....------ � <br /> ----- ----------------------�- ---------------------�-------- -...-- -�----------- - --- - -- -------------...--- - , <br /> f y f --- --� - --- ----and State of- ------- --- -- - -�------- ----------- ------- -- - --- ----- ----Grantor------------, zn consideratio?a '.� <br /> o the count o ___._.Hall _ __._Nebra$ka • • • ; <br /> of the sum of-------•._.._._�512---a]�157.--1�t?_�_�..4?0-- -- - - - - --- - --- - - - __ ------ <br /> ----- -- --- --- ---- --------- - - -- -------- -_ -------- -------_.------�---DOLLARS, ',� , <br /> � <br /> ,; <br /> in hand paid, clo--@B-__--._hereb� C�PANT, .73AI�G�I.IN, SELL, AND CONVFY unto _-_-.-_--_---�T��.�_8-_�•.���._�h----_----_----_-__----, __,-_-_-- , <br /> ..-------------------------------------------------------�-----------------------------�---------------- ----�-- ---�- - ---------------------------- -�--------------------------- ---- ------------------------- ------------....---�-------------------._ <br /> ;i <br /> � .� f - ----.and State of--- ....-- ----- -- -- - ------- ------------- - - ----- --�--- -- -- -- --� Grantee.._---------� the folloivi�ag '; <br /> o the Count� o -----------Hall--------------- - N2bT8.8ka. <br /> described premises, sitieated in the Coi�ntJ of--------- -------- --------- -H81�.----�. - ------- ------- ----------and State of Areb�•aska, to-wit: ! <br /> , <br />� ----- ---- -- --------Lo�---l�zzm�ter__Fn�r---j?�-�---in__B�lo�k---3�v��i- --�-7�---0�._'�►al�ich!-�---Addition--to _the Ci.ty--of. Grand- ---- -.. ,, <br /> I ---------------------�sland-�----�Jeb.��.$ka�-- -------._.--------- -------�---�----- ---------�-----------------------------------------�--------------- - ----- - ' <br /> -----�----- ----------_--------------------------------------- ;� <br /> I -------�--------------------------------------------------------- ,�,. <br /> ----------------�� ---I�-��--�----I-.R.Stamps---------- ..._.------------------------------------------ - -------- ---�-------�-------------------------------------------- �! � <br /> . <br /> -------...------------------------------------------------------ �----G�tnce�.��d ) <br /> ----------------- ' <br /> ------------------------------------------------------�----------------------------. <br /> :, <br /> ------ -- ----�----------------- ---------------------------�------------------ ,� <br /> ;� <br /> -----�---------------------�----------------------------�----------------------�------------� �� <br /> ---------------------------------------------------------------�--------------�----------------- ----- <br /> ---------------------------------------------�----------------------�-- <br /> � i� <br /> !' <br /> -----------------------------�----------------------�-----------------�------------------------------------�------------------------------------------�---------�-------------------------------- - <br /> --�-------------------------�-------�----------�- <br /> ------�--�-- ; <br /> � ii � <br /> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ---------------------------�--------------------------------- ----�----------------------------------�_-----�-------------------.._...------------------�------- �i <br /> ,,� <br /> ;� <br /> Together with all the tenernents, heredtitaments, and appzcrtena-nces, thereunto belonging, and all the .�state, Right, Title, I7iterest, Dower, :i <br /> Curtesy, Claim and Demand wlzatsoeve�• of the said Granto�°_.------, ����i���a����a�, of, in or to the sanae, or any part thereof. �� ' <br /> � (�t� �MttP Mtt� #U �A�� the above descr2bed premises, wtitlz the appurtena�ices, 2cnto tlie sccid C�rantee._.___.___._and to.___..__.�e�__________.heirs '� <br /> � i � <br /> ��� and assigns forever. A�zd_._._BxlEat_______.hereby eovenant�_____witli �he said Grantee__..____that____._________._Qhe_________________hold�.____said premises by i� <br /> ;, <br /> �� good a�nd perfect title; that________________$h�._._______y�c3�e____.__good� �°ight and� lawful authority to sell and con-vey the same; that tlie� a�•e fre,e and i� � <br /> clear of all liens and incumbrances whatsoever------------------II.Q__._�]CCGp�_�O�S_._------------------------------------- ----------------.------------- `I <br /> ----- ----------------�--------- -- !' <br /> � <br /> ------------------------------------------------------------------�-------- --------------- -- - -� --- --- -- - -- -------------------------------------- <br /> ----- ----------------- ----�----- ----------------- ---------------�- �i <br /> --------------�------------- <br /> ,; <br /> -- -------------------------- -------------�----------------------- ----------------�----- - .._----- ---..---- - --------------------------- ---------------------------- ---- --------------- --------- !� <br /> ------------------------------ - ------ -- <br /> �) <br /> And______________________..______$�?�__._____.__...._.______________.____ warrant and defend the said �rer�iises against the lawful claims of all per- � <br /> ,, <br /> , sons whomsoevel� ---�10---2X�.��'��Q116------ ---- ------------------------- - - - ---�------------- --------------------...------------------------ II <br /> ! <br /> --------------------------------------------------- ----------- ------------------ -----------.._---------- - ----------------- -- ---------- -------------------------------�-----------------------,----------------------------------------------.. j� I <br /> �; <br /> ------------------------------------------ --- ---------- ------- -----------_ -- ---------------�-- ------------ -- -------- ---- -- - --- ----------------------------------- � <br /> --------- -------------- <br /> ------------- ------ �, <br /> Dated th,e----------- -----------�7�h- ----- --- -- -----------�--�aJ �f------ - -----------------O.�tob�r --------- ---------------- --------- ----.A.. v. 19--3�----• �' ' <br /> �( <br /> WITNESS �; <br /> • � ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------- -- <br />�I , ----------------V'inst�tt�__��l�ah---------------------------------------------- �I <br /> --------------E�l�ar_d._F._Hanr�Qn----------------------- ---------------------- � <br /> p <br /> �-------------------------------�--------------�------_..------------------------------------------------ i <br /> , <br />��I '� � ------------ � (; <br /> -----------------------------� ----------....-�---------------------------------------�-- - <br /> �. --------•'-"-""----"""'.-••""....._._.."'-"-.--"--"-__•"•----'•"'---'-"'-"--'--'--•"' G� <br /> STATE OF NEBR�SKA_, ii ' <br /> � f <br /> ss. On this----- --�7th --------�aJ �f------------ ----0�'�_Q�_�x------- - -------.A. D. 19------�2� before me, ;� <br /> ' ------T�&�..7.--------------- -----�--------Count�, II <br /> ! the undersiqned, a Notary Public--_-----_-___-.--__--- __-_---_-_---2vityein and�for said County, personall� came_--_-__---_---------_-_---_-__----------------_,--_----------- I ' <br /> I <br /> I <br /> -- --- - ------------ Vinns_tt�._.�al_eh-�----�ingle------------------ -- -- --- ----- ------�---- -_.:- --- - ------------------- -- ---....------------ 'i <br /> I� <br /> --- ---- -- -- ----- ---- ------ ----- ----- -- - ------ ------ - --- -----�------------- - ---- ------ --- <br /> � <br /> ----------------�-- ---- ---- -------- -------- -------------------- ; <br /> � <br /> to me personall� kno�vn to be the 2dentieal perso�ti_______.__whose nc�me_________�.B_. _____ _ _.._.___affi�ecl to tfae i ��� <br /> �� above instrunaent as grantor.________, and____.____B__he__________.___.severall� acl�nowled�ed the same to be___�er ____ !j <br /> . 'I <br /> volunta7�e act and deed or the u7� ose the�°ci�c e� ressed. y � � <br /> � ff' .� f� : <br /> (sEaL) . <br /> J f p 1� 7� i <br /> N tiVITNESS tiVHEREOI+ I have he�-eunto sicbscr2bed m name and a ixed nz� o ze2al seal at.. ._ ..._._ f <br /> L'OU21'�y , <br /> f�r�nd.__I_�]�amd__1Q_�b��,�l��,.__in.__�.�,id.._�,____on the date last above 2vritten. ;f <br /> i <br /> H <br /> � Edward F.Hannon <br /> ---------------------------------------------------- ---------- ----------------------�--------------- r <br /> � � � � 11%otary Public. ; <br /> bIy com7nission expires---------------�- --- --= ------ -------.._.. ------.___..---....------------------------•-OCt. �2�.--------------.__rs_33----- � <br />��y w-�_.�_ -�. __LL - ._� , _ _._.___.. ______.______�:__._______�.________— _ _ � _ <br /> ; <br /> _ .� __�.��_,_ � _ ___.___ � <br /> _ _ ��. �-- _ _ _ ._ . <br /> �. <br /> ; <br /> , <br />