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<br /> �?' Unlc�9 otherwisc ngreed in writing,all insurance proceeds shall be appfied to the restora on or repair o tUe operty �''
<br /> ''- or ta tho Secured Debt,whettier or not ttien due,at geneficiary's option. Any applic�tion of proceeds to principnl
<br /> �' nhull not extbnd or�ostpane We due dute of the scheduled payment nor change the amount of any payment.Any ��
<br /> � excc:ny wlll bc pnid to the Trustor.If the Property is acquu°d by Beneficiary Trustor's right to any Insuranc�Falicles —._
<br /> � nnd prcx;Eeda resulti�i�from damage to ttne Property before the ac,quisition shall pass to BeneSciary to the extent of tlae �:
<br /> �• 5ccurcd bcht immccUately before die acquisition.
<br /> .� �li. RgC6tQW FU�7'A7(F'.S AIi1D DVSjUIt�11�C�.Uuless atherwisu provided in a separate agreement,Trustor will nut ��
<br /> �;� be requirCd ta pny to Beneficiary funds for troces nnd insurence in escrow. �=-
<br /> ��, 71. NINANCIAL REPOR'TS AND ADDTITONAL DOCUMEPPCS.Trustor will provide to BeneSciary upon requcst, q`. _
<br /> - nny (inuncial Rtatement or infurmarion HeneSciary may deem reasonably necessary.Trustor a�,rees to sig►i,deliver, .
<br /> . nnd Glc uny ttdditional documents or certifications that Beneficinry may consider necessary to perfect,contu�ue,und ,�-,
<br /> ..�� ��rc�crvc'I'tustor's obligutions under this Security Instrument and HeneGc�ary's Gea status on the Property. _
<br /> � 22. JOINf AN�I1N[11VIDUAL LIAA�,IT�;CO•SIGNERS;SU��ESSORS AND AS9IGl�iS BOUIVD.All duties under `
<br /> ���� Ihis Security Instrument are joint and individual.If Trustor signs this Security Instrument but does not sign an evidence of
<br />��,i` dci►t,'I'ruwl�►r ticx:s Fo only ta mortgagc Trustor's interest in thc Property to secure payment of the Sccurcd DcM and
<br />.;,;;� 'fruRtor dcxs not agTCC to be personally liable on the Secured T�ebt. If this Security lnstnunent secures a guaranty
<br /> ix:tween BeneCiclary snd'I'rustor,TYusiar agrees to waive any rights that may prevent Beneficiary&om bringing any
<br />,��� action nr claim n�nlpst Trustur or any party uidebted uuder the obHgation.These rishts may include,but are not lImited
<br />,=� to�nny nnN-detic�ensy or one-action laws.Trusror agrees Wat BeneSciary and any party to tlus Securlty Tnstrument may
<br />-�;� extend,niodity or make any chunge in the teims of this Security Instrument or any ev�dence of debt witlnout Trustor's
<br /> �.mm! �►»���•Such n changu wlll��ut celease Teustar fram the terms of this Security instrument.The duties and beae�its of this
<br /> Sccutlty Instrumcnt shall bind und bencfit the successors and assig►s of Trustor and Beneficiary.
<br />,i;;�� 1,3. APPI.ICABI.�I.AWi SF VEQt�lBILlTY;1NfEItI'It�TATLON.This Security Iastrument is governed by tha laws of —
<br /> �� thc jurisdiciion in whielt Bencficiary is located,except to the extent otherwise required by the laws of the�urisdiction
<br /> where the Pro�crty is lu�,�led.Tlzis Security Instrument is complete and fuUy integrated.This Security Instmment may
<br /> —= r.ot be nmendcd ur moditicd by oral a6reement. Any section in this Security Instrument, attachm�nts,or any
<br /> = agrecment rcl�tcd tc�the Sccured Debt that conflicts with applicable law will not be efiecuve,unless that law expressly _
<br /> -- or impliedly petmitK the vnriutions by written agreement.If any section of this Security Instrument cannat be enfoaced
<br /> accurding to itN tern�y, lhe►t section w�ll be severed and will not affect the enforceability of the remainder of this
<br /> Secudty Instrument.Whenevcr used,the singulaz shall include the plural and the plural the singular.The captious and
<br /> —' hcadinga of the sections of this Security Instnunent are for convearence only and are not to be used to u►tetpret or
<br /> dcfine the tcrms of thls Sccurity Ynstrument.'Itme is of the essence in tlus Securlty Insmunent.
<br /> __ — � o���eannD TQl T�TF:R,Rrnc(iclnN;at BCIICCICI3TY�S Opt10A,may from time to time remove Trustee and appoint
<br /> - a successor trustee witt�out nny othcr formality than the desflgnation in writing.'i�t�e successar trusinG,wiiuout
<br /> �� conveysnco ot the Proporty,xhall succeed to all tbe title,power and duties confened upon Trustee by this Security
<br /> -- Instrumcnt�nd npplic�blo liiw.
<br /> ZS. N(YI'ICE.Unle�.y othcrwisc rcquircd by luw,any notice shall be give,n by delivering it or by mailing it by �irst class
<br /> ma11 ta the c+pprnpriatc pi�rty's nddress on page 1 of this Security Instrument,or to any othcr address designated in
<br /> writing.Notice ta c,ne truetur wiQ bu deemed to be notice to all uustors.
<br /> 1b, WAIVERS.�xccpt tu thc extont pruhibited by law,Trustor waives all appraisement and homestead exemption rights
<br /> , ecladng to thc Pru�crty.
<br /> Z7. OTHEI�TERM9.Itchecked,tltu[allawing ure eppllcable to this Security Instrument:
<br /> ❑ Uoe ot CcctlH�Thc Sccured Ucbt includes a revoiving line af credit provision. Aldiough the Sec�ued Debt
<br /> may be reduced tu i��.ere�bc�lance,this Security Instrument wlll remain u►effect until released.
<br /> ❑ Co�utnetloM I.o�a�'Chie Security Instrument secures an obligation incurred for the construction of an
<br /> improvcmcnt or�Iho Property,
<br /> ❑ I+fxt�ue i►IN�.Trustor grnnts tu Bcne�iciary a security interest in all goods that Tcustor owns now or in the
<br /> --- futurc and that �ro or wUl bccomu fixtures related to the Property.This Security Instrument suffices es a
<br /> [inancing statemunt end any cnrbon.photop,rapt►ic or other reproducd�n may be filed of record for purPoses
<br /> of Article 9 af tho Unitorm Commercial Code.
<br /> C� Riden.Tho covanante anJ agroeaients of each of the riders checked below �re incorporated into and
<br /> supplement und antond the terme of this Security Insaumeni.[Check aU.applicable boxesJ
<br /> ❑Cnndominium Rider �Plenncd Unit Developmeat Rider ❑Other..........................................................
<br /> ❑ A�dition�l Ter�e.
<br /> � any at achment�s.Trust�or al onckn w�lcdgce�rct.ci�t t e capy f this Security In trument on the date stated o pa��e 1.�
<br /> _ �'' .C.(�li�:Nr• �..�a.:�..7..
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